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MARCH 2025

In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In August, the Taliban held military parades in the Afghan provinces of Ghazni, Logar and Laghman. The military parades were held amid the continued implementation of the US-Taliban peace deal by the US-controlled Kabul government. Under the deal, Kabul has released about 5,000 Taliban members so far. The release of Taliban members comes amid the further expansion of the group across Afghanistan and is set to pave the way for intra-Afghan talks, as well as the continuation of the withdrawal of US troops from the country.

In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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In Photos: Taliban Held Military Parades In Ghazni, Logar And Laghman Provinces

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johnny rotten

They could be the heavy metal version of the Afghan highlands.


The World Bank and the WHO will not be happy with the Taliban as there is NO Social Distancing atall on the photos. :)


Iran needs to start giving intel support and maybe weapons to the Taliban. Better them than the US Ziocorporate terrorists and ISIS. Cocaine and heroin also need to be legalised worldwide, the loss of illegal poppy trade income will be a huge hit for US/UK terrorist special ops.


Illegal heroin trade just like South American cocaine trade are entirely (all production, all the heroin labs in Afghanistan) are controlled by CIA. Iran or any other country has no influence whatsoever over global legalization of heavy drugs.

Bill Rood

No attempt by US politicians to defund the CIA will have any affect. It is basically self-funded. But at least after defunding it would be branded as organized crime.


They took over already in times of killing JFK & RFK. 9/11 was intention of taking total control of the basic liberties in US that are about to come true in every possible way.

They are not any longer integral part of the System by now.

They are the System! They are standing behind corruption of all major US institutions. US population needs new revolution to fight for freedom again (just like big part of the planet).

The Objective

Iran will never help any Sunni forces fighting America. If Iran does offer any help, it’ll only be symbolic to deceive the largely Islamically uneducated Sunnis who think Iran is sincere in its so-called jihad to uphold Islam. And don’t forget Sunnis make up 85% of the world’s Muslim population. So Iran has no excuse to alienate 85% if it really wanted to strengthen the Muslim world.

Iran made a big mistake supporting the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq during the invasions. Even the Turks will not get too close to Iran, neither will Pakistan or Malaysia. This huge betrayal of the Muslims opened the eyes of many regarding Iran’s willingness to side with the very America it always denounces for evil – provided it promotes their effort to destroy Sunni societies and spread Shiism.

No Sunni country will come to their aid, neither do we expect them to come to ours. Iran will face the zionists and their arab puppets alone. The rest of us will stay out of it. ARABS DON’T REPRESENT ISLAM as many think.


You’re divisive like an ISIS Ziowahhabi jewhadi or a Zioterrorist corporatist planning a CIA coup in Ukraine or Venezuela. The SAA and Palestine are mostly Sunnis but get more support for Shias than from any Sunni extremists.

The Objective

You don’t know much about this subject obviously. I’m not going to start arguing with you.


Thanks for that, no one wants a Ziowahhabi imam’s preachings.


Ha ha ha ha ha

Just look at how they keep their fingers straight near the trigger! They all have passed US training as Afghan army trainees (for which they even have received US sponsored money salaries) before they have run away to the mountains with their (US paid again) Afghan Army AK-47. So now they fight same “exceptional” US idiots who trained them with US paid weapons! Only “exceptional nations” can be “exceptionally” stupid !


Антон С

Indeed! This machine-gun on the photo is “Minimi”, constructed in Belgium, produced in the US.


…that he took away from some contractor who run away leaving his “Minimi” behind, when seeing 1st Taliban coming down the hill.

Антон С

I think the situation was more prosaic: an officer from a storage sold some guns and ammunition to his nephews.


sounds realistic…

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts have lost over $2 billion in weaponry to the Taliban and you can buy anything in Paki Bara bazaar in the Pashtun tribal areas. Over a million Americunt military containers have simply vanished.

James Adams

I feel like the government could have easily killed like 400 terrorists there.


Its the US and NATO who have been terrorising Afghanistan for 21 years now. Its time for them to bugger off home.

The Objective

Some of the few remaining men of faith in Islam. Their dedication in the 20-year war means these guys will one day rule Afghanistan again.

Stinky Man

Filthy animals every last one of them.

Антон С

Looks like a picnic with mototrip to near mountains at weekend. So happy guys.)

Servet Köseoğlu

Big-time https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df98a279af645013bccd630c6768c560fbfb1538a37eabecb5e89aeb188357f1.jpg dont underestimate angry mob…when playing command&conquer rise of the red, they are wiping ass russian tanks,light vehicles..well in reality they already did..

cechas vodobenikov

insecure turkis coward–losing in Libya, Syria…lose all wars vs Russia …except 2 when allied w the British…without Qatar your would reduce from a 3rd world to a 4th world medieval society

Servet Köseoğlu

except 2 when allied with british…jesus..allying with brits,frenchs,romanians,habsburg is your genetical heritage…..without Qatar your would reduce from a 3rd world to a 4th world medieval society…ı dont want to even comment it…fatal mistake that we forgive you at 1711..

John Wallace

The Taliban who are barely better than ISIS took Afghanistan back to the dark ages last time they ruled most of the country. No girls allowed at school , women had to cover up , no music , no radio/TV ,public beatings and more for the slightest infraction ( perceived ) males had to wear a beard . No wonder the Afghanis were happy they were chased out.. And NO I do not support the US being there either. Massoud was assassinated by a gun hidden in a camera two days before the Twin Towers incident. He was the last holdout against the Taliban.. Remember the schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai who the Taliban tried too murder on a school bus just because she was promoting schooling for girls. For those cheering their return I suggest you go and live under their rule before condemning the Afghani people too. Surely they have suffered enough for the last decades , before the Russian invasion ,


At least the Taliban banned the bacha-bazi, the fag pedophiles who groomed young boys for rape. These sickos thrived with the ascendancy of the western-backed government.

Taliban also cracked down on the opium trade, which also grew outside of Taliban control.

I don’t support either side but it seems to me that the Taliban are the least objectionable power bloc in that country.

Bill Rood

It was the original anti-Soviet jihadis who regressed Afghanistan to barbarity. Gulbadin Hekmatyar’s favorite pastime was throwing acid on uncovered women. They were basically created by the CIA.

John Wallace

Absolutely no doubt he is an a…hole of great magnitude. He was one of several groups of ex mujaheddin that fought for control of Kabul when Rabbani refused to comply with the prior power sharing agreement when the Soviets left. He was ruthless and became known as the butcher of Kabul . He should never have been allowed back when the Taliban who chased him out of Kabul were in turn chased out by the US .. I am sure the Taliban would have unfinished business with him whose ranks include a number of his former commanders / men .


A military parade?

They look really fearsome on those 50 year old rusty bikes and look professional with the latest military turban hats.

John Wallace

Well seeing as the greatest military in history has been incapable of defeating them I guess their secret ability must be in those turbans and not just bigger balls than the Yanks.


I have bad news for you. We won. The Taliban were kicked out of power in 2011.

Our job is not to kill every Taliban, his son, and every offspring that grows up for eternity so you can say there is one more Taliban living in the mountains still firing his gun. Unlike the Taliban, we will not use nukes or slighter every man, woman, and child in every Taliban village. We can do it easily but we follow laws of war.

Davide Herzog

Up is down . Down is up .

cechas vodobenikov

u insecure feminized coward lose all wars—u control zero territory in Afghanistan after 20 years of bombing wedding parties…LOL…


You insecure Ruskie. Why would we want to control an inch of that horrible land. You can have it. We are leaving. After 20 years, Taliban are still not in control except some mud hut villages in a dead land that only grows


Murica is only in Afghanistan to protect the heroin trade

John Wallace

What a load of ignorant horseshit. Stick to trying to get Liberty in your country whicj I bet you believe you already have.. Fooled again..


Sorry your country is worthless and by default you are worthless.

John Wallace

I see you are saying that too yourself so I have too agree.. What a dipshit. :-))

The Objective

You lost. America’s objective was to install a U.S. puppet government in Afghanistan like it did in Iraq. The problem is, no puppet of the U.S. will survive in Afghanistan, never! 20 years later, the U.S. realized the objective is unachievable. The same Taliban you claim to defeat controls about the same landmass as the government and contests the rest. As soon as the U.S. pulls out, Taliban will take over. So what has the U.S. got to show for the thousands of Americans and trillions of dollars lost? Even right now, they got nothing to show for it. Their puppet government is far from stable, they almost begged Taliban to involve in talks with the so-called government. If not for the fact the U.S. agreed to pull its troops out, Taliban wouldn’t have agreed to any intra-Afghan negotiation. And note what the U.S. is asking of Taliban: “that Taliban not allow Afghanistan be used to attack America again”. This is the main condition for the agreement – which tells everyone it’s just a face-saving way out of Afghanistan for America. I expected the U.S. to request that Taliban agree not to overthrow the puppets in Kabul should their master withdraw. Knowing the futility of such a request, the U.S wisely accepted that Afghanistan is a lost cause. If you want to keep Taliban out of power, then prepare to remain in Afghanistan forever.


No, you made that sh!t up.

We don’t have a puppet gov’t in Germany and Japan after we defeated them. We install democratic principals and institutions based on liberty.

Afghanistan is worth one small town in one of our poorest state.

Their worth is only because they are terrorist living to next to terrorist Iran and terrorist in Pakistan with terrorist Russia. It’s the worst terrorist area in the world.

Our goal was stop terrorist organizations from setting up shop to attack us. If people love Taliban more than freedom than that’s their problem and not ours. They can live under tyranny.

The Objective

America is the terrorist here. You made all these people your enemies thinking you could easily defeat them. But now you’re dealing with a new reality: America being threatened from all directions both militarily, economically, politically, and intellectually. Under the combined weight of these threats, your empire is in rapid decline. Democracy is the world’s deadliest ideology, not even terrorist attacks. And your export of democracy is largely selective. Look at the monarchies and dictators your country supports in the Middle East and other parts of the world. One of those monarchies produced most of the terrorists who murdered thousands in 9/11. You have a puppet government in Germany because they dare not defy the U.S. Both Germany and Japan adopted democracy and Western-style legal system. The reason Taliban will keep fighting till eternity is that Afghanistan will have to be ruled by SHARIAH not some Western evil system. If Afghanistan cannot be ruled by Shariah, then it cannot be ruled by anything else. I think the Taliban made that message loud and clear. And after two decades, your people are realizing that these poor ill-equipped guys really mean business. Whether or not America actually leaves Afghanistan, the truth remains the same. Shariah will rule or no one rules.

Zionism = EVIL

But they still beat the crap out of the Americunt losers. Not too shabby eh?


We have been there for 20 years and we kicked their ass out of power in a few days. It was over before it stated. The best they can do is send a bunch of loser to blow themselves up. Their lives are worthless and everything they do or ever do is worthless. They have zero military talent of any kind. Riding bikes and using your body as a bomb is really very smart. They are nothing by fleas on a horses ass.

The Objective

Yet they managed to deny the world’s super power any military victory. Isn’t that amazing!


Which battle or war did the victor kill every single man, woman, child of the enemy? If we did that and we won, then the next argument, yeah we won but we are war criminals. Therefore it’s a dumb argument because we can do it easily but we follow laws.

They were military defeated in a few days. Their lives are worthless, they can keep blowing themselves up all day. It means nothing.

The Objective

Killing them all is still not victory, because that was not the objective. You have only to defeat the insurgency, completely suppress them and put in place a stable government. That’s all it takes to declear victory. But with all your military, political, economic, and intellectual superiority over the Taliban, you can’t achieve this straightforward goal. And don’t forget, they’ve killed thousands of your exceptional armed forces too.

“They were military defeated in a few days” Not really. they were driven from power, but they regrouped within months. And you’ve been fighting them since.

“Their lives are worthless, they can keep blowing themselves up all day. It means nothing” That is how you see it, but their sacrifices is towards a specific goal that if achieved will earn them a place in history as the liberators of Afghanistan. If they can liberate Afghanistan and install a Shariah government, that’ll be more than enough as victory.

Besides, you guys are paying in some way. Do you know how many people die in American every day? Do some googling. There is a reason America is the most severely hit country in the World by covid-19 – nearly 200,000 deaths from covid 19 alone – and counting. About 3 million people died in America in 2019 alone. Afghan deaths is less than half a million despite the fact your military is murdering civilians there.

So my friend, it is Americans who are dying more compared to Afghanistan or Iraq, or Syria, Libya, etc. Somehow, you are paying for the deaths you inflict in Afghanistan – and many times over. And the stats continues to grow.

I strongly foresee America facing a gloomy future saddled with difficulties and calamities. Your societies are coming apart along racial lines. It seems to me the black slave who built America will one day destroy it.


So if 5 Taliban live in the mountains and come out at night once a week and kill a cop, or kill a shopkeeper, or attack a post, etc. does that mean we still didn’t win?

The Objective

They control a large chunk of territory, almost as large as why the government controls. And they contest the rest of the country. Over about 70% of Afghanistan is not in government control. It’s either contested or controlled by Taliban. What sort of victory is that? Unless victory means killing a lot of civilians, the Americans have lost the war.


70% of what? 99% of that forsaken country is worthless.

The Objective

The point is you lost militarily and politically. A worthless country costing over 2500 American lives and more than a trillion dollar. All for what? What exactly do you guys have to show for the sacrifices of 2000+ soldiers? Absolutely nothing. But the Taliban got something to show: they denied the world’s super power victory for 20 years.


So you get to decide what percentage the Taliban control of sand before we win.

How about 49%, do we win?

As I explained to you, we can easily kill every man, woman, and child from the Taliban in every Taliban village. Are you going to say we are war criminals and take us to court or are you going to say we won?

The Objective

Even if you killed everyone in Afghanistan, you still loss cos the aim of any war is not to kill everyone but to conquer the land and model it into what you want. Every war has an end goal for both parties involved. The degree to which you achieve this end goal determines the degree of victory. In the case of America in Afghanistan, it’s zero. As soon as the US leaves Afghanistan, Taliban will take power. The only other alternative is for America to remain in Afghanistan forever – something I’m pretty sure the U.S will not do. Defeat is defeat whichever way look at it.


Our goal was to kill Al Qadia terror group that attacked us and was hiding there, and being protected by Taliban. If Taliban had done it for us, they would still be in power.

We killed almost every Al Qadia except those that ran back to their mommies or hiding in shitholes doing nothing.

Our goal is not to takeover a country that is worth less than our poorest billionaire on Forbes richest Americans, and model it after ourself.

The Objective

Then you don’t know what your government’s aim was. You clearly don’t read your country’s publications.

Is Alqaeda the Taliban? If you wanted to kill Alqaeda, you should have left Afghanistan long ago. Because your forces destroyed the same Alqaeda they built years ago – including their leaders Osama and others. But why are you still fighting the Taliban nearly 20 years later?

Clearly your goal was to destroy the Taliban just like you did Alqaeda. But you failed.

And who told you Afghanistan has no wealth? Do some research on Afghanistan’s Rare Earth Element (REEs) deposits. Some analyst even believe REEs was the sole reason America invaded Afghanistan – so they could extract it. But I know the true reason was to overthrow any true Shariah Sunni government so that it does not inspire other Muslim nations and become a threat to the Saudis and other U.S. puppets.

cechas vodobenikov

the heroin addicted US soldiers r required to trade weapons to the Taliban to feed their addictions—since the amerikan failed effort to defeat the Taliban 20 years ago, opium production has increased 2500%—90% of heroin produced in Mexico is consumed by murikans


LOL the resiliency of the Taliban is a difficult pill for bellicose neocon fuktardz to swallow. Listen to ’em whinge about how cavemen who manufacture AKs on foot-pedal powered lathes outlasted the biggest military in the world.

Just another failure for the ham-fisted freedumb pimps in surrounding Russia and spreading gay globohomo scheisskultur out of central asia.

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