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In Photos: Russian BTR-80 Vehicle Damaged In Attack On Turkish-Russian Patrol In Idlib

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On August 25, a Russian military vehicle was targeted with an RPG along the M4 Highway, during the 25th Turkish-Russian Joint Patrol. No Russian personnel received serious injures. According to photos from the site, the BTR-80’s wheel was damaged during the attack.

This became the second attack on a joint Turkish-Russian patrol in southern Idlib in a week. The previous one took place on August 17 targeting a Turkish military vehicle

The regular attacks on Russian-Turkish patrols in southern Idlib reveal that the de-escalation process does not go very well. In fact, al-Qaeda-linked groups still keep a dominant position in the ‘opposition-controlled’ Idlib and have not been separated from their ‘moderate’ allies.

In Photos: Russian BTR-80 Vehicle Damaged In Attack On Turkish-Russian Patrol In Idlib

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In Photos: Russian BTR-80 Vehicle Damaged In Attack On Turkish-Russian Patrol In Idlib

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In Photos: Russian BTR-80 Vehicle Damaged In Attack On Turkish-Russian Patrol In Idlib

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BTR 80 has 8 wheels. You do not need all of them. :D

Servet Köseoğlu

relics from the Soviet union…pribciples of Quantity is a quality

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Principles of quality lay in the fact they lost a tyre, not personnel. The goat fuckers can’t even damage a decades old APC ffs.

John Wallace

Dead right. It did its job and easily fixed and back on the road in short time..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And it didn’t cost 10 million bucks like the ones our crippled soldiers got to “protect” them.


You are one dumb fk (period) who will save you f35 shitfight? I could even fix that in an arvo!

Servet Köseoğlu

I was coming in to say this. You’re as much a Doctor as Dr. Mario

Harry Smith

It saved lives of Russian personnel. Period.

Servet Köseoğlu

sure save(d) but now ı am wondering how he can survive through STANAG 2920…

Concrete Mike

whatever. At leat we aint goat fuckers like you an your chums.

Begone al nusrah apologist!

Servet Köseoğlu

natasha the anal lover talking….

Lone Ranger

BTR-80 will still beat most its western counterparts. Aside from that it can cross lakes and rivers by its own.

Servet Köseoğlu

western counteparts:which one?lets take stryker as an example..stryker offers better speed,protection,remove control systems,optics…personnel has to thank god that they werent aimed by 1,5-2 tonnes of ied attack..

Lone Ranger

You are comparing an IFV to an APC… Not in the same class. BTR is a good design, a proven one. Used by dozens of countries in great numbers.

Servet Köseoğlu

design is ok…feeding the eyes…but ı wouldnt use it at syria…any ied can destroy it easily..

Lone Ranger

Depends on the IED. Some IEDs can even destroy main battle tanks that are 5 times more heavy. For its size the BTR-80 delivers good protection, its fast and agile in its class and has decent firepower with up to 30mm autocannon, depending on variant. But my fav feature is that it doubles as a boat, that thing will get you anywhere, anytime. In the arctic, swamp, desert, lake, rivers, doesnt matter.

Servet Köseoğlu

well syria is a land of ied…front protection of btr-80 can’t protect personnel from anti-material guns too…

Lone Ranger

I think it can withstand a .50BMG.

Lone Ranger

Was in the past. Not as prevelant nowdays. Iraq and Afghanistan is worse.

Servet Köseoğlu

no one has an insurance there…rifles with 14.5 mm shorter range than the original ones clonned by some countries can tear btr-80…(proven)

Lone Ranger

But those rifles are pretty rare and heavy. With that much effort one could use a 20mm anti tank rifle from WWII…

Servet Köseoğlu

its your opinion… any country can reproduce with limited numbers and can give it to ”angry mob”…sure a low-profile agreement is going between countries not to make this uglier…

Lone Ranger

The M113 would be the U.S. counterpart.

Servet Köseoğlu

m113 is a4 paper…

Lone Ranger


Harry Smith

Go in Idlib and check it.


Well said.


All in the name of Putin’s Zionism and “partnership and bu$iness” with Turks and the terrorist Ziocorporate globalist war profiteers. Keep sending Russian soldiers on Ottoman joyrides with ISIS/al-Qaeda on both sides of the M4 highway.

Harry Smith

Keep calm and get your medicine.


That’s bullshit. There’s no Russian 3D chess going on there. What’s next? Trump and Kushner to save the world from the “deep state” in alliance with Russia?

Harry Smith

No. Mickey the Mouse wins USA presidential and names Jessica Rabbit Vice President. https://youtu.be/yy5THitqPBw


It’s not like the US Zioterrorist regime, which is enabler of Turkish terrorism in Syria, isn’t like a Hollywood superhero bullshit movie already.

Concrete Mike

Its a bit deeper than that.

Putin has a huge ennemy within russia, the russian mafia, wich is mostly filled with jews.

This same mafia crime syndicate is also in control in the west, mainly in high finance.

Follow the money.

Simeon is the key.


The longer the terrorist Ziocorporate global mafia is given “partnership and business”, the better for their balkanization and war profiteering schemes.

cechas vodobenikov


Black Waters

To be a corrupt piece of shit you don’t need to be a jew, most pieces of shit came from the vatican, corruption does not have an ethnic, race type nor nationality.

Daniel Martin

It’s kind of awkward, that the Russians are patrolling jointly with the Turks the M4 highway for keeping it safe and open for traffic, while the Turks support and sponsor the very same terrorist whom are attacking them. ? This combo is obviously not working very well. Maybe it’s time for Russia to replace the Turks (whom are apparently non agreement capable) with the regular SAA, whom should have been there in my opinion in the first place. Patrolling together with the Turks gives them a sort of legitimacy for their presence in Syria, where they are illegally and against international law.


SAA vehicles would draw even more fire on the patrol. :/


While SF first reported “No Casaulties” at all, now no serious injuries. Other sources, Russian included dont play it down this way. Many Russian + Syrian bloggers + Twitterers are pretty agitated that Russian service man lives are still risked for this charade called “Patrol”. Kabuki theater to hold up the apperance that Turkey is a faithful partner in the Astana deals. That shit is even more cynic than i am.

Harry Smith

Russian TG channels from Syria wrote the 2 servicemen were lightly shell-shocked (contusion or whatever it is in English)


Concusions, yeah. No wonder with that blast…

The newer MRAPs of the Russian MPs have protection against the blast shock, a great system of suspensions which balances out the blast shock.

Why they have not all been given MRAPs on this particularly sensitive and dangerous assingment, is beyond me. Those soviet type troop carriers have been innovative in their time. But it is 40 years later, with a totally different war and enemy to fight, and MRAPs should be standard for any higher risk operation.


‘Concussion’ in English, also known as ‘Headache’ in the USA :)


All that RPG hype for a wheel? That thing could still drive and fight


A photo I saw showed the BTR trapped on the concrete barrier in the middle of the highway.

Lone Ranger

Good ol BTR-80 saved the day.

Lux et Veritas

Once again Russian toughness wins the day. These BTR-80 date back to Soviet era but still prove their worth.


I wonder what the noise was like and if anyone suffered hearing problems.


What was that Richard? You need to post a little bit louder. :)

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