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Just some ninjas at a military parade in Iran.

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Iran has a 3,000 year old illustrious military history and the Persians historically easily adapt to all modes of warfare. Iran is also one the most diverse and multi-ethnic integrated country in the world. Good thing even Hollywood Jews know that and have not pushed the fat dumbass orange arsehole to commit suicide by starting a swan song war.
Is this a joke? wtf… or i’m ignoring something? There’s no such thing as a “ninja” that’s hollyweird BS.
well maybe the name is Hollywood, but they existed as assassins in medieval Japan. But for sure its funny that the guy in the first pic has a headband saying Ninja:)))))
No, there’s no such thing as a ninja, the true denomination of them is “Shinobi” and their did more or less the job of a modern day spy agent.
This is looking like a fucking circus… it made no sense at all.
Then it makes perfect sense. If no ninja’s existed other then in Hollywood and Japanese movies/fiction, then I’m not surprised that people start to emulate what they see in fiction, rather then historical truth. People wanted to learn kung fu and karate after seeing Bruce Lee (who didn’t do karate obviously, but I reckon it lifted along on his fame), I reckon others want to become ninja’s after seeing ninja’s in movies as well. Hell, we even have people trying to be like Jedi’s. And that’s 100% fictional.
The only true crazy thing is why does the Iranian army have wannabe ninja’s at a military parade? I can only conclude that oriental action movies are very popular in Iran.
Its just a way for showing of their skills in hand-to-hand combat. Iran, like most countrys has pushed martial arts into the training of their soldiers, and much more, of elite units. And many countrys do or did make such public shows for propaganda, including China, North and South Korea, and many more. It is propaganda (or PR as it is called today) for pushing the image of ones own army in the enemies eyes, but also for troop morale and self-esteem, and additionally also recruiting the youth.
I reckon then that this is propaganda aimed at the Iranian public, because I can’t imagine it having any effect on the western public and especially the Pentagon, other then convulsing in helpless laughter. To a Western eye this looks utterly ridiculous. But I’ve been to Iran 4 times now and learned that their view on things is not the same as ours. Even when you talk to someone who appears fully westerned.
That’s some serious guy you got there with no intention to kill women & children.
I thought it where women with obligatory niqab emancipating and doing their men, but this are real domestic ninja’s ! Now I am afraid i would immediately surrender. This is no doughtily the new secret weapon of Iran religion.
Send them to deal with the IDF!!!
Hey, at least Ninja does not kill women & children!
oy vey! antisemitic! muh holocaust :(
Oy vey! Ya don’t have anything to say do ya…
Pathetic ad hominem attack Meaningless slur.
you again? Have you not gotten the memo? DELETE your profile, CHANGE your name/picture, otherwise you will be reported and added to Josh Gladwin’s new twitter list “internet nazis”. you’re already on one list “nazi filth”, you will be added to another if you do not comply
get lost you pathetic antisemite. IDF is the ony democratic military in the entire Middle East and does everything possible to protect innocent civilian life. quit the racism or else be added to Josh Gladwin’s twitter list “nazi filth” and “internet nazis”
unlike the human trash that lives in israel.
Iranian forces have backed Assad’s intentional destruction of women and children.
Iran is backing the revolt in Yemen and the killing of women and children.
Israeli forces by the way have a better record than most western nations when it comes to civilian deaths in urban warfare.
Some muppet has been watching too much TV this is just embarrassing
some might think this is silly stuff, but its meant for Iranian youth and kids . yes, be tough. it makes sense to me. better than the boy scouts.
That’s your mindset EH the scouts don’t teach how to kill but I bet these clowns are . I guess when you have been fighting your neighbours for thousands of years its the norm .losers.
Oh your just jealous that these guys do awesome tricks and get to wield awesome weapons all the while getting with all the hot chicks, while all you can get is your scout leaders cock in your mouth.
Stick that to your ass, you fucking stupid scum retard.
And I suppose the ROTC in U.S. high schools are not taught to kill , eh?
If they meet Dirty Harry on duty with his Magnum 45, what happens then?
Go watch John Wick 1, 2, 3. Then come back and talk shit.
Wick is too wick. I prefer Duke. Sorry but I am against your use of youth and children. There is a sharp difference, children love violence, blood and killing on film, because its appeal to their fantasy and great humour. But they get hurt, can be badly hurt, by getting close to real physical violence scenes as their vulnerable conscience are not fit yet if ever to it. Let me show you a grotesque game that amuse children and adults but are in reality harmless.
Go check out any Karate, Kung Fu, Te Kwan Do school in the west and you will find that 90% of the participating students are kids and youth.
you talk like an ANTIFA teenager yet look like a middle aged Indian or landscaping mexican. I’m really confused
Why are you so concerned with the way I look. You want to blow me or something.
Mmmmmmm, well that was a stupid remark, you fuckwit.
Ya OK now what they got 9 lives ha ha dumbazz shizzz.
lern ingliz plz omg u no speeek ingliiz retarded ukrainian jew boy
This Uki arsehole is a retarded kid. He is in desperate need of attention, at least the nosey Jew Wohl is a entertaining felon. This moron is not even worth acknowledging. You are right, his ingliz is really up the creek :)
damn, two awesome cultures colliding. Persian and Japanese culture. 2 brave peoples of resistance against the zionist american empire. unfortunately japan has become puppet of murica now
So what?
antisemitic fear mongering. the nazis also thought the jews and zionists controlled the whole world. and look what happened, the holocaust. Never Again. Now get lost, Bitch.
The Nazi’s were right fuckwit. The paradox is that Israel is more of a fascist apartheid construct than Germany ever was. Its a puzzle that you even open your fat rascist gob on this website. Absolutely no-one apart from the odd paedophile is remotely interested in what spews from your worthless mouth. With a bit of luck a Hezbollah ATGM will vaporize you just as they did that IDF General.
perhaps prediction is folly; likely the recent elections in Israel suggest a more aggressive approach in future by Israel
Hilarious! So not only do the mullahs have a pathetic military, literally NO airforce, a tiny navy with hundreds of speedboats, but now they got NINJA WARRIORS? haha! :-]
1 B-2 stealth bomber and say goodbye to all those ninja warriors along with all of iran’s nuclear research centers
add 1 more F-35, and say goodbye to all iran’s airbases and what’s left of their tiny airforce
then add a US Navy carrier fleet and say goodbye to all of iran’s military
then add some trident nukes and say goodbye to iran! problem solved
sad to see young people under the boot of an Islamic Supremacist regime — ready to throw them into harms way to advance the leaders’ narrow view of Islam.