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In Video 18+: More And More Ukrainian Women Are Dying On Battlefield

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The number of videos from Ukrainian frontlines, showing women serving in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, has significantly grown in recent weeks. Most of female Ukrainian servicemen are busy filming senseless TikTok videos, which are largely promoted by Kiev media amid the ongoing campaign aimed to push women to the front. Unfortunately, more and more Ukrainian women are now filmed by the Russian military and they do not prove the effectiveness of female warriors. Some of them are lucky to surrender, but more of them are dying in trenches. LINK

This is another evidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering from personnel shortage. Professional female servicemen are not uncommon either in the Ukrainian or in the Russian army. They usually serve as medics or snipers, for example, to stay away from active hostilities, since saving their lives is a top priority. There is the idea that women should give birth and save the nations. In a distance, women are also more usefull because they cannot perform task that request great force the men have.

However, Kiev decided to follow the example of the West and the Ukrainian army is following NATO standarts. Russian servicemen, who stormed Ukrainian positions near Avdeevka (video above), showed that such a strategy leeds to dismal result in Ukrainian trenches.




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when will ukrainians wake up and realise who and what they are dying for? nato, oligarchs and the us reich.

Mr Fudge

the jews that rule ukraine do not care a single whit about christian women.

chef boyardee

if they were christian women, they’d have figured out how to stop this war before it began. it was pretty simple to do, just declare neutrality like it was before the nazis took over. but the us and uk wanted them all to die instead, so who are they to complain now, right?

Last edited 1 year ago by chef boyardee
jens holm

they has election about it.

in russia then dont knopw what is. in ukrane they goes. the nazis – 2,15% – not even got a sinhgle their parlament.

you more then indicate they also elected a jew as their presicent.

the russian vomen are happy. their men now about 55 years old. more vodka to them for christ safe. their plan are to take muslims in. fx from gaza.

jens holm

who reports dumb dane consumes far more alcohol than russians–i have 2.15% braincell according to wikipedia

Ultrafart the Brave

wow, good comment jens holm.

how many pennies did you get paid for that one?

btw, who are you talking to? (hint: no-one cares, you’re spewing crap to no-one).

here’s some firendly advice – don’t quit your day job… whoops! i forgot – this is your day job.

jens holm

according putin nazis are running ukraine in your very closed world.

and they has elected a jew as leader. that only happens in russia – so funny.

and religion???? russians cant die. putin has disconneted to god and saten.


you see to judge a person by their ethnicity and to say zelensky is a jew so can’t be in league with nazis is very nieve. classic trick . look how israeli zionist and settlers behave just like nazis so it’s not about ethnicity it’s about the way they behave . zelensky is working with nazis if you can’t see that and what’s happening in israel you are blind

jens holm

fake jens–my world is lgbt amerikan hillbilly—i disconnected from my god—money since no pension after paying 65% income tax as janitor for 57 years


they don’t care in palestine either


“cromwell” …. the pirate rock hitler and zelensky….yuck! how can they “wake up”? they are all dead and buried already.


clovnului trebuie sa i se spuna de peste ocean ca a pierdut lupta. el. singur nu si da seama


under the muppet zelensky nazi ukroland has become a hideous wasteland governed by perverts, deviants and degenerates.

mobilizing women, children, the elderly and disabled to keep him and his wife out of prison is disgusting and sad. regardless, that day will arrive soon enough…


perhaps these scum will end up with a ceucescu couple fate

chef boyardee

they’ll end up living in luxury in the french riviera with stolen us and eu money until an escaped ukrop cannon fodder turns them into fodder. in short, they’ll be hunted forever.

Last edited 1 year ago by chef boyardee
jens holm

the beached will be full. they are 36 mio.

apart from corruption its in our budget. i dont see your hopes at all. we give to the protetars too. russia never has done that.

jens holm

not me –i retired toilet scrubber that gibbers to my rubber duck

J. H.

true, seen it meself.

jens holm

and who elected him. ussr did.


ceausescu was patriot, he was killed by globalists that who after 1989 stole and destroyed everything in romania.

pappa gone

i seen on live the end of ceausescu and his wife, this was a very educative way to make learn elites how can be their future, but…. time passing and many are not remembering…… in italy the end of mussolini was very educative…. but now everyone do not remember, history is here for them government leader must be slaughtered more often, if not they can t have a very right way of drive their nations….. we are here for these evil cabals to remember them their right behavior.

jens holm

if russians go home, it will be good start.

everybody can see ukraine is a ussr leftover.

pappa gone

i am sure the system is the right way to educate nation s leaders

only 12 points apr

this is the talmud at work. the talmudic jew sees these ukrainians as nothing more than farm pigs taking up land.

jens holm

more like russians are punished many many gods and putin.


idk why and if its wrong to think like this but seeing women hurt is worse than seeing men being hurt. its us mens war not theirs.

Last edited 1 year ago by saiini
chef boyardee

ukrainian women volunteered as snipers to hunt russians with jihadis during the chechen wars. they’re natural born terrorists and plenty of them doing the banderite boogie woogie and heil ukropia, so no worries.

Last edited 1 year ago by chef boyardee
jens holm

i remember that. they were so small, that russians hardly could hit thep.

jens holm

and the real for donest is ????


what for real donest is/and?

shut your stinking pie hole jenny.

Zio piggies

you can tell that this name “jens holm” is used by an entire ukro or cia bot farm. the previous “jens holm” at least had better grammar. this one is a complete imbecile 🤪


check the kalergi plan online. it was first published in 1921. the charlemagne prize in the eu is actually the kalergi prize, but our owners and overlords do not want to make it too obvious. wake up and unite. their strategy is smoke and mirrors, divide and rule, bread and circusses, war profiteering and printing money.

christian reinhard

seems khazaristan must be totally cleaned

Last edited 1 year ago by christian reinhard
jens holm

the nice. the yougest ones are nearly 800 years old.


they didn’t surrender, so complicit in the crimes of humanity and as the saying goes – live by the sword! die by the sword!

die nazi bitches

good riddance.


fašistické čupky môžu kapať, aspoň nebudú kotiť ďalších malých fašistov. videli sme tie videa ako pochodovali s fakľami, tak teraz sa môžu realizovať. toto už nie je oslavovať fašistu banderu, čo? už to nie je také jednoduché, ako pokrikovať a vyzývať na zabíjanie rusov. svetu mier!!!


zelensky did this to ukraine. never forget that zelensky the jew sacrificed hundreds of thousands of slavs for his nato puppet masters.

jens holm

russia did. maidan was enough is enough.

the past is erased by putin in all alarm clock brain. its routine. fcb take the battery out and make control alt delete.

they even do it at onborn babies.

jens holm

i have only senility past


una desgracia infinita es lo que le pasa a ucrania por culpa de la otan

Last edited 1 year ago by JCV

kampf bis det letzte ukrainie stirbt, dann hat joe gewonnen

chef boyardee

time to import african refugees to repopulate ukraine.

chef boyardee

stick a fork in ukraine, it’s done. maybe that trident they like so much and that skewered so many polish babies with, not that i care much about the poles but it just shows..live by the trident, die by the trident.

slurpy hillbilly

jen holm expert nazi how expert on metaphysics julius ebola and lgbt according to wikipedia


meanwhile the hair-sprayed, brainle$$, demon hoe in natostan sewer brussel$, uschi van der lyin’ is pushing for more rump ukrainian cadavers to fill in the trench graveyard of rump ukrapland. the eussr demons can’t see that ukraine is no more. in its stead a landlocked, toothless agricultural island paradise that will never again see natostan bloodsuckers wet dreaming about grabbing mother russia’s endless resources.


the ziomafia parasites who orchestrated this war in ukraine and the jewish puppet president of ukraine sending orthodox christian men and women to their slaughter and hunting down the ones not willing to go to their grave, while allowing the ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to legally leave the country. i guess the jewish bolsheviks didn’t quench their thirst for slavic blood during the holodomor.

Barba Papa

i’m a big fan of having women serve on the frontline. often it is them who vote for warmongering politicians. like biden, or zelensky. so it is only natural that they should be made to fight for what they voted for. let us men sit this one out. if you are not in danger to be made to go to war then you should not have any say over going to war.

Zio piggies

zelensky ran on a platform of peace and making a peace deal with russia. that’s what the people who voted for him voted for. but he lied and did a 180• many good people in ukraine voted for him hoping for an end to the conflict instead it blew up in their faces.

Paul Citro

reject the west’s mad gender fluid ideology. let women be women and men be men.


ukranian people must disappear the jew comediant nazi-fascist of zelensky before he disappear ukranian people. this must be done right now, at this moment, there is not time to loose.

jens holm

i only care about mens if they lgbt

Warrior Nation

stupid whores wanted to join nato and eu…….so now die for eu nato policies and the lgbt. they were so dumb they didn’t see that coming. ….russia is looking better to them every day now!

J.J. Abrams

truly hate to see this. zelensky, make peace now, and save what’s left of your country.

Homer Bedloe

is zelensky such a coward that he has to get women to fight to keep his thieving ass in office. when the war is over he will move to the west and be well heeled with $ billions in stolen u.s. funds.

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