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MARCH 2025

In Photos: Train With Military Equipment Derails West Of Russia’s Omsk

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On November 30, a train with miltiary equipment derrailed west of the Russian city of Omsk. The rail was consisting of 71 carriages. 21 of them overturned as a result of the incident. According to reports, the overturned carriages were containing various armoured vehicles, including some artillery pieces.

The Russian Defense Ministry commented on the incident by saying that no personnel were injured as a result of the incident. The investigation is ongoing.

It’s interesting to note that the incident happened amid the recent round of escalation on the border between Russia and Ukraine. The Kiev regime even declared martial law in the regions bordering Russia. Some experts openly say that President Petro Poroshenko and his inner circle are trying to provoke an open military conflict with Russia in order to solve their internal political problems and to keep the shriking power.

Ukraine is set to hold a presidential election on March 31, 2019 if it is not aborted because of a “war” with Russia. Poroshenko’s current rating is about 2-5% rating and he has little chances to win the election “democratically”.

In Photos: Train With Military Equipment Derails West Of Russia's Omsk

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In Photos: Train With Military Equipment Derails West Of Russia's Omsk

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In Photos: Train With Military Equipment Derails West Of Russia's Omsk

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In Photos: Train With Military Equipment Derails West Of Russia's Omsk

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Tommy Jensen

It shows US/UK Deep State are deep inside Russia. They are EVERYWHERE.


US/UK venal stupidity is indeed everywhere they go, rather like dysentery.


It’s interesting to note that the incident happened amid the recent round of escalation on the border between Russia and Ukraine.

why is interesting?

Poor Turk

It’s interesting how it became colder in my town amid the recent round of escalation between Russia and Ukraine.


General Winter has always been Russia’s greatest allie.


global warming is sure wjewish intrigue against mother russia .d


Interesting because Omsk is closer to Mongolia, rather than the Ukraine border? Does Kazakhistan have rebel groups?


Kazakstan has allowed Israelis to slither in and infect the country in recent years.An airbase near the Iranian border was part of the Zio infestation if my memory is correct.

Hisham Saber

Hi, I think you are thinking Azerbaijan, not Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are very close , always have been , always will be.

They also have a military alliance with each other. Russia still operates a Cosmodome Space Launch Center in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan’s President has always been a high priority guest at Moscow’s May Day Parade.

Friendly relations and alliances between the two go back all the way to the 8-9th century, the Muslim Mongol Golden Horde invasion, to come to the aid of Orthodox Slavs after Burke Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan swept through and destroyed the warmongering, barbaric, Talmudic Kingdom of Khazaria that was besieging the Orthodox Slavs.

In WW2, when the German Army Group Center reached the gates of Moscow, Stalin panicked, and handed the realms to Gen. Zhukov, who used the just recently arrived forces from the ‘ stan ‘ countries, about 1 million troops to launch a massive counterattack, which pushed the Germans way back. Actually, Germany never fully recovered after that.


Thankyou, I stand corrected and will edit my careless error.


I edited my post with a ‘thank you’ to you for pointing out my careless error.



too late. the russian mentality never forget, never forgive. wait for polonium tea.


Lol. You remind me to visit Salisbury and visit a Novochok cafe.

Hisham Saber

That’s quite alright Florian. I enjoy your posts and company here on SouthFront, Cheers Salam….


Me likewise my friend.

R Trojson

Amazing how you overwhelming hate for Jews warps every world event. In your mind Jews control everything. Your Jews must be all knowing and all powerful. If I were you I would avoid doctors and all main stream medical care since they most likely have an implant with you name on it. After that your every thought will be controlled from those Jewish satellites.


On a planet with many problems, per capita they’re the biggest. Humanity would be much better off with them outlawed and extinct.

R Trojson

So in your opinion there is not even 1 country on this planet not controlled by your all knowing and all powerful Jews.

I am starting to believe you already are the victim of a medical implant and those Jewish satellites have already brainwashed you.

Come to your senses and take the business end of that shotgun out of your mouth. Jews are not all seeing and all powerful, only the Almighty God is all seeing and all powerful. He has given you the power to control your own life so stop blaming your absolute failure on Jewish satellites.


Half of the planet has been dejudified, the other half needs to be.

R Trojson

You are starting to sound like a Nazi. Who do you plan to exterminate after you finish with the Jews?


From the sounds of it you’re one of those racist, antisemitic AshkeNAZI Jew blood sucking pedophile mass rape cultists. Jews, Israel and Judaism belong in the trash can of history and should be extinct. Israel should be delisted from the UN and replaced by a unified Palestine.

Judaism should be outlawed worldwide and the synagogues and yeshivas closed and demolished so that Jews go extinct. How many last tribe of Israel Masada Jews commit suicide by cop in the process is up to them. If they and their descendants are smart, they’l live out their lives as non Jews like everybody else. And we’l put this curse on humanity behind us with minimal loss of life and disruption.


and kazakhstan still allows tomrun baykonur, the new test of ruskie anti missile rocket (shown also here, in SF) happened in kazkhstan.

you are stupid, une,ployed white trash, and you are not british person!


ouch! :D

it was simple train accident.


Sabotage ukrainians are already at war with Russia, it’s not the first time FSB take them.

viktor ziv

“Some experts openly say that President Petro Poroshenko and his inner circle are trying to provoke an open military conflict with Russia in order to solve their internal political problems and to keep the shriking “. If this is true, then the stupidity bar is raised far above. I’m updating vocabular just now, instead of using “stupid” I’m gona use “Petro” instead.


most of these are fuel tanks and MT-LBs, doubt most have more than light damage on them.

Ukaine had nothing to do with this and this is a simple accident. No one was injured, fuel tanks didnt explode and some vehicles had light damage


I’m sure there will be evidence proving that Trump personally arranged this attack. Trump his family and all her friends should be sanctioned, and secret charges laid against them.

Romeo Pesiao

It’s a premature conclusion buddy.., wait the result of investigation therefore you conclude..


CNN is on the case as we speak :)

Domenic Patrone

Perhaps events in the Ukraine are meant to distract from Erdogan’s upcoming march on Damascus. And maybe Poroshenko thinks that a battle with Russia might incur assistance from the other European nations of NATO and potentially the United States which will insure his victory against Russia .. maybe.


Mmmm., So you predict or advocate for two wars, One Ukraine against Russia, could easily become a nightmare for all, if NATO got into it. Two, Turkey takes on Syria, in which case even if the US backed Turkey, wouldn’t make it. Not sold on your psychic powers, inclined to believe “We” can and will do better than that.

Domenic Patrone

Russia will eventually enclose more of the Ukraine but not in such an evil way as portrayed there. It’s needed I suppose, but won’t support the goal of ending the threat. Poland might add arms as a result but just sit by and laugh as Russian re-amalgamation subsides into a peaceful abuse of the people there of sorts. They must enlist in military service, that is. Hmm, we’ll have to see what occurs in Syria. I’d hate to be wrong and therefore lose confidence in my inner voice. But I’m a Russia/Syria fan for this battle. Good luck.


A fan of Russian and Ukraine re-amalgamation myself, and Syrian victory over the jihadists. You are just mistaking fear for your inner voice, luck rides with Russia and Syria.

Domenic Patrone

You are ignorant and don’t want to admit the truth of what I possess. My soul will go up one day and Russia can have the whole god damned earth if it chooses. I’ve lost nothing.


I am glorious and powerful and knowing, as We all are. All of Life is blessed, including the earth, not damned. Freedom and Joy is our birthright, and We will reclaim it. We only have to loose our fear, no one will be left behind.

Domenic Patrone

My birthright is poverty, fear, indignity, and pain of lessor sorts. You must be fortunate. However, learning is acquired through such. I’ll have to content myself with knowledge gained and leave freedom and joy for others. Wait til you see what’s coming. We have a long road ahead.


Maybe Not :)

H Eccles

I can see mossads fingerprints on the rail track..


Do rats have fingers ?

Titel Gogurion


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