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In Video 18+: Israeli Servicemen Failed To Hide Their Crime

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In Video 18+: Israeli Servicemen Failed To Hide Their Crime

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The Israeli official military sources published a video allegedly showing the successful operation by the IDF soldiers, who destroyed group of four Palestinian fighters.

First, the video shows the dead bodies of four Palestinian militants lying with weapons. However, the footage shared by the Israeli military reveals that the militants were shot after they surrendered. Moreover, the footage from the drone confirmed that the victims were not armed and Israeli servicemen later put weapons next to the bodies, apparently in an attempt to hide their war crime and declare a descent victory.

“We have abolished all the rules of warfare. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts,” Yoav Galant, the head of the Israeli Defense Ministry, declared on October 10.


In Video 18+: Israeli Servicemen Failed To Hide Their Crime

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isn’t this what hitler said when he waged a war of extermination of the jews?

we have abolished all the rules of warfare. our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. there will be no military courts,” yoav galant, the head of the israeli defense ministry, declared on october 10.


hitler never ever wanted to exterminate those “goo” but was more a wondering as to how to get rid of those parasite banker in his and now our world. he may well have thought as to why a country should require a contractor to issue currency as did that lybian as did that saddam.

weaponz of mass dstruction my fat fuckin ass as tony bliar was a rent boi…


you have either but two 2 thought of stupid as hitler had regiment of those jew as you call them.

that word “jew” of course is a word of late 1700’s parlance poetry as there is no such word as jew other than poetry.

readers digest donchanno as hollo and that 144 thou donchano became a thingy.

Icarus Tanović

maybe it has something to do with thefts of jewels.


there are no innocents. muslim terrorists always say. so, don’t cry.

Huckelberry finn

we can only imagine what the idf would do if they weren’t the most moral army in the world 🤡


still buying the hitler bs? you need to read antony sutton and stop spreading that chosenite hollow cost nonsense


israeli nazis are constantly planting the seeds of their own demise with their actions.

fuck palestine

fucking try it. now is the time to remove the mudslime scourge from the planet.

Ashkelon Will Never Sleep

you will never defeat islam. we are all around you. israel cannot survive without relationships with arabs but arabs can live without israel


exactly, and hezbollah, iranians, chechens, islamic jihad, ns germans, samurai japanese, osmanic turks, usa arian brotherhood & arian circle and all those upright people hating the satanic jews are much more clever than these ugly hook-nosed stinky hebrew pedophiles !! see here, tricky pali flag booby-trap ends bad for smelly israeli schlomos !! see: https://kuty.me/gxo

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Soros iza losa.

get off the frgn drugs ye maggot sic punk,chechnyan ought behead you sic poof!

Gantz Nov Golfach

you should be ashamed! you have a baby crying in your next room.

Icarus Tanović

yo, what’s up pussy coward. will mace your face real good, fake jewish english prick, alexander gilkes so all know your true name.


murican money/economy dries up and israel is out on its ass

John Miller

fuck around and find out

Israel Got Stuffed Big Time

we were thinking the same… asshole

fuck palestine

terrorists dont get rights.


zio terrorists must pay, mothafacka big noses


yes. they are not human. so human rights doesn’t apply for them


that’s what 109 countries have said throughout history when they banned jews from their country. i don’t know when, but a day will come when the “final solution” is implemented against the jews, and after that all wars, woke propaganda, predatory financial systems and all other forms of subversion will magically end.


may amighty god curse and destroy these demon aggressors and its sponsors and those governments that sit neutral. we can can see that by their continues failures.

Israel Got Stuffed Big Time

hamas has plenty of kike-roaches in custody. they can quite easily take four aside and do to them what has been done in the above video.

Last edited 1 year ago by Israel Got Stuffed Big Time

mujahedeen should use the old islamic way of punishing every single captured israeli soldier. put them on a sharped spear or rod, impale them from their bu-tts so that they can hang around for a while, making them sing a loud and funny pig song before existing to hell !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Soros iza losa.

begone you sic fk,not that i respect any fekn lgbtq askenazi jew nor pharissee,but your one sic p00f!

Huckelberry finn

agreed, noone needs to read this shyte, don’t bring the discussion to their genocidal level


do any of you people even have a clue where hamas came from? from israel. look it up. this is israels version of 9/11.

Icarus Tanović

yes it is to fight al fatah. originally they were wahhabi rats who were openly against syrian fight against aggression. now they’re cool, they find sira-ul musteqeen.

Last edited 1 year ago by Icarus Tanović

yes the chabad lubavitch jews and putin together with netanjahu played an evil game. first they organized direct treason. netanjahu lowered all security and let the hamas fighters in on full purpose (not false flag but lihop -let it happen on purpose). then hyping the number of dead israelis by the factor 10 (knowing very well that hamas would not correct it down in order not to lower their own fame and success tale)

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

result is a new m-east war which can be handled & balanced by hezbollah, iran, syria & falestine resistance movements. but russia by this also cheated on iran, as iran will now be in the focus of usa and israel even more. but the direct results of the current situation is a cure & relaxing for russia. because usa & eu now forced to send weapons to israel instead of ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

and gas and oil prices skyrocketing – giving putin and his jewish chabad cronies much higher income from crude and gas selling. and netanjahu has now free hand to bomb and massacre the shit out of pali-civilians without having any restrictions. a wet dream coming true for this hook-nosed bastard !!! please all of you check out also this: http://rlu.ru/3anyi

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Soros iza losa.

oi ,fuktard,fuels cheaper where im at,frgn tranny lieing little fascist runt!

Soros iza losa.

fk off idiot with your hezboolok warrior (not) they are paid stooges of the cias iran on the otherhand are controlled opposition all coked up n sht,you have not a clue about anything.


israeli soldiers have always and will ever be that most coward army of our world as those coward always and ever need stupid american fool to do those most cowardly army heavy lifting.

such cowardly israeli and stupid american.

truly a match in their heaven of those chosen folk.

just stupid american and their coward master.

a match made in their heaven.

just moderate that there now cowardly goi…

Ashkelon Will Never Sleep

israel has an existential problem. when those multiple fronts open up, it will light up like a christmas tree


yes problem is that the sick satanic chabad lubavitch jewish endtime cult wants exactly that to happen ! and make that the door-opener to ww3. see: ww3 must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the“agentur” of the “illuminati” between the political zionists and the leaders of islamic world. the war must be conducted in such a way that islam (the moslem arabic world) and political zionism (the state of israel) mutually destroy each other. http://rlu.ru/3afcr

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

many misunderstand what albert pike meant in his letter to giuseppe mazzini…

who hasn’t heard of:

* basil mathews: “young islam on trek: a study in the clash of civilizations”…

* samuel p. huntington: “the clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order”…

it’s been some time now that this subject is commonly exposed on mainstream medias for all to see.

with all this context, do you really believe that albert pike meant “islam vs israel”… ?

Last edited 1 year ago by Thom_S

albert pike wrote the so called masonic bible: “morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted scottish rite of freemasonry” and this made him one of the most notorious freemason in history…

– wouldn’t you agree that masons are fundamentally zionists?

– wouldn’t you agree that western countries are mainly zionists?

in the letter to giuseppe mazzini, the term: “political zionism” actually refers to “western civilization” and absolutely not to “israel”.


following this logic, we come to the conclusion that the planned ww3 that albert pike was writing about is rather:

how do we get to the infamous “new world order” of which jerusalem will be the capital…

(western world) vs (islamic world) = mutual destruction

do your own research, many zionists rabbis explain in great details their “prophecies” on how the destruction of the “western world” will usher in their messiah and “heretz israel” (zion).

Edgar Zetar

israel will win, they are the only power in that part of the mediterranean, egypt was converted in the 80’s so has good relationship, the other power in the far north turkey is allied with israel to convert syria into a dump third world country. so, israel will do whatever it wants in palestine, but look into the future, what will happen to israel, when usa is not around to protect them? or uk, or the western powers who established israel there and gave them all his weapons and technologies?

Edgar Zetar

if israel was smart and had vision of the future (the long run), it should not “fight fire with fire”, but i think this was in the agenda 2030 just like covid 19 and all the underworld events acts deeds of the secret sects in the western world. the exceptionals only think on themselves and everyone else should be their slave and obey them or they vanish them. the masters of the universe empire.


4 less scums.


its not war crime nitwit,its called revenge.the only good arab is a dead one.


weve heard the same from nazis saying such about yourealikes. nothing learned from hitory? than history may repeat? (1933-1945)

Gneaus stapo

i thought it would never ever happen, but i agree with u and ur statement


tak, že neberú zajatcov. toto sa im môže pekne vypomstiť. a zase vidíme porušenie ženevskej konvencie, ale čo už. zvykli sme si.


a terrorist state

Wise Man Said

tell me oh tell me, what is the difference between semites when one side cuts the limbs off with a sword and the other side gets american funded bombs to blow off the limbs off the other? what is the difference? they are both part of the same snake

Soros iza losa.

let me guess the anti,anti,perhaps both?


it’s pretty disgusting how the entire western media is now pretending like the israeli’s are so innocent and haven’t been eradicating palestinians, among other nationalities for the last 70 years or so, without any form of accountability.


“we have abolished all the rules of warfare. our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. there will be no military courts,” yoav galant, the head of the israeli defense ministry, declared on october 10.

this has actually been israel`s practice for decades.

Huckelberry finn

exactly, so no change there, except it’s official


i’m sure you will regret it.

rat hunter

a good jihad is a dead jihad


shlomo froths at the snout. ain’t karma beautiful as khazar occupied palestine bleeds.


payback comes to khazar occupied palestine where shlomo finally gets what he deserves. the world is complicit in this genocide and must defang the zionist beast before it unleashes its illegal nuclear weapons on the civilian population of semitic palestine. meanwhile the degenerate sheiks in their oily fiefdoms need to be overthrown and their resources used against the anglozionazi empire of shit on all fronts where the chosenite demon conspires.

Deus Abscondis

yoav gallant never said that.


if it’s from israel, it’s a war crime, that’s the sf’s rhetoric, it’s not surprising coming from a nest of nazis, animals can murder and decapitate children and teenagers because they are defending themselves, let israel do what it has to do, no if you negotiate with nazis like that, you’re in the ditch

Душан Мирић

“what is born crooked, time does not straighten” croatian proverb


at the weekend there will be no more gaza, it will become israel’s territory and the hamas rats will be killed or chased away.


lol you braindead clown. only some 1000 hamas fighters cause chaos and panic in whole south israel for days with hundrets of dead, captured and wounded idf soldiers. than lets await and see what will be the result for the shlomos when they step in the huge urban nightmare of gaza, awaited from some 30.000 hamas fighters and 2 million very shlomo unfriendly population?

Gneaus stapo

the little shit show/ wannabe jom kippur “war” will be ended in a few days, death ratio probably 1:10 , lots of destroyed buildings, but i agree the kikes wont fully invade gaza.

Gneaus stapo

lol we heard that yada yada for ages. i have no love/ empathy for the ass clown death cult idiots of hamas, but just like kike israhell, they wont disappear.

stupid middle eastern semites should finally realise they are alike, simply said dumb as shit and so better get on with each other.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
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