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MARCH 2025

In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

The Russian military sources continue to share photos from the front lines in Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have recently launched another large-scale offensive operation on the right bank of the Dnieper River in an attempt to advance towards the Novaya Kakhivka town. Ukrainian forces also attempted to break through Russian defences in the area of Davidov Brod.

All the Ukrainian attempts failed and resulted in heavy losses. Footage from the front lines confirms that the Ukrainian military obeying to the orders of their NATO instructors continue to use Ukrainian soldiers as cannon fodder.

The Kiev regime will continue to send hundreds of Ukrainian men to death in order to achieve any gains on the front lines and show their victories to their patrons in Washington, who in turn are preparing for elections to the U.S. Senate.

In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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In Photos 18+: Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Army On Kherson Front Lines

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I have no way to confirm that those Uninjured bodies are dead.


How do you know any photo or video is real? You don’t. You’re right to be a sceptic because in a war everyone is trying to leverage opinion and create doubt in the other side. No one wants to back a losing side.

Look at a satellite map of Kherson. Attackers have to cross kilometers of open fields against prepared defences and ranged artillery. Anyone attacking across those fields are going to take heavy losses … that’s a fact … the only question is if the photos depict what the caption reads.


If ukrainians weren’t retards they would have already burnt Zelensky and his wife alive and everyone else who supports those two drug addicts. But evidence says ukrainians are retards. How else would you call a country who, instead of trying a peaceful solution to a problem they themselves have created with an antidemocratic coup d’état, prefer bombing their citizens for years just to lose a quarter of their land? I don’t know, but it’s too dumb for anyone but ukranians.

Mighty Rusija



the only chance is that an entire people is under drug effects because it’s not understandable for anyone why they keep acting like this


They just enjoy being slaves. I mean, their language is just a retarded sounding Russian dialect, but they enjoy dying for foreign oligarchs so yeah idk, it’s ridiculous.


Ukrainity sectarians, this is not joke. Many totalitarian sects have attacked Kiev (as well as rest parts of USSR) in 1990’s. Some of them existed openly until 2010’s, but lost popularity (authorities didn’t fight them) and transformed to pseudo-pagan cults, radical political movements and nazist organizations. You can easily trace footprints of cults from 90’s in modern neo-nazist gangs like “Azov”. All these sects are supported by western regimes and used to brainwash people for creating totalitarian society like in 1930’s in Germany with fire marches and indian/buddhist swastika under the sauce of “arianism” (“true arians”). It was the same totalitarian cult which led the way to satanism and genocide. In the same time they were trying to fool people with slogans like “God with us” while they were against God. Same things that Kiev regime does now with fierce attempts to destroy the Orthodox Church here while Poroshenko posed himself as christian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Edgar Zetar

Hahaha! Do you still believed German before WWI were Devil and Bad Ones? Germany tried to fight the British Empire UK established World Order and Germany lose in both WWII…. they just blame Germany for both World Wars and created the Myth about Nazism… and its just a Myth because both sides URSS and USA/UK imported germany scientist, medics, soldiers, weapons to improve their own Cultures… also Russian Empire was the only ancient enemy of World Order, Moscow was never conquered by any Power, and Russian people were never slaves like Germany, Japan, China, France and all other G20 countries… so Russia must fall so only USA / UK allies were the only countries that were never conquered and are the only Masters of Universe, the conquerors of Earth.


1930s were after WWI, read with attention.


They sell their own lives for a little money, just like prostitutes. What I really can’t understand is, as you said, how anybody may choice to kill and die for someone distant from them.

And, after having lost lands and dozens of thousands of soldier, why in the hell don’t they try to stop and discuss? Even if the terrorist actor doesn’t want, what is the cost of a substitute? I think it’s on of the first times in history where the loser of a war (or the side which is worse off) don’t want to sit down and discuss. Even if US, UK and EU opposed peace talks, why nobody in ukraine wants them? I can only think about complete madness because there’s no sign of reason in everything ukraine has been doing in the last 8 years at least


“Even if US, UK and EU opposed peace talks, why nobody in ukraine wants them?”

Because the regime is the part of US, UK and EU, it was installed by them to start a war with Russia, this is the main goal of ukrainity, it was created in 19th century to tear off south-western regions from Russia. Synthetic identity based on extreme hatred and brainwashing like in totalitarian sects/cults, same as belorussians, especially in the stage of zmagar. Zmagars are the same nazis as “Azov” with their own artificial language, pseudo-history written for them and endless hate. Do you know how hard is to return people from radical cults? They are ready to cut all connections with family and friends, if they are talking truth about cult. Ukrainity and belorussianity are not unique. Remember janissary. Read about “captive nations week”, where even cossaks is stated as separate ethnos, i.e. not russian, though cossacks is a social stratum, not ethnic identity. There are also “siberians”, “ingrians” and some other artificial identities supported via “non-governmental” funds sponsored by the US government, NED, “Open society” and so on. They are growing separatism on empty place or support existing ones like uighur terrorists and “Falungun” sectarians who have head-quarter in USA, support of separatism in Tibet.

Edgar Zetar

Dont you get it already? What the big deal abput Zelensky, they probably would find something else. Zelensky and UKrotards are fighting for the Empire in the other side of the Atlantic… just Remember how many deflectors were in the URSS, you must accept that USA is far better than Russia in Propaganda, in developing Colonies to plunge resources, to enslave entire countries and their population still are happy…. you must accept the Facts and looking for Solutions and this is the only way you can hunt the Mighty Eagles in their own game.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Frankly US propaganda never touched me. I mean I consider utterly false whatever they say so, even when they say one thing that’s true, I throw it in the dustbin of their bullshit. It’s US fault if the world is leaving them alone more rapidly than they may ever think


This is not their lands, cities and people, that’s why they are so indifferent to their fate. Add bribes, drugs and totalitarian ukrainity cult — cornerstone of nazism. Now look at Cherson — deukrainization makes wonder, need to deepen it, because some ukrainized bastards are still living even in Crimea — the most patriotic region in Russia. These sectarians spoils life of normal people, threaten them, write filthy replies in internet, plant bombs in public places like terrorist Sentsov — typical scum, asocial animals.


You are true, nobody would bomb his own cities, I think there’s a much greater feeling of brotherhood between me and people of the four former regions of ukraine than from west and east of the Dnieper River.


I was unsure to continue in this direction, because it’s bout religion, but you said about the roots of what is going on, so I will add few words to this. People who disobey to satanic forces are more brothers than brothers by blood, if one brother serves to darkness. Eternal fight is going on in our souls, there is no direct front line on map or in blood. Our allies are everywhere as well as enemies.


That is the genius of the Ukrainians: incredible brazen stupidity.


And many ukrainians voted for the evil actor because they really thought he would stop the war.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

After her upgrade with a new fucking general the so called fucking Russia Grinding Machine (aka RGM) became now the fucking RGF (Russian Grinding Factory).


Russian army will soon leave Kherson. They are already preparing the Russian people for it by telling things like a evacuation of civilians and that the frontline is tense and more.


no blood in the pictures. As if they were sleeping. I think this is russian fakes




Get a clue retard.


blood after some time turns into dark


Notwithstanding these fake photos, Ukraine will soon get rid of Russians in kherson too.


How do you figure ?


As per the statement of Russia’s top commander of SMO.


Maintaining US hegemony a.k.a. the ‘rules based order’ seemingly is worth a huge price in Ukrainian lives and US tax dollars.


This is where scum belongs, feeding birds and insects, feel free to light the scum on fire so no one can complain about “Mass graves” if you treated them like Men. Burn this scum and scatter them to the wind.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Michel LeBlanc

No, you bury the dead, treat them with honor. Otherwise, your as much a barbarian as the ukro orcs.

Come on man, the dead are dead.

USA is the shithole of Hell

Exactly, they are dead and animals need good meat to thrive.

After all the destruction ukropigs did to environment, they carcasses might repair some of the loses.


Dude at least pay a respect to those soldiers. I’m pretty sure most of them are distance related to the Russian soldiers fighting against them. Those soldiers didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t disrespect them, blame their leaders who put them in this position. It’s really sad see young people from both side dying like flies for nothing.


Be sure, they did many wrong things, because they are nazis and this is not just a word. Though i think they will be buried properly as it was done many times before, with cross on a grave and genetic probe for every unidentified body to find relatives in future.


I neither respect nor revere scum banderites. the world is a better place with these scum feeding worms, fuck them. The more dead the better.

Last edited 2 years ago by Banderitelivesdontmatter

“Those soldiers didn’t do anything wrong.” they fought for banderism, they fought for naziism, they fought to extinguish ALL russian life in the donbas. Now the scum can fertilize it for Russia. fuck them and their mothers who bore them, may they die of grief of losing thier banderite scum children.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Joseph Day

Leave them laying there, the next wave of attack will be demoralised


How it happens: our officers propose to ukros to take bodies and wait for 2-3 days. Most times they don’t take their deads. If area is under fire, nobody will bury corpses.


I have to be sorry for the Banderite scum. They were born defective, or something really bad happened in childhood. Whatever it was that made them so sick and demented, failures as human beings, total rejects, dead before they died. Others were just conscripts, sacrificed for profits by the Servant of the People. Their mother loved them, their country and its puppet masters didn’t.


EU for kannon fodder!


slavic blood on slavic land, and the ziokhasarian, transatlantic and globalist mafia is laughing.


They’ll be buried in their NATO gear. Unfortunate for them that they didn’t see it coming, what with the Obama/Nuland coup d’etat…er, “Revolution of Dignity”… and the war in Donbass.


Seems that NATO changed its strategy, now they are not only fighting to the last Ukrainian, but also to the last Polish.

Putin The Great

Now, all the former advantages of the banderist nazi garbage begun to work against them. A wide frontline was detrimental for the russians, now it’s the turn of ukrashits to taste same ‘cookie’. Only that russians do a superb job by retreating with few casualties because they were not pressed by any KKKrainii imperator leaders of JNATO junta timelines like the ukropithecus fascistus apes. They had and have imposed timelines by the anglo-zionist kikejoos globalists and ZZZalushnyi imbecile is not sparing any ukrop to please its masters. Cannon fodder upon cannon fodder. Today, 21.X.2022 they manage to achieve the superb record of 80.000 KIA and more than 300.000 WIA+MIA+etc (from which every 1 from 5 will reenter the grinder). One thing to consider here: tough the KIA’s are steadily growing, the rest disabled from battle is slowly decreasing…..that means only one thing: russians finally learned the lesson and will not take nazi prisoners no more, even wounded. That’s an extremely good news and a very healthy option for the future coexistence. Less nazi’s means less murderers of the innocent peoples.

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin The Great

Well said, my friend.


Bunch of poor beta cucks being sent by their American masters to die for exclusive benefit for the US and Israeli ruling elites.


Ground soaked with Nazi blood just as it was 80 years ago.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Dam. Those NATO backed Natzies are getting slaughtered even worse than them NATO backed Islamic Sunni-Wahhabi terrorists in Syria were.


Y ahora quién descontamina esos terrenos infectados de cerdos muertos?

koldun zakrucnikov

I think this war was started in vain. Putin offered federalization to Ukraine, but Ukraine refused. Germany is also a federation, and the United States too, and they live for themselves. They just went on principle in Washington.


Did Kiev patron in Washington see these photos? Please post them to their propaganda popular website-twitter let them see.


Why my comment is not allowed here ? I wrote, those pictures are fakes, probably Russian fakes, with no blood and no holes any bombing in the ground.

my patient need another injection

launching attacks on the flats fields is pure madness,for sure i am pro russians but for the ukrainians mobilized guys who died like canon fodder its very sad because they are the same people may biden burn in hell with van der leyen too


Trolls, troll


One of course must put what’s happening on the battlefield and the US election. What else right? Explains the reason for the big push on in Kerson and elsewhere, US headlines.


I see the Ukronazis attempting to scare 😱 the Belarusians, as if they weren’t aware of the stakes. Besides the coming shock will be that and to get rid of the Zelensky, Ukronazi, Banderite scum. I’m sure just like here the nice weather is over.


Great job, Mr. Russia! Keep it up.

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