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The Syrian government is restoring parts of the Aleppo-Damascus (M5) highway, which have been recently recaptured by the Syrian Army from militants.

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some progress atleast
Roads in the Middle East all look so similar. This brings back memories of my visits to Iran. And at times I wish I could have seen Syria before the war, but now I am kinda glad I didn’t, because seeing the country so broken up, looted and destroyed would break my heart. But at least they can now start to rebuild.
They really have a practical and survival mentally. Just a few days after they drove away the terrorists, the highway is open and being worked on at the same time. In Europe it would probably take a year before such works would start and then the works themselves would take another year, leaving the highway closed for 2 years.
exacte!! natif the city destructed for the 1 and 2 world war!! my city rebuilt in 10 YEARS!!!
good photos and excellente news the alep city capital economic the republique arab syria reborn !!! :)
The below link posted by Syrian Girl on twitter shows the joy of Aleppo inhabitance at the success of the SAA and its allies in running HTS and their criminal monsters out of their multilated but now free city. It’s scars will fade in time, and it’s beauty again will blossom while the nightmare they had to endure all these years will eventually be revealed as a criminal act by the powers of Evil: IsraHell, USA, UK, France, RSA and all their sycophantic acolites while the nightmare they had tmtps://
Nice pictures. The roads have no pot holes. I applied for a Syrian visa in 2012 before my trip to Egypt to meditate in the big pyramid on the Giza plateau during the 26,000 year galactic alignment. Before the Syrian embassy was closed in Washington, DC. Where I was born in 1958. I had trouble getting it approved because of the security situation during the beginning of the war. And by the time it was approved just before my departure. There wasn’t enough time to do the overnight mail work.
I also couldn’t get the US embassy in Cairo to approve my permit to visit Gaza to attend midnight mass on Christmas eve. I did travel through Jordan and spent 4 days in Beirut.
Syrian Embassy in Washington, DC.
The washing tanker truck is the best picture for me. It is such an uplifting picture of normalcy after nearly a decade of war and jihadi pestilence. Washing away the dirt of the jihadi rule in these parts, by people and government that actually care.
Roads are better than many in oz back then under the nwos rudd/shorten/abbott/turnbull governments!