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MARCH 2025

In Video 18+: Ukrainian Nazis On Tank Ran Over Wounded Russian Soldier

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The Ukrainian military reporters are proud sharing the video of Ukrainian Nazis killing a wounded Russian serviceman. The Ukrainian drone is coordinating the tank heading to the victim. The Russian soldier is still alive after the first attempt to kill him failed and the Ukrainian operators are laughing, running the tank right on the wounded soldier.

The Ukrainian Nazis are following the best fascist traditions, torturing Russian prisoners of war, killing civilians, they are also fighting in accordance to the Nazi military strategies. During the Second World War, the German fascists pressed the Russian infantry with the fire of machine guns and then crushed people with tanks.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation launched investigation after the video was published.

The Russian Committee has also revealed one of the cases of tortures of DPR servicemen in Ukrainian captivity.

One of the warrant officer from the DPR was captured by the Ukrainian Nazis at the end of March in Mariupol where he came to visit his parents. He was beaten and taken by the Ukrainian military to the Ilyich plant where Ukrainian Nazis were hiding from the Russian military.

After the DPR officer spent a few days in captivity, he was demanded to create a group of saboteurs from the DPR in order to carry out an explosion at an artillery depot. After he refused, a Ukrainian Nazi began to beat the prisoner with a knife and a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The media reported that the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted at least nine blows with a bayonet knife. The DPR serviceman fell unconscious for two days and Ukrainians threw him out. As a result, the man managed to escape. After that, he was captured again, but he was soon released by the DPR servicemen.

According to the investigation, the tortures in Mariupol were carried out by a Ukrainian serviceman Dmitry Evgan who was detained and has admitted his guilt.



– The Krivoy Rog direction, the 20th. The help to our fellow Slavs who ride here with a German swastika on their tanks. But we don’t leave them anyway. So bro? Did they help you?
– Yes, they did.
– Say hello to your command, which sent you here and abandoned you. They didn’t take you back, did they?
– No.
– That’s how the Ukrainian Army abandons its own soldiers, and the Russian Army helps them.

While, the Ukrainians are proud glorifying the war crimes of the Nazi militants, the Russian military continues to save lives of Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines. The Russian media respond sharing dozens of videos from the front lines showing the Russian servicemen helping the wounded Ukrainian militants. LINK


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Yup, ISIL style what a surprise, oh wait NATO and Zionists are funding and controlling them.

Also, these ugly events take in every fuking war, I remember the Iran-Iraq war and the Azerbaijan-Armenia war.

Beast of Omaha

Bingo, NATO was secretly and sometimes overtly supporting ISIS in Syria. They wantonly attacked a well defined Syrian army base on Tharda mountain, Deir Ezzor right befrore an ISIS attack that overran that position, then they claimed it was a mistake. YEAH RIGHT. Those US/NATO aircraft can target an individual vehicle in a heavily populated urban area with one of those Hellfire Ninja missiles and only kill the occupants without collateral damage. US/NATO also allowed ISIS that were completely surrounded by the Kurds to leave ar Raqqa with heavy weapons and all, just so they could undermine Bashar al-Asad. And those false flags chemical weapon attacks on Syrian civilians were orchestrated to have a pretext to attack some Syrian air bases while ISIS was trying to overrun Tiyas T-4 air base the largest in Syria.

Must read books 📚

Remember when Trump authorized cruise missle strikes along with the French, ISIS attacked SAA positions soon after that.

Beast of Omaha

One doesn’t have to be Einstein to realize the West was after Assad to benefit greater Israel. Why would Bashar al-Asad use chemical weapons on civilians in a populated area like Douma that would cause him to come under attack by NATO and the West, and all this while world’s enemy #1 ISIS terrorist were trying to overrun T-4 Syria’s largest air base right in the middle of uninhabited desert. even a simpleton would have used chemical weapons on ISIS instead of civilians in Douma.


Wasn’t just to benefit Israel, but the entire Empire. They want to eliminate all national leaders who do not bow to the Empire. Israel of course benefits to have Empire vassals all around it since it is one of the top dogs in the Empire and an Empire vassal will never harm Israel, but it goes deeper than that.


usa is living in your head rent free hahaahahahahahaahaahahahaahahh

every day brics is earning an l

Joao M...


USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Much, much worse. Weak people, degenerate people, sadists are the lowest of the low and cowards, too.


that is an insult to animals, Animals behave better than these NAZI UKRAINE SCUM. =Z=


Not the first wounded combatant killed by either side. Question is really whether he tried to surrender. If he was e.g. firing at them (hard to tell from the video) he was a legitimate target for killing, whether by bullets, artillery or tank tread.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

This is why Russia should kill all Ukronazis and NATO scum.

This is how NATO states behave with their civilians, too, if they got caught in the visor of represive forces like police, Gendarmerie etc.

Ray Douglas

The Yanks did the same in Falugha in Iraq.


It is written Fallujah , not “Falugha”, for heavens sake !!


Every dead Russian servicemen , is a good Russian servicemen. No mercy for the invaders.


Armenian douchebag, love you some CIA, huh?


Welcome to Ukraine. You came to kill the boys. Instead the boys killed you like a worm under the boots. It was better if you stayed at your house drinking wodka. WELCOME TO UKRAINE

Last edited 2 years ago by Captcha

How many dead Ukrainian service personnel in the last nine weeks? How many civilians killed by “the boys” in Donbas in the last eight years? Thanks for playing, troglodyte


And how many Russian soldiers have died since the start of the attack? Tens of thousands. They thought they would conquer Ukraine in 3 weeks and instead they are eating shit. Thanks for playing too, stupid troglodyte. Welcome to Ukraine ahahahah


Well, no. There is no evidence other than US or Ukrotard dipshit claims to support your claim about a timetabler for Russian conquest. So was it three days or three weeks? Can’t you clowns make up your mind? So far, what we have seen is the prevention of the re-launch of the Ukrotard ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas, to which the Ukrotards seemed to be headed in February. All the fighting is occurring on the former territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Millions of refugees have had to flee the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Since this conflict is an attempt by Russia to parry the use of the failed Ukrainian CIA project to seriously weaken or destroy the Russian state, it would seem that the only ones eating shit are Ukrotards. So do you find that you have a lot of shit in your teeth these days?


Homo Troglodyte. Have not heard that for a long time. That is a Biology name for chimps.


Welcome to the NOOSE ALREADY AROUND YOUR NECK YOU NAZI UKRAINE CUNT, you are already DEAD but just don’t know it yet. RUN BOY RUN you NAZIS HAVE NOWHERE TO HIDE.

really is that right your so called LARGEST STANDING ARMY TRAINED TO NATO STANDARDS is NO MORE they got wiped out and now your recruiting 60 year old men to be forced to fight for you NAZIS, and also you have to get FOREIGN NATO TROOPS to fight your battles because MOST OF YOU NAZI UKRAINE ARE DEAD. You have lost over 20% of your country, , and Russia took all that land only using 130,000 – 200,000 troops ROFL, you had 6 times as many men and couldn’t stop a POLICE FORCE from wiping you out, no army, no airforce, no navy you UKRAINE NAZIS ARE DEAD. And now Russia have decided to mobilize less than 1% of their army just to even up the numbers a little you are screwed, Russia took 20% of your land with just a small 130,000-200,000 troops imagine how badly they are going to MESS YOU UP with another 300,000 troops ready to go ROFL so RUN NAZI RUN because you are going to die hiding in your basement you keyboard warrior how about you go to the front lines and fight you keyboard warrior nazi. =Z=

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

The Ukrainian regime Abu Bakar Al-Zalensky and ISIS global terrorists have common goal.


Good thing the Russians have the investigative committee and then Putin frees all the foreign mercenaries and Ukronazis found guilty of killing Russians.

helene matz

those beasts should be fed to crocodiles which havent eaten for a week or more,who will be laughing then,the crocodile burp


This level of hatred can only make one a fool, even if you weren’t one to begin with.


Hahaha perfect. Nazi Russian cockroach! Welcome to Ukraine!

Last edited 2 years ago by Swiwer

Check on YouTube channel “The Sun” another beautiful destruction of Russian aggressor’s Mi-8 helicopter by Ukrainian manpad! They will never show you that on this gay lying russian propaganda website. Slava Ukraini!

Last edited 2 years ago by Swiwer

So many dead Ukrainian service personnel, it’s hard to keep track. SF really scares you fuckpiles, or you wouldn’t devote so much energy to trolling it. Slava failed Ukrainian CIA project! Slava Langley!


no nato members lost, yankees are laughing at subhuman gopniks and north koreans getting their miserable life ended by ukrainians lol


Horrific and sick NAZI scum. To think Canada supports this crap and worst of human beings. This is your Country and NATO sickness.


Iam by myself in total aside the Russian cause and so a great amount of my Milltary Comrades, indeed I don’t know any German who sympathize with the Cokainsky Banderists regime, we all opposed the current Gov. Direction at all! But stop telling these fairytales about our grands, it don’t benefits anyone! The War of 1941 was a big mistake at all, everybody with more IQ than Room temp. knows that! But today is today and the real enemy of EURASIA is in front the Gate! Today it’s hard enough to get rid of our actuall West. Leaders we just can hope that the appearing Winter will support us, domestically!! And please note for once more : Germans were never Fascists, there was a complete Diff. between National Socialists and those Italian Ideology.


Good comment. We all should start focusing on how to end this stupid war, and come to the table of discussions and diplomacy again. If our politicians are not willing to do this, then at least we, the people, should start true discussion on the topic, and bring forward ways to make peace. we need to talk about how to make peace instead of how to more efficient killing each other. That’s at least my opinion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater



hahahahahahahaha rusky tried and failed, where do you live litle wannabe tough guy? uh old little geezer with a face only a mother could love

opet ja

My question is why the tank that was on the open field hasn’t been hit by ATGM??!! Really don’t know what Russians are expecting, mercy??!!


If Russia commits a large enough force to Ukraine and treats it like World War Two, Ukraine will no longer be able to conceal the scale of its defeats and will retreat back inside major cities to use human shields, although this time it will not work and everyone will be killed indiscriminately.

Captain Hohol

Ukraine will be hell on earth for 100 years for that.


hahahahahahahaha rusky tried and failed.

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