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MARCH 2025

In Photos: Iraqi Fores Found Improvised Rocket Launcher Used To Strike US Base Near Erbil Airport

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Late on February 15, several rockets pounded the US military base near Erbil International Airport in northern Iraq. The strike reportedly resulted in injures of a US service member and 5 privat4e contractors, while one contractor was killed. MORE HERE

In Photos: Iraqi Fores Found Improvised Rocket Launcher Used To Strike US Base Near Erbil Airport

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In Photos: Iraqi Fores Found Improvised Rocket Launcher Used To Strike US Base Near Erbil Airport

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In Photos: Iraqi Fores Found Improvised Rocket Launcher Used To Strike US Base Near Erbil Airport

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Frankly, the US murderers and child killers invaded a perfectly functioning state of Iraq under false Zionist fed disinformation of WMD nonsense, same as they are propagating against Iran currently and killed millions of people, stole billions of Iraqi oil and have devastated the society and infrastructure, so this recent act of brave resistance will only grow. Now all types of resistance groups are sprouting and using the US own supplied captured weaponry as the 107mm NATO markings on the shells clearly indicate. The US occupation savages and their NATO coalition of child killers, thieves, oil plunderers and cowards will be dished karma is spades, if they don’t leave soon.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Why do we allways see pictures of tubes with rockets that did’t start? Isn’t it – STRANGE – that the “resistance” can get rockets and tubes but not a decent electrician to connect all the wires? Was this really an attack of the resistance or some goyims were sacrified for higher goals? No iranian passports found at the scene? I can’t understand…


Who says these pics were taken at the scene?

Who says these munitions were conveniently left at the scene?

Any proof other than these pics?

‘All he believes are his eyes, And his eyes, they just tell him lies’

Bob Dylan

Fools like y’all will continue to suffer at the hands of the Americans …

Jimmy Jim





Frankly speaking Frank… ??Truely Spoken words

Just Me

Not a very good day for Kurdish and American A$$holes. This is just the appetizer.


You’re right this is just the appetizer!

The ‘main course’ will be served on the heads of some Arab/Muslims … rightly or wrongly associated with the group … their women and children suffering for the sins of their menfolk … eh?

10:1 or 30:1 or 100:1 or 1000:1

The more the merrier … eh?

Anduin Lothar

Nazi Germany killed 100 civilians for 1 soldier, and were proud of it. Guess u are the same.


Prouder … the vile Islamists/Jihadis THOUGHT that by hiding among civilians they could more easily defeat a sophisticated modern army … oops

The Islamists/Jihadis will be buried along with their women and children … no regrets

Using ‘Chechen rules’ … eh?

Beirut will look like Grozny … after Putin destroyed it


Jimmy Jim


Jim Allen

Soldiers, are 20 : 1 in Russia. 5 : 1 in Europe. Only very rarely would Wehrmacht cause much collateral damage. There were a few incidents, there always are, but German military were professional soldiers. Now Waffen SS is another story, and not all these Hitler Youth were rabid fanatics, either. Gestapo speaks for itself. I’m not even sure the Bolsheviks were murdering 100 civilians a day in Russia. US with it’s nighttime incendiary raids over Japan of 300(+/-) B-29 razed Japan to the ground. Up to 1,000 B-17/B-24 over Germany. Oh, and nobody was gassed. Zionist Khazar pretender, “woe is me” propaganda. You been hanging with Nancy Pelosi, or something ?

Ashok Varma

US should take a hint and leave Iraq and Syria alone as it is making enemies all over.

New Iraqi resistance group vows more attacks on ‘American occupation’

Civilian contractor a usual term used for CIA or intelligence operative killed, eight wounded including Americans in major pin point accurate rocket strike on US-led coalition base in Erbil.

A volley of highly accurate and deadly rockets targeting an US airbase in Iraq’s Kurdistan region killed a US civilian contractor and wounded eight others including Americans in the worst attack in a year on the US-led military coalition.

The rockets were launched late on Monday from an area south of the main city Erbil near the border with Kirkuk province, a largely Sunni Arab region and also fell on US and NATO residential quarters close to the airport, officials said on condition of anonymity.

The audacious attack on Erbil was claimed by a little known group calling itself Awliyaa al-Dam, or Guardians of Blood. “The American occupation will not be safe from our strikes in any inch of the homeland, even in Kurdistan, where we promise we will carry out other qualitative operations,” the Awliyaa al-Dam statement accompanied by a video playing Arabic martial songs.


It’s Erbil … a Kurdish zone where the Americans are welcomed as allies … eh?

The slugs who attacked are obviously aligned to Shia Iran … the payback will be/should be swift and painful … eh?



Brays the zio terrorist jew scumm gay boy


Erbil exists because Iran says so…….you getting the drift you gullible shyster?


Ah … an Iran ready to destroy Iraqi Kurdistan?

See if I care …


Well done! Kill the terrorist yankiee!!


These freedom fighter groups should be congratulated. They should be helped to create more accurate missiles with more destructive power to gift the GOYIM zio terrorist attack dogs, aka, US forces

Icarus Tanović

Oh really? How cute.

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