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In Photos: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Turkish And Russian Vehicles

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On November 8, Russian and Turkish forces conducted a third joint patrol in northeastern Syria. The patrol was attacked by supporters of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The goal of the rioters remains unclear. However, it appears that they may have been seeking the resumption of the Turkish offensive…

In Photos: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Turkish And Russian Vehicles

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In Photos: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Turkish And Russian Vehicles

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In Photos: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Turkish And Russian Vehicles

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In Photos: SDF Supporters Throwing Stones At Turkish And Russian Vehicles

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Sasan Jamshidi

This is real palestine without the world media on them .. poor people ..


Palis can throw as many stones as they wish, it won’t change anything. When we have new leadership, we are going to show them who is the boss around here. No more games, our patience is over.

Harry Smith

Rights loses their positions with every last elections. It’s possible that Israeli rights would hardly miss Bibi.


I’m not a Bibi supporter, I voted for Gantz because he promised to let the IDF a greenlight to smash Hamas in Gaza. I’m waiting for the operation to begin, it’s coming sooner or later.

Kenny Jones ™

The only reason I support Gantz too, because he will attack Gaza and kill many IDF.


Kenny, you know me a long time and you know that what I write usually happens. The last 2 operations under Bibi the IDF only entered 3-5KM to destroy the tunnels into Israel but kept Hamas alive, Gantz was the commander back then and Bibi stopped him. Now, he’s going all in and for every fallen IDF soldier we will take 1000 of theirs.

Derek Johnson

Kenny, you know me a long time and you know that what I write usually happens.

Israel does this on a regular basis pal, its like me claiming that a bus is going to come along any time soon so “trust me, what I write usually happens” Lol.

Its called Mowing the lawn. you do it periodically but not recently because the last time you lost the P.R war when the mask slipped and everybody saw “The Ugly Truth” Israel for what it realy is. So keep wanking away, nobody is interested.


Fine you don’t have to believe anything I write, the reality will prove I’m right.

You can call me Al

One day a couple of big nukes will wipe your genetically mutated, inbred bodies from this Godly Earth and not one person will weap.


Long live Palestine.

Nothing worse that fake jews called Zionist scum.


You know why I love people like you? because your kind writes alot of BS over the internet about Israel, thinking you can actually destroy us. So I suggest, don’t send others to die in a war agaisnt us, come do it yourself tough guy. Let’s see how you deal with a guy like me on the battlefield, I’ll cut your F throat or blow your head off with my sniper rifle. Your Palis are the lowest of all, we will deal with them the way we know best. We will turn Gaza into Drezden if we have to, and you can either cry or come over here so we can give you the same treatment, beetch.

Derek Johnson

You use others to fight your wars and you know it, sometimes you are successful, like Iraq and sometimes you fail like the Operation Susannah.

The only people you can beat are a bunch of towel head Palestinians which you have bombed back into the stone age. Remember Hezbollah gave you a damn good kicking in 2006 – the mighty modern IDF – and that’s why we have this mess in Syria, America screwing it up at the behest of Israel.

A great man once said the following; “all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.


About Hezbollah, I think you should read who asked for a ceasefire in 2006 first. The IDF was ready to go all the way into Beirut, Lebanese govt cried to the UN and they made us accept a deal to this day, a bad deal if you ask me. I also need to mention, we used just 5% of our firepower and 10K soldiers actually entered, if you know something about the IDF you would know it’s a very little force for us, so in our standards it was a small operation. It won’t be the case if another war comes though, we fight our own wars as you will see once again.

You can call me Al

I’ll be there, don’t you worry.

Harry Smith

It would be Palestine if Turks start to shoot those unarmed protesters. But Turks don’t have Turkish version of AIPAC.

Black Waters

Fuck the turds… i mean the kurds. And fuck Disqus and their shadowbanning gestapo owners.

Black Waters

The kurdish rats deserve what’s coming for them, selling things to the U.S gestapo (land that you dont own, even worst, resources) it’s a international crime.

Daniel Martin

The Kurds have no one else but them selfs to blame for their own stupidity, they have been given more then one chanse to join the SAA/Russia/Iran coalition in their fight against the foreign sponsored terrorist, and they rejected that offer on multiple occasions in favor of their wet dream about a independent Rojave promised by the U.S if they accept to be their infantry on the ground. Now when they have been abandoned (as many times before) in the shithole they’ve dug themselves in to, they are lashing out their frustration on the Russians. My advice to Kurds would be to not piss the Russians off or else those patrols could easily be turned in to only Turkish patrols …


the kurds, sdf or any other group is toast sinceit won’t happen that neither syria, nor turkey ever will allow the kurds anything close to indepenence in the north east syria and turkey and syria will make certain they are brought back as tenants in the borderland and that is despite the israeli maggots and the american junkies and the latter’s affliction for oil.

You can call me Al

Must read. All of it + watch videas.



I seldom seen such a arranged “attack”. First one see the piles of stones preprepared. There are a lot of people with professional camera equipment and one can see many tripods in some of the clips. This is how propaganda is made i only miss information that they got payed as well for it to complete the circle of propaganda, we have seen journalists from the US and EU paying people to get a something good to report previously in the Syrian conflict. Now i can understand that some Kurds doesn’t want to give back the land they took control of with the help of the USA but it’s not like they can just claim it as Kurdistan, it’s still Syria. This one is to obvious to even pretend to be true.

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