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In Video: Another IED Attack Targets US Supply Convoy In Southern Iraq

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In Video: Another IED Attack Targets US Supply Convoy In Southern Iraq

Official logo of The Islamic Resistance in Iraq – ‘Ashab al-Kahf

On March 13, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq – ‘Ashab al-Kahf attacked a convoy carrying armored vehicles for the US-led coalition in southern Iraq.

The group said that the US convoy was targeted with a number of improvised explosive devices as it was passing near the city of Diwaniyah in the al-Qadisiyyah province. Iraqi sources claimed that a number of armored vehicles loaded on trucks were damaged.

A video of the attack was released by ‘Ashab al-Kahf. The short video shows at least two explosions hitting the supply convoy’s trucks.

‘Ashab al-Kahf is one of several pro-Iranian groups which emerged in Iraq last year following the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, and Iranian Quds Force Leader Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

Earlier this week, a group calling itself the International Resistance attacked a supply convoy of the US-led coalition in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar.

The recent wave of attacks on the US-led coalition is meant to pressure Washington to withdraw its forces from Iraq. While this seems plausible, it will not likely happen any time soon. The US is in fact expanding its presence in the country.


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“The recent wave of attacks on the US-led coalition is meant to pressure Washington into withdrawing its forces from Iraq.” Or at least to make it more expensive for them to stay, resistance must continue regardless of how long it will last.


They need to hit the Bases.

Supreme Blyat

Not really. USSR lost in Afghanistan by having its suply convoys hit, not the bases.

cechas vodobenikov

ignorance…USSR militarily defeated muhajadin—even admitted by US historians Gorbachev decided to withdraw seeing no reasons to remain

Supreme Blyat

Hahaha! same with the US


likely why iran supplied laser targeted shells..


Supreme Blyat

It’s very timid action comparing to what was in 2006-2009. These footages were not even worthy of uploading back then.


the yankee-twats are concerned to keep the sdf and pkk and ypg alive with stolen syrian crude oil and thus indirectly protecting the jews in palestine.


Banditi Uniti D America

Lone Ranger

An IED a day keeps CIAisis at bay…

Supreme Blyat

You have no idea how many millions are pumped out from Iraq every day :)

Lone Ranger

And yet they are somehow losing ground by the day…

Supreme Blyat


Supreme Blyat

The courage means to do what you gotta do even while shaking or have a panic attack. Let’s say he has asthma :)

johnny rotten

If some squatter wants to occupy your house, first you invite him to leave, then you push him out, finally you hit him, this is the sure law, even if in the case of national states, things, even if they follow the same pattern, are necessarily longer, the result will always be the same, and the Yankee militiamen will return to their miserable lives in tents, without toilets, shitting on the sidewalks, hoping for the generosity of occasional passers-by.

Arch Bungle

That’s kind. I usually set my dogs on squatters.

cechas vodobenikov

cognitively deficient amerikans must lose their dignity, self respect, become more indebted before they recognize that they have lost yet another war


can’t have enough of attacks on the convoys of the yankee-twats.

Arch Bungle

Practice makes perfect.

They’re still not getting it right though, they used to be able to ‘flip’ a tank over in the air in a graceful loop.

They’ve lost a little of the old touch …

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