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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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China has launched two more Type-052D guided missile destroyers.

In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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In Photos: China Launches Two Type-052D Guided Missile Destroyers

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You can call me Al

You Chinqs are just showing off now.




Ryan Glantz

Notice how they look like the American ships :)


Why look like the old when you can look like the young?


Yeah they are sharp at the front like American ships and blunt at the back like American ships. They have guns like American ships and tall masts like American ships, they must have stolen the plans.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Going to need another x30 Type 052D, another x20 Type 054A and around x10 Type 055.

Then we are cooking with Ken Hom.

(Oh and x 20 more Type 095 SSN’s)


OK Joe, come back next week, they will be ready.

Gregory Louis

Shockingly I wouldn’t even be surprised anymore, Chinese Ship building is so quick it’s almost laughable.


Looks like an Arleigh Burke!


Can’t see it myself.


But the French Horizon class, maybe


Harry Smith

Historically, the trade wars mostly had ended with the real war. The main question: who will strike first?


The America war is against whole world but the world leaders have no capability to be united and to face it.

Toronto Tonto

Go find a bridge a real high bridge stupid .

Brother Ma

Tell us why he should.


Because Sinbad believes the official paradigm presented as truth – if you knew what the real reasons for ww2, or even ww1 – you wouldn’t need to be on the same bridge – st00pid!

Zaphod Braden

Have you noticed that those complaining about Social Media censorship, also censor? Breitbart, OAN, pseudo-“America-First-Christian-Patriots” hate any mention of the Jewish log in their eyes. They are busy banning those who point out the glaring Jewish/Israeli interference in America’s government and betraying their own Savior. Notice all the pseudo “conservatives” that continue to use Facebook and have their comments on Facebook, which means their visitors have to be P.C. GOOD BOYS to still have a Facebook account to leave comments …. REAL conservatives would have stated “I AM SPARTACUS” and quit Facebook when INFOWARS was banned. They would have deleted all truth on their sites, stuffed their files with garbage so ZUCK could sell it …. and walked away. As a matter of fact, if you have NOT been banned for working to expose the treason you are a failure. The gutless, spineless “conservatives” should have immediately boycotted those censoring them, and it really makes one wonder WHY they did NOT. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by The New American Magazine. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Breitbart News Network We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by NewsBusters.org We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by All News Pipeline. Find out more.

Brother Ma

That is because zionism wags the tail of American Evangelical Christianity. Useful idiots to the Zios. Evang,Christians need shutting down asap.


Typical BS said by canuck.


It’s mainly Europe that is too cowardly to stand up to America, but they were like that in WWII. Europe sees itself as a damsel, waiting to be rescued.

L Garou

Yeah, they might even last an hour or two..

PJ London

Cost 10% of the cost of a carrier and carry enough missiles to take out a carrier group. Missiles operate at a greater range than F18 or F35 and travel at Hypersonic speeds. If it gets hit you lose 30 men instead of 5,000.

Godfree Roberts

My impression is that, though the Type 52 has fewer missile tubes than the Arleigh Burke class, they all outrange the US missiles by 100%-200%. (The same range gaps exist in AAA missiles, also)

China would be fighting in waters she’s been sailing for 3,000 years and which are patrolled by 120,000 Chinese fishing vessels whose crews are trained PLAN auxiliaries and whose radios have a channel devoted to PLAN communications. Any such battle would be carried out under the watchful eye of China’s West Pacific Targeting satellite and it auxiliaries.

We cannot attack Chinese territory because China can and will respond immediately by attacking our territory.

Have we been checkmated?

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