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MARCH 2025

In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has toured cruiser Ukrayina, the most powerful warship of the Ukrainian Navy, at least in theory.

Slava-class cruiser Ukrayina, as most of Ukrainian military means and facilities, started being constructed in the Soviet times. The warship was launched in 1990 just before the fall of the USSR. It may become the spear of the Ukrainian Navy. However, due to budget constraints (as always caused by mass corruption) work on the cruiser stopped in the early 1990s and the ship was left unfinished.

According to reports in Ukrainian media, the cruiser needs 30 million dollars to be finished. However, the most powerful army in Europe (sic Poroshenko) does have no resources and technical capabilities to do so.

In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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In Photos: Zelensky Tours Most Powerful Warship Of Ukrainian Navy

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James Graham

lol! The good ship SS RUST BUCKET


Most powerfull , if its can even move a little bit


Zelensky bastard should be hanged on central square in Kyiv. Period.


That thing ain’t even worth fixing, it’s just scrap metal at this point. They’d be better off just admitting that the days of Ukraine being a naval power are over, and suing for peace. Peace is free after all, so I’m sure they can afford it.


Well maintained.

Toronto Tonto

Its in better shape than the admiral ole smokey carrier . and it looks much better than the Kursk as well lol


Hypersonic Zircon and Avangard Missiles are good for

the US/UK/NATO/Israel Bigmouth !

“Vive le Québec Libre” ! ! ! les trolls au cabinet !

Harry Smith

Es-tu francophone?


Francophone et francophile déçu par la France qui se laisse phagocyter par l’US/UK/OTAN et Bruxelles ! L’Europe c’est de Gibraltar a l’Oural et Caucase !

Harry Smith

De Gibraltar a l’Vladivostok :)

Concrete Mike

Etes vous? Moi je suis Acadien :)))

Harry Smith

Salut mes amies je parle roumain et le roumain est francophonique c’etait tres drole quand j’ai rencontre le Francias et que je pouvais comprendre presque tout, mais je ne peux pas dire un mot

Concrete Mike

Haha ca ces super cool.!!

Concrete Mike

Fuck le quebec libre!!! Il a d’autres francophones au canada, idiots de quebecois nous laisserais tous tomber a l’eau pour le reve de “souvrainetée”.

On aime pas les souvrainistes dans les maritimes. :))))


Et moi je suis un Allobroge de Genève… L’esprit dominant est humaniste, 62% des residents sont originaires de 195 pays, je n’ai jamais assisté a un soupçon de rejets parmi les natifs, mais paradoxalement parfois chez les nouveau venus fraîchement naturalisé venant de pays Nationalists…

Robert McMaster

Since you are so poor at reading the evidence you probably have responsibility for building subways in Toronto


What are you doing here, quantum computing engineer?

Robert McMaster

Gee, I thought you had a point to make.


Nah, I’m a simple 9-5-er


“due to budget constraints (as always caused by mass corruption)” …That always happen in countries with pro-Russian governments


AM Hants

Mass corruption – not Russia?

How much of the IMF and International Loans went to the oligarchs of Ukraine and how much went to the people?



I checked the first 10 and couldn’t find a real Russian..Could you give me a single name?

AM Hants

Wiki????????? Now can you cite Wiki in an academic paper?


You need an academic paper for top 10 billionaires? Ohh.. I should figure out by the high number of question marks you are an academician.

AM Hants

Darling, when I cite Wiki, I state I am being lazy and if others are interested, then they can go away and find out more, finding their own sources.

You cite Wiki, as though it was fact, big difference.

There is plenty that can be found, with regards so many leaders and financial institutions, being cheesed off that the oligarchs did so well out of the IMF and various loans sent to Ukraine.

Kolomoisky – now why did they nationalise his privatised ‘Privat Bank’ and also launch a legal suit, with regards missappropriation of funds, against Kolomoisky and his accomplices? Now, is he not persuading his minion, the Comedian turned President of Ukraine (who both him and Soros mentored), to re-privatise the Bank, under his control?

The same Kolomoisky, who gave the Vice President of the US, son a job, with his energy company, together with providing a job the the step-son of the Secretary of State, and the financial mentor of the SOS (when he was running for the 2008 Presidency). Funny, how one minute he is persona non-grata, over in the US, then Biden, so grateful for his help in giving his unemployed son a job (now why was he unemployed and reliant on Chinese loans, that daddy sorted out), makes him a good friend of the US. No further problems with Kolomoisky’s passport and visa, once Biden lent a helping hand a few threats to the Ukraine prosecutor of the day.

What I cannot fathom, is why would the leader of the European Jewish Community, over in Ukraine, create and fund the NAZI Azov Battolion?


Of course you have time to write a long comment about few hundred millions stolen by an Ukrainian oligarch but when it comes about the Moscow oligarchs which are around 100 while Russian people are among the poorest in Europe, you just don’t trust wiki, that’s all you can say about it, how low from Putlers propaganda.

AM Hants

My comments are off the cuff and do not take too long to type up, hence you will find many typo errors in them.

I do wonder what medication you are on, when comparing Ukraine to Russia and mentioning the poorest in Europe.

‘You don’t trust Wiki, that’s all you can say about it’??????

Comedy hour, strikes again. Why can’t they use Wiki, for reference purposes, in academic papers? It is owing to the fact that it can be edited by anybody. Including the goons from ‘Integrity Initiative’, General Hardings Porn Squad and the 77th Brigade.



So you don’t trust the top 100 Moscow billionaires because it is on wiki… ok you are obsessed with Ukraine, take a look at your country first when you talk about other countries billionaires. Btw, where did you find this map? it looks like Russian comedy

AM Hants

My country is full of Russians in exile, who had the choice of being good Russian oligarchs and paying tax bills or living a life in exile.

I happily explained the problems with Wiki, but, if that is the site you wish to back your argument, carry on.

The reason I am focused on Ukraine, is owing to not understanding how such evil, savages, are more than happy to strangle, rape and then burn alive young woman, heavily pregnant, who did no more than turn up for their shift, as a cleaner. Together with the disgust I feel, owing to my own Government supporting such savages.


It’s just a top of Russian billionaires, it happens to be on wiki, you are obsessed with small details like: ohh no! it’s on wiki, it’s not an academic source! do you need science for a billionaires top?

You are focused on ukraine because you are brainwashed, Russian ww2 soldiers are known by all countries from Eastern Europe as ‘Ivan the Rapist’ it’s pretty normal for anyone to treat you like what you are.

AM Hants

Darling, you obviously have no understanding of easy to edit sites. Carry on believing all you find on Wiki. I just use it when lazy and state that I am in lazy mode, so the other posters can decide whether they do or do not wish to look further,

The Russian oligarchs, living in their own nation and paying taxes, does not bother me. Just the ones who have found themselves in exile, with no love for the nation, who I find troublesome.

Ukraine, don’t get me started. The people freeze and starve, yet, look how well the oligarchs do, with assuming the loans for the nation, are for their use only.

Seriously like what the UK Government, supported by the US Government had to say about the idiots in Ukraine, back in 1994. Now why did they lose Crimea and why did they ignore the warnings?


UK and US Always Knew Crimea Wanted to Re-join Russia…

LONDON – London and Washington knew of the overwhelming desire of Crimeans to re-unite with Russia from the early days of Ukraine’s independence. UK and US diplomats predicted that Ukraine would split and that Crimea would look to Russia, British Cabinet papers released to the National Archives in London reveal.

In 1994 the British got a chance to learn first-hand about the strength of pro-Russian sentiments in Crimea. A visit by Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd to Ukraine and Russia coincided with a crisis in relations between Kiev and Simferopol, Crimea’s capital. In May 1994, the Foreign Office informed Prime Minister John Major that the Crimean parliament, the Supreme Soviet, had “decided to renew the validity of the Crimean Constitution adopted in 1992”. This, the FCO memo said, meant ending the legal status of Crimea as part of Ukraine.

Crimea had been an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation; in 1945 it was downgraded to a region within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and was in 1954 transferred to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in what the Foreign Office described as an “administrative fiat of [Communist leader — NG] Kruschev”.

The Crimean head at the time was sacked for opposing the move. Most Crimeans never accepted the transfer, which many saw as a “virtual deportation from Russia to Ukraine”, and in early 1991 over 80% of them voted in a referendum to restore Crimea’s autonomy. The Ukrainian Supreme Soviet acquiesced. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Crimeans began a relentless campaign to reunite with Russia. In May 1992, the Crimean parliament adopted the republic’s constitution, which declared Crimea’s right to self-determination. Kiev threatened to open criminal proceeding against the Crimean leaders and hinted at military action to stamp out “separatism”.

“Kiev insisted that the Crimean parliament should rescind anti-constitutional measures, particularly attempts to take over the command of interior ministry forces, the security services and demands for dual citizenship — Ukrainian and Russian”. [About 70% of Crimeans are ethnic Russians — NG]…

Read more: https://nation.com.pk/29-Dec-2018/uk-and-us-always-knew-crimea-wanted-to-re-join-russia

Unlike Wiki, you can use that UK Government Classified Files that have been released in an academic paper.


I really hope you will find someone that has as much time to lose as you, to read your long comments

AM Hants

Like I said, they are quick to type.

It does not bother me whether people read my comments or not. Although, must admit to being surprised at how many upticks I receive, when others mention it. Do believe AMHants, who I also go by, has over 100,000 upticks, owing to somevody informing me. With regards my current user name, I have no idea, owing to seldom bothering to find out.

Just grateful that people are not buying what the MSM, Integrity Initiative, General Hardings Porn Squad and 77th Brigade, try to spin and are forming their own views and opinions. Together with sharing them.


What a mastermind you poor Russians are! If you could travel abroad, for example in the Mediterranean tourist resort you could see how many luxury properties are owned by Russian businessmen. Things that are not in the MSM, but very relevant about your society.

AM Hants

I am English and only got involved with events in Ukraine, owing to the disgust I have to the folk in Westminster, who are fully supportive of the Ukrainian Nazis.

A young girl, heavily pregnant, one day turned up for her cleaning shift at the Trade Union Building, in Odessa. What happened to her? 2 May 2014, in the massacre? She was raped, strangled and burnt alive, together with several other youngsters, by the Ukraine Nazi Movement. If she had gone into premature labour, the previous day, her baby would have had a chance of survival. Instead, a young girl, looking forward to the birth of her child, ends up raped, strangled then burnt alive. God knows what savages could do something like that, together, as stated, with the support of my own Government. I just cannot comprehend such evil and malice, from an European nation, where we are led to believe that Europeans are civilised folk?

When President Putin first came to power, Russia was bankrupt and funnily enough, in a similar state Ukraine is in today. They were only getting 20 cents to every $US earned from energy and the defence industry. Even their nuclear submarines, had been privatised. The US was getting 80 cents to the $US, from Russian exports. The people were starving and desperate. Then along came President Putin.

One of his first tasks was to sort out the oligarchs, loyal to foreign pillagers, which he did, very successfully. In order to take back control of the natural resources belonging to Russia. Those oligarchs who refused to become good Russian citizens, paying taxes, just 13%, like the average tax payer of Russia, and who kept out of politics, stayed, Those, who refused to comply, left for a life in exile, with many of their enemies wishing them harm. The Russian Government, were the least of their concerns, however, the Globalist Mafia, was a different matter. They also took the money they made and lived a life in exile, all over the planet. South Kensington, being one favoured location, with the UK Government more than happy to accomodate them and their assets.

On the 1 January 2004, with the oligarchs sorted, Russia started to receive 100% from her natural resources. Allowing her to pay off the $45 billion, Soviet Union debt. Including from the times the Bolsheviks, created by the Bankers, over in the City of London, overthrew the Russian Empire. Remember, Yeltsin defaulted on the debt, back in the 90s. She also paid off the $18.5 billion Russian Federation Debt and is now a creditor nation, with healthy currency and gold reserves, together with minimal debt. A nation that is able to provide free health care and social programmes for her people. Together with investing in the infrastructure and of course, is focused on providing her people with free education, including University Level, unlike most nations. You could see the investment in the infrastructure, which is an ongoing project, as the Kerch Strait Bridge and Russian Presentation of the World Cup, showed, with good effect. Over in the UK, we are still reliant on the infrastructure from the times the Roman invaded, over 2000 years ago, and what was created in the 19th century. The US, has similar problems, with their people on food stamps, and the infrastructure in a rapid state of decline, owing to lack of investment. Ukraine, is in a similar position, which is why the Rothschilds, who have taken over Naftogaz, are so desperate to keep it stocked with Russian gas, will some idiots can be found to replace the faulty pipelines, in time for when the Israel to Europe system is up and running.

Not forgetting Russia is back to nuclear triad, super-power strength. Despite spending only $47 billion on her defence budget, she has weapons and systems that make all what the NATO members, including the US, another nuclear triad, super-power, obsolete. The US, a nation with the world’s largest debt, backed by nothing but a printer, which is on the way out. A nation with over $21 trillion national debt and a defence budget of $717 billion, finds itself at a serious disadvantage, where Russia is concerned. My own Government spends around $46 billion on it’s defence budget, but, gets very little back in comparison to Russia. Do believe we have a RIB left, that has not been scrapped or sold to poorer nations, to defend the Solent, but, little else. Well, we did just spend £15 million on a simulator, to train pilots to use a military jet, that we retired many decades ago, if that counts. Plus, all our aircraft carriers, before being sent to the Turkish scrapyards, benefitted from £multi-million, refits. No doubt the Heinz factory, which John Kerry’s wife is a family member, did well, having so many tin cans, with state of the art intelligence within them. Wonder how that works with baked beans?

For the sake of world peace, I am so glad the sanctions, back in 2014 strengthened Russia. Allowing her to become self dependent and taking her closer to China. Even the New York Times is waking up to that fact and belatedly have become concerned with the strength of the union, between Russia and China. There again, what did they expect, when relying on Ukraine to dictate foreign policy, over in Washington DC?


Ivan, please…

AM Hants

Why does Edward Mercer come to mind, when you post a comment?


Dunno. Cause he lives in your mind?

AM Hants

In your dreams.


I don’t even know who he is.

Concrete Mike

I guess canada is pro russian, we also had budget constraints here and we had to cancel 5 bridge projects!!!

Your saying its because of the russians…fascinating.


Due to mass corruption? Like in ex Soviet countries?

AM Hants

At the end of the day, the Russian warhorse, has planes, to go with it, plus a lot more, unlike the brand new, Queen Elizabeth II. Wasn’t she refitted before being commissioned? Owing to leaking pipework and again has had to go back for some more Naval Health Care. Then you have the USS Gerard Ford, Aircraft Carrier, with the exploding generators and not forgetting they forgot to provide it with missile lifts.

Xoli Xoli

Toronto you are right because the ship is on surface of water.Because if not it would have been on the bodem of the sea.It only need refurbishing and paint.


$30 million only? Ha! Parts of the ship will need to be replaced, not just painted. What about modern electronics? Turn it into a coral reef.

AM Hants

The US will do the basics for him, and no doubt only charge $60 million, for a paint job and nought else. You can see Ukraine taking them up on their offer.


Ukraine duped as usual.

AM Hants

They love it, hence going back for more and more and more.


$30 million!! Nup – First budget would have to be $300 million… and I say that because it’s been sitting RUSTING for a QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Try that on, it needs COMPLETE REFIT and RENEWAL. The yanks will help out with that I’m sure. Or Russia could just ‘donate’ one of their old ones.

Concrete Mike

There 15 million just in sandblasting and paint!!!

What a waste of material!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Probably better to sell it Russia for parts for the other cruisers in it’s class.

Toronto Tonto

Russia stole a lot of Ukraines vessels when they stole crimea .


Proud to be an ignorant Cretin troll !

Shameful ! The US influence on Canada is “Tragic” and Murderous for the Natives


The Simulacra Democracy


… a nation in which 87 percent of eighteen- to twenty-four year olds (according to a 2002 National Geographic Society/Roper Poll survey) cannot locate Iran or Iraq on a world map and 11 percent cannot locate the United States (!) is not merely “intellectually sluggish.” It would be more accurate to call it moronic, capable of being fooled into believing anything …”

— Morris Berman

I cannot remember U.S. culture ever being quite so compromised by ruling class control. Hollywood turns out one jingoistic and militaristic and racist film and TV show after another. Corporate news is completely controlled by the same forces that run Hollywood. It is the complete capitulation of the liberal class to the interests of the increasingly fascistic U.S. elite. And this didn’t start with Donald Trump. Certainly in its current incarnation it goes back at least to Bill Clinton, and really it goes back to the end of World War Two. The ideological trajectory was formed under the Dulles brothers and military industrial complex — representing U.S. business interests and exhibiting a demand for global hegemony. But once the Soviet Union collapsed, the project was accelerated and intensified.

Harry Smith

He is not Canadian. At least he was not born in Canada. A man asked him about pig war and he knew nothing.

Toronto Tonto

Liar I said pig war , I lived on SJI before moving back to Canada .

Harry Smith

Of course now you know about pig war. I have no doubts.



Toronto Tonto

West coast between british and americans can. and Usa border .


Les Canadiens ont une très bonne cote en Europe… Etre voisin des US ne doit pas être facile !

Harry Smith

En Russie, les Canadiens n’ont pas une aussi bonne cote apres l’arrivee au pouvoir de Trudeau.


La Population et leurs dirigeants sont deux choses différentes… Je crois que les dirigeants US/UK ont toujours été des Mafieux Criminels de Guerres. Sarkozy, Hollande et Macron sont des marionettes de l’OTAN et Criminels de Guerres aussi ! Trudeau ne vaut guère mieux. Je respect les dirigeants Humanistes qui mettent l’homme et l’Environnement au centre de leur preoccupations ! C’est malheureusement rarement le cas, raisons pour lesquelles notre Monde est dans une panade épouvantable !

Harry Smith

Tous les chefs de pays que vous avez mentionnes ont ete elus par la population. Chaque nation est gouvernee par une personne qu’elle merite.


This is for the US, but in the Philippines it’s ten times worst The School textbooks were written in Washington, they are very tricky full of fakes to destroy any logic and common sense “Egypt excepted there is none Civilisation in Asia” ! ! !

OCTOBER 26, 2017 https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/10/26/the-simulacra-democracy/

The Simulacra Democracy


… a nation in which 87 percent of eighteen- to twenty-four year olds (according to a 2002 National Geographic Society/Roper Poll survey) cannot locate Iran or Iraq on a world map and 11 percent cannot locate the United States (!) is not merely “intellectually sluggish.” It would be more accurate to call it moronic, capable of being fooled into believing anything …”

— Morris Berman

I cannot remember U.S. culture ever being quite so compromised by ruling class control. Hollywood turns out one jingoistic and militaristic and racist film and TV show after another. Corporate news is completely controlled by the same forces that run Hollywood. It is the complete capitulation of the liberal class to the interests of the increasingly fascistic U.S. elite. And this didn’t start with Donald Trump. Certainly in its current incarnation it goes back at least to Bill Clinton, and really it goes back to the end of World War Two. The ideological trajectory was formed under the Dulles brothers and military industrial complex — representing U.S. business interests and exhibiting a demand for global hegemony. But once the Soviet Union collapsed, the project was accelerated and intensified.

Another starting point might well be the 1960 Bay of Pigs fiasco, or the 1961 CIA (and MI6) assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Or Kennedy’s 1962 speech at American University calling for the end of Pax Americana. We know what happened to Kennedy soon after that. Pick any of these incidents. But it was the fall of the U.S.S.R. that signaled to the governing class, the proprietor class, that the last real obstacle to global domination had been removed. In the interim, one finds the Iran/Contra affair, and the invasion of Iraq. The real and the symbolic meaning of the Soviet Union is forgotten today, I think. Its meaning for the developing world, especially.

The next conscious trial balloon was Clinton’s attack on the former Yugoslavia. A test run for expanding NATO. And it worked. The propaganda machine has never been as successful as it was when it demonized the Serbs and Milosevic. Then came 9/11. And the well honed PR machine spewed an endless barrage of hyper-patriotic rhetoric and disinformation. American exceptionalism was given full credibility. And remember Colin Powell and his cartoon visual teaching aids at the UN? Nobody was going to argue. Certainly not the white liberal class. And Hollywood upped its game in churning out military fantasies. And in just churning out fantasies. A genre that lent itself to obvious neo-colonial messages. By 2007, when Barack Obama announces he will run for President, the master narrative for America was firmly entrenched. The biggest hit from Hollywood in this period is Avatar (2009), a neo-colonial fable that fit seamlessly with Obama’s reconquest of Africa.

Dan Glazebrook recently wrote:

The year 2009, two years before Gaddafi’s murder, was a pivotal one for US-African relations. First, because China surpassed the US as the continent’s largest trading partner; and second, because Gaddafi was elected President of the African Union. The significance of both for the decline of US influence on the continent could not be clearer. Whilst Gaddafi was spearheading attempts to unite Africa politically, committing serious amounts of Libyan oil wealth to make this dream a reality, China was quietly smashing the West’s monopoly over export markets and investment finance. Africa no longer had to go cap-in-hand to the IMF for loans, agreeing to whatever self-defeating terms were on offer, but could turn to China – or indeed Libya – for investment. And if the US threatened to cut them off from their markets, China would happily buy up whatever was on offer. Western economic domination of Africa was under threat as never before.

The US response was to increase base building, upgrade AFRICOM, and then murder Gadaffi. Hollywood hits from this period include The Hurt Locker and The Dark Knight. Meanwhile domestically Obama was giving the OK for militarizing of police departments across the country. On another front….Danny Haiphong wrote…

What isn’t discussed often enough is how Obama has worked tirelessly to protect and fulfill the interests of the corporate healthcare system. In 2009, he collaborated with the monopoly health insurance industry and its pharmaceutical counterparts to repress the demand for single payer healthcare. The conditions at the time appeared ripe for a single payer system. Popular discontent with Republican Party rule was at its highest point. A relatively organized movement for single payer care was represented by organizations such as Healthcare Now. The Democratic Party possessed a majority in both the House and Senate.

Obama came to power as Wall Street went into meltdown, 2008. But instead of hope and change we got almost 5 trillion dollars moving to the top 1% of the financial elite. Poverty increased every year under Obama, as did inequality. Social Network came out in 2010 and Wolf of Wall Street in 2013. Both were big hits. The message from Hollywood never changed. And part of that message is that wealth is its own justification and a symbol of virtue. Hollywood, and U.S. liberals just naturally gravitate toward the rich.

Obama attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen. And it is perhaps that last venture that will prove to be his most significant. Arming, training, and coordinating the Saudi aggression (and now that has escalated to boots on the ground) against the helpless Yemen has resulted in the largest humanitarian catastrophe in five decades.

The U.S. now has all but formally criminalized dissent, especially if that dissent is aimed at Israel.

None of this is to create exact corollaries between political action and studio product. But rather that the overriding message of Hollywood in both film and TV is to validate U.S. exceptionalism. And to hedge criticism with faint token protest. But its not just Hollywood, its theatre and fiction and all the rest of the arts. The erasure of the working class is the most pronounced truth in American culture today. There are no Clifford Odets (a high school drop out) anymore; they have been replaced by a steady stream of well groomed compliant MFA grads. Mostly from elite and expensive schools. Hemingway and James Baldwin were not college grads, nor was Tennessee Williams, the son of a traveling shoe salesman. Even more recent authors such as Thomas Pynchon were college drop outs (to join the Navy), but the point is that today mass culture is carefully controlled. Dreiser was a college drop out, and Twain was a typesetters apprentice. Others like Faulkner, went to University, but also worked. In Faulkner’s case as a postman. Same profession as Henry Miller and Charles Bukowski. Stephen Crane and Hemingway worked as journalists, when that was an honorable profession.

The decision makers in mass culture are mostly firmly entrenched in the Democratic Party ethos (witness stuff like House of Cards, Madame Secretary, or Veep). If one only gets one’s news from MSNBC or FOX or CNN then one will take away mostly pure propaganda. Rachel Maddow has a career based on craven parroting of DNC approved talking points and conclusions. Bill Maher, whose show is on HBO, is of late pimping for war. Sunday news talk shows do not invite radical voices, not ever. Michael Parenti isn’t on those shows, nor are Ajamu Baraka or Glen Ford Mike Whitney or Ed Curtin or Dan Glazebrook or Stephen Gowans. No, but there are plenty of retired generals and politicians. This is a media that exerts absolute control of message.

The loss of the working class, of class diversity, has been a far bigger blow to the health of the culture than anything else. One might argue that culture has always been, in the modern era, a province of the bourgeoisie, and that’s true. But there is still a rather pronounced change that has taken place. But Americans are discouraged from thinking in terms of class. They see individualism and identity. Get me more women directors they cry….which would give us more versions of Zero Dark Thirty, I guess. Gender equality matters, something every single socialist country in history has emphasized. Something Chavez saw fit to write into the Bolivarian constitution on day one. Chavez, who liberal avatar Bernie Sanders dismissed as a “dead communist dictator”. Chavez, who feminist avatar Hillary Clinton worked overtime to oust from power.

People are shocked…shocked I say…that US soldiers are killed in Niger. Darn that Donald Trump. When it is pointed out that it was Obama who sent troops there in his pivot to Africa, one is met with blank stares. The concern over U.S. soldiers dying is simply mind numbing in its hypocrisy and blinkered exceptionalism. I mean just count the numbers of dead civilians due to U.S. drone strikes from just one year. Pick any year you like.

Under Obama, the US African Command (AFRICOM) has penetrated every African country but Zimbabwe and Eritrea. AFRICOM has locked African nations into military subservience. In 2014, the US conducted 674 military operations in Africa . According to a recent Freedom of Information Act request by Intercept, the US currently has Special Forces deployed in more than twenty African nations.

Danny Haiphong

People are terrified today lest they be called conspiracy theorists. No single pejorative term has exercised such disproportionate power. There is a subterranean subject position associated with this, too. A masculine identity that connects with the presentation of those accepting of the official version of things. It is ‘no nonsense, mature, and sort of tough guy’ pose. Only weak and muddled (feminine you see!) would bother to question official narratives of…well, anything. It is staggering, really, why so few ask why is it OK to assassinate people without due process? Why is it whistleblowers, truth tellers, are being locked away and shunned? Why are there 900 plus US military bases around the world. Why, given the growing poverty in the U.S. do we need an updated nuclear arsenal that will cost trillions? In fact why is the defense budget over 4 billion a day? The liberal educated class seem not to ask such questions. Let alone ask is the U.S. arming takfiri jihadists in Syria? Most of what people call conspiracy is just perfectly reasonable skepticism. Given a history that includes COINTELPRO, Operation Northwoods, Gladio, MKUltra, and Operation AJAX. This is also relevant in terms of the coming war on *fake news*. An idea put forward by Obama and now in enthusiastic Orwellian operation by Facebook, YouTube, and Google. In the U.K. Theresa May proudly announces the government SHOULD control what one can see on the internet. Censorship is pitched as protection.

And then we come to NATO and Europe. Why does NATO even exist one might ask? I mean the USSR doesn’t exist anymore. Well, the answer has been under construction for a few years now, and that answer is the extraordinary anti Putin propaganda of the U.S. The “Russian Threat” is now an accepted trope in public discourse. Or the anti Iranian disinformation. In fact Iran is far more democratic and less a global threat (actually its NO global threat) than U.S. boon allies Israel and Saudi Arabia. Which brings us back to Yemen. The utter destruction of Yemen, poorest Arab country in the world, and now one with the largest Cholera outbreak in history, posed no threat to ANYONE. Certainly not to the United States. Are we to believe the House of Saud is worth supporting? They behead homosexuals and witches in Saudi Arabia. The leader of KSA is a 32 year old psychopath named Mohammed Bin Salman. Someone please explain the U.S. support for this country?

Or Venezuela. The U.S. has waged various campaigns against this sovereign nation for over a decade now. A democracy. But a disobedient one. Where is the outcry? When people are going on about Harvey Weinstein, a troglodyte movie producer that literally everyone knew was a serial abuser, I wonder that the women of Venezuela seem not to count. Or of Libya, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or hell, the women of Houston right now. Poor women. Ah, but that is class again. Now perhaps the Weinstein affair will yield good results and some form of collective protection and maybe even unionizing will take place to limit the power of rich white men. I doubt it, but maybe. Still, given that the liberal class today applaud the idea of making it OK for women to bomb defenseless villages in Afghanistan or Iraq or Yemen, just like men, and given that most of these horrified by Weinstein were and are solidly behind Hillary Clinton and the DNC, and laud adulation on figures like Maddie Albright, it seems hard to imagine.

David Rosen:

Sexual abuse and violence in the U.S. is as old as the country. America’s patriarchal culture long legitimized sexual abuse and violence toward women — and children — whether conducted at the workplace, at home, a nightclub or on a deserted street. During the nation’s earliest days, the custom of sexual abuse and violence was legitimized through the notion of “chastisement.” This was a feature of Anglo-American common law that recognized the husband as master of “his” household and, thus, permitted him to subject “his” wife to corporal punishment, including rape, so long as he did not inflict permanent injury upon her. Sexual abuse was institutionalized in the rape of African and later African-American female slaves. As the legal scholar Adrienne Davis notes, “U.S. slavery compelled enslaved black women to labor in three markets – productive, reproductive, and slavery – crucial to the political economy.”

One need only note the sexual violence that takes place in the U.S. military (See Kirby Dick’s The Invisible War). But that is not the military you see in this season’s TV shows such as SEAL Team or Valor or The Brave. The current Tom Cruise film American Made is a sort of comedy about Barry Seal who worked as a pilot for the CIA, and with various cartels in South America. Yeah, nothing funnier than squashing a socialist government like in Nicaragua. There is not a single Spanish speaking character who is not either a drunk, a sadist, or just incompetent. This stunningly racist revisionism was called “jaunty and bouncy” by the Hollywood Reporter.

The liberal class will always side with the status quo. Always. They do not care if the status quo is fascist. And its suits them much more to lay out bromides about male abuse of women, as long as this doesn’t mean having to untangle the complexity of women in unfamiliar non tourist visited nations like Yemen or Libya or Honduras. Just like the fact that U.S. domestic police departments murdered over a thousand black men in 2015. And continue to do so, along with increasing numbers of black women. That’s just not a jaunty bouncy story, I guess. Obama has never been comfortable talking about or to black people. He did manage to scold Colin Kaepernick recently though, about the pain he, Kaepernick, might be causing. The pain of white billionaire sports team owners I guess. The Uncle Tomism of what Glen Ford called black misleadership has never been greater. And that’s another crime we can lay, largely, at the feet of Barack Obama.

The U.S. House voted unanimously to sanction Iran and North Korea, an absurdity and a crime, and yet one that barely registered on the media Richter scale. What has Iran or North Korea ever done to hurt anyone in the United States? It is Saudi Arabia and Israel that fear a democratic nation like Iran and the influence they wield in the region. Iran is accused of fomenting instability but evidence is never given. Russia is said to control U.S. public opinion, but evidence is never given. The U.S. doesn’t even bother to really try and make claims about Venzeuela, because its just part of inherited wisdom that they are *bad*. Like Castro was bad, like Gadaffi, like Aristide, like anyone exhibiting independence. The world according to media entertainment is made up of bad guys and good guys. Mike Pompeo, head of the CIA, recently stated that his agency would become a “much more vicious agency” in fighting its enemies. Its actually hard to imagine what that might look like given CIA history. More vicious than rendition, drone killing and black site torture? Remember it was the U.S. and its School of the Americas that trained those death squads in Central America. Hollywood makes comedies about this.

In any event nobody in Hollywood complains. Just as none of the actresses assaulted by Weinstein (and countless others) said anything lest they lose career opportunities. Just as nobody complains about the racism and demonizing of Muslims or Serbs or North Koreans or Russians lest they not get the job. Coercion is silent and a given. It is also absolute. Most actors and directors simply don’t think about it, and most know little beyond what they hear on corporate news or read in the NYTimes. But I understand. People have to eat, have to feed their families. The real problem is that power is ever more consolidated. Distribution of films is monopolized. And for most Americans, foreign policy remains a giant black hole about which they know very little. Tell someone Milosovic was actually a good guy and they will laugh at you (this still happens on the left, too, rather depressingly). Tell them Russia is not threatening the U.S. or Europe, and they will laugh at you. Try to explain what Imperialism is and means, and you get that bored look of irritation. A good rule of thumb is if the U.S. targets a country or leader, then its worth questioning the western generated propagated propaganda in mainstream media about said country or leader (think Syria, Gadaffi, Aristide, Milosovic, Iran, North Korea). The U.S. does not go after countries who welcome western capital.

One of the things I’ve noticed about Hollywood film is the extraordinary amount of self pity from most characters. Self pity, entitlement, and sarcasm. The people who produce and make film and TV today, by and large, tacitly censor themselves. Some don’t have to, of course. But there is a general group think at work. And it extends to the way characters are written. The problems of affluent white people is the template here. Few examine the wider world, and mostly when they do it is seen as a world of threat and menace. An uncivilized place in need of guidance from the civilized white West (The Lost City of Z comes to mind, which made all the approved anti colonial notes while still creating a colonial narrative anyway.). But it is even more narrow than that. Everything resembles a studio; political discussions, even if they take place in outer space, resemble studio executives discussing opening weekend profits, or Neilson ratings. And since Hollywood itself ever more resembles Wall Street, or some corporate headquarters, that is increasingly what the world looks like. It is a profound loss of imagination. Westerns look and sound the same as melodramas set in Santa Monica or New York. Fantasy worlds resemble corporate headquarters or corporate motivational weekends. It is a world created by writers under thirty, largely, and certainly under forty. These are worlds created by people who themselves know very little of the world. They know even less about having to work for a living. The entire universe of film is absent any class awareness. History is simplified the better to appeal to a wider audience. Everything feels and sounds the same. And it is stultifying. There are films and TV from Europe, even from the U.K. that have merit, have heterogeneous sensibilities, but not from Hollywood. Like White House press conferences, the idea is to stay on message. Black characters sound white (or are given caricature *black* dialect and dialogue), brown characters sound white (or are given caricature barrio dialects), and Muslims sound dangerous and devious. Asians seem lifted from Fu Manchu serials or Charlie Chan. Strange when I hear people make fun of ethnic cliches from the 1940s, because it is really no different today (and check the recent TV incarnation of the venerable Star Trek franchise where the Klingon villains are very dark, live in dark spaceships and utter a guttural invented language all of which suggests something oddly racist and like nothing so much as colonial portraits of savages from darkest Africa).

Fixation on Trump’s crimes distracts from a system in which crime is a built-in factor. Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump. They are only the figureheads that carry water for the system. And the system is the property of the ruling class. People vote as if it crucially matters, and they vote for who they like. Not for policy because mostly they have no idea of policy. Trump is an obvious target, but that’s the problem in a sense. America didn’t become racist and violent overnight. The forces of social unrest have been building for decades. Trump was inevitable. His lack of basic literacy mirrors the nation he nominally heads, and his vulgarity mirrors the vulgarity of America, as does his misogyny and racism. The same advisors are in place and if Hillary had won, those openly fascist thugs applauding Trump would still be committing hate crimes. Has Trump empowered them? To a degree, yes. But an HRC win would likely have provided motivation of a different sort and the same violence would be taking place. You cannot sustain, as a country, this level of inequality. And as more super hurricanes descend on us, as the bio-sphere collapses, none of this may end up mattering. There is something disturbing, actually, about the relentless attacks on Trump. Its like beating up a special needs kid. Where was this hatred and outrage before? I mean Trump’s America, a term I hear a lot, is just America. We have over 2 million people in prison in the U.S. Far and away leaders in the world. Infant mortality however puts the U.S. between 26th and 51st, depending on who is counting. There is no Universal Heath Care, no union protection for workers, no maternity leave, no free education. What is there to feel so special about, exactly? Trump was very popular on his moronic reality TV show. I’m guessing more than few now outraged by this buffoonish reactionary watched that show. I mean it did last fifteen years I believe. Who did they think he was? There is nothing wrong with identifying the crimes of Trump’s administration. But there is something deeply wrong in not recognizing it as a continuation of prevailing policy. Yes, it is worse in many areas. The environment for one. But then again, 47% of the world’s pollution is caused by the military. And the U.S. has a military bigger than the next ten largest militaries in the world. And every president since the first Bush has increased the military budget. The nightmare did not begin with the swearing in of Donald Trump. But nobody likes him. They liked Obama. And that is why he was able to do so much harm. Trump is dangerous not because of what he thinks (he mostly doesn’t) but because of his ignorance and weakness (and fear). And that weakness generated his welcoming hand to the Pentagon. Foreign policy is really in the hands of a man nicknamed ‘Mad Dog’. One cannot blame this catastrophic situation on one man. This is the creation of American history.


Tel père tel fils ? Mais si le fils ressemble a la mere ca ne serait pas surprenant… Les avocats et politiciens sont trop souvent des tordus !

Pour ma part je considère les individus pour ce qu’ils sont, peu importe leur nationalité, couleur, taille, diplômes ou religion… !

Harry Smith

Tel pere tel fils ?

Le fils bien sur.


Ce que je veut dire c’est que le fils n’est pas le père qui m’avait plutôt laisser une bonne impression, mais ne les ayant rencontré ni l’un ni l’autre ca ne veut pas dire grand chose !

On sait que les deux horreurs de WW2 étaient Churchill et Eisenhower, malgré une excellente image médiatique

Let’s Be Honest – Stalin Was Less of a Criminal Than Churchill, Truman, and LBJ https://russia-insider.com/en/history/lets-be-honest-stalin-was-less-criminal-churchill-truman-and-lbj/ri8303

GERMAN HOLOCAUST GERMAN GENOCIDE: 9-15 Million Germans Killed 1945 – 1953 Post WW2 “The Morgenthau Plan” EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS “A Forgotten Genocide” https://truedemocracyparty.net/2014/01/german-holocaust-german-genocide-9-to-15-million-germans-killed-1945-1953-the-morgenthau-plan-eisenhowers-death-camps-a-forgotten-genocide/

Si vous aimez les photos atroces, ce lien est bon !

Propagande et Holodomors oubliés


Concrete Mike

I also asked him what raptors were in june, didnt have a clue.

We the north !!!


LOL, Canada is famous for it’s many raptors. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05e79510d37ac348b717d8b95e7960d11bf10150370498943114ab9da4c36db2.jpg

Concrete Mike

Looks like the fucker that stole my fish last week!

I was alluding to the basketball team in toronto that won the nba champioñship.

Every canadian know who the raptors are, thus proving tonto is a ukronazi!


Crimea was transferred against the Soviet constitution in the first place. Then Ukraine proceeded to neglect it and its population. That’s why they voted to rejoin the Motherland you skipping piece of vinyl.

AM Hants

1994 Budapest Memorendum

‘… 5. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm, in the case of Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclearweapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a State in association or alliance with a nuclear-weapon State;…’


‘…A negative security assurance is a guarantee by a state with nuclear weapons that it will not use or threaten to use them against a non-nuclear state. Unlike a positive security assurance, it does not require a state with nuclear weapons to come to the aid of a non-nuclear state if it is attacked by another state with nuclear weapons…’


The UK and US, signatories to the Memorandum and not forgetting the UNSC version, which Sergei Lavrov signed. Owing to being the Russian Permanent Envoy to the UN at the time. The UK, US and Russia, with regards Clause 5, provided the negative security assurance, despite the fact Ukraine begged for the positive security clearance.


.UK and US Always Knew Crimea Wanted to Re-join Russia…

‘… LONDON – London and Washington knew of the overwhelming desire of Crimeans to re-unite with Russia from the early days of Ukraine’s independence. UK and US diplomats predicted that Ukraine would split and that Crimea would look to Russia, British Cabinet papers released to the National Archives in London reveal.

In 1994 the British got a chance to learn first-hand about the strength of pro-Russian sentiments in Crimea. A visit by Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd to Ukraine and Russia coincided with a crisis in relations between Kiev and Simferopol, Crimea’s capital. In May 1994, the Foreign Office informed Prime Minister John Major that the Crimean parliament, the Supreme Soviet, had “decided to renew the validity of the Crimean Constitution adopted in 1992”. This, the FCO memo said, meant ending the legal status of Crimea as part of Ukraine…

…The Foreign Office saw the potential for even greater devolution for Crimea, particularly on economic matters, which the central government in Kiev had neglected, despite all the financial assistance it was receiving from the West.

“Crimean demands for autonomy or re-integration with Russia will not go away. 70% of the population are ethnic Russians. They only became Ukrainian by administrative fiat of Kruschev in 1954. Their historic, linguistic and cultural ties are all with Russia and at present Russia looks to have a more prosperous future. The two parliaments may be able to come to a compromise, probably involving Crimea gaining further economic autonomy.

While in Ukraine, Douglas Hurd was told that Kiev was open to international help in settling the dispute with Crimea. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) agreed to establish a resident Mission to Ukraine, to be based in Kiev with an office in Simferopol. The Ukrainians have subsequently unofficially claimed that they were able to handle Crimea without the CSCE’s help. “Some might see it [CSCE involvement] as internationalizing a purely internal Ukrainian problem”, an FCO memo said.

“Deputy [Ukrainian] Foreign Minister Tarasyuk, said that president Kravchuk had informed president Yeltsin of Ukraine’s intention to resolve the situation strictly in accord with the Constitution and to treat it as an internal matter. Yeltsin had raised no objection. This had encouraged the Ukrainians to think that action up to normal law enforcement measures need not necessarily induce a Russian reaction.

The Americans were also doubtful about the chances of a peaceful resolution of the Crimean issue, but what most concerned them at the time was Ukraine’s accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Ukraine had inherited Soviet-era nuclear weapons, and Washington — as well as London — was eager for it to give them up for good. However, the issue of Crimea threatened to derail the denuclearization of Ukraine. Ukraine had signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty but its parliament was delaying ratification, demanding extra security guarantees from nuclear powers, on top of the standard negative security assurance offered by established nuclear powers to states that had joined the NPT regime…

A negative security assurance is a guarantee by a state with nuclear weapons that it will not use or threaten to use them against a non-nuclear state. Unlike a positive security assurance, it does not require a state with nuclear weapons to come to the aid of a non-nuclear state if it is attacked by another state with nuclear weapons.

The Ukrainians insisted on positive security assurance, but neither London nor Washington was prepared to offer this. In April 1994, the British Foreign Office reassured Prime Minister John Major that the negative security assurances that Britain, alongside the US and Russia, had agreed to give Ukraine in return for her giving up nuclear weapons “does not bind us to any significant new commitments”.

“A new paragraph which states ‘the sides will consult in the event this situation arises which raises a question concerning these commitments’ does not require us, we believe, to go beyond the steps which we would anyway wish to take in such a situation”. The assurance was less than the Ukrainians would like, the FCO admitted. Kiev had repeatedly asked for a legally binding treaty, something which London and the other depositaries of the NPT had firmly resisted. To counter Ukraine’s pressure for more binding guarantees, the US suggested offering the same common assurance to Kazakhstan and Belarus. Both had agreed to get rid of their share of Soviet-era nukes and ratified the NPT in exchange for national guarantees given separately by each of the NPT depositary states. But Ukraine was insisting on a joint guarantee by all three depositaries [Russia, Britain and the US], hence this post-dated offer of a joint guarantee to Kazakhstan and Belarus was designed to “serve as an example to Ukraine” and “help persuade doubters in the Ukrainian Government that this is really the best offer they are going to get”.

The FCO advised the PM that a joint assurance to Kiev would add “nothing in substance” and would not “open the flood gates to similar demands from other states”…

Read more: https://nation.com.pk/29-Dec-2018/uk-and-us-always-knew-crimea-wanted-to-re-join-russia


AMH, with all due respect, I need to read your reply in the morning when I’m sober. You are a wealth of knowledge! Perhaps you already comment on syrper?

AM Hants

I do ramble on. Do not comment on Syrper as find so much of my time is taken up with Disqus and snooping for gossip, haha.

Concrete Mike

Hahahaha love your honesty dude.

And yes once she gets looking, she finds.

A true gem!


Honestly I was drunk))) Took all my efforts to keep the spelling and grammar together.

AM Hants

Don’t manage that when sober, so well done.

AM Hants

I do class that document, from the UK Government Archives as a gem. Together with the text of the US Hearing, concerning the ‘Law of the Sea Convention’, which the US has not signed upto. It also includes Azov Sea, as well as Straits of Hormuz and not forgetting the Arctic Waters. The US have no business sticking their ‘Greater Israel Project’ beaks into any of it.

So love sharing, so apologies, as you have no doubt already seen this one. However, check out who the Committee was, reporting their findings, during the hearing? No conflict of interest, whether in Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, etc, etc, etc, is there?

THE UNITED NATION’S CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA (TREATY DOC. 103-39) HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SEPTEMBER 27 AND OCTOBER 4, 2007 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations ( Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/congress/index.html VerDate 11-MAY-2000 13:05 Nov 14, 2008 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 LOST1.TXT sforel1 PsN: sforel1 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware, Chairman CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, Wisconsin BARBARA BOXER, California BILL NELSON, Florida BARACK OBAMA, Illinois ROBERT MENENDEZ, New Jersey BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Maryland ROBERT P. CASEY, JR., Pennsylvania JIM WEBB, Virginia RICHARD G. LUGAR, Indiana CHUCK HAGEL, Nebraska NORM COLEMAN, Minnesota BOB CORKER, Tennessee JOHN E. SUNUNU, New Hampshire GEORGE V. VOINOVICH, Ohio LISA MURKOWSKI, Alaska JIM DEMINT, South Carolina JOHNNY ISAKSON, Georgia DAVID VITTER, Louisiana ANTONY J. BLINKEN, Staff Director KENNETH A. MYERS, JR., Republican Staff Director

‘…And I think that this was very clearly demonstrated just a few months back when the Russians went down and planted a flag on the bottom of the ocean seabed. And if there’s anything good that came out of that, I think it, again, sparked the question of, what is the status? And getting to the legal certainty, I think, is where, from my perspective, I’m looking at the Law of the Sea Treaty and saying this is incredibly important for the United States to be a full participant and to be sitting at the table when these decisions are made as to who has what. The Coast Guard Cutter Healey just came back from a mapping exploration of the Arctic to determine the extent of the U.S. Continental Shelf in the Arctic. Ambassador, if you can … how they mesh here?

Mr. NEGROPONTE. …the fact that the Convention provides for a commission on the delimitation of the Continental Shelf. And therefore, and that commission is where countries would submit their data that would justify their claim to whatever extention of the Continental Shelf it is that they choose to assert, and then that commission is the one that makes the judgment as to whether the claim is justified. So, if we ratify the treaty, we will most likely get a seat on that commission and we’ll be in a position to comment on the claims of other countries, which we’re not able to do. And we’ll also be able to submit our claim, based on data collected by the Coast Guard Cutter Healey or whatever activities we do, in order to map what we think should be our claim to the Continental Shelf. And then, we will get the legal certainty, if we are members of that commission, that will come from the commission agreeing to the merits of our claim…’


AM Hants

Envious, as I seriously need a drinking session. There again, Otto would no doubt say ‘no,no, no’, owing to verbal diarrhoea, when typing under the influence of alcohol. You seriously need a translator, who translates out of the box haha. Hope the hangover was easy.

AM Hants

The rust buckets are still there, waiting to be picked up.

J Ramirez

Canadians stole lots of land when they came to the northern part of the continent. ( Yes dumb ass, I know you weren’t Canadians then ;}


Scrap metal just good enough for a third World Country !

Every cent spend for the Army is wasted ressources paid by the weakest Starvation


So they grind off the rust, give her a paint job and get her afloat what then? Those missile tubes are kinda useless without missiles. I’m not so sure Russia would be willing to sell them the missiles for those launchers but she would make a dandy party boat …. cruising the Black Sea crewed by the best pole dancers from Kiev and Wherhammer cranked to 11 on the 8-track. Who need missiles when you can shoot a ping pong ball into a beer glass at 10′.

Melusi Gamede

So so sad.


It looks really cool; a mix between a WW1 battleship, Russia missile cruiser and space station. A pity it is too neglected to be renovated/finished. Cheaper to order a new warship from China.

AM Hants

Would the US allow them to purchase from China, even if they could afford it.

Not forgetting, they just lost two of their ‘black market trade carriers’ over in Libya. Seriously surprised Ukraine had anything left to fly.


Could be a film set for Mad Max III?

AM Hants

‘Potent Porkie, Rides Into Town;.

‘The Return of Zapped Out Zelensky And His Band of Merry Zombies”

‘Zelenski’s Armageddon’


“due to budget constraints (as always caused by mass corruption)” …That always happen in countries with pro-Russian governments

AM Hants

No doubt he will sign over a maintenance contract with the US, for $billions. How much did the US trains cost? Did they manage to sort out the problem with the different railway sizes?

Toronto Tonto

Putin mistress vic yankobitch put zero funds into ukraine military as he was told to do by midget himself .

AM Hants

I bet if the people could go back to 2013, they would not find the GM Laden cookies, the cookie monsters were handing out, so appealling.

Who would they prefer to run things? Yanukovich or Poroshenko?

Yanukovich who said yes to the $15 billion, interest free loan from Russia and cheap gas. Or the choice of the cookie monsters, who went for $5 billion, GM laden cookies and the most expensive fuel in Europe. Still the oligarchs, over in Ukraine, did well out of the deal, did they not? Unlike the people.

R PLobo

Zelensky is a comedian. Thirty years later nothing can be done with this ship. Even if it had been completed it would be beyond its useful life now.

S Melanson

The condition of that cruiser matches perfectly the condition of Ukraine…


poor boy, the look on his face in image 10 says it all.

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