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In Surprise Attack, Turkish-Backed Militants Capture al-Sheikh ‘Aqil In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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On March 4, Turkish-backed militants, mainly from the National Front for Liberation (NFL), launched a surprise attack in northern Aleppo.

A few hours into the attack, the militants captured the town of al-Sheikh ‘Aqil and nearby hilltops from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. The town overlooks large parts of the northern and northwestern Aleppo countryside.

The militants’ attack was reportedly backed by the Turkish Armed Forces, which provided the militants with armament as well as direct fire support.

In Surprise Attack, Turkish-Backed Militants Capture al-Sheikh 'Aqil In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to pro-government sources, the SAA is now pounding the militants in al-Sheikh ‘Aqil and the nearby town of Darat Izza, where Turkish forces are allegedly stationed.

In Surprise Attack, Turkish-Backed Militants Capture al-Sheikh 'Aqil In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

Click to see full-size image

In Surprise Attack, Turkish-Backed Militants Capture al-Sheikh 'Aqil In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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In Surprise Attack, Turkish-Backed Militants Capture al-Sheikh 'Aqil In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

Click to see full-size image

Earlier today, Turkish-backed militants’ launched a similar attack on Saraqib city in southern Idlib. However, the attack was quickly repelled.

The SAA will likely launch a counter-attack to recapture al-Sheikh ‘Aqil with a few days, if not hours. The army and its allies, including Hezbollah, maintain large forces in northern Aleppo, especially in the towns of Nubl and al-Zahra east of al-Sheikh ‘Aqil.

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First thought is its a diversionary attaq meant to draw off Tigre forces to be ambushed by Sky Turkler UAVs during movement phase to the north.


Aren’t they are protected from UAV’s in the region?!


It’s been a pretty quiet section of the front, relatively, in the extreme northwest of Aleppo. If I was thinking like a Turkler, I would assume most Pantsirs would be inhabiting the parts of liberated Idlibistan from Saraqib and points south and southwest, and try to catch the Syrian fire brigade as it moved up M5 in response. Pantsir can fire on the move, but it’s effectiveness will be diminished somewhat at the time, and will be more vulnerable…

Of course that doesnt rule out being covered by fighters. But Turkler will try and probe for an opening.

Or it could just be an attempt to draw El Tigre away from the real target.

Or both, whatever opportunities that Turkler sees at the time. But it smells like some kind of lure or diversion.


Al Masdar posted a Turk claim that ‘another’ Pantsir had been hit by a drone. The only problem is that the short video clearly shows it in a dry sand desert and Idlib is NOT a desert.

Libya 2.0 :)


Good point.


lol cunts believe everything and they started sharing it hahaha….btw battles still ongoing in shikh aqik reports of terrorists capturing it are false ! https://twitter.com/AndrewBritani/status/1235241131279101952?s=20


So why do we have that crap article above if it is “false”?


cuz everyone believes the rats sources when they start spaming…sources on the ground claim the battlle is still ongoing


SWEET…. thanks ! Incredible how many trolls and how strong propaganda Turds have

It stinks on NATO help !!

Concrete Mike

NATO has been helping all.along, the israeli troll brigade supports the turks as well.

There all in it together. Fascists stick together!

Mack Dane

How do any of your conspiracy theories change the fact that the SAA should stick to throwing shoes (the only weapons that Arabs know how to handle)?

Joe Doe

SAA learn very little over the 8 years war.Still very poor in military strategy, creating initiatives, courage to fight. SAA strongest units are the Tiger force and Hezbollah.The rest is garbage, including SAA commands. That’s why SAA getting bit up by militants and Turkey.


Agree but not completely. I wouldn’t call everybody else “garbage” but they have serious problems. Sometime they lose gained territory (gained by Tigers) very quickly , which is unacceptable.


Falafel means literally Devour in our language, like the new UFC marketing ploy. ISIS roaches found a new Fast Food delivered right to them consisting of of Syrian Rifle Bullets, Syrian Cannon Shells and Syrian Napalm Rockets. I consider this as the New Healthy Food Plan for all ISIS roaches in Syria. May they eat their share multiple times!!


as always hyper12 and his little buddies always spaming fake carp…latest video of pantsir destruction are bs !!!



I new it and everybody normal new that already ! But to have it confirmed is nice…


ALL TURD VIDEOS are COMPUTER GENERATED and video edited ! It is real life situation videos post editing with added special effects on top… They can destroy hundreds of tanks no problem ! Have Turd video as proof!


Turkler technology must be light-years ahead of us humans, with these missiles that completely vaporize a 20 ton peice of equipment.

Wayne Nicholson

….. and these missiles are launched from drones with a weapons payload of only 200 kg.


you can see sand tracks behind the vehicle lol, such an obvious fake

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Keep crying kid. Live in ur dreams.


guys check this out another fake drone strike debunked : notice the soldier on the left side is moving in key frames, like an edited video where the others are walking fine and smooth.


Lone Ranger

I told you. Mossad CGI…

Bill Wilson

The man on the left is using crutches since he only has one leg.


Goes to show that Syria’s fight against terrorism needs broad and unrestricted commitments from Syria’s allies. Meeting with terrorists to give them concessions only enboldens them. The SAA obviously can’t handle this alone, th frontline is too long, as other parts of Syria are also occupied by terrorists like 95% of Syria east of the Euphrates and they’re spread to thin. With luck Syria will get the support it deserves.


apparently saa had a meeting with kurdish leaders today near raqqa…honestly even tho kurds are snakes they need to aid the saa against the turks it’s time to unite as syrian against the invasion differences can be resoled later ….turkey is the enemy of everybody except israel and qatar …egypt and lybia also need to send some sort of help


It’s really a royal mess. Kurds need to kick out the US Zioterrorists from Eastern Syria first, but maybe working with the Afrin Kurds Erdogan kicked out when he invaded all of northern Aleppo province can work out here.


I fear that the Kurds will leave it too late to strike a deal that they can live with.

Tim Williams

THIS SHOULD BE TAKEN DOWN … the attack failed



yes multiple sources claim that sheikh akil is not under isis control …also some that say that afes is not entirely under gvt control…i guess the only way to know is to wait until tomorrow

Tim Williams




lmfao https://twitter.com/Souria4Syrians/status/1235252592781021189?s=20


And not one of the Turkish cretins stood up and dropped the bastard.


“grease up!”

Tim Williams

area of battle today … SAA within a few kilometers of SARMIN



imagine tomorrow during the meeting …turkish secret service rat approaches erdogan and whispers in his ears : saramin has fallen …erdogan will either have a brainstroke in front of putin or try to attack him …putin should judo slam his ass and send him back to ankhara

Tim Williams



I would think that after the Russian military police found the Jihadi chemical weapons today, that President Putin will be in no mood to compromise with Erdo.

Mack Dane

SAA is a running joke among the world’s professional militaries. Going into battle, I’d take 50 women Kurdish fighters over 100 SAA clowns anytime.


How would you even possibly know that. Are you 12?


pussy kurds never had a real battle …the coalition bombed the sh*t out of isis cities destroying them completly and isis retreated and decided to fight the saa fiercly in the desert meanwhile mainstream media brainwashed you that kurdish women were in the battlefornt capturing land…also there was no real fight between turkey and pussy kurds they retreated as always and went under saa and russia protection after the us sold them out in the north …kurds are the weakest in the entire syrian war, without the us they won’t hold a day against the 25th divison


You forget many ISIS became SDF, US/Kurd fights against ISIS used more SDF uniforms for ISIS-turned-SDF terrorists than shells and bullets.


Oleg Blokhin (military commissar): What are the Turks doing in Syria and our Serakib There is automatic translation (terrible quality) so I would ask any Russians to give us short content or the most important details of what he is talking about. My Russian is not so good unfortunately to do it properly.



Let them counter-attack, the Allies are ready for them. How many times have we seen these small victories turn into Kesselschlachten?

Concrete Mike

Exactly, ive lost count lets put it thaylt way;)

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches will cry and rage ;)



Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will cry and rage ;)



Tim Williams

RATS continue their madness only to be blown to pieces …



Terrorists trying to dillute the figihting power of the SAA. Hopefully the Turkoroaches and ISIS/al-Qaeda end up fried with thermobaric shells.


hundreads of deads just so that their lord and savior erdogan can threaten putin with aleppo…

Lone Ranger

May they rest in pieces… I think at ahis point Turkey knows the war is lost for them and they are deliberately getting rid of their trolls in the meatgrinder.

Lone Ranger

Glory to the SAA.



Tim Williams

It appears SARMIN will be attacked from 3 separate directions … SAA moving forces in to place for it to happen …


afes done ?

Tim Williams


Mack Dane

After 9 years of pathetic ineptitude, it’s time to face the cold, hard facts: the SAA should stick to throwing shoes (the only weapons they know how to effectively handle).


For this they have just idlib left hum interesting


mac crap.

Mack Dane

You sound angry. Is it because you only have 1 pair of shoes, and you can’t afford to throw it at anyone?

Gary Sellars

Tell that to the Turkish fags and their HTS butt-boys who were just kicked out of Saraquib….

Stupid moron…

Simplekindof Man

There is a unidentified flying right to idlib right now and another more towards alepo As we speak


Shots of the launch of the 9K79 Tochka missile system https://twitter.com/i/status/1235260391292313603

Tim Williams

PUTIN meets with the Russian security council to discuss IDLIB …


Something tells me it did not end up in a street brawl like TURKEY did earlier when ERDO called anyone questioning what he was doing as traitors and treasonists …



Good news

Syria & China sign economic and technical cooperation agreement https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/03/syria-china-sign-economic-and-technical-cooperation-agreement/

You can call me Al

China should get its arse in gear and give China some troops, just a few like 200,000.

Tim Williams

don’t need their diseases … problem with chinaman … once he comes in … they wont leave

Tim Williams

TURK losses so far today …..



Yessssssssss ! KILLL those Turds ! KILL THEM ALL !!

You can call me Al

That sounds as if it is the Turkish total in this war, we need at least 100 times that number.

Tim Williams

Turks had lost 250 + as of yesterday … they are getting slaughtered today … everywhere

You can call me Al

Thanks, good news.


As the Turks have shown, at least we need proof.


Even if it is true, what’s the point of attacking there? Even the terrorists don’t have enough resources to keep it. They will lose it the same day with heavy losses.


they do it so that erdogan can threaten putin tomorrow that he can still capture aleppo

Tim Williams

The lack of logic and reasoning is staggering ….



i mean i understand china is busy with corona virus biowar…but they should intervern in syria the ughurs in syria are a big threat to china and central asia national security as much as they’re a threat to russia …they should at least send some advisors or maybe some ammunition or fuel to the saa at least but i think they should be heavy involved in syria with a russian-chinese-iranian alliance against terrorists with multiple sorties a day to whipe out the entire idlib scum in a month

Tim Williams

don’t need them

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