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In Video: 35 Years Ago Biden Came To Kremlin To Discuss INF Treaty

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The President of the USA Joseph Biden has repeatedly visited the USSR and Russia during his almost half-century political career. On January 15, 1988, a meeting was held between Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Andrei Gromyko and American Senator Biden in the Kremlin. It was mainly devoted to the upcoming ratification of the Soviet-American treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles.

The Russian state media covered the meeting, emphasizing the Kremlin’s position on the signing of the treaty:

Today in the Kremlin, Andrei Andreevich Gromyko received the famous American Senator, a member of the Commission on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. Senate Joseph Biden, who is in Moscow at the invitation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The conversation was devoted mainly to the upcoming ratification of the Soviet-American Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.

– Now the main task, – said Comrade Gromyko, – is to ratify the signed treaty.

The Soviet leadership proceeds from the fact that the American side will act in this direction with full awareness of its high responsibility. The Soviet Union would like to believe that the negotiations currently taking place between our countries will also succeed and it expects that the American side will show a constructive approach to them.

In 2012, Washington decided to unilaterally withdraw from the treaty. In 2019, the treaty was terminated on the initiative of the US. From October 1999 to August 2, 2019, the United States conducted 108 tests of the missile defense systems, when medium- and shorter-range missiles were used as training intercepted target missiles. In total, during this period of time, they used 117 such missiles, that is, they committed 117 violations of the INF Treaty.


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It is written on Biden’s face he only want chaos in the world, all this years I never seen any other expression on his face.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana
Chris Gr

Biden has never fought against commies or jihadis. No. Sleepy Joe fights against European and American patriots only.

Michel LeBlanc

Wtf are you blabbing about. Joe biden will fight whomever the billionaires tell him to fight.

Your stupid labelling of everything as commie muslim or jew is getting really tiresome.

Who are you going to blame next china? The martians with there wacky balloons??

GTFO here panzee.

Chris Gr

Are you crazy or somewhat? What “billionaires”? Of course they are some “billionaires” but why do many “billionaires” attack other “billionaires” like Donald Trump or Elon Musk? Because they don’t support the same cult maybe?

The Old Man

I think Chris is right Michel. In the west there is no more political parties : It’s globalists vs nationalists. Sometimes even nationalists are fake ones (for example Meloni in Italy or Marine Lepen in France) and the people have no choice but globalist politicians. Communism is a bottom-top way to globalism and capitalism is a top-bottom way to globalism. That’s why lot’s of billionaires and international companies support neo marxist movements like BLM, the woke agenda and so on…. It create a global ideology for the masses. They also support mass immigration because only a globalized population, a mixed race population, will accept globalism. On the other side some billionaires understand who is behind that and what it means. It means our nations will be destroyed, our History will be deleted, our people replaced. That’s why a couple of billionaires don’t embrace globalism. Do you remember Henry Ford ?

Chris Gr

BLM is not really “neo-Marxist” but neo-progressive. And Soros-backed for sure. You are right. Communism and neoliberalism are both dystopias. Globalism is another world for totalitarian dystopias. However, there are different types of communism that were nationalist, for example, Cuba, Romania, Vietnam, North Korea.


Murican? Only gringo autists, without any comprehension of the outside world can buy into that “neo marxists” idiocy. Special points if it’s “post-modern”… Society beyond repair…

Chris Gr

It means the Frankfurt School.


The oligarchy is a better term. It includes billionaires, large corporations and big money interests that control US politicians. Besides this oligarchy there is the special interest groups including the foreign ones, like the zionists.

Chris Gr

Those oligarchs like Soros and the Qatari ones are against Israel and they fund terrorist groupuscules.


Aj toto jasne dokazuje, že USA sú darebácky štát!!! RF by sa nemal vôbec baviť z USA, lebo USA sú preukázateľne teroristický štát!!! Irak je toho jasným dôkazom!!!

Peter Jennings

If one looks carefully, one can see the straw sticking out of biden’s sleeves. Being stuck out in a field all day wearing a hat has probably caused the baldness.


NOt widely discussed but Bidens homebase state of Delaware is a major tax haven and home to many old Democrat trusts linked to left wing demorat Unions. Another big link is the infamous DUpnt family who have controlled the U.S chemical and weapons ndustry for almost 200 centuries since the revolution. Dupont Nemours chemcial patents in everything from cook ware, to sattelities to nuclear bomb centrifuges are highly lucrtive and some of massive importance. Biden the politician is hyper savy. Biden working for dupont….borderlin domestic war criminal…


INvisible Light

Moderat – Bad Kingdom


You don’t want to go down the rabbit hole too fast. Point pleasent…..Strongest polymers are generally linked to insects but incredibly expensive due to their size. SUre the russians had similar towns and programs…

Julie and the Mothman – Kasabian.

Buford T. Justice

Biden was and is a scum bag .


Biden should have ended his political career when the first signs senility started to show. People around him should have protected him. Now the neocons exploit his mental condition and this is a threat to humanity. We could all pay the price for this.


That creature was deranged long before any signs of dementia. Typical ruling careerist sociopath


Biden=Bidenmann, Nuland=Nudelmann

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