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More photos show the US-operated Ayn al-Assad airbase in Iraq after the Iranian missile strike on it on January 8. MORE HERE

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If there was no warning casualties could have been lot.Iran really did have intention to kill USA soldiers neither did Soleiman have any.
Iran really did have intention Maybe you meant ‘really did NOT have intention’?
I mean did not have intention
The mullahs only care about their precious Tehran, that is where the U.S needs to hit the next time they do something like that.
Why? How the fuck will that help the situation?
From what i see thats some good hit, especially hitting the drone buildings.
Notice how every sea can you see is all torn to fuck.
You only care to belch out your pro war propaganda.
Its is YOU PEOPLES! With your pro war agenda that is the problem.
Iran is willing to negotiate, it is YOU people that do not.
Its up to you to come to the negotiating table now, cut the crap already, you have had nukes for 30 years now.
Your a religious state juste like them.
Your leaders can be real heroes and put an end to this.
Ps. Its qatar that backs hamas not iran;) Hezbollah was born out of your stupid occupation, so its your.own goddamned mess, and shooting them wont work ;)
Only 30 years?? Must be at least 40-45 years. But is a conservative number. Between 30-50 years. It’s like trying to reason with a petulant, bratty child, who is spoiled by his or her parents. Daddy always comes to their rescue.
But in case daddy doesn’t, they always have their couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles if need be. But the reality is that the US has always in the end helped the Palestinians and other Arabs from being wiped out by stopping Israel before they finished the job.
Hey Iron. I hope you don’t live in Israel.
I do, and I’m not scared of the mullahs. War should be the last option though.
Wise choice. Hope you can step it back and start a dialogue.
I fear Israel is going to have to find someone elses skirt to hide behind though. Maybe mother Russia will step in?
Why should we hide behind anyone? we can take care of ourselves. If war comes, then it should be a total war to death. It’s always up to us how far we are willing to go, it has nothing to do with the U.S or Russia.
“Why should we hide behind anyone? we can take care of ourselves.”
Oh … so Israel doesn’t get $3.1 B/yr in military aid and $8 billion in loan guarantees from the US government?
The US government doesn’t give you access to weapons they won’t sell to Egypt or Jordan?
The US military and IDF don’t cooperate on security and share intelligence?
The USA didn’t issue grants to Israel this year for the development of the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow 2 & 3 to the tune of $800 M?
The US government has a stated policy of making sure Israel maintains a qualitative edge in military technology in the region called QME or Qualitative military Edge.
And just out of curiosity how did Israel manage to get all these gifts and develop nuclear weapons while any other country that even attempts to enrich uranium gets sanctions and the threat of invasion from the USA?
Matters not. They have US support and you and yours don’t. Besides, their couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles, whoever helped them develop them, kind of guarantees if need be they can hold their own against any existential threat. And are there to be used if need be to make sure your Islamist Iranian friends never are allowed to join the nuke club.
Re-read the post I was responding to. Thank you for proving my point for me.
I agree with part of your point that Israel has had significant US support. Heck, early on, it even had Soviet support. But the main points you also tried to make are pure fantasy, that it won’t continue to have US support or can’t hold its own in an existential threat.
Read the news. Trump used the Swiss as a back channel to beg iran to take it easy on them. His message to them was “do not escalate” The story was in yesterday’s WSJ.
The response from Iran was that limited strike on the US airbase with a 2 hour warning and Trump didn’t respond to the attack.
Trumps bellicosity is for the base …. behind the scenes he knows he made a terrible mistake and is working to walk it back.
Here’s a piece on it from the Duran
You got that backwards. The Islamist Iranians pleaded to be allowed a symbolic attack for domestic consumption. And Trump magnanimously said OK. He’s a deal maker and figured the top Islamist Iranian general and other top military officers were quite the deal for some empty hangers. Next he’ll agree to blow up the Grand Ayatollah for an empty office building or two and maybe a jet in for repairs. And I thought the Persians were known for their deal making. Seems the moron from New York beats them hands down.
Quite the spin there buddy.
Read the first sentence in the WSJ article.
Trump contacted Iran with a message that said “DON”T ESCALATE”. After daring them to escalate in public and to his base Trump blinked.
Iran had 200 more missiles ready to fire if the USA retaliated. Trump knew US forces were defenceless against them and he would have condemned the USA into a slugfest he had no control over. Those missiles Iran fired were small and were armed with HE warheads.
They could have used thermobaric warheads, penetrators and cluster munitions to completely obliterate the air base and all those US servicemen in the bunkers but they took Trump at his word and kept the symbolic.
They also said that THIS attack wasn’t revenge …. revenge is yet to come.
Trump’s not a master negotiator … .he’s a bullshit artist and a con man …. and you apparently have confidence in him which make you a mark.
I admit however he did a pretty good job of de-escalating after he realized that Iran was calling his bluff and he had a chance to change his drawers.
That’s a lot of words to confirm what I said. Trump got to take out the top Islamist Iranian general, the second most powerful man in Iran, plus a half dozen other top military officers for a few empty hangers. So what what you claim they could have done or what they might do in the future. That’s all speculation and conjecture. The general and his buddies are actually really dead. But what Iran did get by not being as stupid and suicidal as you, is a country that is not destroyed. And I said I think Trump is a moron. But damn, did he get the better of this deal. What does that make your Islamist Iranian friends?
Trump is certainly not a moron …. ignorant with a personality disorder but not a moron. He saved his political career and a lot of US lives by locking himself in the White House and begging Iran to go easy on him …. that was smart.
Even a fool recognizes that spending $trillions of your money operating bases and killing people in the Middle East has to have some benefit. War without an objective is simply mayhem … and very expensive mayhem at that. If that benefit is keeping Iranian influence in check then killing Soleimani is shooting yourself in the foot. He was obviously an important figure but like any other military Iran has a hierarchy of leadership and a general staff that plan strategy and operations. You made him a martyr which united Iranians.
You keep referring to me as some so of Islamist …. I have no skin in this game. I just see US policy as a losing strategy. If you’re an American you’re the one paying for this. Why you cheer when you’re country shoots itself in the foot is beyond me.
Just like Iraq 2003 which was supposed to be over in a year, cost $50 billion and result in a free stable Iraq this war with Iran is going to hurt the USA bad … much worse than Iraq. It benefits a few small interests and contractors but it’s you who are going to pay for it …. you are the sucker here.
Pompass looks like a stone cold psychopath in that still shot.
Accurate strikes from 500km…surely USA thoughts that Iran ballistic missile were not accurate!…now they know that not only drones and cruise missile..also ballistic missile can hit US assets with accuracy…it means that in case of war US air defense command and runways would be the main targets!
Iran has most probably increased missile production to further prepare for future U.S-Iranian hostilities, that of which I sincerely think will only get worse and can very much lead to a full-blown regional war.
Current U.S. intelligence estimates put Iran’s BM arsenal at “over 2,000” but they didn’t exactly clarify what that means. The Zolfaghar that was used in this latest strike isn’t a traditional Ballistic Missile which go straight up into the air then come down at a ballistic trajectory. The Fateh line of Iranian made precision missile are Quasi-BM, meaning they use a more depressed arch when firing. You can think of them as really long range but super accurate theatre missiles which have now been combat tested to be effective on more than one occasion. So I don’t think the 2,000 number is entirely accurate, in fact I would say that 2,000 is quite a conservative estimate.
The Iranian missile people should be keeping their eye on in the Fateh line is the new Dezful missile. It has a 1,000km effective range with FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) that the Iranians claim is nearly double the power of the Zolfaghar which has a 1,000lb HE warhead coming down at a target at over Mach 3.
The Future of Iran’s missile forces and capabilities is very bright.
And it’s future will be ended if the Murdering Mullahs do anything stupid against the US or Israel.
Go away, I don’t wanna deal with you man. You’re weird.
Not a man, it’s team Tel Aviv.
Nahhhhhhhhh…just me here in usually sunny Cal.
Just telling it as it is. Any serious attack on US forces or Israel will spell the end of Islamist Iran as a functioning modern country. Period.
Seems as good as US cruise missiles….hard to compare though as Russia modernized Syria AD while Iran only has to cope with a US one (the Russian bar is much higher to jump over).
The USA thought Iran wouldn’t dare strike the mighty USA. They believe nuclear weapons make them untouchable. They thought they could operate against Iran with impunity. IMO the US military is just another scam to milk ordinary Americans. They scam them into believing their wiz bang weapons are unbeatable but it’s mostly marketing.
Russia gets invaded every 100 years or so going all the way back to the mongols.
The USA has never in their history had to slug it out with a peer. Japan relied on imports for their war economy and that economy was a fraction the size of the USA AND they had been waging a war on China since 1933. Their war against Germany was a sideshow to the main event …. the East Front.
Russia makes weapons to defend their country. The USA makes weapons to make the merchants of death rich.
it was a travesty that US commanders allowed that air base to be undefended against missile attack. They put their men and billions of taxpayers dollars of at risk. US politicians and generals don’t give a shit though as long as they get their campaigns financed and pockets lined. The MIC is salivating at the thought of a new war and all those drones and helos that have to be replaced.
Plus there’s a bonus now …. they have to come up with a “reliable” point defence system for bases. Like the Patriot no one gives a shit if it works …. just as long as they get paid.
But all that shit the US has will be used against Iran if they were as stupid and suicidal as you, kid.
You called me kid … what a compliment!
The USA threatened Iran after they shot down that drone The USA threatened Iran after the accused them of attacking the Saudi oil facility. The USA threatened Iran after they accused them of attacking oil tankers. The USA threatened Iran after the US embassy are attacked. The USA mover 2 carrier groups and a marine amphibious assault vessel loaded with F-35 into position to strike Iran The USA move the 82nd airborne into Iraq The USA assassinated an Iranian general on a diplomatic mission to Iraq and threatens Iran with an attack on 52 Iranian sites.
So the USA sees Iran preparing missiles and Trump shits his pants and uses back channels begging Iran not to escalate … then we get video of US servicemen helpless in bunkers while their bases gets blown to bits in a demonstration.
That was a watershed moment for the USA as a world power. Trump got himself into a corner and I’m actually impressed he was able to get himself out without getting Americans killed. He folded on North Korea and now he folded on Iran. The US is done as hegemon, you can’t protect the Saudi’s, you can’t protect the Israelis, you can’t protect the South Koreans or japanese and when push comes to shove you fold up like a cheap lawn chair.
That is the kind of thinking that cost Germany and Japan greatly. It helped bring down your Glorious Russian Soviet Union. There is still a kind of functioning Iran today because Trump agreed that a few empty hangers were worth the top Islamist Iranian general and friends. Attitudes like yours will not be the end of the US but likely the world, kid. Grow up or cut back on your Vodka ration.
Read about the not proven long term effects of nuclear attack on the Japanese cities. The country will not been inhabitable after the strike. Lots will die by direct effects, but long term it is no big issue. Maybe Iranians thought long term and accepted a potential loss of people, but would gave stroke back, that also US and Israel would gave dealt with the same. In such case US would be in big problems as their economy and financial system would colaps. Iran on the other side was trained through the embargos to survive harsh conditions.
It’s not the casualties or the effects of radiation I worry about.
They ran a simulation on a “limited nuclear war” between India and Pakistan in which 100 – 200 (i forget the exact number) small yield nuclear bombs were used mainly on cities.
What they found happened was the extreme heat of the firestorm generated by nuclear explosions above cities pushed soot high into the stratosphere where it could not be washed out of the atmosphere by rain. The resulting soot cooled the planet causing crop failure across the most productive croplands in the world …. including the USA …. causing global famine.
The stress and human migration caused by such a war would put the rest of us at each others throats causing even more war and strife.
Although it would be poetic justice if Americans starved because they nuked Iran or North Korea this is not the end I want for my grandchildren.
And in response ALL of value in Iran would be destroyed. Next suicidal bit of bravado, junior.
If Iran does not have any of the missing Soviet time nukes, what do you think would Pakistan do with theirs, if a war comes between Iran and Israel? I assume they will transport them to Iran on road to be used by Iran.
With India’s help, Israel would also finish off Pakistan. But the Pakistanis are not as stupid and suicidal as you.
They should have spend some more rockets and write AMI GO HOME in 5×7 dot matrix craters over the runways.
Yangeese are Chickenshit Cowards…cryin’ for their mommies…pissing their panties….
From these photos, there is not a single drone, helicopter, fighter jet, or even a small machine or a army uniform debris. It looks totally a colluded show with USM to bomb up some absolutely empty useless buildings, not even a pair of USM boot can been seen.
Iran gov & army lies shamelessly on 80 US soldiers been killed with hundred injured instead of revenge for its assassinated leader. At least they could destroy many US fighter jets, helicopters & drones.
US casualty= zero, some unwanted Iraqis empty warehouses demolished.
Iran = 1 Top General openly get assassinated, hundreds death & injuries in stampede & a self inflicted crashed plane hundreds deaths. Lot of money payout, and cost of missiles is higer than empty warehouses.