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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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On February 16 evening, Syrian government forces liberated the entire western countryside of Aleppo city from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and other Turkish-backed militant groups. While supporters of terrorists and their foreign backers were crying foul about the ‘bloody Assad regime’ opressing al-Qaeda democrats, people of Aleppo were celebrating.

In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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In Photos: People Celebrating Liberation Of Western Aleppo From Militants

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Zionism = EVIL

So much humiliation and defeats for the Turkeys and their terrorist scum. Respect for Dr. Assad , SAA, Iran, Hezbollah and the Axis of Resistance.


look’s like you forget to thanks russia without russia nothing was possible on the ground

Zionism = EVIL

Not really. It is Iran and Hezbollah that are the king makers in the region. Russian bombing helped but demographics always favored Dr. Assad. The SAA did not collapse and Iran was able to create a massive Axis of Resistance force over 9 years and now the course is irreversible.

The Saudi paper Sharq al-Awsat reported on Feb. 15 that the Russians had given up on curbing Iran’s military presence in Syria. It cited Saudi intelligence sources in eastern Syria. It also said that Putin had been colluding with Israeli airstrikes in Syria, but the Iranians remained determined to expand their influence which is now irreversible.

Tudor Miron

Really? Now it is Iran and Hebollah who decided the things in Syria? Are you even serious? Iran and Hezbollah were in full swing helping Assad till 2015 when Damascus was on a verge of falling into juhadist’s hands and no one was giving Assad more than a month. Than Russia entered the scene and now we see the results.

Zionism = EVIL

With all due respect, it is Hezbollah and Iranians who have done all the heavy lifting. No war in history has been won by air power. Secondly, the Zionists have attacked Syria 197 times since 2015 and what has Russia done? even when they killed Russians? let’s keep perspective. Iran is the only country post WW2 that attacked Americunt bases with impunity.

Tudor Miron

Heavy lifting? What that heavy lifting achieved before Russia entered the scene? Truth is that Russia reorganized, trained and equipped SAA – that’s who have done all the heavy lifting. Your masters little plan of Iran “liberating” ME from ISIS and becoming center of power concentration in ME and part of Europe was falling miserably :) ISIS controlled by US country level elites didn’t cooperate with that plan. Again – until Russia entered the scene SAA, Iran and Hezbollah were loosing badly. Regarding that “soap opera” of Suleimani and US base strike – don’t even start. It may work for sheeple unable to see past media headlines but not for those who are able to figure 2+2=4.


Greetings Tudor,

From the your perspective as a Russian. What is your thoughts on Iran and Hezbollah (Lebanese) overall?

Tudor Miron

Interesting question that requires a bit more typing/time than I have atm. I will try answering whenever I find a window in current workload.

Ashok Varma

Iran is a force for stability in the region and both Russia and Iran need to forge closer alliance. India is investing in Chah Bahar to open a land route to Russia, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Strong Iranian presence in Arab countries checks the Salafists who are enemies of civilization. Turkey, Pakistan and Saudis are the real threat to all.

Ashok Varma

Russia has achieved more with very little force in Syria and it is the best advertisement for Russian weapons. That is why India is again the biggest importer of Russian weaponry including S-400. As a result, Russia accounted for 58 per cent of total Indian arms imports in 2014-2018, compared with 76 per cent in 2009-2013, and in 2020-2025 they will account for 74%. India’s Russian Arms Purchases Hit ‘Breakthrough’ $14.5Bln, Official … after a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian PM Modi.

Rhodium 10

Thats why Israel bomb IRGC&Hezbollah assets and ammo depot….while Turkish support terrorist with weapons…Saudi Arabia with money….USA meanwhile steal petrol fields and put sanctions…all of them play in the same team!…


There is no need to diminish the role of Russia, This war could not have been won without Russia/Iran/Iraq/Hezbollah, but the one suffered the most is the SAA and the Syrian population. Everybody had a role to play, if one was missing things would’ve been different.

Unfortunately it is the Syrian leadership who decide how to respond to the Zionist aggression, not Iran nor Russia nor Hezbollah, they can weight in and advise them but Syrians are the ones who make the final decision.

Rhodium 10

Without Hezbollah SAA could not have advance easily and fast….you have seen it in Latakia and North Hama months ago where despite Russian airstrikes it was very difficult to retake positions especilly in Latakia…for other side we have seen that when IRGC&Hezbollah defend a village already taken…all Jihadist offensive to retake it have been foiled!


Memory’s are short and selective for those who do not wish to remember, Tudor.

My confidence in the wisdom of President Putin and his advisers has been vindicated.

Until 2015,Russia was the missing link of success for the valiant SAA and supporting groups and nations.

Russia is the ONLY nation that has the ability to hobble the USA and to prevail.


He works for the “controlled opposition” department of trolls.

Zionism = EVIL

I am a retired troll :)

Ashok Varma

He is a very colourful chap.

Mustafa Mehmet

golan height been waiting for last 50 years.to be liberate

Mustafa Mehmet

Over 70 years I believe

Ashok Varma

The Kurds are also waiting to free a dying Turkey.

Mustafa Mehmet

You dealt with kashmir first. Kurdish people are free ashok

Ashok Varma

Then why are their cities under military occupation? Kashmir has been a part of India since 4,000 years. Pakistan is fake state 70 years old and centre of terrorism like Turkey is now. Mustafa Kemal was a good secular leader and what has Turkey become now.

Mustafa Mehmet

Who said their city under military occupation?

Ashok Varma

The Turkish Kurds in Delhi who are demonstrating say so.

Mustafa Mehmet

So we got Indian Kurdish protesting now.. they did Something wrong, that’s why they can’t go back to Turkey. they will use propaganda against Turkey to get asalyum from your country and benefit gd luck. Ashok

Mustafa Mehmet

They’re terrorists. They did something wrong they support terrorism killing innocent people That’s why they are in Delhi.. they usually run towards Europe not Delhi. what they hopping from Delhi don’t know.. bet you sat navigation. give wrong direction to them ?

Jimi Thompson 2

If you terrorist supporting animal rapists are going to try and speak and type in English, at least hire a fukking tutor inbreed… my goodness.

Mustafa Mehmet

Jimi lady boy be careful, I’m right behind you.. never know fukking moron scumbag

Jimi Thompson 2


I am not a goat son… please set your rape target elsewhere!!

Ray Douglas

I hope the Syrians have listed Israel in that list of terrorists and has plans to liberate the Golan!

Daniel Martin

Seems like the Turkish lines are collapsing faster then the Turkish leadership can announce new threats to the SAA.

Zionism = EVIL

Hardly a surprise, the Turkeys are a third world cowardly shithole and were hardly expected to fight.

Peter Jennings

Although the troubles are not yet over for Syria in general, they seem to be for the people of Aleppo and soon Idlib. Let’s hope it lasts and the SAA do a thorough job.

Ashok Varma

The Syrian people look really happy and Turkey should be ashamed of causing so much death and destruction by sponsoring terrorism like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. India has strongly condemned Turkish support for global terrorism.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yet, according to some posters, Syrians, particularly the SAA, ought to be ashamed of themselves for requesting and utilizing Russian’s military support. That they are undeserving and ungrateful. At this point, I don’t want to read crap like that (ZP, not to single him out. Usually enjoy his commentary. The attitude he holds toward Syria, her military is just ugly and undeserved.

Ashok Varma

Only a decent educated honest strongman like Assad could keep Syria together, look at the fate of Mubarak, Saddam and Kaddafi, they did not have popular support. Photos don’t lie, these people are genuinely happy to see Aleppo and Syria liberated. Good luck to Syrians, Russians, Iranians and their allies.

Concrete Mike

Thats the eurotrash hipster way of seeing it, of disparaging the SAA and what it went through.

I dont see it like that, I remember what to militant pricks did to SAA prisoners and civilians at the start of the war!!


I understand why SAA run, its to fight another day, against the.most bloodthirsty vicious fools of mercenaries. Fools that would rip out your liver and eat it.

These mercs had instructions to be as brutal as possible and film it so the western press could spread it around to world.

SAA retreated ofteb because they knew they were fighting the whole western world, an elestic defense was key to this chain of victories we enjoy today!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

I understand. I was speaking to Z.P. and his usual anti Syrian bs. Had to place him on ignore. He’s been awfully quiet the past week or so. What with so many SAA (and allies, Russian) victories transpiring. I have zero interest in that toxic speech he presents.


The use of mercenaries throughout history has always been a risky way to fight wars.

Mercenaries by definition usually fight for money and loot, even if they profess to have an ideology of some sort. They are happiest when fighting people who are unable to resist in any meaningful way.

I would think that there is a fast swelling mass of mercenaries pricks desperate to escape from Syria. Most of those who will be left behind are the idiot suicide bomber breed of inbred cretins, in my as always ‘humble opinion’.:) .

Ray Douglas

This turn of events has the semblance of chorography. I suspect Turkey is being played by Putin and I think they are willing fools.

Chen Chie Chua

The last time i saw Syrians celebrating like this was when the city of Deir ez-Zor was liberated and subsequently the entire western bank of the Euphrates back in late 2017.

Ashok Varma

Syrians are good people, if the Congress party was in power in India, we would have sent military aid to help Syria. Turkey should let its neighbours live in peace. It is bad karma to support such vile terrorists, it will backfire like the basketcase Pakistan.


After 8 long years of being bombed by the US Coalition of Terror, the citizens of Aleppo well deserve to celebrate their freedom from the constant state of angst they have lived through.

Without the gallantry and valor of the SAA,Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Liwa Al Quds,SAA allied militias and even Kurds, the loyal Syrian civilians would have suffered an extinction.

The US and UK in particular should be hanging their heads in shame for what has been done in their name.

Israel and the Saudis+ Gulf states are beyond shame and any redemption.

Ray Douglas

The US and UK have done so much worse than this before it wouldn’t even register with them. Their sole objective is greed and domination of people and countries. Shame? They wouldn’t know what it was.


Sadly you are correct, Ray.


brave people city alep :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

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