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In Twitter Meltdown, Elon Musk Calls Thai Cave Diver A Pedophile

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

What does a billionaire Silicon Valley liberal (or perhaps socialist, or maybe republican) do when his giant “Thai cave rescue” diversion from his auto company woes goes sideways and authorities tell him to back off?

Why handle rejection poorly and question the rescue chief’s credibility, of course.

And what does said billionaire do when the Thai rescue chief tells him to “stick his submarine where it hurts” before being outed as a top donor to a GOP PAC?

Engage in a weird Twitter exchange with the Sierra Club about climate change to show the world you’re an environmentalist, then call the Thai rescue chief a pedophile.

After Musk’s boy-rescuing submarine was rejected by Thai authorities and his idea called a “PR stunt” by rescue chief Vern Unsworth, the Tesla CEO began melting down over Twitter – saying Unsworth had been “inaccurately described as rescue chief.”

Unsworth, an explorer and expert cave diver who lives in Thailand’s Chiang Rai province, said that Musk was “asked to leave” the cave “very quickly” – and that the Tesla CEO had “no conception of what the caves would be like.

Musk hit back – tweeting “Never saw this British expat guy who lives in Thailand (sus) at any point when we were in the caves … Only people in sight were the Thai navy/army guys, who were great. Thai navy seals escorted us in — total opposite of wanting us to leave.”

I challenge this dude to show final rescue video,” he continued. “Huge credit to pump & generator team. Unsung heroes here.”

It was then that Musk accused the man heralded worldwide as a hero – a pedo.

In Twitter Meltdown, Elon Musk Calls Thai Cave Diver A Pedophile

After Musk’s shocking pedo claim, he doubled down – betting a Twitter user a “signed dollar it’s true.”

Maybe Thai officials had a bad feeling about his boy-rescuing submarine after Musk promised to send two tourists to the moon in 2018, only to delay the grandiose plan due to “technical challenges“? Maybe they saw pictures of Musk’s makeshift tent city assembly line and didn’t want to risk Elon rescuing a fraction of the boys he promised despite reassuring investors Thai officials it would be no problem? Perhaps they wanted to avoid a mid-cave battery fire?

Either way, Musk then responded to a nine day old tweet from Texas Observer journalist Christopher Hooks by calling him a jackass

Musk’s latest gaffe comes on the heels of a Bloomberg interview in which he acknowledged the need to tone down his Twitter spats, saying “I have made the mistaken assumption – and I will attempt to be better at this – of thinking that because Somebody is on Twitter and is attacking me that it is open season,” adding “This is my mistake. I will correct it.”

Meanwhile, Musk’s pedo comment is not going over well…

 It’s true…

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Richard M

Rich phuqtard thinks because he has money he is a god and is smarter than everyone else. Too funny! :D


I haven’t followed the cave story at all. But if you follow the Zero Hedge link about Musk it shows this:


Which isn’t followed by any proof to support their allegation that he’s a top GOP donor. So I think that whoever wrote the article is making themselves look rather foolish.


Well if he’s getting technical instead of emotional I’d take his side. He’s a showman with the mask that of pragmatic scientist starting a business. Now this i think a good evidence of his actual form which is just another salesman.


Or it’s just a mistake by an extremely accomplished person under a great deal of stress. Possibly including psychotronic attack that 99.9% of the rest of humanity doesn’t have to deal with. I’ve dealt with psychotronics as part of my ET/ED contact work. It’s nothing that I can prove at this stage. But it’s very real.

Brother Ma

Et/ed? What does that mean? Extraterrestrial?



Brother Ma



That’s it for the charade. No more money to make no more charade to keep up.

Kell McBanned

Wow more tabloid crap – yawwwwwwwwwwwwn


All of these negative quotes attributed to Musk can’t be found on his Twitter feed:


Did he actually make them and then delete them, or is the Zero Hedge article a scam?

Kell McBanned

I dont like this gossip magazine stuff, it demeans Southfront.


There are now reports coming out that he did make the tweet and then deleted it. I have a Twitter account that I got for forex trading. But it’s been dormant since I stopped using it for the signal service that I opened it for. And I may close it.

Twitter is a way to bypass the mainstream media. But some of the famous people using it generate a lot of controversy with it. People with a lot of money and power are also under a lot of stress and make mistakes like everybody else.

His electric vehicles and Mars colonization project are paradigm altering using conventional technol.


Falcon Heavy


Brother Ma

i don’t believe anything Musk does. An over- smart fool who has never delivered.


That wouldn’t be my take. His Tesla cars are all over the place on the west coast in the US and one of them will reach Mars on a rocket he built in October. That’s more than anybody else has done by far.

Brother Ma

West coast? california fad? Why not in big bucks New York? Or the rest of the world? Rich -man’s car only.A fad methinks.


Oregon and Washington to. They’re all over Seattle. They’re selling 3,500 a week. And have produced 45,000 Model 3s so far. Tesla is selling them as fast as they can produce them with an average wait time of 12 to 18 months.

That’s more than a fad I’d say. There are 2 million electric cars on the road worldwide right now. All that they have to do is swap out battery packs for over unity devices and peak oil will no longer be an issue and petro chemicals can be used for materials production rather than fossil fuel for vehicles and power plants.

Brother Ma

Unity devices? What does that mean. Thanks re info by the way.


It means that once you power it up, it produces more energy than it consumes. The energy that powers electrons around the nucleus comes from another dimension. Over unity devices draw on that source to provide power to this dimension.

In his book Alien Mind. George Lobuono writes about the limits to this type of energy. That if you draw to much it can have a detrimental effect on the local celestial ecology causing the sun and solar system to age more quickly. So it’s important to understand it and use it responsibly.

But the amount of energy that would have to be drawn to negatively affect the solar system is way beyond what we would use a this stage of our civilization.

Brother Ma

Interesting but i believe in Laws of Thermodynamics. I will believe it when it happens.


The laws of science change as it advances. If you ignore sequestered science and technology, you’re missing a big part of the picture. The laws of our science don’t allow UFOs from other solar systems to be here, but they are.

Brother Ma

I agree with the first half of what you have said yet where are the UFO’s?


In Alien Mind by George Lobuono, he writes about ET non intervention laws for planet bound civilizations like ours. If that is indeed the way that things work. Then it explains a lot and indicates that the laws are mostly obeyed and enforced on an as needed basis.

If you’re not familiar with UFOs, then I’d suggest starting with the Billy Meier case in Switzerland. Because it substantially complies with the scientific method, judicial process and judicial quality evidence. There are no blurry pictures or videos of lights in the sky. Everything is good quality and is either real or fake. The proof of it being real far outweighs the proof of it being fake.

I’ve been there and met with the people there and took this picture there: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8de267c8f7c15569a4fb69ef9f9eec766ab1dcace0da7794c9321cbad11635e1.jpg

Brother Ma

Thank you. I will look it up.

Kell McBanned

Billy Meier cool as.


Elon Musk with the Vice President of China: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dh5nb8IWsAAqKcD.jpg https://twitter.com/elonmusk?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Brother Ma

Hot Chinese Babe!

S Melanson

Totally agree. If I did not know it was Southfront, I would have assumed I was reading a column from the National Enquirer.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Musk is running two programs, one public using open source conventional technology and one private using sequestered non open source technology involving over unity and electro gravitic suppressed technology. To build ships that can make it to Mars in far less than 30 to 180 days using mass cancellation anti gravity and related concepts. Here’s a tweet about teleporation from his feed. Is he just kidding, or is there some truth to it:




This is a 3 story ship that I have on the drawing boards that wouldn’t need to bring materials to Mars or Pluto for buildings. All that it would have to do is land and it would have everything that it needs. The measurements are in feet:





Surface of Pluto taken by the New Horizons probe in 2015. This is a Hi Res picture that can be clicked to magnify the view:



Earth, Earth’s moon, and Pluto. Pluto is the smallest:



In 2005, the tenth largest object in our solar system orbiting our sun was discovered. The dwarf planet Eris. Which is about the same size as Pluto:


S Melanson

What’s up with this tabloid crap. This is beneath Southfront. Focus on serious news. Leave the hyped up Gossip columns to the National Enquirer where it belongs.


“Surface temperatures may reach a high of about 20 °C (293 K; 68 °F) at noon, at the equator, and a low of about −153 °C (120 K; −243 °F) at the poles.”


“Surface gravity of Mars is 38% that of Earth.”


North Pole of Mars:



North Pole of Mars:



Am I the only one who thinks this is being taken out of context? Maybe The Logical mind stops and thinks, Maybe this guy got into an argument? Common now 555


“Our aspirational goal is to send our first cargo mission to Mars in 2022. The objectives for the first mission will be to confirm water resources and identify hazards along with putting in place initial power, mining, and life support infrastructure. A second mission, with both cargo and crew, is targeted for 2024, with primary objectives of building a propellant depot and preparing for future crew flights. The ships from these initial missions will also serve as the beginnings of our first Mars base, from which we can build a thriving city and eventually a self-sustaining civilization on Mars.”

Elon Musk




Much delusion I think.


Still have to be done anyway.

Feudalism Victory

The hate campaign on musk is something. Makes me wonder what the reason is. I bet hes been a little shit the whole time.

Brother Ma

Is musk jewish? I know he is born and bred in South Africa but he looks,talks and acts like a stereotypical Jew. I also know South Africa has a significant Jewish population.


His first name is Jewish and he attended a Jewish school in S Africa. He’s not an ethnic Jew and other than the school wasn’t involved in practicing Judaism growing up or since then.

Brother Ma

Thanks Richard.

Jonathan Murray

Why is the crap on SouthFront?

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