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On November 22, Iran started large-scale air-defense drills codenamed “Modafe’an-e Aseman-e Velayat 98″(Guardians of Velayat’s Sky-98).
According to Iranian sources, the drill focuses on the rapid response of defensive forces and the ability to rapidly deploy missile, radar and artillery systems after operations, secure and multi layer communication between defense systems, proper communication between equipment and operational forces and the network.
“Unmanned intelligence and identification flights in the general combat zone, invasion of combat aircraft, and tactical and defensive aircraft action against attack aircraft under the guidance of the country’s integrated air defense network were other measures at this stage of the air drill.
Air refueling operations over the drill zone were also conducted with the guidance of the Air Defense Border Control Officers, practicing air defense processes including the detection, interception and electronic attack of air defense systems at this stage of the drill,” IRNA reported.

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I can say that is impressive. How reliable are the entire systems ?? We don’t know… There’s no wonder why some countries or entities are reluctant to attack Iran land .. It will be an absolute challenge to actually win a war against Iran,at the moment or almost impossible… In mater of military willingness to fight an enemy ho attack Iran’s country, they are absolutely in top.. No wonder nobody will fight them .. The days are gone when Iran was a soft target . And nobody knows if they are nuclear armed… And nobody knows how much fire power has actually Iran military … They are a very secretive State…
The mullahs can only fight unarmed Iranian protesters and oil tankers. The proud Iranian people will not forgive the murder regime of the mullahs and their gangs for the murder of unarmed protesters.
MEK bastard
Why do you think that only MEK supporters oppose the crimes of the mullahs regime? You and people like you who support the murder of unarmed Iranians, are traitors to the Iranian people. The Twitter account shows some of the victims of the terrorist regime.
At the moment I can only see One kind of Filthy Traitors on this Planet: 1% Elitist AngloZioNazi-Paedophile-Parasites….they need to be eradicated thoroughly…
The Germans had the right idea
And do you oppose the crimes of your own Likud “mullahs”? Considering what you have done to the real owners of your land (the Palestinians), you have no moral ground to speak from Shlomo . .
I never expect an intelligent response from ש mullahs supporter.
Do you know that in America they will kill you for stealing a bread?? Do you know that racism in America is at the highest level ever? Do you know that police in America will shoot to kill if you don’t stop? Do you know that Europe doesn’t trust America anymore?? Do you know that America will attack Europe if they feel that they will overpass in richness?? Do you know US one of only three countries to vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism
But, but, but, America land of the free…
Do You are allowed to know this version is highly biased and also very incomplete.
Nazis in Denmark as welll as Communists are allowed as long as they operate inside the laws of ours. They are in mamny countries.
By being in the open by free speak, we and they see how many suuppporters they have. They cant lie avout that.
Thats how democrasy often is.
Your “condomming” is highly incorrect and worse then normal bias. Here we see lies about nazism and very incorrects ones. Thats what USA as well as we condem.
Fx we condem them as riots against muslims putting mosues into fire. Here we also put polices here and videocamers too. But You of copurse prefare mosques i flames in stead.
You forget that most strangers according to nazis in Europeare muslims and even assng themselves. Jews and other kinds of minories only are very few.
In Denmark we have about 7.000 Jews but a little more then 200.000 muslims. Strange enough some smaller parts of the muslims dont let jews alone.
Here is another vid from the streets of Tehran for ya:
How many French protesters were killed in demonstrations? The mullahs regime brutally murdered hundreds of unarmed Iranian protesters including a 14-year-old girl.
Tempting to add executions too,
Hasbara Checklist:
ACTIVE PARASITES: Free man, <>, Avi Schwartz, Toronto Tonto, Klove & Light, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational
Some Extra…:
Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD
Beware! These Folks get paid in $hekels to manipulate & speak with Crooked Tongue…
The Gulag Archipelago
Copy this and use it every time you run into one of those PARASITIC HASBARAT-TROLLS:
Taken from UNZ Review, article, “Use of TERMITE by Louis Farrakahn was exactly right” – “Arthur Koestler, (a person of the Jewish Faith –My, Freespirit emphasis ) is quoting from Maurice Maeterlinck’s Life of the Termites in order to establish in his readers’ minds a salient political point. Not only does Koestler find the termite to be the most accurate metaphor for society’s decay, but his other book, The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century. So the charge of “anti-Semitism” constantly leveled at Blacks and their leaders has no actual meaning at all.”…
No wonder so many dont like You for many good reasons. Soon You might need minority protection as we have it in Europe and USA.
Hahahaha…I don’t need any protection Jens….I am very capable of defending myself…and I will…
Shlomo . . you forgot your meds this morning
how dare you hurt his feelings! He downvoted you! XD
Let me tell you something.. Do you want Iran to become second Iraq/Afghanistan??? Do you know why the wars has even started in this countries?? Why do you think that so many entities are interested in Iran?? Answer.. Mineral resources, And land resources.. Why in Saudi Arabia is not war ??? Because they obey the big masters.. If no mineral resources will be in Iran, nobody absolutely nobody will be interested in the country
No,I don’t want Iran to become second Iraq/Afghanistan. But don’t forget that the mullahs regime is solely responsible for the plight of the Iranian people, even though they always try to blame others for anything bad that happens to them. They are the ones who murdered hundreds of Iranian protesters within a week.
“the mullahs” said every zionist retard ever. You will receive special treatment on here :)
Andrei, Iran took out at top-notch US military drone costing more than 100,000,000 with ONE shot, within about 1-2 minutes of its crossing Iran airspace, at night. That is pretty good I think in terms of reliability.
this is soooo cheezy according to Rocket Nose. 1 single F-35 would completely destroy every single air defense system and conquer Tehran in 1 hour XD
How many ordnance F-35 can carry? Please think a little before commenting.
He is not very smart, in fact he is very brain-challenged, you have to forgive him.
chill out, I’m making fun of Rocket Nose. It’s called sarcasm
You’re really stupid, soup brain.
I love it! A single celled organism calling me stupid. Thanks! :)
Soup Brain , You’re welcome.
:'( now I cry
at least the unhinged states of A is aware of the price that will be paid in attacking Iran, and the US just can’t accept another Vietnam or another Afghanistan or Iraq and so on so they will sit it out and won’t risk a closure of the Hormuz Strait or a closed Bab-al-Mandab Strait which would hike crude to 350 bucks per barrel and the one sure winner in that war would be Iran and Russia and sure as a klucking bell not the squatters which by that time hopefully will have been eliminated to kingdom friggin come.
Ask, not the average JoeSixPack but the generals, admirals, etc and the airforce, first, because they know something the idiots dont know, Iranian shit do infact work, and they have a lot of it, infact manufactured them for years, never underetsemate the Persians, Jews and Yankikes, they can be a lot of things, but never stupid, or cowards, and are an race of fiers fighters, and the Yankikes knows that, the 8 year long war in Iran thru the use of Iraqis etc like the issue is to day, where one can question where the f… do Iraqis stand, are they yet again turing into mere scums, or have the forgotten the facts that ISISrael runs the Imperial banana republic and you are fighting their wars, and wounders why people like me wouldnt trust you f…. for an second, and infact, so far, you have shown us one thing, you are indeed rotten to your bone marrow, easy to corrupt and easy to blind, witch means you are indeed stupid and on top of it, will betray your own people, the region, and Islam is been pissed up on.
The seond is missile tech, they are really good, and the drone dowing this summer stunned the scumbags, since they didnt expect it and the systems used was much more advianced than what they expected, because of course, watching TV, “everybody knows” how fantastic the Yankeedoodles gears are, just as the Yemens and the despecable Saudi-barbarians, witch should be dragged out and hung where ever you find one, whores to the people of the Synagog of Satan, the devils spawns, like the equally or even dumber Yankikes, witch dont even know what toilet they can go into after 4 years with Trumpstein rule.
And if you somehow think the Yankikes shit is so much better to day, than before when they where suposedly superiour to anyone, I must remind you droolers and moronikans, that the sole reason for backing out of Vietnam, was because of 40 MIGs, yup, wacked more Yankike gear than anyone since ww2, thousands of planes, and then they lost the airsuperiority witch they need, because of having an military that is based upon conquest, the same mistake that Stalin did in 40, and the rason for the Germans to pulverise them intitaly, why Germans lost is more due to oil, than anything else, and thats, where we stand to day, both nations have learned, Russia and Iran, be defencive and you will stand an chanse, and now their firepower is equall, if not much better. And this time the chanses for an escalation to unintended hights is also much higher, and all wars eventually ends by foot, the Yankikes are stil in the medivial mindsetting, thinking bombing can solve anything, it did, before, but now, when they cant park the carrier groups near enough to be an issue, the local vassals are way to close, and would be taken out fast and completely, where then will this war take the region is even for me, in the dark, but I guess, some will maybe even never be rising again, but I never doubt Iran, Mofo, anyone else, but not Iran. Yup, of course we have the Europeans, cockshure of course, after dealing with some nations but again, compared to Iran, they didnt stand an chanse, but then again Iran isnt something they are certain they even have the gear nir the man power to deal with, that, I am certain, since all of them, incl the terror state ISISrael, is depending on Uncle Samuels little bitch, Trump and one thing do I know, despite the insane Pissgate saga, the war as far I can judge, will come, the masters demands it and the bitch will do what they tell Him to do.
PS: I have not many books left, I have dumped most of what I have had, thru the years, but some I have taken care of and one of them I found in an second hand store, I couldnt belive my eyes when I saw it, and that book is, controversial as they always say if it tells the truth about the fake jews, like the Protocols of the Lerned elders of Zion, again, if you want to know whats happening as we speak and whats their road map, read that one and I can shure you, your jaws will drop, but the book I talk about is something else, the Dictonary of the Khazars, about the Khazars conversion to the Jewish Talmud, no wounder they like it, and again, read the Talmud, and ask your self, why the insane level of idiotic babling about the Noble Quran, witch most of the book burners never have read, and on top of it claims its evil, hatefull and racistic, witch just confirms they have never read it, like the bible, but read the Talmud and you will see, why they are regarded as the scums of this earth, because they are the scums of this earth, the Khazars, an people of the Truko-Mongol tribes of central asia. And while I am at it, I have keept one I really like, the Human DeEvolution acording to the vedic scriptures, by M. Cromo, my deepest respect to this mans work and the vedic texts are one of the oldest humanity have whom is stil awayable for everyone, some are even older, like Kalevala and the Zoroastians teaching about the Fire within.
May the lord, never the less, bless the peacemakers, and bless the souls of those that fight for peace and humanity in this dark times.
The proud Iranian people must not be confused with the jihadist mullahs who have taken over. Last week the mullahs brutally murdered hundreds of unarmed protesters . The brutality of the mullahs regime has also led to the Iranian consulate in Najaf, southern Iraq, being burned today by Iraqi Shiite protesters.
amerikans=the most freedom hating people on earth…they will never confront Iran—they can only levy sanctions/tariffs intended to injure ordinary people….expected from an immoral, cowardly people
Iran stronkkk, Iran destroys Israel in one hour!! We Israelis afraid of Iran, not want war we die, Iran has rockets, very stronk! Plz UN help, we scared of mullahs they wear dress, not good very stronkk!
Says the Khazarian IDF Paedophile Kidkilling Rapist….
How ridiculous they’re