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In Photos: Idlib Militants Fell In Love With Angela Merkel

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Supporters of Idlib armed groups (most of them are affilated with al-Qaeda) are sending a warm message to Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. She’s now at self-quarantine after coming into contact with a person who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

In Photos: Idlib Militants Fell In Love With Angela Merkel

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In Photos: Idlib Militants Fell In Love With Angela Merkel

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klove and light

Germans, since 1945 Zionist occupied, from the 1960´s onwards the plan to “degermanize” Germany with hords of Moslems has reached it´s Breaking Point in 2015……..in 2030, the majority of males in “Military age” in Germany will be Moslems…….and Democracy= the majority rules over the minority………….

Germany ( if no nuclear Exchange happens between east and west, Germany was and is Always TARGET number 1 for russian nukes as Germany, as mentioned above, is since 1945 a defacto “state” of the USA/zionism, and as the saying in german Military officer cycles says “is Germany still part of NATO during a russian/USA nuclear Exchange, Germany will cease to exist. – FINI GERMANICA–) in case of “nuclear Peace” Germany will cease to exist due to the Moslem islamic Takeover that WILL happen sometime around 2030….and due to the “deprogramming” of the german popuation and the non existence of national pride and national germn identity this Takeover will largly happen without a “civil war” Szenario.

ps. in sweden it is defacto happened already…..in France it defacto happened already…..England is on the same path…..belgium it defacto happend already

satanic Zionist JEW masterplan

if two quarrels the third is happy “

Hasbara Hunter

You forgot to mention the AngloZioNazi-creation of Weimar-Republic just after WWI…this was the time to prepare & create the right kind of environment to put their Rothschild Hitler-Puppet & his Jewish Henchmen on the Throne…


V. Mecki

Germany will cease to exist due to the Moslem islamic Takeover that WILL happen sometime around 2030….

I think there is a solution. They have to close the tap. There is no more generous country for Turks and Arabs than Germany. Or an economic collaps could mean the salvation from the plague…

Hasbara Hunter

A bad “Muslim” is No Muslim…most of the Refugees were herded towards Europe through the creation of AngloZioNazi-Wars, because Brussels needs More Working-Units to keep the Economic growth at 2% for the Elites (selling Mo’ food, Mo’ cars, Mo’ homes)…us the Scum will pay any additional costs, like welfare & Housing…Importing cheap labor lower swages & by Higher Taxes gets rid of the Middle-Class (Corona is doin’ a great job for them at the moment)..The Autocratic Brussels-Traitors opened up the Gates of Castle Europe & let everyone in…Wir verstehen das….


V. Mecki

Brussels needs More Working-Units to keep the Economic growth at 2% for the Elites… May be, but I think that is a fairy tale, because in an automized industry what you do not need are unskilled workers. Do you know the Kalergi-Plan. Wikipedia says that it is a far-right conspiracy theory. But Angela Merkel is a bearer of the great Kalergi-Prize. Is that conspiracy theory or conspiracy practice?

Hasbara Hunter

I now of this Kalergi-Plan…but isn’t it up to any individual with whom they reproduce? If a European woman falls in love with an Asian man is there a problem?


And muslims are experts concerning inbreeding, thats the reason in the middle east are up to +12% off the population handicapt as in Europe +3%. Because off inbreeding and sexuale assault as a Turkish study proved ( daily hurriyet 2018)

Hasbara Hunter

How do you feel about them white boys spreading their genes across the globe?


If this is with respect to and unforced consent of the women I have no problem with it. But if this is forced on by family, religion, aggression, rape ore what ever I am the first to execute the selfish basterds. Without exception of status, colour, eace, religion, age or intelligence.


Working in combined with muslims ore Africans isn’t that contradictory ?

Icarus Tanović

Some uses Wahhabis as theirs cover for hate against Muslims. Many does, and you know very well who they are.

Hasbara Hunter

Muslims should stop bein’ so modest…and speak out…Non-Muslims still have to learn a lot…besides all the AngloZioNazi-Muslimbrotherhood-Hempher-Wahhabi-Al-CIAeda-ISISrael-Hewish House of Saud-Headchopping Rapists & Murderers…

Icarus Tanović

Muslims speak out, many scholars, people all over the place speaks out, but MSM choose to close their ears and to listen to Saudis and their American. Wahhabi headchoppers from Saudi arabia invested billions and billions into theirs fake Qur’ans and to turn every single Muslim or non-Muslim to Wahhabi Satanism. Remember that consensus in Grozny from Ullemas from almost all over the World. Only those that haven’t attended are either under Saudi, UAE, Qatari, Muslimbrotherhood, American control. They are pest of the World. It is our turn, mate.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah definitely brother…

Hasbara Hunter

The artists have created a beautiful interpretation of Mrs. Murkel she looks a lot better on the painting than in real life…

Btw how’s your Corona doin’ Murkel?

V. Mecki

Btw how’s your Corona doin’ Murkel?

Oh, we don’t give up hope!

Hasbara Hunter

That the AngloZioNazi-Traitor dies I presume?

V. Mecki


Peter Jennings

They certainly won’t win any hearts with that mural. Idlib terrorists have created a zombie princess to woo. Just up their street and something to do with those spares heads and body parts.


Mural captures the moment she is about to bite into still beating heart of Europe

Dušan Mirić

From terrorists to a terrorist with love


Eeww gross. To think anyone could like that fat ugly Marxist sow is mind-boggling. The bitch is a traitor to her people and supporter of terrorism – then again if you’re an Islamist terrorist, that’s a good thing I suppose.


If you want her, you can have her; complete, for free, shipment by us and money if you take her.


That is creepy.


By the way, on a second look, they wrote her name wrong “Merke” statt “Merkel”, but on other photos they corrected it…

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