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MARCH 2025

In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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On August 6, Syrian and Iraqi forces conducted a joint meeting in the area of al-Bukamal border crossing on the Iraqi-Syrian border. The Syrian authorities have been conducting active construction works in the area ahead of its reopening.

The US-Israeli-led alliance sees the strengthening links between Syria and Iraq as a threat to its interests because it will allegedly will mark the creation of a ground link between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Nonetheless, the reopening of the crossing is just a formal part and the link has been for a long time established.

In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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In Photos: Syrian And Iraqi Forces Observe Al-Bukamal Border Crossing Ahead Of Its Reopening

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Shithole of the world


Says the dutch


good for you


Don’t say any thing just block him.

Toronto Tonto

Ya just block the guy EH rob you big knob .

Luke Hemmming

Well at least he has a big knob! I know some women Looooove big knobs…Like your mother…she has a kunt the size of a bucket so I heard. Too much double fist fucking when she was a teenage prostitute.

Luke Hemmming

Toronto tontos birth photo. Lucky for you your mom had a large vagina. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba96cbf93b29f179aa3a863a2216ce3c3ccae5931cdc3668f455a0e58f586a72.jpg

Rhodium 10

Did you mean the red light district of Amsterdam…?..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hes jealous he cannot get famke lmao


Laffe hoerenzoon, welke allochtoon heeft jouw moeder en zus zo hard in hun shithole geneukt dat je er nog steeds pijn van hebt

Concrete Mike

Hah the little fascist comes out!

And your precious europe.is better?

Zionism = EVIL

Holland? it is a sinking shithole with “dykes” :) BTW, you are Jew and not even Dutch or whatever.


The terrorists of America would be worried a lot.

Toronto Tonto

Rob the BIG knob is rather stupid , those idiots have been killing each other for centuries and it wont stop now .

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Jews have been killing goyem since their evil cabal spread like cancer. Even Shakespeare called out their savagery and the pound of flesh from goyem children. Nothing has changed and Jew evil has now graduated to organ harvesting and child abuse, Epstein is a fine example of you degenerates and the list of Jew crimes against humanity is endless.


We have seen in the last 100 years that how US and British forces together slaughtered Germans, Palestinians, Syrians, Afghanis, Iranians, Iraqies, Russians, Baltic nations, Turkish, Indians, Pakistanis, Egyptians, Saudis, Libyans, Chinese, Vietnamese and African nations etc. Nature will punish the US and UK governments so much that the next four generations will remember because nature never do injustice.

Toronto Tonto

Russia is next if putin stays on this path dikcheese.

Concrete Mike

Russia is next, i already heard that one.

Go fuck yourself wannbe napoleon!

Zionism = EVIL

More like Jewpoleon :)

Zionism = EVIL

Russia, Russia and Russian, is there anything else you know Jew shithead?

You can call me Al

Could Syria borrow the PMU please ?.

klove and light

PMU = popular=governmnet in iraqs case 90%shia and 10% sunni and other minorities during Saddam reign popluar= 90%sunni and 10%shia and other groups Hezbollah=popular=99% shia

now to SYRIA… a fake created Nation by the british and French…..which “gave ” power to the Alewites, a shia “close” Group…. in a Nation of sunni 80%, alewite 5% (today 1,7 Million, in a Nation of 20,9 Million…..

is that popular? ofcourse not…..were outside Forces Sponsoring the sunni uprising? sure….

but that uprising, were i include ISIS or alnusra also, could only have succeded if the Ground for such was already prepared in the sunni People.They went to ISIS, an extreme sunni organization.They joinend alnusra, an extreme suuni organization. Now you have , with the Sponsorship from the outside a defacto kurdish state in the east.Well, 2 Million kurds live there!!! again , that u know were I STAND. death to america death to Israel curse on the jews….BUT….

this uprising of the sunnis was no surprise to the Folks that understand british/French Colonial creations and their history. Iraq is very similar…the west with extreme Sponsorship, helped Saddam get to power and hold it for decades.many times have the shia tried to uprise, like currently in Bahrain, a shia Population with an extreme sunni leader….wont work……iraq got “lucky” by them stupid americans, which just couldnt see or wanted to see, the longer Outcome of the killing of sadam and with him an entire sunni Generation of battle harned men, which either joined alqaida or later Isis and the americans killed them.So now , shia rule iraq…and those ISIS leftovers or alqaida leftovers, are exactly These above mentioned sunnis.

Back to your above Question…….PMU of iraq would be 90% shia!!!!! Fighting against 99% sunii in a 80% sunni Country…….wont work…wont happen!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think the PMU would be allowed to fight the Turks and their proxies in Syria because the precedent has already been set at Hajin. The PMU were holding the ground on the whole eastern sector of hostilities there, they had regular Iraqi artillery backing up their units and air support too, and they were fighting the Sunni Muslims that exclusively make up Isis, so bang goes that theory -“PMU of iraq would be 90% shia!!!!! Fighting against 99% sunii in a 80% sunni Country…….wont work…wont happen!”,- but it’s already happened, the PMU cooperated with SDF, US, British and French forces at Hajin who were fighting against Isis, a Sunni Muslim group. And PMU units helped the SAA and Russia secure the deserts of Deir ez Zor and Homs back in 2017 between october and december wiping out Isis, remember when Putin foolishly announced Isis had been totally eradicated from Assad held territory, there were PMU units working with the SAA and Russia fighting against Sunni Muslims way back then. As a side note US forces attacked PMU units operating in Syria with their aircraft twice back then, but later on at Hajin they cooperated together. So I’m not so sure they won’t join the fight in Syria against the Turks, even though the Iraqi government is quite dependent on oil sales to Turkey they’re also very upset that the Turks have turned their autonomous Kurdish zone into a defacto Turkish/Kurdish autonomous zone, and for possibly conspiring with the KDP Kurds to swindle them out oil sales behind their backs, and for also treating their sovereign territory like an aircraft weapons training ground, the Iraqi government doesn’t want the Turks in their territory or on Syrian territory either, so don’t be surprised if they do end up letting the PMU go to Syria to fight against the Turks and their proxies, and they may not go alone either. The PUK, 30,000+ Kurdish fighters have also offered to help the Syrians repel the Turks in northern Syria, and the Iraqi government hasn’t objected to the proposal either, the only problem is the 30,000+ KDP Kurds, who are pro Turkish and anti Assad, actually live in the areas the anti Turkish PUK need to pass through to get to the fight.


You work for the CIA, what a load of false information.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice :))))

Zionism = EVIL

The FACT is that the Zionist parasites have failed to even make a dent in the Axis of Resistance. Iran is now firmly entrenched in the region and its footprint will only get bigger. Even the shitscared Zionist losers in their disinformation website debka published a map showing growing Iranian presence in Syria and failed Zionist attempts. However, one should be careful reading into usual debka lies as it is run by two former Mossad whores in a low rent Tel-Aviv apartment.


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