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In Photos: Russian Instructors Train Members Of Liwa al-Quds

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Fresh photos have appeared online showing alleged Russian instructors and members of the Palestinian pro-government militia, Liwa al-Quds, in Syria. Liwa al-Quds members are allegedly passing a 45-days long training course.

Photos (source):

In Photos: Russian Instructors Train Members Of Liwa al-Quds

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In Photos: Russian Instructors Train Members Of Liwa al-Quds

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In Photos: Russian Instructors Train Members Of Liwa al-Quds

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In Photos: Russian Instructors Train Members Of Liwa al-Quds

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good, it’s time to kick the trash that occupies palestine to kingdom come or at least allow them to drown in the med when they start swimming towards the land of the free and the land of the brave (what a joke that is). after about hundred years of murder, of thieving and operating a hitler styled concentration camp (gaza), war crimes and crimes against humanity, it is time to say enough is enough and the israelis should be made homeless once again. all rights once awarded the israelis (by lloyd-george) are since long forfeited and it’s time to close israel for good.


Don’t forget they theoretically train to fight for Assad, taking benefit from this training to prepare future wars against Israel might result in Israel backing the Turkish intervention to push further. Plus 45 days of training it’s scarce as it’s best


nah, turkey will be a good boy and do what they are told by moscow and turkey is looking for a chance to send the israelis packing – so that’s not a worry and in particular if russia tires of israeli shenanigans and lets loose a few of those long range missiles they have from the caspian sea, that would be the day and the iron dome will be the iron doooooom. can it be better!


tontopollas! When you think about sweet then you will feel the taste of sweet. This is my legacy to you.


“Plus 45 days of training it’s scarce as it’s best”

Not for people with war experience for so many years. They just need to sharpen or improve of what they already know more or less

Or you would prefer them to start the Military Academy and have those guys out as officers after 5 years of school once war in Syria is over?

Also Israel doesn’t have any interest in very strong and assertive Turkey

Promitheas Apollonious

the russian flag in the back pack of the instructor, 3rd photo, is added on by photoshop or similar program. If you magnify the photo you also notice is have writing in english on the blue line. B TIGH PROFI what ever that means.


Bravo Sherlock !!! You are incompetent and with limited cognitive capacity as usual. A cheap 2 cent detective! NO it is NOT Photoshoped – That Russian flag is made out of caoutchouc or plastic or similar material that’s why it is straight and flat! You woldn’t be able to discover any “proof” even if it is “hidden” up your ass. You must be policeman they are famous for their intelligence…. :-))

What is written is “STITCH PROFI” which is name, a brand, of range of Russian products aimed at military professionals and such.

http://patriot-sport.ru/patriotimages/STICH_PROFI_kategoriya.JPG http://urokivyazaniya.ru/img/vGVCiRzSdKXOeeQo/unikalnyj_odnodnevnyj_takticheskij_ryukzak_transformer_gorbun_ot_stich_profi.jpg https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/15539/195215158.a5/0_11959f_40b3094a_XL.jpg

Promitheas Apollonious

hey jack off since when russians use english in their flags? I am sure this one is been pulled out of the ass it shit you too.


Just Google for that label on Internet you moron! That shouldn’t been too dificult even for retard like you ! Just type those 2 fucking words!

You are even stupider than I thought ! You never stop to surprise me with your even bigger stupidity! ;-)))))

Promitheas Apollonious

too busy with your mom jack off, google it for me and send em the link.


Even dead sheep has higher QI than you.

No point of sending you anything you are too stupid to use it , if you can’t type 2 words yourself …

Promitheas Apollonious

jack off stop foaming and you run a risk to blow the single cell between your ears.

Carne João Pasta

Daaaaamn!!! Lol I blocked him out of safety for my brain, he firstly seems boring and secondly, not very intelligent.

John Whitehot

let’s assume you are correct.

why do you think someone made up this? I’m genuinely interested.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not in the guessing game. I spend a lot of time with russian teams both in Caucasus as well when they first come into syria. I seen their flag tags and have several souvenirs myself from them. None of them had printed in high relief on them in english what this one has.

I leave the guessing to you, as to who and why.

Brother Ma

Ok so it is mercenary -wear . So what ? It does not matter . Maybe the soldier was smart enough to have sone commission for showing the brand because he knew it would be on websites everywhere. Time for Putin to bang him on the head and say “arhegole,we don’t make money when we show the flag to the world”. I would whip the bastard and two weeks in the brig punishment.

Promitheas Apollonious

k if I have to guess and this is why I said is a photoshop job, is who ever wrote this article and lately is a lot of this type of articles posted in SF, put the flag there to support that russians are training iranians.

I fail to see what need iranians, will have for russian instructors, since they are the ones who trained and make Hezbollah what they are today and to me, it be more logical if iranians was training russians in desert warfare and asymmetrical warfare, in syria. But then what do I know I am just a poster here following events.

It will be useful to know where this article is been copy and paste from. That will give an explanation to both of us.

Toma Trafo


Promitheas Apollonious

so is a tag any one can buy on the internet. Thanks for the link it explains a lot.

John Whitehot

that’s where a photoshopper can download the picture of the flag to put it on the backpack too.

John Whitehot

“None of them had printed in high relief on them in english what this one has.”

That’s simply untrue – most of the national / unit badges sewn on Russian uniforms are printed in high relief (actually even Soviet ones), normally with a fabric made background and a gummy material for the colors.

In regards to guessing – I never guess, you must have taken me for someone else. At the most I try to tell how likely is a certain thing and on which grounds I base the assumption.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes in cyrilic fonts. Not english. Someone send me a link where you can buy on the internet what was on the backpack of the alleged russian instructor.

So you dont guess but assume… what is exactly the difference?

John Whitehot

“So you dont guess but assume… what is exactly the difference?”

Don’t start with the jewish practice of wasting words on words.

I already explained all you need.

“I am not in the guessing game.”

If you are not, then prove what you are saying with a picture analysis or something objective.

If you want my opinion, I think the instructors could be Russians, but there is a chance that the flag has been added with photoshop – because these days there’s people which haven’t the slightest idea of wtf is going on, and they are clearly overdoing shit to show their bosses that they are working to save their asses.

Promitheas Apollonious

jewish practice……… whose wasting word son words now? If you read what I wrote, you just repeating what I said.

John Whitehot


go away.

Promitheas Apollonious

that is an intelligent answer. follow it.

John Whitehot

oh noes. now i’ll sound like i’m not intelligent.

gosh, darn. darn, gosh, jeez !!

Promitheas Apollonious

relax kid I dont think you are not intelligent just think you put your foot in your mouth for some reason all of your own.. but hey shit happens.

John Whitehot

“but hey shit happens.”

so true.

Promitheas Apollonious

clad we agree on something.


Watch for Turkey to make a (not so good) move, and Russia will step in, ON them.

Brother Ma

Hope so!


These are some pictures from last night’s ET contact op in the mountains at an LZ above the snow line. I go stuck twice at the LZ and had to dig the truck out both times. It used up all of the time that I had budgeted to run the op. I wouldn’t go back up there without chaining up the tires before getting into deep snow on unplowed roads and clearings with a break in the tree cover where a ship could land.

I bought new front and rear shocks for the Bronco II that I’m going to have put on. The rear shocks are load leveling air shocks rated for 1,000 pounds. I have quite a bit of gear in the truck, including weapons, communications and hazmat equipment.

I’m guessing that the partially blown in unidentified footprint that I took a picture of on a previous op was made by an off planet life form in the 500 to 1,000 pound weight range judging from the imprint depth into the hard pack, possibly something that is exoskeleton.

You can see the light gathering fiber optic sight upgrades on both guns. I also had a 30-06 with armor piercing ammunition in a hard case in the back of the truck. And a .32 ACP in my pocket.

A picture of the lunar eclipse taken from the LZ is included. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc58821f7aaed7b8fc1fbaa513def3e3829daffccceaced1bfde3515380a8041.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f26b4f28c110eb55b437c1b18d9c3af5cd833cc5f393d06c89111e1cedec4378.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d1eff779cc4856148d3617cfbf54350275253c787076097c90fe64cac468ad8b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/be76ea42f35cc75754c71b2acd0584f6b12efdc8fa905a75291e1a8a31a21b1b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8a0e9f78169db0591995567a69246ca9f3fd7d3239a990ebd938bf875cf1b321.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74c6659afb030ed7e39ef96a51c56ea77da08b33719d3ec53364a6be4a588d36.jpg

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