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In Photos: Israeli Strikes Destroyed Ammunition Depots Near Deir Ezzor City

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The recent Israeli strikes on the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor have destroyed large ammunition depots of the Syrian military, the Deir Ezzor 24 blog reported on January 13.

The ammunition depots, known as the Ayash depots, are located northwest of the Deir Ezzor city center. Deir Ezzor 24 shared photos showing one of the destroyed ammunition depots, where 122 mm Grad rockets were apparently stored.

Early on January 13, a series of Israeli strikes targeted the depots and several other military positions located between Deir Ezzor city and the town of al-Bukamal in the governorate’s southern countryside.

A US intelligence official told the Associated Press that the strikes targeted warehouses in Deir Ezzor that were being used in a “pipeline” to store and stage Iranian weapons and components for the country’s nuclear program.

Dozens of Syrian and Iranian-backed Iraqi and Afghan fighters were allegedly killed as a result of the Israeli strikes on Deir Ezzor.

According to a report by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Iranian forces are now redeploying their fighters in Deir Ezzor and its countryside.

“A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes, the other group has been deployed in their affiliated posts,” the monitoring group said in its report.

The Israeli attack on Deir Ezzor was a military success. However, it failed to change the situation in the governorate. Iranian forces still operate in Dir Ezzor just like before. There are no signs of any nearing Iranian withdrawal.


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and again, this is precisely why the jews in palestine must be evicted from planet earth once and for all – the unbroken chain of crimes perpetrated by the friggin’ murdering thieves is on such scale that no excuses are available and for the sake of peace and tranquility for the non-jewish mankind the jews must be sent to a better place, like hell.

klove and light

spot on!

Icarus Tanović



If we are to believe “A US intelligence official”, Iranians are strange people because they store the components of their own nuclear industry in another country which is at state of war, has no nuclear industry and is also under sever sanctions.

Based on that, I conclude that the first Rube Goldberg machine was actually invented in Iran, not by the cartoonist with the same name.

John Wallace

By saying Iran is storing nuclear componentry there keeps the sheep happy after still not finding WMD in Iraq. It is used to justify the attack .. no evidence needed.

Zionism = EVIL

This is a load of crock, it was a civilian garage and commercial shops that were hit by ZionitCUNTS cowardly missiles fired from Saudi airspace. The PMU munition dumps are deep underground and tunneled into caves. This is desperate Zionist propaganda.

Just Me

Certainly looks like a row of mom and pop shops so typical in small mid eastern towns and villages. Who stores ammunition in a glass front shop in mainstreet? This reeks of Baghdad Bob material, the Zionists are sinking to new lows.

Icarus Tanović

Syria was just starting with nuclear power plants program before this heinous attack and agression from all sides took place, and it is still in development today.

Rhodium 10

Fake photos!…there are many warehouse like that along Syria…some of them destroyed as consecuence of the civil war…as usual pro oposition sources try to inflate moral to terrorist proxies to avoid deflections and above all that they continue to be an useful meat to Israel&Saudi sponsors

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad

Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo It’s 1 AM right now in #Lebanon. And Israeli warplanes are flying at low altitudes above residential areas, terrorizing the Lebanese people as they sleep.

These Israeli violations of our sovereignty have especially increased in the last few days.

Where is the global outrage? 6:10 PM · 12 janv. 2021·Twitter for iPhone 1,3 k Retweets 81 Tweets cités 3 k

Hind Abyad

Pompeo Mossad’ Cohen discussed air strike-US Oficial https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2021/01/13/Israel-struck-Syria-after-US-Pompeo-Mossad-s-Cohen-discussed-airstrike-US-official

Hind Abyad

Dozens killed in Israeli air raids in Syria: War monitorMore than 18 attacks by Israel on multiple targets near Syrian-Iraq border took place, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/1/13/israeli-raids-in-syria-kill-16-war-monitor

John Wallace

These raids that were supposed to stop years ago when Russia delivered the S 300 to Syria will continue as Syria has never attempted to shoot down an Israeli jet with them. The excuse was still in training will be ready next month. Been obvious for a year or more that Israeli operate with impunity over Syria and now with American assistance. So much for Trump’s ” we are pulling out of Syria ” . Expect worse under Biden .

Rhodium 10

S-300 only are useful if Israel sustain an aerial campaign flying over Syria…but meanwhile Israel launch cruise missile ( 300km range) from lebanon coast or Israel mainland flying low and behind the mountains…thats attack cause less damage than a single ISIS offensive because most of the missile are being shot down….usually Israel makes some launches to some warehouse away of the AD system ( there are thousands of them in Syria as you can see in Google Earth) to justify that the mission has success!…


That measn, s300 is for nothing. unusless expensive rosted shit.


The S300 is shit. You could see in Armenia. 1 little drone and 2 launchers destroyed. Ruskies gave big mouth and little acts. Their Air defence systems are nothing. What happened in karabah, happened in sinai peninsula, bekaa-valley, iraq 2x. putin knows, that within 1 hour could IL or Turkey destroy their whole sytem in Syria.

Russia was too weak in the beginning. This allowed to western countries to send troops in syria. Now Russia is lame duck.

If in the bginning Russia would sent 20 000 soldiers, the balamce would be in favour for ruskies. Also in the case, if those soldiers would not be involved in battles. Already the presence would keep westerns away.


ummm what? is that even english? The S-300 is a very capeble system if used right its still considered one of the best air defense systems in the world. Also w8 a sec you mean to tell me the S-300 needs to shoot down suicide drones??????? are you for real? the S-300 can do that but wasteing a 200.000 dollar missile on a 10.000 dollar drone is not exactly a good strategy thats why you need layered air defens sytesms to defend against drones but armenia is too poor to affoard syts systems they only have outdated OSA systems and very very few TOR systems not enoth to protect their S-300 sights. Same goes to syria while they have more systems they have worse traning.

Hind Abyad


Rhodium 10

That was a store close to civilians buildings and was damage by Debris of an Israeli Delilah cruise missile hit by Pantsir system deployed west of Deir Ezzor close to the airport…Crane are picking part of the wall of 2 civilians floors.

Hind Abyad

Intense Israeli strikes in east Syria; region on high alert By ZEINA KARAM yesterday https://apnews.com/article/israel-iran-syria-iraq-united-states-d16bdcc9d56f8ef77e5b6203e95ab902


And the Russians allow this! wow…


yes they have allowed it for years they have a deal with Israel how is this news to you?

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad

Good luck!


Evil mind matches her evil face.

Hind Abyad

They have Intelligence..


I think the reason that there is much noise about this, is because that raid did absolutely nothing. As for flight path. I think there was cooperation from Jordan. The SAA and IRGC are not making a big deal over this and the volume of screaming from them, usually points to exactly how hard they were hit. So far from them, hardly a peep so, it is a dog and pony show by Israel. My take folks.


Well done, but it’s not enough. We need to hit them harder.


you do realise what wuld happen then right? The IAF has to do these types of strikes form extreme range and with alot of missiles (since quite a bit get shot down). If you want more damage you will need to get closer but the last time that happened a F16I was shot down and a F15I was damaged. Its a risk the IAF dosent wanna take particularly if the strikes are done by F35I’s.


I agree, which is why we tell Damascus – we see you responsible for any action coming from your land against us. If they didn’t get the hint from the air, they will get it better when we cross into their land and clean it like we have done in Lebanon for 18 years. Not a good idea to mess with our national security, in the end it would be the Syrian themselves who would die, not Iranians.

Hind Abyad

Khazarian Thinfoil_Zio. .we know USRAEL bombed the port in Beyrouth.

”..they will get it better when we cross into their land and clean it like we have done in Lebanon for 18 years.”

Nice you admit in public! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ca55240e2ccd8894e3dd34ea9fd56b102f9f4554d82a2a41044e53936c3969b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f83b5a03ff77620d9978ef0fd7587d886dd9c7b3e08a5db38d64fbc74977065.png


Zionism = EVIL



dont hold your breath tho the only reason why Israel hasent invaded Syria is not cuz of Iran or the SAA its cuz of Russia mainly and thats a fact along with the IDF not wanting to suffer unnessesary losses in a war that wont really gain Israel mutch they already took the golan hights a rich fertile land filled with fresh water and fertile soil thats all they need.

Hind Abyad



and what relevance does this have to do with what i said?

Hind Abyad

John McCain;-)? Your stupidity is relevant

”John McCain denies he knowingly posed with with ‘rebel kidnappers’ in Syria” John McCain has denied that he knowingly posed in a photograph this week with Syrian rebels who kidnapped 11 Lebanese Shi’ite Muslims.’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10089697/John-McCain-denies-he-knowingly-posed-with-with-rebel-kidnappers-in-Syria.html

hypocrite… On August 4, 2013, the year general Salim Idriss met US Ambassador to Syria in Latakia countryside, before 70 Alawit villages were massacred lasting 7 days. Kidnapping women, pre-school children and babies gassed were around August 24, 2013, no parents grieving. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a117ef200bf3e812219545235c01f45e16d42f6be43d50560c3c824da3abb2c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6bb69ffd4799576ddf168a9f07d5cb66ff798fec69b7422970078b6bba39083c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2037b94d0a8e751007283fa6f3ce80c26765c569b2faefb8dbf89ca48482df9b.jpg


McCain was executed months ago ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Again what relevance does this have with what i said? What does a dead senator whom “armed ISIS” has to do with Israel not invadeing Syria?

Hind Abyad

Has to do with millions of so called ‘moderate rebels’ went to Homs Christian Province.. first raped heads shopped cut in pieces thrown on street corners, in alleys, for the dogs to feed on. these are Alqaed wh kinappes women childre and babies the were gassed in Ghouta August 24 2013



And? Again i fail to see the relevance of this as to how is Israel unwilling to invade Syria as of yet…

Hind Abyad

Israeli War Room?


Trudeau et son gang ont fini de nuire, La Mafia Khazar est cuite ! C’est le peloton d’exécution ou la Prison a long termes !

Donald Trump est rentré dans l’Histoire par la Grande Porte ! ! !


https://youtu.be/BhxByv1pjj4 je suis plié


look i dont wanna get in a political discussion since i mostly analyse the tactial situations in this war idc about Israel or Iran or the US or Russia all i care about is the tactics weapons and eqipment used in this part of the world i wished to get that out of the way.

But i will be honest with you if the IDF really and i mean really wanted to invade syria and win but they WILL take sagnificant losses as well since while the SAA has not fully recovered form the civil war it has some newer systems like the T90 mod 1992 and MiG-29’s they might not have alot of them but they shure as hell can do alot of damage to the IDF in a war if used the right way but in my eyes i dont think a invasion is a wise choice since the IDF will need to fight a 2 front war now that in in of itself is not a issue the IDF is used to fighting a multi front war and winning but thats agains a standard military not against a asymetrical force like hezbollah you cant deny the fact the disaster in 2006 was quite telling the IDF is used to fighting conventional militarys not paramilitarys like hezbollah and a large part of the SAA is also quite centered around asymetrical warfare i dont think its a good idea for the IDF to trigger a 2 front asymetrical war that will cause alot of issues for the IDF in my eyes.


Again you are right and I agree with you, but I don’t think we would have a choice as it depends on iran. I know many lebanese don’t want anything to do with Israel, they want to live their lives. I hope Hezbollah won’t drag them into a war, it will be alot worse for them than us. But we will see, we can not predict the future.


we shall see what the future holds


Of which you won’t be part.


ik i already am not part of it and nether do i want to be since its not my issue its just intresting to observe the situation.


Hezbollah cleaned Lebanon from ‘the chosen ones’ 21 years ago and give ‘the chosen ones’ another bloody nose during 2006. Never seen so many ‘men’ cry so openly.

Hind Abyad

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – A commander in the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced on Thursday said that the Israeli raids on military sites in eastern Syria did not cause any casualties, while further threatening Israel with a strong response.

The Fars News Agency quoted the political assistant to the commander of the corps, Ahmed Karim Khani, as saying that the raids launched by Israel on Wednesday did not result in any casualties.

Karim Khani said that the information announced by the Syrian Observatory that 57 soldiers and fighters were killed at dawn on Wednesday in these raids are “lies and media propaganda, and this attack did not result in any casualties.”

Karim Khani stressed that “the Zionists fear of Iran’s revenge forced them to carry out blind attacks.”

He added that Tel Aviv is well aware that the attacks on “resistance sites” in Syria will be met with a strong reaction.

N.B. Syrian Observatory is the Opposition!

”A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count” https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/10/world/middleeast/the-man-behind-the-casualty-figures-in-syria.html


Why bomb from afar? Few years back you took your planes right over Syria. Realised that your power is slipping. Axis of Resistance have you cornered. A pin-prick here and a pin-prick there will not make a dimes worth of difference. You’re fucked.


“you’re” ummm sorry to dissapoint but i am nether jewish or live anywheir near the middle east.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL stupid PUNK.


Rusty_zion, your passport ready yet? Your end is near and we’ll all cheer.


I’m so very scared, say thanks if you stay alive for more than 2 minutes if we ever met.

Hind Abyad

In two minutes..how many children? Simple minded psychopath https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/984731dfa509d0d64a46386267ae229bf77186c144ad25b756a7f467f4916acc.png




Ooooooh, so many in your bulging diapers.


dont hold your breath a invasion against Israel will end in disaster by any arab nation dont you learn history?


Russia is piece of shit. Is not able to protect his alleged countries. E.g. Syria, Armenia. Ruskies should understand, taht they are nothing. Some ICMB´s will not do great their country.

Just Me

Russia besides being weak is infected with Jew corrupt oligarchs. Russia has always been subverted by Jews.

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your LGBT/BLM femininity…LOL not enough LSD in your trailer park


No, Russia is not Amerika.

cechas vodobenikov

“the amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans do not think yet they are. the amerikan mind PEURILE, primitive lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. Julius Evola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b7Qi9ftOS0

Hind Abyad



You’re a piece of shit, and an extremely stupid one at at…

Hind Abyad

Syrian Observatory of Human Rights Farce


Willing Conscience (The Truths

“A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes, the other group has been deployed in their affiliated posts,” the monitoring group said in its report”.

Is it any wonder the local Sunnis hate the Iranians, they hide near residential families homes putting innocent families at risk, what heroes they are. You pro Iranian supporters are actually supporting the biggest cowards in history, Syria doesn’t need this sort of crap, all you pro Iranian supporters keep calling Israel the worst child killers, but then you seemingly ignore the fact the Iranians hide behind innocent children while they shoot at the Israelis. But SF isn’t ignoring the fact, once again you’ve all been given a hidden message that’s hidden within another story, so try to understand what you’re being told, SF isn’t saying/republishing it for nothing, they’re doing it for one reason only. I’ll repost the seemingly unintentional but ignominious comment again, ask yourself this, if you were pro Iranian would you add this to the article, or would you leave it out, the Russians added it. :]

“A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”.

Their cowards and obstructers, that’s what the Iranian Government are, cowards and obstructers.

This is the 5th time SF’s called out Iran during the last month, and I point it out every time it happens, so I wonder just how much longer I’ll have to keep pointing it out before some of the pro Russian supporters also start doing the same thing. I hope it’s soon, because if it isn’t eventually the Russians are going to upset the Iranians with all these little hidden innuendos, and the Russian’s don’t want that to happen if they can help it. So come on all you pro Russian supporters, pay attention to what SF is telling you, I’m supposed to be here helping Assad not the Russian Government, though because it’s in a good cause I don’t really mind, just shocked none of the pro Russian supporters can understand Russian media diplomatic procedures and protocols. So I hate to say it but maybe some of you should actually start backing Israel, America, or Iran, Russia doesn’t need your sort of help, these forums are here for a reason, and when all the pro Russian supporters are still calling the Iranians hero’s and saviour’s, it makes it hard for the Russians to do what they really want and have to do.

“A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”. “A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”. “A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”. “A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”. “A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”.

Russia’s starting to sound like a sad old parrot that no one listens to, but I can hear you loud and clear SF, someone’s listening and liking what they hear.


You sound like a sad old parrot that no one takes serious.

‘cowards and obstructors’ – are you not mis-directing? Surely you MUST be describing killers of babies and innocents like the zionazis and their BFF, backward bedouins saudi arabia and uae?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I’m just repeating what the Russian news source South Front allowed to be republished on it’s new site, but I described the situation far better and much more accurately. SF republished this,

“A group of Iranian-backed militias has been deployed in residential neighborhoods for fear of future airstrikes”.

And I just added the reasons they did, which was so they can,

“hide behind innocent children while they shoot at the Israelis”,

Do you think that’s a wrong slant on what the Russians republished, I don’t, I actually think that’s exactly what they’d really like to say if they could.

I’m not misdirecting anything, I didn’t say the people you hate aren’t guilty of anything, I simply said the people you back are no better, hiding behind a child and risking the child’s life is just as bad as shooting at the child, the end results the same. So stop misdirecting the blame, everyone knows the Israelis have been guilty of killing innocent children, and the US, and the BFF as you call them, even my own country kills innocent kids, but the people you back actually hide behind innocent children, and both the people killing an innocent child and the people causing the innocent child’s death are equally reprehensible, and because I hate cowards, I think I hate your side even more than the others now. Gutless to the extreme, and If Assad doesn’t stop the Iranians soon the Israelis and the US are going to stop them permanently, and lose half his country.


SF publishes all sides but that still does not mean the reporting is accurate and that you cannot use logic to discern truth from fiction.

I do not hate anyone, I hate the evil deeds they do. I back those who are being subject to atrocities like the Yemenis, the Palestinians, and others. I intensely dislike bullies who use their guns, their arms and their strengths to subjugate weaker ones. Bullies, in my mind, are the zionazi regime, the despotic ME monarchies and dictators, Yanquistan, etc.

You are suddenly crying crocodile tears for the children of Syria. Where were those tears when Yanquistan butchered millions of children in Iraq? Remember when Albright said the price was ‘worth it’ when 500 000 children died due to immoral sanctions? Or when zionazi murdered peaceful protesters approaching a fence over the last five years?

Assad, who overreacted at the beginning of the turmoils, is today much loved by his people as he has saved them from the black-flagged,throat-cutting hordes which were about to overrun Syria. It is Iran, Russia, Syria, Hezbollah which defeated the jahil created by the zionazi squatter, CIA, ‘saudi’ Arabia, ‘uae’ (lice infested bedouins with money).

Yanquistan and zionazi squatters stop Assad? Give me a break. It’s checkmate for the zionazi squatters. They’re surrounded with well armed, lethal, battle-hardened groups which would love the zionazis to make one misstep. It’s very ‘manly’ to murder unarmed women and children but very different when you’re faced with real adversary who can’t wait to wipe your face in pig shit. Yanquistan is in the cusp of a civil war with US$31 trillion national debt (US$ 31 000 000 000 000 – about US$93 000 for every man, woman and child in yanquistan) – doubt it would want to tangle with the Axis of Resistance.

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