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MARCH 2025

In Video 18+: Bloody Gunfight And Heroism On Donbass Front Lines

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Another video from the Ukrainian front lines is widely shared online. It shows the ongoing bloody battles in the Avdeevka area in the DPR, where Russian fighters continue to break through heavily fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A Ukrainian fighter with a GoPro on his helmet left the trench of the AFU despite the heavy shelling. He broke through the forest area to help his comrades who came under Russian fire. However, when he came to the position he saw his friend dying. He was badly wounded too.

“Guys, help me, I’m the 300th, guys, take me out!”, the wounded man desperately appealed to his brothers in arms.

Despite calls for help, it did not come to the soldier who came to save his comrade, and the wounded Ukrainian soldier met his death.

A lot of videos from the front lines confirm that such incidents are not uncommon. Ukrainian soldiers often leave the battlefield, abandoning not only the dead but also wounded comrades.

Fighters from both sides of the barricades show heroic courage and self-sacrificingness. The soldiers in the ranks of the Ukrainian Army, who mostly remain on the defensive on the Donbass front lines, are very motivated. Many analysts and experts note the high morale of Ukrainian soldiers as their main advantage over the advancing Russians. However, many Western reports ignore the spirit of the fighters of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, who previously joined the militia and have been defending their home with weapons against Ukrainian aggression for years. Today they are also encouraged by the Russian help, despite various problems.

Despite their heroism, soldiers in both the Ukrainian and Russian Armies face similar problems. The recently published video confirmed that the same problems with the commanders remain in the warring ranks. One of the most dangerous mistakes is that instead of controlling the battle, the commanders are forced to engage in battles and start shooting from their guns.

Today’s war in Ukraine remains largely a confrontation between the spirit of the fighters of the two sides.


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Non Nazi Citizen

Ukronazis are a bunch of cowards, ALL of them. Wanna some 80ies vibes for your New Year’s party: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkjsiU9tl24

Last edited 2 years ago by Non Nazi Citizen
Peter M.

I heard it’s a great hit in Ukraine! LOLOLOL

Jennifer Thomas

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Last edited 2 years ago by Jennifer Thomas

Make more with kneepads, baby.

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

What a nice friend, but… You’re fighting on the wrong side, defending massacre against civilians in donbass will no longer be allowed. Let all the Nazis of the ukrawehrmacht die!


What a nice nazi friend! Have you noticed his nazi tattoos on his left hand?

Biden the Clown™, Zelewski the Clown™, Harris the Clown™, Pelosi the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged

Captain Hohol

Respect to him and those on that side who fight with integrity, however they are on the wrong side, should have been siding with their kin in the east.

A great upset in the world is coming and Ukrainians will find no comfort with the EU or Americans.


“They were 300 young and strong and they died”… Young lives lost for nothing. I don’t like to see people die and after a while being right is not something that can console you for the loss of a friend, a brother or a mother. if I think about what will happen to Ukraine after the war, I can cry. And if I think of the families of the Russian boys, there is still crying. I don’t like to see people die. God does not want us to die, but to save ourselves… It is right to speak with respect for the fallen on both sides. On the front line they are all equal and all fight to live, for friends and for the homeland. Perhaps – I say perhaps – if there is respect for the enemy, dying like this is less absurd. or maybe not, there is no answer


Ukraine soldiers and US UK regular soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers have been suffering from heavy loss of life because human wave cannon fodder tactics sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.


True, Russians are desperate and are using human waves. Most prostitutes in Europe and the Middle East are from Russia 😆😆😆


You sound like you are an expert on using prostitutes,but that would be no surprise for a Ukrainian Nazi because they have prostituted their Country to Natzo and the US Reich.


Fama tenian la ucranianas


“300” stands for WIA in Russia and Post Soviet countries, “200” is for KIA.


Its tragic,if those guys are not hardline Bandera Nazis like Azov they are missguided,they are fighting and dying for Nato and Oligarchs.

Ahmed the Sissy from Kurdistan

Pest dying is not tragic. Pest dying is glorious 😆😆😆😆🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈🖕🏳️‍🌈


It is not possible to tell what is going on by watching this video, as it is like watching Blairwitch on crack…however any Ukro-Nazi death is a good thing. Unless of course he was marched over there under the Ukro-Nazi gun and told to fight or else (in which case it is a human tragedy)


If thats the case he should have shot his own officers.


Ukraine has provoked the bear and has become, by its own will, once again, frontier territory. Slava Tarass Bulba!

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Stinging Metal

The difference is pro Russians don’t like seeing Ukrainians killed, whereas Ukrainians ENJOY the thought of killing Russians.

Icarus Tanović

That’s true.

America is defeated

Untrue. I love seeing Ukrainians exploded and in physical pain. I am pro-Russian and just as fanatic and hateful as those on the other side. No place for reason here : It’s the only way to win this war.


Guy, you are no useful for nothing , you can explod yourself just now.

Captain Hohol

I think it is righteous to see azovites and foreign mercenaries get wiped out or run off for their knowingly participating in a moral wrong.

That being said, I feel empathy for the common Ukrainian man who is forced into making not choices for his country, but choices for the man next to him whom he feels a need to protect.

That’s humanity at its finest, no matter whose side you are on.


It’s in the spirit of warfare to rejoice at your enemy’s death, part of human nature. Both sides get swept up in the madness, but it seems like Ukro fans are much more bloodthirsty than the Russians, who just want to win against the Western Empire of lies.

Personally, I think the man in this video was honorable, and did not deserve to die like that, yet it’s also his fault for being deceived into serving a satrapy of GAE instead of his own people. Listening to his dying moans at the end was unnerving, but let’s not forget all the civilians in the Donbass who have died in similar manner due to the actions of the Kiev regime. RIP warrior, but your honor was misplaced.


Reality it’s fighting between Donbas militias with Ukraine soldiers and US UK regular soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers, Russian soldiers only support them with fire support from air and ground heavy weapons.

Last edited 2 years ago by War

Kikes are our misfortune in france we got this proverb saying that: War is the harvest of the kike (la moisson est la récolte du juif)

Hoping that lubavitch led russian elite (Prigozhin, Solovyov, Chabad’s gang…) and ukrainian kikes zelensky, reznikov and the mayor of kiev die soon

Don’t talk about the nazis (maybe pravy sektor are NatSoc) but Azov is literally shilling for israel “mariupol our massada”

Can’t you see white people manipulated by the jews to kill themselves ?


Based hang (((them))) high !!!

Ahmed the Sissy from Kurdistan

Hey frenchie, shut up and go back to sucking nigher’s dick!


Buen video


So we won. Not yet? Are we waiting? What the hell?


I know! Eight years this ATO has been going on and I still can’t bring my triple-dong-dildo to the OUN Day butt-fuck festival in Donetsk! I paid good money for my Stetsko life-like silicon anus and I deserve to be able to celebrate the glory of the Ukrainian gene pool when the Moskals are removed from Donbas!

Lawrence Hill

Keep in mind here, the primary source of Ukrainian shelling of downtown Donetsk civilians for these past 8 years have been from Avdeevka, where this “sympathetic” soldier met his end…


Yes, once again the Banderites are exercising their ethnic cleansing fetish. Can’t get along with anybody not wearing a swastika.


I very much appreciate the chivalrous remarks of Southfront.


All wars are bankers wars- “Military Men Are Just Dumb, Stupid Animals To Be Used As Pawns In Foreign Policy” -Henry Kissinger


Old trick. Shoot one and wait others to rescue him. The shoot him too. It’s a war and war is a bitch.


Brave young men dying for the globalist elites, what a waste!


I just humbly suggest that IF the Ukrainians recover the bodies of their fallen comrades, they put a quote from Anne Applebaum (“The Russian Empire Must Die”) on their headstones. Forget the yellow and blue flag, it’s time to acknowledge who their masters are, and who they are committing suicide for.

Last edited 2 years ago by paleyellow

NO SYMPATHY for that Ukrainian NAZI soldier he is fighting on the side of the NAZIS and got what he deserved, plain and simple, he should have surrendered long before this situation or shot those NAZIS if they were forcing him to fight either way he had plenty of chances long before this day to defect, surrender or mutiny against the NAZIS … BUT … he chose to fight for the NAZIS so NO SYMPATHY for him. one less dead NAZI to contend with. =Z=


Not worth losing a finger for the Kiev regime and its masters, let alone one’s life.


It makes me sad to see brave men dying for the benefit of Western warmongers


Ya, mean while Ukronazis in the ranks shoot to kill order’s of their own. These arseholes have also been shelling, shooting, assassinating, raping, torturing, executions, with years of documentation since 2008. USA and NATOSTAN are 100% complicate with these Ukronazis. I have zero respect for USA and it’s NATOSTAN vassels and can bet this is substantial feelings world wide. War, resources and destruction of governments and resources.


The Minsk agreements were a big lie involving heads of state. This was despicable and shows with Nordstream 2 the absolute discust others feel for European and Natostan countries. Today the concensus on the USA and NATOSTAN is discusting physopathy, lying, deception, ongoing out of control mindlessness.


I .

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Captain Hohol

These men died for the RINO turncoat bastard Mitch McConnell and the rest of his cronies who would send these men to die to serve the interest of people who care nothing for their own countrymen in the United States.

Ukraine needs to come to its senses.

These men died better than those who have sent countless american and Ukrainian men to die in various wars over the years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Captain Hohol

I did not read the article under the video. I thought this was video of a Russian camp. Then saw the recue soldier get shot and tears came to my eyes. Then I discovered they were Ukrainians. Tears still continued to roll off my eyes. When you die you will not be asked are you Russian or Ukrainian. These satanic globalist got this thing going on at a great expense to family, loved ones and country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron
Ahmed the Sissy from Kurdistan

Awww emotional shitskin sissy with tears. Love to be ganbanged in the ass and to cry?

Cannon Fodder

Neocons and dual passport holding Oligarchs fighting until the last Ukrainian. Slav killing Slav, all going according to The Plan. Billions going to defence contractors, corrupt politicians, Banderite leaders and the Deep State with the money flowing like water into off shore accounts . In the mean time the brainwashed die in a ditch and Ukraine will soon be gone.

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