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In Video 21+: Result Of Russian Air Strike On Group Of AFU Soldiers. Strange Behaviour Of Cameraman

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The location and date of the shooting is unknown. The strike appears to have been carried out by a Russian Air Force assault aircraft.

The behaviour of the AFU soldier who was filming amid the unfolding tragedy deserves special attention. Instead of assisting the wounded and helping to evacuate them, the cameraman simply films the dead and wounded. At 1:13 of the video, the cameraman said that, done and “I run into a tank” … (for cover).


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Probably new to war. He’s in shock seeing people around him dying.


let american disable bill pay therere future

G2 man

I am sickened to see Slavs killing each other for the benefit of the Anglo-Zionist parasites, same as they did in Yugoslavia. The Russians should go after Zelensky and the war will end. Just decapitate the Jew puppet regime in one bold missile or drone strike.


You might draw some parallels with the 1861-1865 civil war. Compare slavery to nazismus


Nazismus just means Nazism. The dates are of the American civil war. Interestingly, Russia has their Victory Day, still celebrated on May 9th, as this is when they defeated the Nazis and this is also the day of the year when the American civil war ended, some EIGHTY years previously. BTW, the War against Japan was ended BEFORE the atom bombs were dropped. Russia kept the Kuril Islands and the Japs and Russia never signed a peace treaty because the Japs are not conceding the Islands, although they are recognised as Russian in international law. Russia was making gestures to the Japs to allow them visa free access to the islands and to invest there but an end was put to that because of their hostility to Russia. It is strange how friendly and how much of a rollover the Japs are re the Americans after their atom bombs fell there. Perhaps Russia should try it and see if it makes the Americans and British as sweet? Mind you, tiny Britain would vanish with just part of the Satan II, if it were filled with nukes.


Hopefully the Japs will wake up one day, and understand that they no longer need to fear the Americans. It would be in their own interest to reach out to the Russians and Chinese and re-establish a friendly relationship with those to nations, or do they want to remain lapdogs to the US forever, and the same can be said for South Korea?

The Japanese people are now so brainwashed that they don’t even know who dropped the nukes on them all those years ago. Apparently, they don’t even teach the children in school that the US did it. Instead many think it was, surprise, surprise … the Russians.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
Omas Bioladen

Opposite is the case.

kogda mi byli na voinye

japanese people dont like americans soldiers on thier soil for many reasons(rapes,arrogance,no polite ,and the last war)

Omas Bioladen

Japanese are submissive by nature. They are comitted slaves.

Omas Bioladen


History's Mysteries

Did Lincoln issue orders to execute any civilians that didn’t denounce the Confederacy, like they just did in Ukraine? Because they never taught us that in grammar school.


Man how many times have we said this? Decapitate Kiev and this is over. Russia should get over their fear of a guerilla warfare for years to come on their border

Devious Plans R US

Biden has hatched a devious plan for Ukraine. Keep the war going until all America’s neo-nazis are drawn over to the Ukrainian neo-nazi magnet, hope Russia does them all in, then go to war with Russia for having killed American ‘patriots’. Indeed, it’s happening now – the MSM is whitewashing America’s white racists as we speak. It’s a devious plan, so I doubt Biden actually though it up. Probably his neocon handlers in cahoots with his neo-lib diaper changers.


And don’t mention the fckng juice.


Except Ze is not running the show. the US will soon bring in another comedian.

Florian Geyer

How about the US anointing Boris Johnson as the new selected President of Ukraine?

Millions of Brits would rejoice when Boris buggers off from Britain.

Peter Jennings

Bojo could go to Ukraine as an american, as he still has his american passport, even though he says he does no longer. Once a liar, always a liar.


It is EVERYTHING that is corrupt in the UK, our courts, the civil service, the bankster system, ALL of the MPs are rubbish, none of them know the issues and if they did, they would be assassinated, like Kennedy was.


Britain is a giant psychological operation.

Devious Plans R UK

Maybe they could strap his Turkish roots to a Turkish drone and send him off to Ukraine waving a Union Jack.


SEND ALL of the MPs, the judges, the civil service, the Media barrons, the banksters, the police, the doctors, the NGOs… Boris is not THE problem, he is a symptom.


That is very good, I like it. 😊


The real problem is that we could, we really could, EASILY do even worse. I think he is not mandating jab passports or jabs or locking us down anymore. If we thank Heaven for small mercies, perhaps God will give us more? It is not Boris who is THE problem but the press, the banksters, the deep state, the warmongers, almost ALL of the MPs. And if we had a good person, the press would assassinate them, the deepstate would set on them, they would be threatened blackmailed BRIBED, all 3 or wiped.

Omas Bioladen

They already had prposed former Gerorgian president Sakashvily but he was high on cocaine on all foto sessions so they had to resort to drunk head poroshenko. LAter crackhore Nazilensky was shipped in.

Johny cash

Putin did the most for his part. Sendinf conscripts to the snuff film crew as the main stars. The leadership is so dysfunctional putin said theres no conscripts 3 days later the spokeman said there was. Pathetic putin cant even run his house in order. As a result about aover 10k troops killed unnecessarily






But now he stands alone ; The member states of the CSTO (a politico-military international organization made up of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) are not prepared to participate in a war against Ukraine. Despite Russia’s insistence, CSTO members are unwilling to decide on peacekeeping operations outside their countries. Also on the territory of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR”. At the same time, CSTO members may consider limited deployment of national contingents on the territory of Russia or Belarus. But only after an official statement on the attack of Ukraine on their territory,” stressed the GUR of the Ministry of Defense.




Idk if it’s that simple. Russia is not killing Zelensky because they are trying to show that Zelensky has no value since he is a puppet and US can just replace him as expendable material. Only one side works for the anglo-zionists, and it’s not Russia here. Killing Zelensky might give the opposite effect and make that bastard into a martyr in USA/EU propaganda. Unfortunately, Ukrainians appear to be mentally retarded and behave like loyal dogs to USA instead of turning against their own leaders! Russia can’t help Ukraine (even though they try by giving them a lot of time to think about this and change their minds, but after 8 years it just got worse and worse) if Ukis are mentally retarded.


This seems to be a common thing in the butthurt belt. It’s Stockholm syndrome. It’s a very real phenomenon unfortunately. All ex USSR states that are now under American control are complete and utter dogshit, but the people love the Americans for it. But if you tell them about it then they’ll get angry at you instead of the actual oppressor, funny how that works huh?

Last edited 2 years ago by GoblinTown

That’s bullshit. I don’t love (or even like) USA and i’m from said country.




Well the Ukis, like the ZioJews love children in more ways than one so yeah I guess that makes them mentally sick in some aspects.


That’s, what i didn’t get it. Instead of sending one high precision rocket, where puppet Zelensky meeting his Western and US counterparts, Russian army commanders allowing brother to kill brother.


It is not up to army commander to decide about that. This is Putin style. He is running this war like some PR show to support negotiations. He is not mentally prepared to win. His Goal is to force Ukraine to give concessions at negotiation table. Well he wont live long enough to see this. Russians should just conquer as fast as possible Russian part of Ukraine and make 30m high wall to the rest. Instead they are loosing time and blood for nothing.

Peter Jennings

You must have missed all the other wars, of which 100% were caused by US robots and nato poodles.


pc games dont cut it in the real world pathedic lieing dumb piece o craapa post goy!


Zelensky is not a decision maker. He is just an US puopet and he has no say in anything…his value is exactly zero to the Russians. This is why he is still alive.

His death would only make him into a martyr and the Americans would just replace him with another puppet with anyway.


The West is under the control of the banking parasites who orchestrated every single conflict and war for the past few hundred years.


At least at this point that means a missile strike on a Polish NATO base. Could trigger the dominos for a nuclear exchange.


Russians lacks good command in this war. Putin is mumbling and mumbling. 1 day forward, then 2 day hold. And then give the opponents some gifts He directly encouraged west to fight to last Ukrainian there. His style of leadership encourage aggressive behaviour off opposite side, because it is really newer punished for aggressive acts. How many sanctions Russia got? 9000. And how many returned? None. People became rich for making this sanctions. And Russia poor. Time for this boomers to retire and some more reactive people take over.

Peter Jennings

59 days to break the Ukrainian army, backed by the US and nato, and supplied with all the arms they can lose. It would seem there is nothing wrong with the Russian command. In fact i would say that they are having a jolly old time testing and tweaking their superior weapons on their favourite foe….nazis.


You dont even know how to defend yourself you sodomised globohomo spoilt rant,fkn drr!


He is a Jew-Nazi. One would have thought it was an oxymoron but it isn’t.


Certainly not. NaZi’s fulfilled the Zionist purpose, cui bono. Also as recorded in statements by leading zionists and, at the time, by the NaZi leaders themslves.


How big lie. Yugoslavia war is same as this one, one Slavic nation, Serbs, think that they are special one, better then other south Slavic people and need to rule them all. But lose ware on the end, as Putin Russia will lose it, because ther is no “special one” Slavic nation, all of us are equal. There is no special Slavic nation just like there is no “special operation”. It is bloody war.


It is amazing how you have simplified the crimes of Croats.

Icarus Tanović

No one did that. It is crime as it gets.


You are a loser,thus fascist bum,thus because of the likes of yous,destroy the west,fkn drr!

Icarus Tanović

Just this part of your comment are truth and appropriate:’Serbs, think that they are special one, better then other south Slavic people and need to rule them all. But lose ware on the end’. Everything else is just rubbish talk.


you are probably just stupid, you are in shock seeing people write something, now go and lick western bootlicker Vucic ass

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

Probably these Zombies thought that they were winning the war…


i would just KICKOFF THE NAVY SEALS leggs/knee of and let them grow LIMP ….. no guns i would use on usa personell ………. Busta Rhymes & Ozzy Osbourne – This Means War (Videoclip) (HQ) .nfl kevinskosnter hillary order blind side …. standing order FROM in my army //stor fursten

Last edited 2 years ago by extratax

They certainly don’t look like winners here, well, but I guess “all that it takes to defend NATO interests”, the sad thing is that soldiers don’t really know what they’re fighting for.

G2 man

As a lifelong professional soldier it is shame to see Slavs killing each other for the benefit of Jew parasites and NATO criminals whose only interest is prolonged bloodshed to “weaken” Russia and delusional aim of Balkanization on the Yugoslav model. The real murderer is the Jew pervert Zelensky who is responsible for totally unnecessary continued bloodshed and death in this fratricide. Russians and real Ukrainians (not the Khazar parasitic warmongers) are the same people with shared culture, religion and language, so what is the point of continuing this death spiral for Anglo-Zionist evil? I am so sorry to see all these unnecessary deaths for the benefit of Jews and western armchair warmongers. Why does not the cowardly repulsive Jew scum Zelensky get out of the basement and go fight in Don Bas?


As life long human it ‘s a shame to see anyone killing anyone he doesn’t know, for the glory of some fool he’ll never know.


Job of government is to protect lives, livelihood and statehood. Kiev is losing it all. “Slava Ukraine” is meaningless then. Cliche

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u
Muhammad your Prophet

As s lifelong loser from the Wagner faggots it makes total sense that you’re a filthy antisemite cockroach.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Jews make up only 3% of Americas population. And even less in Ukraine. Why are they so overrepresented in the key leadership positions? If the Jews don’t like getting blamed, maybe they should step down and hand the power over to the Amish.

Ashok Varma

Jews are a historical evil and operate via deceit and malice.


2% and 40% of the money and university places.


says the guy using the name of histories greatest anti Semite


By now Russian has no friends left; The member states of the CSTO (a politico-military international organization made up of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) are not prepared to participate in a war against Ukraine. Despite Russia’s insistence, CSTO members are unwilling to decide on peacekeeping operations outside their countries. Also on the territory of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR”. At the same time, CSTO members may consider limited deployment of national contingents on the territory of Russia or Belarus. But only after an official statement on the attack of Ukraine on their territory,” stressed the GUR of the Ministry of Defense.


after hans, also hasbarist johan is a copy paste champion.


71 ruble to the dolla,who needs homosexualised petty weak friends when his is the POWER!

Peter Jennings

Let’s not forget Porky, the chocolate president, and Ratzy, the nato rat president.


You know the answer. Jews promote the war in their media, then instigate the media with their leadership, then they fund the war with their banks, and then they get as far away from fighting in the war as possible. It’s the duty of the gentiles to die, not Jews. Jews are gods chosen people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul

How else will they defeat all of the gentile leaders?

Castrated Serb

Are you so stupid to think that whole World forgot our crimes in our long and ancient 220 years history?


he take a gun and run away…basically.

Castrated Serb

What would chetnik do, instead? Yesterday Ukrops used to be ‘Our Slovenska pravoslavna braća’. Now it is time for serb savage dirtbags to fuck off. Startin from Kosovo 4,3,2,1,…BOOOOOOM, and No beef no belgrade no more.

Last edited 2 years ago by Castrated Serb

That’s just about how I picture a reaction to be when one realizes a 500lb pound was just dropped on their head…


I wonder why the remnant of the ukro-army do not turn their weapons against zalensky & co. instead of hopelessly being slauthered. Any political leader in front of continuosly loosing battles and in order to relieve the suffering of their own people and the destruction of their own country would call for an immediate ceasefire.


When they did in 2014-15, they were shot down by the nazis. Also it’s not like you have freedom of speech and association in the military and such a rebellion needs organization, individuals may occasionally kill themselves by attacking their commanders but that is not a rebellion.

In any instance they generallly believe they’re defending their country and that they are doing their duty, exactly as every soldier in every war more or less. That’s the evilness of the military and of “patriotism”: it turns you into a cog and traps you into a machinery you can’t really escape anymore (and if you ever do, then you become a “traitor”, which is worse than being dead for most: you get marked as “not one of us”, as “enemy”, as the worst kind of “enemy”, the one born inside “us”).

But anyhow, Russia certainly had bad intel in all this Ukrainian affair: the CIA-Gladio clearly won the intel war, else Ukraine would not be in this trouble at all. In 2015, the Ukrainian Army was literally collapsing before the rag-tag militia of Donetsk and Lugansk, who were capturing their tanks and artillery. So many Ukrinian soldiers were surrendering in demoralization and hatred of the nazis that held them at gunpoint that it would have been easy to build a motivated rebel Ukrainian army out of the prisoners alone maybe… but instead the Kremlin preferred to dance with nazis for 7 years and let them build the fake Ukraine that Washington had designed on the criminal ideas of Stepan Bandera, the ultimate colonial stooge. Now they are all more or less brainwashed.


Me experience learns me that officers who are not wanted or are disdain or enforce soldiers in a war situation are often liquidated by one of their own. Take the example of an Ukraine prisoner forced to fight together with Russians I bet he will ; shoot some of the officers, flee or sabotage when ever he can. Anyway he will be no asset but a liability.


right. what was putin 8 years lomg waiting for? 2014 this all would be over in 1 week. now, after the ziotransatlantic mafia build up with billions in arms and supply a strong anti russian bridgehead ukraine, it will be a long and bloody way to the final.


Putin, who is a right winger and has definitely flirted with European and US fascism as potential “allies”, apparently believed he could redirect Maidan to a neutral stand with the aid of Germany and France (co-signatories of Minsk). He did not support Yanukovich and barely the minimum (humanitarian aid) to the Donbass republics, analyses from those day suggested that all these were perceived in Moscow as way too leftist to be backed in any serious way and that Russia considered Donbass rather a liability than an asset.

All this comes to show that, even if Putin and associates are probably more serious leaders than what we get in the rest of Europe, they are not infallible at all and in fact have serious lackings, largely caused by their right wing capitalist stand, which has given them false hopes again and again of Western collaboration, either mainline (extreme center) or pseudo-oposition (far right).

Putin believes in “multipolarity” but anyone who’s bothered reading Lenin’s masterpiece on “Imperialism” (I have and I’m not Leninist but “to Caesar what is of Caesar”) should know that Capitalism leads to Monopolism, Monopolism to Imperialism and Imperialism to Total War (although Lenin did not know of nuclear weapons). And that Imperialism is not “multipolar” but tends strongly to bipolarity. That’s why, while the Kremlin has tried to be neutral between the USA and China, it has ultimately been forced by the Eagle to embrace the Dragon as sole reliable ally (India excepted, I guess, there’s still a small niche of multipolarity and fluidity in Asia, but not in Europe for sure).

Ultimately the issue is about the destiny of Europe (the EU primarily), where the USA wants it as colony of sorts, Russia would like it fragmented and fluid (multipolarism) and China would be the only one with an interest in a united Europe that could stand as balance to both the USA and Russia while mostly not conflicting with China because of geographic distance. This is pretty much another discussion but it undelies the strategy of the USA re. Ukraine (this war serves to reinforce NATO and possibly weaken a major ally of China at the same time, at least in principle, we’ll see how it paves out), it also demolishes the Russian strategy of approachment to the Western far right (from Bannon to Le Pen, from Salvini to the AfD, etc.)

Said all that, I must underline that Russia still has the high moral ground and is a strong second tier power but it’s very far from perfect: its overall geopolitical strategy is only working so much (it’s definitely the counter-power of reference in West Eurasia and the Atlantic region overall, China is not really present here, having an Indo-Pacific focus instead) and its intel has been demonstrated to be relatively weak when compared with US one, which is clearly in most cases one or several steps ahead.



A smart Ukrop for a change


Your name tells us what needs to be done, to install a competent general who will take charge of the situation in Novorussia and restore it to its former glory. Especially now when the Kiev-junta openly states that they want to retake the entire south and east, including Crimea. Dream on, losers, I say. Not gonna happen.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

And it is this soldier who must win, armed with a weapon that he has never seen before. Yes, because of the shock, he did not think to order first aid to the wounded, to stop the blood. Instead, he ordered to CRAWL THERE. Obviously they bled to death… Here is such a guide, what are these soldiers fighting for? And there are more and more of them every day, here is an example where you can find dead / captured Ukrainians. https://t.me/s/chub_detection

Bernard Davis

That link to the Ukie POWs is revealing. Over a thousand of them in that group; what struck me was the great proportion of old and tired-looking men, greybeards with lined faces. They are scraping the barrel. Can’t help but feel sorry for these old guys; hope the Russians treat them better than their own poor lads taken by the Nazis.


ukrop army has been destroyed three times since 2014. its not surprising at all


Just another example that Ukraine has no real army. They are just conscripts caught in a unfortunate situation. But they were all given a chance to lay down their weapons and to go home, otherwise they eventually have to face the consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

They don’t know that Russia would just let them go but they do know that their own side will shoot them if they go.


You can’t “lay down weapons and go home”: that’s desertion and, in normal circumstances, would result in either long prison terms or just death by firing squad. In Ukraine for much less a nazi blows your brains before you can even blink.

The UAF is a slave army of mostly unmotivated conscripts and the deadly foremen are the nazis who are mostly not in combat but guard roles behind them.


And the Russian conscripts and cadets what are these; highly motivated victims born to die happily for their country ?


That’s what Cocalesky and Gladio (and per Meyssan “the Straussians”) think. Happily or not they are definitely expendable.

I do hope for a revolt of the UAF but it’s not happening, and this is because in general organizing the troops against the hierarchy is extremely difficult but, on top of that, the nazi apparatus in the army and the whole Ukrainian administration is a true “state within the state” that has been keeping everything under control, by force if need be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju
bob walsh

One curious thing, there didn’t seem to be much damage to the terrain, I’d expect a, crater, grass flattened and debris everywhere. It looks very clean, no amputation or mangled bodies either. Nobody beading from the ears either. It just doesn’t look like an air strike.

Bernard Davis

It was a mortar attack that got them, not an airstrike.

helene matz

he says they will take you away what does that mean


He tells them to surrender “come out” and “they” the Russians will take care of you.


So they say Ukraine is winning?


What does it mean get to India? Get safe?


The cameraman is high as fuck.


NATO will fight till the last Ukrainian

Last edited 2 years ago by till

And beyond!


Great news; gone are the Russian friends. The member states of the CSTO (a politico-military international organization made up of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) are not prepared to participate in a war against Ukraine. Despite Russia’s insistence, CSTO members are unwilling to decide on peacekeeping operations outside their countries. Also on the territory of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR”. At the same time, CSTO members may consider limited deployment of national contingents on the territory of Russia or Belarus. But only after an official statement on the attack of Ukraine on their territory,” stressed the GUR of the Ministry of Defense.

Jacob Wohl

Russkie 1980s Scrap Airforce have already lost in barely 60 days: -9 SU-34 fighter/bombers -9 SU-25 CAS jets -5 SU-30SM multirole -1 SU-35S advanced air superiority jets -12 KA-52 alligator -5 Mi-35 -2 Mi-24 -3 Mi-28 -11 Mi-8

Outdated soviet IR countermeasures, outdated electronic warfare defensive jammers, poor radar warning receiver RWR technology, and very poor missile approach warning systems (MAWS) on Russkie jets and helicopters are costing them dearly. Meanwhile Israeli Airforce has carried out over 1000 airstrikes against Syria (largest most advanced air defense in world) in the world, and lost only 1 F-16 in 4 years of airstrikes. And NATO lost only 3 jets against Serbia in 3 months of airstrikes in 1999. Clearly Western radar, jamming, electronics and microprocessor technology is vastly superior to Russkie junk.

At this rate, Russkies wont have an airforce left by next April.


jud jacob, the hasbara copy paste champ.


lol the man with a thousand accounts Shilliest of the shills


get lost wanker. nato lost tens of helos in afghanistan to ak47 and unguided rpg’s. think what would have been if talibans would have been armed with thousands of iglas and atgms.


The shtskn juice fire their missiles in Lebanese airspace, while their missile defences protect an area the size Taiwan.


UA solders are very foolish, fighting for corrupted government, who destroyed UA and people lives. The UA people have been living in poverty for years now and nothing have been improve in their lives under Zionist Zelensky


A tactical nuke on Kiev will get rid of Zelensky and his criminals but sadly, it would obliterate the innocent civilians. The most difficult combat mission is to wage urban-style warfare against your own people. Putin could end this quickly with the right missiles but it shows that he cares about the Russian speaking people and innocent civilians. The longer this carries on the more the USA/NATO become emboldened with their “support” for Ukraine, which, in any event, will end in a nuclear WWIII. Clearly Putin is rightly trying to avoid this but the USA/NATO are blind and deaf to this.


This killing is unacceptable. Killing between Russians and Ukrainians is unacceptable. Killing between brothers. How stupid you have to be to kill your brother? You stupid men, idiots! Stop this immediately! This is exactly what American Nazis want. Stupid Slavs fell into the trap of Nazi Americans once again.


People/morons all over the world can’t live without their fucking phones any more. Dude you are in war, people are dying all around you, you have better things to do than making selfies and movies for FB & twitter.

A true tragedy

Poor baby. Were there any American neo-nazis in the group? They seem to be getting wounded more and more and more lately.

Greg Schofield

The camera man, appears to be seriously concussed, may have been closer to the explosion than many of those killed and wounded.

mike l hutchings

I wonder if he took a SELFIE….

Arch Bungle

May the Buddha’s compassion be with them, for they are all Earth’s children.

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