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In Photos: North Korea’s Stamps Celebrating Hwasong-15 ICBM Launch

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North Korea has released stamps celebrating the November 28 launch of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). According tothe North, the ICBM is capable of reaching the US mainland. During the November 28 test launch, the missile reportedly reached an altitude of 4,475 km and flew 950 km. The flight lasted 53 minutes. The stamps were released by the State Stamp Bureau of North Korea.

In Photos: North Korea's Stamps Celebrating Hwasong-15 ICBM Launch

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In Photos: North Korea's Stamps Celebrating Hwasong-15 ICBM Launch

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In Photos: North Korea's Stamps Celebrating Hwasong-15 ICBM Launch

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In Photos: North Korea's Stamps Celebrating Hwasong-15 ICBM Launch

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Solomon Krupacek

where can i buy?


Just send a self addressed envelope to Kim Jong asking for Nuclear stamps. Please include at least 5 Euros, he likes hard currency. :)


North Korea believe in dignity, selfrespect and selfreliance. I love North Korea.

Graeme Rymill

You gotta love the workers’s paradise that is North Korea!


Cindy Myer

Typical fake photoshopped manipulated western propaganda! Here is the real NK…https://ingaza.wordpress.com/2017/09/04/photos-from-a-week-in-the-dprk/#jp-carousel-23305 take note of the photos at night and the roller-coaster. I didn’t think a despot leader like Kim in a totalitarian military regime would allow it’s citizens to have too much fun but hey there it is in all it’s glory and colour…a roller-coaster in NK.


Of course he would allow them to have (some) fun. What makes you even think fun would be outlawed in such a regime. It’s supposed to be a workers paradise. If anything fun would be encouraged, as the people need bread and circusses to be appeased. Also, NK’s totalitarianism is communist in nature, not theocratic. In the former rewards are supposed to come in this life, not the next. As there is none under atheist communist ideology. In the latter however its all about preparing for the afterlife. So anything that even remotely smells of fun gets stamped out for the good of the souls of its citizens. Even if it means killing them for their own good.

Cindy Myer

Where do you get the workers paradise term from? I’m not aware of that term being used by the NK government. I work in a first world country and probably get better pay and conditions than most other countries but I wouldn’t go as far as calling my country a workers paradise. In fact most people loathe work but is a necessary part of our lives if we want to avoid homelessness.


“Saddam´s woodchippers!” “Kim eats babies!” “Also, NK’s totalitarianism is communist in nature, not theocratic.” https://orig00.deviantart.net/352e/f/2017/159/e/6/very_fake_by_neetsfagging322297-dbbzm28.png

Graeme Rymill

Thanks for the Potemkin village photographs. The reality is that South Korea’s net electricity generation is 517 billion kilowatt hours (2015) . North Korea’s net electricity generation is 13 billion kilowatt hours (also 2015).

In other words with just half the population of South Korea, North Korea generates just under 3% of the electricity.

Cindy Myer

Where exactly did you get these statistics. Show me the website please and did you even bother to look at the photographs?


https://orig00.deviantart.net/6748/f/2017/158/2/9/mainstream_narrative_by_neetsfagging322297-dbbun7v.png https://orig00.deviantart.net/7253/f/2017/199/d/1/kim_jong_un_by_neetsfagging322297-dbgrfpo.png

Solomon Krupacek

check it, blondie


Cindy Myer

Thank Solomon Krapcheeks I sure will be doing some thorough research on this and expect me to reply soon. :-)

Cindy Myer

OK so I took a look at the website. Does live streaming from various satellites as well as people posting photos with their own analysis.The WHOIS of the website reveals a Canadian address. I did a google reverse image search on the photo you published…here are the results… https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisk4sILO4bQzHVctlPOfYK8N22RLZyH-0tLx8hjIsg-mMgBoumrsXuoldpOUhlIAwsgj-dkee40F6ezsvMJqosB7dv6-9dSH8K4irq7FEgt84x5I04WkFoOPZoNAiiZCoYtTrxoSWBdJu3cJYMM9SBq1V4No6dfvGRGUL4-kkFhuxCv6RXYR1lv5anUeTjEWDILA26R9niUxlV3DmLWBbIMZKtfvJ027urA8CpT2yO82Z98UGPGLdXvDRb7mKRh5A3qpCGQArMFgx1xHRbj2BeN2gZdoQdfGl3QTkQ5clIwpXX9hO-am4CJNWgD-mBXDuZQa0-jBDLcnL3S84H_17vo0J3ajfw&hl=en-AU It seems it was found in lots of websites over a couple of years Mar 2016 to present. There are approximately 225,000 results actually. Seems it has been a popular propaganda piece. A lot of the sites that used it were from typical western propaganda mouthpieces, all to be taken with a grain of salt. Businessinsider seems to use it a lot on different articles about NK on various dates. Businessinsider seems to not be regarded as a legitimate or credible news site by some comments posted on this site…https://www.quora.com/Is-Business-Insider-a-legitimate-news-source. From my quick search and research it seems to me that it is a manipulated image used by western media and governments to further cement the narrative that NK is a rogue state that needs US style democracy to free it’s suppressed people from the clutches of the psychopathic despot leader Kim or something like that. For me I don’t see it like that at all. I see them as a proud people that are just like the rest of us, but don’t have the bad manners that westerners have. They have respect for themselves, each other and their country. Hard working but still like to have fun… as evident from these 2 random photos I found on Google Maps about North Korea. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a694c9c228c33cef00b515c8c2e54e206ef0073131e3b937f8ab6e25cc9969f9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e75c5b46e85e8066b8446d5cf39112e8c0caaed9c87797deb3218aa92a849f20.png They clearly don’t look like sad, starved miserable slave workers to me, or could it be CGI on a green screen in some NK studio? In other words Solomon, stop trying to spread false propaganda about a country you clearly have not visited before and you know nothing about. Happy New Year and have a nice day. :-)


“LOL, NK haz no power!” “Why does Kim need nuclear energy for??! It is literal proof he wants to nuke Los Angeles!”

Graeme Rymill

You do know that Nth Korea has conducted nuclear tests? And that nuclear tests have nothing to do with generating electricity via nuclear power? ’nuff said…..

Overwatch D.VA

so the north korean already live under such hardship , and people like this can easily weather hardship from warfare , easier than the south korean who will lost their capital city and their nuclear power generator in the south east and south west peninsula..

all the great modern weapons wont do crap against a nation that still use old style weapons and communicators , where they also have plenty of underground bases to hide from bombardment..


This is what they believe. https://orig00.deviantart.net/8b06/f/2017/160/1/c/ap_contradiction_by_neetsfagging322297-dbc3858.png https://orig00.deviantart.net/5dd2/f/2017/067/d/9/cnn_goes_potato_by_neetsfagging322297-db1m7el.png https://orig00.deviantart.net/2be3/f/2017/097/a/4/muh_last_hospital_2_by_neetsfagging322297-db4y0eb.png

Overwatch D.VA

what a dreck of propaganda .. only FOOLS and IGNORANT people would believe them.. im sure american joe public are not that stupid and ignorant … oh wait


“LOL, NK haz no power!” “Why does Kim need nuclear energy for??! It is literal proof he wants to nuke Los Angeles, I´v done my research!”

Almonds in need of activation.


US sanctions does not effect any country any more because all these countries that has been sanctioned are united now. While US sanctions have kept America isolated.

Huisje tuintje boontje beesje

Seeing those stamps I might become a filatelist

Pave Way IV

The US has always used poverty, disease and inflicted suffering against the little people when we don’t like their government. Constant threats against their government leaders make them increasingly paranoid. That results in an unnecessarily large military budget/forces, makes state surveillance of the civilians more oppressive and quashes any ability for the little people to voice their dissent. In other words, the US will always create an increasingly oppressive regime to ramp up the poverty, disease and suffering of the little people. Then it uses that as an excuse for invasion, occupation and control.

The North Koreans will continue to suffer as long as they resist US occupation and control. That was the plan years before the Korean War even started. The US will never give up on that scheme until the day we have our missile launchers and SPY-1 radars on the Korean-Chinese border pointed at Beijing.

Libya was an exception. Gaddafi ran a prosperous country with a satisfied populace – it was much quicker to assassinate him and steal Libya’s gold first. Then we could punish the Libyan little people for years on end until they install a proper, US westernized-democracy puppet regime that meets our approval. That’s never going to happen, so the punishment will never end for the little people there.

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