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MARCH 2025

In Video 21+: Ukrainian Nazis Torture Prisoners Of War

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In Video 21+: Ukrainian Nazis Torture Prisoners Of War

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Every day of the special operation in Ukraine, new facts of atrocities committed by the Ukrainian Nazis are being revealed.

Yesterday, footage of captured Russian servicemen being shot in the legs by Ukrainian fighters who were watching their death throes went viral around the world.

Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

The body of a woman with traces of horrific torture and a swastika carved on her stomach was found in the basement in a Mariupol school.

Ukrainian Nazis Tortured Woman In Mariupol (Photos, Video 18 +)

Today, footage showing a Ukrainian nationalist stabbing a man with his hands tied behind his back in the entrance of a house was shared online. In the process of murder, the sadist strikes the victim in the torso and eye sockets, causing inhuman suffering.


The perpetrator has been identified. He is Ruslan Mironyuk, a resident and native of the Vinnytsia Region, Ukraine. The incident reportedly took place in Kharkiv.

In Video 21+: Ukrainian Nazis Torture Prisoners Of War

The victim was another Russian prisoner of war, Pyotr ******, who had previously been tortured by the Ukrainian armed forces.

In Video 21+: Ukrainian Nazis Torture Prisoners Of War

The video itself was filmed and distributed by the Nazis as an alleged example of how they deal with those who support Russia. The POW was disguised in civilian clothes before his execution. Ukrainian Nazis have surpassed ISIS in their atrocities. ISIS members, when carrying out executions on camera, usually drugged their victims.


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Vlad the invader

Don’t look at big picture with maps, look at what my Wagner Nazi mercs are doing!


I’d like to see the video of the thousands of Russian prisoners that must have been taken around Kiev once the leaderless recruits who had no food, fuel or ammunition were subjected to counter-attack by the third largest army in Europe. The Ukranians must have gone through those raggedy, starving Russian kids like a knife through butter. Should be able to get the convoy of BMWs and Mercedes’ through to Kiev as the prosperous new dawn for the Ukrainian nations breaks.

Vlad the invader

I too would like to understand tactics and doctrines of AFU. Nowhere to be seen, but kicking ass of my forces. How dare they!

Why no one plays with good ol’ Soviet doctrines style anymore?


Do you mean the Soviet doctrine that resulted in the total destruction of the Nazi war machine and the total subjugation of the Nazi vassals like Galicia, Hungary, etc. by the Russians for forty-five years? But really, with the Russian armed forces consisting of bewildered recruits abandoned outside Kiev, they must have been easy-pickings for the Ukrainian super-warriors with eight years of NATO wisdom under their belts. We know the Ukrainians love social media, so the videos of the capture of the unfortunate Russian masses must be out there. Let ‘er rip when you’re ready to show us the vast groups of Russian prisoners taken as they were defeated outside Kiev!

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
Vlad the invader

Yes, those WW II tactics which didn’t work in Armenia already.


xD o really? when russia entered, the conflict was over.

Or do you mistake it by the glorious NATO-tactics that proved to be so fast and effecient in Afghanistan?

Vlad the invader

Ouh, yeah, Russia came in like a bulldozer.

Problem is, no bulldozer tactic available in Ukraine anymore. After few days it became clear that didn’t work. Bulldozer tactic with 200k against more than 500k obviously isn’t working.


I wish you die like the cowards that only talk and do not see farther than their nose. If President Putin wanted to level Kiev to the ground, that would not be a problem.. but they are not trying to be like NATO and Israel baby killers.. i hope you die tomorrow, God willing

Vlad the invader

No, he only send recruits and conscripts into Mariupol without backup, hence the video up there. Scheer incompetence of the leadership.

In fact, it was his war which enabled the video above.

But let me guess, you are too stupid to understand that part.


So you didn’t see the DPR soldirs the Chechens and Russian Marines? you Nazi trash.


Death is to good for that thing, life in a sibirian gullag with daily raping with a baseball bat.


Of course you need to bring your antisemitism into it. I was wondering how long. Asshole.


Well, no. If they had gone in like “a bulldozer”, they would have been in all the Ukrainian metropolitan centres, street-fighting. Which they are not. Problem is, 240 000 Ukrainian regulars, with 200 000 active reserves, and something on the order of 60 000 “auxilliary” troops, couldn’t conduct any kind of counter-attacking operation against the Russians. The third largest army in Europe retreated into their own cities to use civilians and infrastructure as a shield, and are the first people in history to conduct an insurgency when they have massive numbers of conventional forces in their cities. An unprecedented demonstration of total martial ineptituce and lack of foresight. All fired up to clean the Moskals out of Donbass, and then you get up one morning and your air force and navy don’t exist anymore. Boom goes the Iskander!

Vlad the invader

You still don’t understand? Then you never will.

Icarus Tanović

Hey Chris, how are things in london?


LOVE this post I.T! London you say?


Your metaphor of a bulldozer is too imprecise. If Russia wanted to obliterate Ukraine, that’s easier. Russia has to live next to and with Ukraine after this is over, and so their mission is to avoid collateral damage, which makes the process take longer. The invasion of Poland by Third Reich Germany took six weeks to complete, and that’s including the simultaneous invasion of Poland on the other side by the USSR.


Never ignore the fine nation-building that NATO did in Libya. Not only destroying the most prosperous state in Africa, but unleashing throngs of displaced and desperate refugees into Europe. Thanks, Amerikkka!


The military doctrine that had the soviets lose 9 to 11,000,000 soldiers fighting Germany. Germany lost 5,500,000 Soldiers on all fronts. Did they rush the Germans faster then they could shoot them?

I don’t understand why Russia thinks they are good at war. Maybe They are OK against a small poor country like Georgia. In Syria they had the locals doing the Heavy lifting of the hand to hand combat, so got away relatively unscathed. Afghanistan bankrupted them and upset a lot of mothers who lost their sons.

But against a somewhat well organized and equipped opponent their only strength is sheer numerical superiority.

Prove me otherwise

Last edited 2 years ago by Simon

What blows my mind is that there is a 2,000,000 lost soldier spread that they don’t know if they lost or not LOL. I guess after watching this invasion of Ukraine I can believe they are that disorganized.


The major offensive operations launched by the Red Army in 1943-44 prove that the Soviets had reached a very highly level of proficiency. The drive through the Ukraine and then the liberation of Belarus were highly complex, vast operations. Your ignorance of these historical events says it all. Never stop derping.


Well if you look at teritory that russia already ocupies you could see that right now it is bigger then uk so i would say they are doing pretty well, and also mostly they destroy military, so if insurgents of ukraine are in schools or residetual buildings they clear them out

Yamil Perez

You are not winning the war by comitting warcrimes troll You are losing on the battleground.

Vlad the invader

Who enabled warcrimes with his invasion? Yes, Vlad enabled them.


should be hundreds of vids of russians torturing POW’s out there, right!?

oh, sorry, i’m trying hard, but i only find Nazis from Ukraine doing that.

Maybe you have a link for your thin airish claims?

Vlad the invader

Tell me one thing. Who enabled all these war crimes? Who made sure that all of this happens right now?

Afraid of the answer?


“Enabled”? The absolute degeneracy of Ukrainian nationalist ideology shines through again. “You made me act like a sub-human creature.”. Nazis, through and through.


Zelenski and co and you western master you fuck


Victoria (Nudelman) Nuland and her sponsors and handlers, and others of her ilk, that’s who.


its the jews who rule nato, they regime changed ukraine for a faggot nazi jewish lgbtq puppet government that takes dick from the jewish led nato every day, putin had to do it, they will do the same with japan and you will be shocked lol, they wont so hard in ukraine and nato was pooping its pants and did nothing, now china and russia will rape japan and australia, you really asked for it zionist puppet states.

Vlad the invader

Ask the Wagner mercs, it’s really simple.


Wtf. They call themselves azof, thry call themselves Ukraine hero, and there you are calling them wegner mercs just so. Wtf,are all 70-80k azof are wegner? Idk how uour brain work.


I bet, just like this guy, you wouldn’t be able to fight a man with out his hands being tied…

Last edited 2 years ago by putin
Lone Ranger

You did.

John Titor

Your friends are commiting them :D

You’re full on damage control because your mind can’t proceed the dissonance between reality and the propaganda you’re fed with


Vlad zelenski did

The Vlad Slayer

I wish I could go through you stupid TROLLS on here like a Knive through BUTTER! You & your boyfriend Vlad aren’t even HUMAN, if only you could get Tortured like this or like the Female Civilian that had a SWASTIKA carved into her Dead Body that SOUTHFRONT just reported on.

Seriously do you think all of this is funny? The Russians are not treating the Ukrainian POW like this, no one deserves to get treated like this, and instead of offering prayers or condelences or something positive, you and your boyfriend VLAD are basically praising what what was done to them.

There is a Special Place in Hell for the both of you and I Hope that you end up right next to the NAZIS that you guys are so in LOVE WITH, I mean you guys just can’t stop praising them on here, why don’t you just go on CNN and praise the NAZIS on there, you would be Welcome there!

Lone Ranger

You will die a worse death than the guy on the video. Just so you know.

Vlad the invader

Is that a death threat to the Russian leader, who enabled all these atrocities with his invasion?

Vlad the invader killed more than 50,000 people, including more than 140 children. Vlad the invader displaced more than 11 million people in Ukraine alone. Vlad the invader destroyed several cities in Ukraine alone.

And the best thing? The majority of victims are of Russian origin!

Vlad the invader is still not finished with screwing up brothers and sisters. He will go on until he got his demands as a dictator through! No matter that the clear majority doesn’t want him.

If you want to get the worst and despicable person to pay for his crimes, go to Moscow, there is the worst henchmen of the devil.


Well Ukraine is inhabited by terrorists so I don’t think anyone will feel bad if ukropstan gets glassed.

Vlad the invader

No brothers and sisters anymore? Then the USA won already. Slavs killing Slavs.


THIS is the most inciteful thing I have seen you post. Could it be that you’re coming around to the truth?

Lone Ranger

You have seen no attrocities yet…

Vlad the invader

Wish I wouldn’t.


You just make me sick. Vlad Țepeș ,”the impaler” used the “impale the enemy” tactics for the purpose of psichological warfare against the muslim turk enemy. He knew the other side well, as he has hold hostage by the Turks all his childhood. And faked submision to islam. When he got his rightfull place as ruler of the southern Vlahs (Valahi) his first step was to stop the tribute and with the suport of the people he waged his holly war against the supresion. Did not last long, as the leaders of Europe did not suport his cause. He ended in a tower prison in austro-hungary forming state. PS The impale of the enemy was his well thought-over revenge against the muslim turk captors. The islam encourages man-boy relations it seems. No man, women or child of his own people was harmed during the operation of the well documented impalings. In fact people here loved Vlad Țepeș. He was a great leader a great warior a true nationalist and leaving behind the impaling of some agresor Turks a good ortodox cristian in faith. Vlad the Impaler holded the ottoman empire not to invade, Europe thus gaining his place in history. Try not to mock the name. Prince Vladimir the Saint, rus-viking ruler converted the pagans to orthodox religion Vlad îs a good name, I shall name my 3rd child VLAD / VLĂDUȚA, If The Allmighty God blesses me with another child, and the vaccines do not make me sterille, If not already ;) Peace!


cry all you want , those ukronazis will get what is coming to them


Man! You really do not know WHAT you are talking about, do you? … Back to grade 10 (again?) for you my friend.


I can’t wait to see this lowlife cowardly nazi fucking scum hanging from meat hooks being skinned alive while his whore of a wife looks on,and a thousand Russian soldiers take their turn raping the slut.

Vlad the invader

You mean Wagner Nazis?


This time, I actualy agree with you. USA won al redy because Like you sed. Slavs, killing Slavs. It was the saim story her in formal Yougoslavia.

To all Slavs, WE COUD BE THE GREATEST POWE IN THE WORLD (in, military, sients, economy and sports) BUT WE ARE DEVIDED AND FIGHTING EACH OTHER. We soud think abouth this? Whay are we fighting for?

Vlad the invader

Yugoslavia was about bondsteel, nothing else. Stupid Milosevic said no and sealed the fate of his country.


Im from Yugoslavija and belive me it was not only Milosevic. Ther was CIA fotprint all owe, pumpin each nation on nationalizem. And, what we get now? Fagots, transgenders and gipsys are having all the rights and we pay for it. You will get the sam in Ukraine in few years. All right wing fighter that are praised now as heroes will be worth a pice of shit. Like it was her, anf fagots will be in carge. Yes this is what you are fighting for.


Ukronazis are too far gone, they also recruted the worst of its kind, criminals murderers, no point to reason with those, they are no slavs, just trash

Arzt Injektion

In 1991, after the USSR broke up, Ukraine had it all. Look what they have done in 30 years. Just look at the backwater that Ukraine has become.


You are very limited in you responses and angry, looks like ukronazis are loosing, running away like bitches once they learned that propaganda about them winning are fairy tales. Good that they have indentified the azovists, they won’t be able to hide now even in the west


And you would be next, your hole pudrid bloodline needs to be erased.


No he means zelenski’s nazis

Arzt Injektion

Do you just come here to troll? Do you ever have anything meaningful to say? Try to make an cogent argument just once. If you have evidence of Wagner Group Torturing Ukrainians let’s see it. I have not seen a thing.


You ate sick lik vlad.


I ate sick like vlad, what the fuck are you on about?


That wont happen, instead someone will just shoot you, and then having a beer or two, not even recognizing you as a human being, that you never were anyways.


The Ukraine is being carved up little girl, and you’re scumbag nazi friends are being eradicated, you’re only hope is for a quick death.

The Vlad Slayer

Dude I’m really getting sick of your stupidity on here, I would pay to see you shipped to Ukraine so the Nazis there can shoot you in the Leg, or maybe torture you to DEATH and carve a SWASTIKA on your back, like how the Nazis did to an innocent Female Civilian, that SOUTHFRONT just reported on

That I bet in your sick mind is something that’s okay to do, you really better be glad that I can’t find you because I would really HURT YOU!! I’m just really sick and tired of hearing your stupid comments on here!

The Vlad Slayer

I am so sick & tired of hearing your stupid comments on here, there is someone getting Tortured to Death and instead of offering Prayers or saying anything positive for that matter, you got to come on here saying the same stupid things you do on every video on here!

You better be glad I can’t find you because I would fly you to UKRAINE and kick you out of the door in mid-air so you can be with the NAZIS that you so much are in LOVE WITH: I mean you just can’t stop praising them!

You have a very Twisted Mind and I would pay to see you get shot in the Leg and your Eyes gouged out: You are no different then the Ukrainian Nazis!



Delphi One

Oh is that why Ukraine needs another $40 billion in munitions from the US? because they’re winning?

Buford T Justice

wagner nazi mercs ? you just blew the circuits out of my stupidity meter , genius .


Good ol’ fashioned savagery from the arm-chopping Ukronazi ferals. This type of assault is a hallmark of the US/NATO approach to counter-insurgency psychological warfare.

Johny cash

Pathetic army pushing your conscript to these circumstances

Lone Ranger

Dont worry hohol, Spetznaz will deal with you in a lit more horrible way. And with the perpetrators as well. You are dead man walking.

Vlad the invader

Pussy issuing death threats on the internet, lowest level loser you are.

You know who enabled all these atrocities with his invasion. Go to that guy in Moscow and show that you really are that tough guy.


Lol calling someone else pussy when you’re the ultimate keyboard warrior.

Vlad the invader

Is it something special when you are listening to the echo of your filter bubble? Or are you afraid of different opinions? Then stay in your circle, happily singing songs with yesmen around you.

But don’t be surprised when reality is different, like many recruits had to suddenly face in this war already.


No matter what you do, your nazi forces are going to die, Mariupol is over and a larger chunk of azov nazis died there, more than half of the 14.000 and some others trying to flee dress as civilians, even dressed like women lol.

Your puppet president can cry all he want to the west for help but nothing can save him and your nazis.

Vlad the invader

You mean the Wagner Nazis?


he means ukronazis

Lone Ranger

Pussy are the one torturing and killing defenseless civs and POWs. Dont worry I won’t kill you. I only stated facts.

Vlad the invader

First part, I agree, hate that shit. Second, my time comes anyway.

Peace to you!


Bu why does these hohols larps “nazis” and why does OP indulge their and their masters pretenses?

Johny cash

Pathetic russian leadership is the reason why so many soildiers are in snuff films make mo mistakes about that. They knew exactly what type of beasts they up against yet they send they ill prepared conscripts to the front line with no backup. Their leadership is the main culprit for all of these inhumane situations


Lying shill!


The Ukrops have sown the wind, and now they’ll reap the whirlwind.


Biden has been formally put in his place by the propaganda apparatus, with a few ultra-kook mouth-pieces trying to pretend that the US can do anything to retrieve their massive failure in the Ukrainian puppet state. Absolutely brutal business and a tragic thing that it fell to Russia to confront the fascist murder machine. Cannot imagine what goes through the minds of the Nazis in Mariupol as they face the last hours of their existence with no potential for relief, no chance of escape, and no chance of their failed Nazi dreams succeeding in the failed Ukrainian project. A chilling example of a death cult reaching it’s culmination. The Ukraine is Jonestown as national policy.

Lone Ranger

They will cry and scream a lot harder. Dont worry about it. Vengeance is coming for the hohols and they cant hide from it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lone Ranger

Banderistan and ukrainian nazis behaving the same since 2014.. this is nothing new for them.. They have done it thousands of times before Russia interfered..

Lone Ranger

But its coming to an end now. These coward banderites will end very miserable.




Russians should take their Gloves off and start carpet bombing those sub-human nazis

Last edited 2 years ago by Reaper-Grim
Vlad the invader

The most hateful people on earth. Even german nazis were disgusted by them. Even ISIS would be disgusted. “Ukraines” fake national identity should be deleted from the face of the earth, its pure poison. Its not even Nazism anymore, its just demonic.

Russias military operation is an exorcism.


These creeps were always known as “Galicians”. I’m not sure when they cooked up this “Ukrainian” identity. The Russian operation is a sacred mission.

Vlad the invader

Russias military operation killed already far more than what happened since 2014.

Ghost of Keev

I thought I stopped all the darn russians?


Ukr nazis azov garbage burns good


Tranne uno! questo qui sopra…


Any advise how to sher this on Fb?

Last edited 2 years ago by Matej

Impossibile, FBK segue regole che rifiutano immagini cruente , o frasi di odio e violenza.


Ukraine defence ministry says no signs of Russia lifting seige of Kiev. So what about the fake news that was doing rounds in western media last few days that Russia is defeated and hence planning to withdraw from Kiev?

Lone Ranger

Its just that. Fake news. Ukrops are getting more brutal as they feel their end is near.


Pretty much, they know thousands of their little nazi friends in Mariupol have been getting smoked lately, so they take their frustrations out on POW’s and civilians. Typical of the losing side throughout history.


silly, western media is 99% propaganda

Lone Ranger

Russia should execute every ukronazi prisoner right now. Azovnatzis as well but they should be tortured a few hours before they end. These demons must be dismembered, piece by piece.

Vlad the invader

You say, you aren’t any better? Circle of violence was pushed off by that lunatic in Moscow, remember that. He had the choice to create a prosperous country, instead decided to send his recruits into war unprepared.

It is his war, remember that.

Lone Ranger

Eye for an eye…


No it was started by the west and ukronazis are just useful idiots like the jihadis were in syria


And you think that you are beter? More, slavs kiling slavs?


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Praise Adolf and Bandera.


You’re really fucked up in the head..


Neka ti obojica jebu kćerku


Pozdrav prijatelju. Ima i nas balkanaca ovdje 😁


Ima nas i četnika. Volemo ovakvo da se ponašamo.

Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni



Na srbskom se bre kaže ćerku, ne kćerku.

Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni

Crkni mater ti jebem četnička

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni

na pohybel ukrainskim smieciom od bandery i chmielnickiego

Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni

Glory to Ukraine!!! Death to shaytani Russia!!! Life to freedom!!!

Yamil Perez

We like to torture Palestinians but thats sick even for me🤮

Vlad the invader

True indeed, but never forget who was the enabler of these atrocities. It has a reason why kicking of a war is considered the biggest crime of all, even worse than what is shown above.


Rusi koljite tu gamad SJEME IM ZATRITE koljite te prljave fašiste


Ukrainci naša slovenska pravoslavna braća.

Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni

Mi cemo koljiti vas sve do pakao haha

Fit for Giants

May the good prevail and the evil get what’s coming.


They do. Russians will get more Problems very soon.


Počela su zvjerstva od fašista,sami ste to htjeli,a ovog psa ukrajinskog treba raščereciti tako da mu porodica gleda uživo na viberu,tako da ga Bajden gleda dok crkava kao pas.Ti vam Ukrajinci nikada nisu bili braća,isto su psi kao Hrvati željni srpske krvi.Nemajte milosti prema njima,nemaju ni oni prema vama.Vrijeme je za totalni rat

John Wooh

Hrvatska je okupirana(Vatican, Berlin, D.C. itd) imamo mozda 20% “ustase” (vecinom djeca ili primitivni idioti) ne siri mrznju izmedu 3brata Bosnjaka, Srba i Hrvata.

Ne daj zapadnoj stoki da se opet koljemo, izgubio sam dosta iz roda devetdesetih i 2kuce itd. ali volim Srbe i Bosansce isto kao i Hrvate, to je sve isto samo razlicte vjere.



Pa i ja se slazem. Amerikanci zmaguju ako se slovani koljemo medusobno. Trebamo gradi, Slavensko uniju, pomoci si i postovati sve nase religije. Pozdrav iz Slovenije, kolegi.

John Wooh

To brate, ako bilo ko triba pomoc nek se javi, pozdrav svima.


A šta drugo od čobana četničkog da očekujem da napiše? Da i Rusi čine kao vi po Bosbi-Kosovu-Sloveniji-Hrvatskoj? Pa nisu oni divljaci iz anadolije kao vi tzv. Srbi.

Abu Baraka Al-Maqduni

Dobit će te ga i gorite će zauvjek dok se mi smejemo hahaha


ukraine must be destroyed


Hard to watch, may this soldier rest in peace ( say amin). Stop this war


This was hard to watch. This psycopath…. how I wish somebody would just let me in a room with him alone. Don’t need him to be tied or incapacitated, just no weapons in hand and I will take care of it with my bare hands.

Vlad the invader

Who enabled these atrocities, who declared war?

Not even in eight years so many atrocities have been committed than since then.


Ukronazis have killed 15000 people in donbass, now don’t complain , you will be denazified


Dont play inocent. Ukrainians wer for it as well as Rusians. You cant pretend that ther was not a provocation from Ukrainian side? But all in all the reson for this is in London and Wasington.


These beasts will be hunted down and brought to justice

The Realist

The AZOV Nazis should have gassed Zelensky before he got them all killed!


The Ukie Army is a Nato/US military – trained, armed and paid – so if Russia doesn’t wake up and destroy every Ukie soldier now – they will lose a whole lot more men.

death to nazi

i hope this monster get same,or even beter,dig his eye’s and let him in russian jail


This guy gets a medal, you dumb idiot. And if russians stay in ukraine then he will kill more of that babie killer scum.

Jamey is a Faggot!

Your clowns have lost, now go back to sucking dicks.


Torturing others mean torturing worst himself in near future.


La mia grande paura è che gente come costui può entrare in Europa domani da “cittadino” europeo , a predare e aggredire noi benpensanti paciocconi e farlocchi. Temo che già alcuni si sono infiltrati tra i profughi … e si nascondono per ora sotto i panni di vittime di guerra. Noi stiamo per affrontare una brutta epoca di terrorismo, che infetterà anche i fanatici delle nostre destre nazionali. Il virus della violenza sarà difficile estirparlo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nonnaga

If this goes on, the Russian population is going to demand full mobilization pretty soon. That would not be good for the Ukrainians.

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