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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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Syrian security forces have seized weapon caches with US-made TOW anti-tank guided missiles in the countryside of Daraa and Suweida.

In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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In Photos: Syrian Troops Seized US-made TOW Missiles In Countryside Of Daraa, Suweida

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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i would put them in a sandwich and make a USA soldier fucking eat them

Jacob Wohl

The US soldier would use an F-35 and turn your entire village into a sandwich. Be wise with your childish tone, you want to be on the WINNING and righteous side of history, not on the side of evil tyrannical governments, antisemites and Russkie troll bots.


Your White helmets cheering execution of civilians. Both Israel and the US support the white helmets.



I hear that if one says Israel stole the land from the Palestinians that’s “anti-Semitism.” It seems like a rubbery concept to me. But convenient for Jews to trot out at a moment’s notice.

Jens Holm

NIce catch.

I wonder why they were not used … Lack of soldiers … food ??

Concrete Mike

No because jabhat al.nusrah, your friend, got overrun, never had time to grab their gear.

Its called getting your ass kicked.

Harder troll!!! Troll HARDER!!!

Jens Holm

Thanks. I will amputate my carrot and try to join as fast as possible.

Normally I bring beer first time a meet at my first job:) Jabba Al Hut ???


Israel Aiding Saudi Arabia In Developing Nuclear Weapons


Pave Way IV

At some point, TOWs and other weapons become much more valuable as a revenue source to out-of-work head-choppers than the weapon’s military value to them. They got these things for free from the US and individual headchopper or units just grabbed them for themselves as their organizations disintegrated. Today, they can either waste a TOW on useless SAA ambushes, or sell a TOW on the black market for tens of thousands of USD and use the money to buy a new farm, a Toyota truck or their own harem of date goats. I’m sure there are small pockets of dedicated head-choppers that keep these caches for jihad, but they gotta eat, too.


That’s a very good answer. I personally was shocked when I learnt a lot of this terrorist don’t even do this for a ‘higher cause’, they probably do not even pledge real allegiance to any warlord. They are just getting a salary.


Some of them fooled their followers and said they were doing it for God. Didn’t fool you, even if you were ‘shocked’ ! :)


Probably their resistance was not economically worth it


Another defining proof that the USA government is an Al-Qaeda, ISIS buddies.

Jacob Wohl

Fake News! Fake News! FSA are MODERATE rebels, not terrorists like you claim. Show proof otherwise. Oh wait, you don’t have any! Right. :-]

Other day, butcher regime and Mullah militiamen tried sneaking into the Al-Tanf FSA/US Marine zone, they got annihilated by F-15s and F-18 Super Hornets before they knew what happened.


US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Nato All back the terrorists like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. They are the Evil Empire. So-called FSA and ‘White Helmets’ are nothing but Al-Qaeda branches. Watch your FSA terrorists in action. Graphic.


Lone Ranger

Fsa moderate rapist cannibal headchoppers… Videos are up on youtube…

Peter Jennings

There are no ‘moderate’ terrorists, just Ahohl’s like you. Soon you may have a reason to bitch and moan. Syria will soon be back on its feet, so will Libya and a few other nations the isreali regime has been trying to usurp and destroy. Then it will be your turn, it’s only fair.

The weapons and assistance your regime has provided to the Kurds will come in handy for future attacks on Turkish territory. That won’t go down well in Turkey.

No more Golan for you to launch attacks on Syria. The regime borders will shrink back to what they were decades ago and regimes lovers will have to cram themselves into what land is left, much like what Palestinians have had to suffer since parasites and warmongers invaded their land.

Agreements were created with the British and the UN. So far the isreali regime has broken all of them. That treachery hasn’t escaped the eyes of the world public.


Israel may have to stop blowing off the legs of Gaza demonstrators and dumping sewage on Palestinian villages. The moderate Israeli regime, that is.


Butcher regime? How insightful. Assad and his millions of supporters are fighting the scum of the earth salafist. Any group, e.g., FSA, who fight against the SAG is in league with terrorists. The US is in league with terrorists. Making the GWO”T” a huge joke. US hypocrisy is visible to the entire world.


Proof you say?

Sure thing, here’s statement on issue by former US envoy Brett McGurk:

“Idlib Province [currently last FSA hold-out position] is the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11,” Brett H.McGurk, the United States envoy to the coalition fighting the Islamic State, said last month [Aug 2017]. Idlib now is a huge [terrorist] problem.”


Zionism = EVIL


Assad must stay

Very nice work SAA

Jacob Wohl

Yeah. Nice work stealing sophisticated weapons that DONT belong to them. US Airforce will pay them back via airstrikes with F-35’s, mark my words.


Israel treats her wounded Syrian Al-Qaeda and ISIS allies.



You mean the Israeli air force will “pay them back,” right? PS. Captured weapons belong to the new owners. The FSA can always sue, of course.

Zionism = EVIL

That is a pretty serious haul of weaponry and almost at the same levels the fuckwit Saudis donate to the Zaidis every day in Yemen. If you trace the serial numbers of the TOWS, they will all lead to NATO stocks and Turkeys.

Assad must stay

yea and grenades, bullets, radios, cameras, RPGs, machine guns, it must have been christmas for SAA and they must be very well armed now lol


Anyone know if the SAA can use the TOWs?

Or does the CIA or DOD just make them inoperable when they’re not securely in jihadi hands?


There would be no reason why not, all sides use all manner of Soviet/Russian ATGM’s too.

Toni Liu

Yes they know, hizbollah use iranian copy of this missile system so saa surely know how to operate this Maybe they just afraid some of this missile just got rigged to be exploded when launched, so better for them to check it before use

Peter Jennings

These are dangerous weapons to be in the hands of terrorists. So distribute the weapons between the local militia so they may return them to US troops next time they are passing. :)

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/432953 as the US economy dies the CIA cannot pay their proxies —now defection has become common

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…


I wonder who the US would blame if TOW missiles began to be used on American patrols?

Jacob Wohl

Mullah regime can try it if they dare. Otherwise Syria and Iran wont exist much longer afterwards.


U$ is giving Billions of its tax-payer money to Saudi Arabian war on Yemen and U$-made weapons are directly being passed to Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Yemen by Saudi Arabia! USA=ISIS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeIpNzJhuO0


TOW missiles cost $55k each and it looks like the SAA acquired around 70 for free for total value $3.85 million.

Jacob Wohl

And all it takes is 1 SDB-53 that costs $100,000 to blast away the Butcher Regime!


US backing al Qaeda in Yemen https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=SFuyb3nimfY

Jacob Wohl

This is pure THEFT and PIRACY of US weaponry that belongs in US/allied hands, not with the barbaric/Mullah-affiliated Assad Regime.

POTUS should give a warning for the regime to hand these expensive systems back into the hands of their rightful owners, otherwise they should expect more airstrikes and possibly tomahawk missiles. Just my 2 cents :-]


More about White Helmets:



Like the US and the West, Israel Secretly Armed and Funded 12 Syrian Jihadist Groups,


Lone Ranger

Why do you support isis and al-cia-da terrorists?

Jacob Wohl

I support the MODERATE freedom fighting FSA. not terrorists.

Lone Ranger

There is no such thing and you know it. Fsa is the same as al-cia-da and usis, same training, same funders, same crimes. Only rebrands to fool the public. They are all rapist cannibal headchoppers. You know whom the moderates are? The SAA, Russia and Iran.


Surely you meant to say the “brutal Assad dictatorship”?

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