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In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

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On March 18, Russian journalist Oleg Blokhin released photos showing a heavily armed Turkish “observation” post in northwestern Hama

The “observation” post, located near the town of Shir Mughar, is currently besieged by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The photos, likely taken by a Russian drone, show several battle tanks, armored vehicles and self-propelled howitzers inside the post.

These posts, which were originally established to observe ceasefire violations in Greater Idlib, became heavily armed military positions in the last few months.

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

In Photos: Heavily Armed Turkish ‘Observation’ Post In Northwest Hama Is Surrounded By Syrian Army

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

From its “observation” posts, the Turkish military provided Greater Idlib militants, including al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), with direct fire support. Dozens of Turkish howitzers and rocket launchers shelled SAA positions from these posts.

The posts also served as a cover for HTS and many other terrorist groups, which positioned their own artillery in nearby areas.

The activities of these “observation” posts were not limited to fire support. In Greater Idlib recent confrontation, Turkish service members launched anti-aircraft missiles from these posts at Russian and Syrian warplanes.

The Turkish military is not only still reinforcing its old “observation” posts in Greater Idlib, but also working to establish more. The newest post was established in the morning, near the town of Ram Hamdan in northern Idlib.

This military buildup in Greater Idlib indicates that the Turkish military is preparing for a lasting deployment in the Syrian region as well as for another confrontation with the SAA.


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klove and light

and i will say it over and over and pver again untill u 99% vbrainwashed Zionist donks understand..

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig

Ricky Miller

Oh shut up.

Graham Steinberg

The REGULAR attacks & VIOLATIONS of international law by Tel Aviv Incorporated on Syria ? ONLY possible because of Russia’s permission……..

Jens Holm

So funny. For a start its forbidden Syrian to clean their own country. Assads are still there and Jihadists too.

Jens Holm

And You are nothing.

Sergei Formosa

Thats correct, but he likes to act like he is against zionism


what is Russia supposed to do? Nuke Israel? The USA, France and Britain would literally rather have the ENTIRE Earth’s population all die (7 billion people) rather than have Israel be attacked or nuked (<10 million people). Do you realize that? USA is NOT rational, especially when it comes to Israel let alone anything. Russia knows this, and plans accordingly. But if necessary, Russia has plenty of tools in Syria (air and naval) to obliterate Israeli airbases and assets if the time comes.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

only in your dreams, antisemite

Jim Bim

The Russians are stupid to let the Turts expand their occupation.

Sergei Formosa

Like they have a choice


The Turks soon will find them selfs forcefully fighting the headchoppers, to eliminate them in Idlib before the sneak back in to Turkey. They know SAA and allies are going to free Idlib soner or later!

Jens Holm

“Free is a relative”.


Well that’s the name they use. It doesn’t mean that i think that they should use “ Free” in their name. Actually they don not deserve the name Free Syrian Army coz they are far from FREE and Syria already has an Army ,namely the SAA

Sergei Formosa

You expect muslim warriors to disarm while christian terrorists keep murdering people in their own country? You sniff too much Putin’s ass becaus you sound high

Lone Ranger

You should lay down the CIA supplied opium Shlomo…


This has nothing to do with Islam or christianity …killer is a killer for me. These “ muslims” love to kill others too much in name of Allah…i doubt Allah likes these men killing other people in His Name! In Islam there are rules for war. I dont see these “ muslim warriors” play by those rules! Anyway life is like a supermarket, you can wander all day and take what you like but at the end we all have to checkout!

Rhodium 10

That outpost are an easy target for SAA and SAF…

Jens Holm

If they were, those were gone long time ago.

Rhodium 10

SAA attacked 4 of them…total 60 turkish soldiers killed and all cities lost retaken!

Jens Holm

Sorry, I read in long terms and all.


I doubt that you can read………………because you certainly can’t write, you inbred imbecile.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

You can try, but the Turkish Airforce Drones would have a field day again blasting away lots of regime troops and tanks! They nearly wiped out an entire brigade before the regime knew what was going on, a mighty clueless and incompetent military.


your nose :———) normal human :-)

jade villaceran

is there anyone left?

Hasbara Hunter

Go back home to your Filthy Kidkilling IDF-Faggots….you are Nothing but a brainless pathetic ZioNazi-Parasite…you HasbaRat-Vermin are a disgrace…go..GO…get your $hekels boy

How does it feel to be a complete fuckn loser?


MODERATOR: For goodness sake take this idiot child off this site!

Hasbara Hunter

Well hello to you to Brandon Sr….you are all the same AngloZioNazi Cocksucking Maggots


…………Excellent !


MODERATOR: Seriously, why do you allow these petulant and profane children to continually throw such odd tantrums?

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah…keep cryin’ & moanin’ like the little bitch that you always were…no more help for you little parasites…you are on your own now boy…get used to it!


First blood yet, little one?

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on Cunt…you are nothing…I’ve been waiting for a couple of years now for your CIA-Mossad-faggots to show up…


Answer the question, little one.

Hasbara Hunter

You answer mine first:



I can teach you how to use a comma, little one. Would you like that?

Jens Holm

Your Avatar should be Haunted or something.

Hasbara Hunter


Jens Holm

You have no realisme and blame others for a lot even most things are by Your own.

Mow go back to Your nightmare descriobtion, so I canm continue to have it as a doctor seing sick people and normal ones.

KILL KILL. KILL th one KILLING YOU, so the can KILL all of your KILLERS too.

Thats seemes to be the only way to make peace in Your region.

Hasbara Hunter

Wtf has that gotta do with my Avatar?


There’s no place for you Talmudic Satanist……………

Jens Holm

You dont know that. You dont know there is a big world outiside this and things are not as Yiou assume empty and poor like Yours.


…………..IS he really that good ?????? ;- )

Zionism = EVIL

Even for a JEW RAT, you are one ugly motherfucker, seriously, at least take the butt ugly photo off, I am nauseated.

Human kind is doomed

Funny trolll!!! You and this Jens Holm troll, you are funny trolls, funny funny trolls!!!

Simon Ndiritu

You want to tell us that Turkish Drones destroyed such much of SAA equipment and troops , but their thousands of highly trained terrorists failed to advance. It makes no sense

Rhodium 10

Drones could fly over SAA just because at the same time Russian/Syrian drones and jets were flying and SAD avoid the same il-20 mistake..but once jets and drones were away…SAF could shot down 20 turkish drones ( like LNA in Libya use to do)…and SAA could launch an offensive and retake Saraqib and all village nearby!

Brandon Rozenfeld IV




Zionism = EVIL

Good observation. I am not going to point out the stark weaknesses but the whole Turkeys terrorist outpost can be taken out by two Kornets for obvious reasons unknown to the illiterate stupid Turkeys. I hope the resistance does take them out soon.


These posts can be Easily wiped out with thermobaric weapons, like those fired from shoulder launched SPGs. The militants have been using such thermosbarics since the start of the war to deal heavy casualties to the SAA in fortified buildings. It can deal heavy damage to these outposts too.


………….I say ;- Bring up the TOS’s ,and Kebabs are back on the menu !

Jens Holm

I wonder why You are not cannibals too. That would save much cleaning and kill less flowers for the graves.


Blow the turkies up !


Brandon Rozenfeld IV

I’m no fan of Turkey, but they absolutely decimated the regime with drones. All their released videos showed the destruction of 3 “advanced” pantsir air defense pieces, 20 artillery pieces, 50 tanks and dozens of troops. They destroyed at least a quarter if not half of the regime’s military capability in Idlib within a week or two.


That was a bunch of big fat baloney you kebap loving jew rat!

The kebap drones (with their Isramuricunt components on) fall like flies and Assad’s goverment is not a regime but the Syrian Democratically elected goverment.

In Israel of cource you elected a fraudster mafia thug to rule your pathetic shithole … Cant wait for the time Irans gons launch their nucs and turn you all to dirty dust.

Sergei Formosa

The total is much much higher. These are the actual photos of the destruction with evidence http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-idlib-turkey-shoot-destruction-and.html?m=1


With what kind of shit they feed you?

Willy Van Damme

I thought they not only destroyed the whole Syrian army but also the Iranian, Hezbollah, the Iraqi and the Russian army included. Wonder why Erdogan gave the M4 back to the Syrian government? And why Jolani wasn’t crowned last week as the real Syrian president?

Jens Holm

Things unfortunatly is not that easy one way or another.

I even see people here telling Turks hit nothing. Facts are not, what people hope for.

Things are like that. I think Biden will win the Democratic election campaign, but they need Sanders to cleans important things.

The winners for Syria any time should be those never has having wealpins in their hand or supporting that.

Zionism = EVIL



Those posts are in the first place not meant for the SAA but for the headchoppers coz the posts have have no strategic value agains the SAA. Many are serrounded by SAA, sitting Ducks for the SAA. The Turks want to stay in Idlib for the future negotiations in the political solution for the syrian problem. They want to have a say in it. This is only possible if the Astana agreement is not dead. Thats why soon we will wetness Turks fighting aka Alnusra and allies and substitute them with FSA. FSA is even worse coz they do headchopping behind closed doors!


No we won’t be seeing any such thing. Turkey will not attack it’s own allies; those jihadists are Sunni Muslims like most Turks, and they are ideological brethren.

Jens Holm

Actually they have promised Russians to unarm Joihadists, but You are right, they probatly wont do that.

Sergei Formosa

Jihadists should be unarmed while christian terrorists killing muslims? Why should they disarm when christian orthodox terrorists are killing them? Can you explain that…

Lone Ranger

Al-big-daddy called, he wants you back…


You can’t be more mistaken. Obviously MSM did a great job with you. I witnessed a situation where Muslims attacked a school housing Orthodox refugees. The recording, which documented the consequences of the attack, was portrayed by MSM as a reverse situation, as if Orthodox had attacked Muslims. The chances of showing the situation later and explaining that the MSM lied were straight – zero! That is why I fully understand you, you cannot except from someone who has been lied to for years and decades, from day to day, to accept the fact. Therefore, as long as you are sitting on the other side of the planet in relation to the scene, do not persist in conveying what you heard from someone, but walk, come, look and understand …


Well nobody knows the future but about one thing we can be asure about , Erdogan is an opportunist ( like most politicians) and An opportunist has no principles. So he really does not care much about the head choppers in Idlib or anywhere. He will use them when he can and when they become a a danger for his agenda he will not hesitate to desyroy them.

Hasbara Hunter

Wahhabi-Ideology is the Major Problem…

colin adese

Which part of NO PRISONERS doesn’t Putin understand? Give a Turk an inch and he’ll take a mile.

Lone Ranger

Putins only problem is he is too much of a diplomat and gentleman.

Sergei Formosa

And a childmurderer

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

Russkie airstrikes have killed an estimated 500,000 civilians while Butcher Regime airstrikes have killed an estimated 650,000 civilians. That’s over 1,000,000 innocent men women and children murdered in cold blood! The IDF or Turkey should have intervened and captured Damascus from back in 2011.

Lone Ranger

Mossadisis + U.S. and Israeli airstrikes have. Better luck next time Shlomo… As per usual +25 matzo balls…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

prove it, ya weird old guy with outdated long hair. You’re in need of a barber

Lone Ranger

It has been proven public info… Aside from that that’s Jeff bridges on the pic from the movie the Big Lebowski… Time to ask your supervisor for further instructions…;)


And you’re in DIRE NEED of a NASAL surgeon


Another fake Jew talking shit.

Zionism = EVIL



We can smell your bullshit in Tokyo !

Jens Holm

Are You Japanese or has a very long nose:)

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

yeah sure, you probably live in the slums of Tehran you little Mullah Regime operative


…………….thats gotta be better than the slums of Tel Aviv dickwad.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

The slums? It’s the most well developed and advanced city in the entire Middle East. Zero crime. Zero poverty. 100% wealth and 100% success. Israel will forever be the beacon of light in the Middle East for prosperity, democracy and human rights!


Here folks we have another brilliant example of more of the usual obnoxious compulsive psychopathic lying by well known and notorious pro-Israel disinfo filth.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

anti-zionism is anti-semitism, case closed. Hitler killed 40 million europeans from 1939-1945, 6 million of which were Jews. Do you realize this?


………….and yet again folks……………..you can smell the stench of a sub-human peddling more of the usual obnoxious compulsive psychopathic lying by well known and notorious pro-Israel disinfo filth.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

get lost, SS commander. You’d be Himmler’s right hand man.


……………..and you’d be Himmlers bitch…………..you halfwit.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

yeah except Himmler was defeated and hanged by US soldiers in West Germany!


Great ! Lol, your uneducated and inaccurate reply shows the depth of how dumbed down morons like you really are. You have no place here, you will never ever have the moral high ground, you are just another excrement encrusted footstool of a lesser god…………….your god…………satan.


Ha ha, here we have a brilliant example of the usual obnoxious compulsive lying by well known and notorious pro-Israel disinfo scumbags.

Lone Ranger

Only if you consider isis terrorists your children…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

isis only represented less than 1% of the syrian population, the majority were moderate rebels and civilians. Now get lost ya goof


Wow, you’re completely Shlomofied

Lone Ranger

Moderate rapist cannibal headchoppers trained by CIA and mossad eating hearts and livers and raping and beheading women and children. You will have to get harder Shlomo, those matzo balls won’t earn themselves…

Zionism = EVIL


Brandon Rozenfeld IV

That doesn’t stop Israel from carrying out thousands of airstrikes on a yearly basis against the Butcher Regime and the Iranian Mullah Regime terrorists inside SYRIA! ha!

Lone Ranger

25matzo balls have been deposited on your account. Good job Shlomo..

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

oh get lost ya antisemite, those jew jokes aren’t even remotely funny. It’s an internet hate crime at best.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

another antisemitic gibe. You should really come visit Israel one day, your opinion would greatly change. You’d go from being an antisemite to an actual open minded individual. Try it :-)

Lone Ranger

I’m not an anti semite. I only hate zio and hasbarats.

Willy Van Damme

How does it feel to live on stolen land? Great I guess.


A good question you should ask the Palis, they stole it from us and we just got back what is rightfully ours. They can always return back to their desert Arab peninsula where they belong.

Willy Van Damme

I didn’t know Grün, Weizman and Herzl or their fathers were born in Palestine. It seems a bunch of thieves is trying to provoke the debaters here. So don’t expect any more replies from me. I prefer talking to civilised people not with defenders of criminals.


Good for you, goodbye.


……………The Jews are worshipper of Baal, and it is more accurate to call it a Satanic Cult rather than a religion.

Jens Holm

Acoording to Islam as well as the Holy Choran thats highly incorrect.

Its well descriebed in the Old testament parts by Old Moses as well. He and God fighted against Baal.

Jews and Christians might be second class citicens accepting muslims as above them, but Baals has to be converted or killed.

Now go and learn some religion. It so strange some highly sekular 2000 kilomters away should learn You about those religions.

Its also strange You can side that hard knowing zero to none about vital things like that.

Jens Holm

You are right. USA and others should not have taken America. In the long run, they should have taken ME.

I still cant see some small dot in the Islamic world all the way from Marocco and Nigeria to Indonesia should harm that much.

After all Jews and Christians also was there first. Most arabs living there probatly also are converted Jes and Christians if they was not from Baal and the Egyptian Gods, which was there even before Jews were named as Jews.

I never would have supported that state. But that state is a fact and should rmain so.

I am so tired of Your selfie JUmping Jack Flash for generations of unrealisme. I do my history book well. Attacking them in 1967 was the last chance for getting at least some parts back.

My best advice is to go and learn to do as Jews do. You could devellop parts of the countries around them and feed at least 50 million arabs much better then You do now.

If You want to blame Mr Dam it then blame for whats to blame for and dont put thigs like that on. The only one tricked is Yourself.

Willy Van Damme

Israel at this moment is waging war against Syria, Iran and Lebanon and by using the US in Iraq. Why should anyone whose land was stolen except it? Would you accept it. It seems yes. And another argument: It’s a racist state using the system of apartheid. Your arguments don’t make sense.

Jens Holm

I didnt make it. I was not even born and its 72 tears ago.

You are just like the non changeable incommers here in Denmark thinking they should live here as in their homeland in the old days they forget we pay 3 billion dollars extra for them every year, because they are above us and any very needed change.

So reconsider the realisme n Your attitude. My only worry is, that those Israel Hews look more and more like the arabs.

And yes, they has made as seperation semilar to araprtheid. But I reall very well things are exact or almost exact the same in most of the whole Arabistan even today.

I also allow me to write, that Palestine was Feudalisme owned by Maters living in Damaskus, Cairo, London and Paris. Most Palestinians owned nothing. How can they claim things those Grendmothers of Your actuallay only was hired hands for?

I will never accept even more populations should be moved around. For the moment 10 million Syrians of 20 million are not even in their homes. I think Youshould focus on that and dont blame others for the dysfunctional attitudes of Your own.

Osmans moved around millions as well. Saddam did and killed many many 1000s as well. Why do Turks have Öchean in jail – because they denyto solve problems made by themselves.

As lomg as Syria as a big oil nation according to, whats told about it according to americans and kurds , are not ven able to produce simple plastic bottles making plastic, I wil not even try to understand Your bad attitude.

It happend. If You want a better life go and change, where You are by making the changes Yourself. We have our own pronems here and should not be babysitters.

Syria is a highly artificial and ineffective malfunction and Palestine was Osmans living in Region Syria having no Gorvenes themselves apart from some selfdeclared Mufti of Jerusalem being very seimilar to Bagdada and Bin Laden.


…………Free speech rules here Buddy…………..and the only antisemite here is YOU scumbag.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

it’s a genetic and 100% scientific consensus FACT that all European Jews are the descendants of Abraham, with the haplogroup shared with all other middle eastern people, therefore being 100% SEMITES. Now get lost.

Jens Holm

I can make jokes like that too fx:;

You dont feed Your women much and thats because You then can save coffins later on – or –

You dont burry men. They are kept poor and the hairy ones are sold as pipecleaners.

Lone Ranger

Keep practicing Jens…

Jens Holm

I sell my good ones for money.

You should support me. I have made many westerns die laughing:)

Boris Kazlov

This post by the triumphalist Jewwill soon be refuted when Israel bites the dust, it has been like this for thousands of years, they haven’t had enough of that.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

oh zip it shut, antisemite. Israel prevails through all dark times, as do the Jewish People as a whole. Now we’re the most liberty-entitled and democratic society on Earth!





Zionism = EVIL

Don’t insult Arabs as they are the only SEMITES! Fuckwit :)

Jens Holm

Only cousins will amputate themselves that way in the most sick traditon for the whole world. Arabs also eat Kosherfood just in a more promitive way to save camle transportation of pots and pans in their deserts.


Ha ha, here we have another tedious and transparent example of the usual obnoxious compulsive lying by well known and notorious pro-Israel disinfo shyster-jew-boys.

Brandon Rozenfeld IV

says the overweight weirdo from his mother’s basement


………………thats rich coming from a incestuous cuckold who doesn’t know his Father or Mother.


Boris the Ruskie, you wanna make us bite the dust? come here then.

Jens Holm

You are the dust. Only worms will bit in You.

In Exile

Only terrorists are you guys old chum.

Zionism = EVIL

or in Zionist pockets :)

Sergei Formosa

Putin understands violence. And Turkey will give them violence again if he takes a wrong move


These posts are a trap. They are there to draw fire, get some Turkish troops killed, and thereby justify a response. If they cannot get Syria or Russia to bomb them, they’ll shoot MANPAD’s and anti-tank missiles until the Syrians or Russians finally get pissed enough to respond, and then BOOM you have instant justification for another Turk offensive.


I imagine some cruelties done by Turkey-supported headchoppers spread on videos with laughing beheaders on it – then it might be very entertaining how these Turkey posts will be an exercising ground for artillery and bombing by airforce… No way out alive. Retaliation served hot in this case. The inmates might pay the price in being BBQ’d for the cruelties of their Jihadist brothers in arms. Continuation of the Syrian battle for freedom coming soon. Keep staying in the arena to the final scene…

Jens Holm

Wars sometimes are like that. Iwonder how You dont analyse the reasons for those outpost apart from assuming Turks are barking mad and have no plans.

Sergei Formosa

You expect muslim warriors to disarm while christian terrorists keep murdering people in their own country? You sniff too much pig-ass

Lone Ranger

Wahabbimossadisis terrorists is the word you were looking for…

Lone Ranger

Oy oy…

Jens Holm

I have toilet visits like that too.

Take some opium and jeep something fro Your mouth and nose and keep it.

Lone Ranger

I would, but Im not a CIA agent…

Jens Holm

You could be selfdetonator for them, if You only detonated Yourself.

Lone Ranger

I will do that once you have mastered the english language…


Racist mouricunts !





Hasbara Hunter


good american

”Ansarallah forces bomb several Saudi oil facilities” https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/ansarallah-forces-bomb-several-saudi-oil-facilities/ I wonder if the air defenses suffered some ‘technical difficulties’ this time. ‘Sorry MBS, someone forgot to turn them on…….sorry, sorry…… but hey, maybe the price of oil will go back up….’


Putin play checks. His opponent will not understand until the end that he had lost.


The last sentences of this article is totally obvious since the signature of the new ceasefire agreement between Russia and Turkey, and Russia knows it. Let us see later if Putin will continue pleasing Erdogan.


One Buratino or Smerch would clear out that position.


Well we know exactly where they are, and so does every Syrian artillery spotter for miles.

Joe Doe

SAA first target should destroy the post completely. Putin make huge another blunder in which SAA will pay the price. Putin is not good protector nor good allies. Russia at least should be obligated to provide modern Air Defence System such as S-400, modern fighter jets such as MIG-29 and SU-30, modern attack helicopters and etc..

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