Always the poor and working class dying for the rich and the establishments. The rich never fight and die, only making profits. UA solders need take example from Afghanistan solders, who refused die for America and the rich. UA solders need to united and up rise against tyrant and thug Zelensky and his master in Washington DC.
Rothschild started this, stoking the Nazis of Polish and Gallatian Ukrainian heritage up to power, to round up, conscript, and genocide the Slavic and Hungarian elements of Ukraine, against the Slavic Russian elements of Ukraine. Rothschild specializes in defrauding and empoverishing countries, so he can use that desperation created, to sow division, strife, civil war, and anti-Christian hate. Rothschild’s funded drug dealing cartels and media cartels work in concert, with his Goyim club stodge Freemasons. Have to admit, his slave army is woefully unmatched to the Russians, who fight for love, not drugs or money, but for love and God. Excellent trafe craft demonstrated by their special forces. Rarely ever see Ukraine conscripts practicing even basic camouflage or common sense on combat contact lines.
Consistently made over $20,00 in income from home with the benefit of smooth playback and sticky online interest. |F330″ I actually made $18,00 with this perfect home income. Everyone can now without a doubt.
make extra money online by using——
Hope you knowthat it was Rothschilds close buddy, Jacob Schiff with permission from Rothschild who ordered the murder of the legitimate Russian Czar and his whole family and financed the so-called “Russian revolution” and installed communism in Russia.
So how do you do this schizophrenic twist to now claim the russians are fighting for love and God ?
Here listen to what your own people tell you. It’s russian language but with english subs.
Yes, there are very few educated russian left in all of russia. Therefore Russians should listen carefully what these men say:
If the United States forces to extend this war, rest assured that many many many constitutionalist american men will completely refuse to be drafted or enlist for this war.
My hypothesis is that if the United States will see a second civil war sparked by a draft if that country attempts to force war with either China or Russia directly.
Throughout history there have been times where the people have been told it was necessary to go to war, however at this present time, there could not be a greater lack of reasons, it’s incredibly stupid and a sure and pointless loss of life for many.
I know a guy from Karkhiv. He made is PHD in Germany and is very eager to fight to victory of the ukraine and defeat Putin. He contacted me for help him plan his university career for his daughter.
I cannot tell you how smart and stupid one can be at the same time. He is not exactly poor.
There are plenty of mercenaries there that are torturing for money and fun. Nuke the place from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
2 years ago
When someone starts a war no one can be sure how it will end but those leaders who start a war with Russia risk an unmarked grave near Moscow even if they once led the greatest army on earth at the time.
Peter Jennings
2 years ago
This is the result of forcing men to the front who don’t want to be there in the first place and have no real reason why they are fighting.
The Ukrainian army is attacking their own. What could be more disagreeable than that? I’m sure there must be some Ukrainian top brass who aren’t drunk on nato kool aid. They should get together before they lose their army entirely.
The US and nato are not coming to aid Ukraine now they have ruined the country for the US dollar. They can’t afford it.
Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Jennings
North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies
2 years ago
Spetnatz are not supposed to fight the whole war. They are specialized in |special| scenarios. Time for the RF to send more REGULAR ARMY to the front. leave the special forces do their job yes, but regular soldiers still have to do the most/bulk of the work.
2 years ago
Victory to Russia! Some of those dead were probably western mercenaries given fake Ukrainian passports to hide their identity.
May the ideology of nazism be completely eradicated so that no more minds are poisoned by it.
Always the poor and working class dying for the rich and the establishments. The rich never fight and die, only making profits. UA solders need take example from Afghanistan solders, who refused die for America and the rich. UA solders need to united and up rise against tyrant and thug Zelensky and his master in Washington DC.
Even Americans should peacefully rise up against their feeble minded leader and globalist masters.
They won’t peacefully, there are conditions that will be required, and that will be a draft, if that happens civil war 2 in the United States begins.
Rothschild started this, stoking the Nazis of Polish and Gallatian Ukrainian heritage up to power, to round up, conscript, and genocide the Slavic and Hungarian elements of Ukraine, against the Slavic Russian elements of Ukraine. Rothschild specializes in defrauding and empoverishing countries, so he can use that desperation created, to sow division, strife, civil war, and anti-Christian hate. Rothschild’s funded drug dealing cartels and media cartels work in concert, with his Goyim club stodge Freemasons. Have to admit, his slave army is woefully unmatched to the Russians, who fight for love, not drugs or money, but for love and God. Excellent trafe craft demonstrated by their special forces. Rarely ever see Ukraine conscripts practicing even basic camouflage or common sense on combat contact lines.
Consistently made over $20,00 in income from home with the benefit of smooth playback and sticky online interest. |F330″ I actually made $18,00 with this perfect home income. Everyone can now without a doubt. … make extra money online by using——
Do you use kneepads?
Hope you knowthat it was Rothschilds close buddy, Jacob Schiff with permission from Rothschild who ordered the murder of the legitimate Russian Czar and his whole family and financed the so-called “Russian revolution” and installed communism in Russia.
So how do you do this schizophrenic twist to now claim the russians are fighting for love and God ?
Here listen to what your own people tell you. It’s russian language but with english subs.
Yes, there are very few educated russian left in all of russia. Therefore Russians should listen carefully what these men say:
Putin is an evil jew as Zelenski is.
If the United States forces to extend this war, rest assured that many many many constitutionalist american men will completely refuse to be drafted or enlist for this war.
My hypothesis is that if the United States will see a second civil war sparked by a draft if that country attempts to force war with either China or Russia directly.
Throughout history there have been times where the people have been told it was necessary to go to war, however at this present time, there could not be a greater lack of reasons, it’s incredibly stupid and a sure and pointless loss of life for many.
Robots, dude, robots are coming, set it and forget it and save the rhetoric infantry is just about obsolete
I know a guy from Karkhiv. He made is PHD in Germany and is very eager to fight to victory of the ukraine and defeat Putin. He contacted me for help him plan his university career for his daughter. I cannot tell you how smart and stupid one can be at the same time. He is not exactly poor.
blablabla liar 🤥
There are plenty of mercenaries there that are torturing for money and fun. Nuke the place from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
When someone starts a war no one can be sure how it will end but those leaders who start a war with Russia risk an unmarked grave near Moscow even if they once led the greatest army on earth at the time.
This is the result of forcing men to the front who don’t want to be there in the first place and have no real reason why they are fighting. The Ukrainian army is attacking their own. What could be more disagreeable than that? I’m sure there must be some Ukrainian top brass who aren’t drunk on nato kool aid. They should get together before they lose their army entirely.
The US and nato are not coming to aid Ukraine now they have ruined the country for the US dollar. They can’t afford it.
Spetnatz are not supposed to fight the whole war. They are specialized in |special| scenarios. Time for the RF to send more REGULAR ARMY to the front. leave the special forces do their job yes, but regular soldiers still have to do the most/bulk of the work.
Victory to Russia! Some of those dead were probably western mercenaries given fake Ukrainian passports to hide their identity. May the ideology of nazism be completely eradicated so that no more minds are poisoned by it.
I’ve spotted UK,US and various other camo smocks on a lot of Ukrainians in videos.