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In Video: Appeal Of 42nd Battalion Of Armed Forces Of Ukraine

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SErvicemen of the 42nd separate motorized infantry battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine described their military experience on front lines in Eastern Ukraine.


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Seymour Undies

They need to buck up and die for their Jewish god Zelensky. And take Crimea to make their Jew god Zelensky happy. And after all of that dying, the few remaining Ukrainian men will live to celebrate gay marriage among the migrant hordes that will settle in Ukraine under European refugee settlement programs.


It appears like the RF forces are now satisfied with what they have achieved by creating a substantial area serving as buffer zones boostering its defence, clearly a faulty strategy bcoz they made Zelensky comfortable in Kiev with the absence of strong pressure to accept the Russian terms of peace agreement, and actually emboldened the comedian and NATO to escalate their deluded desire aiming to reclaim Crimea. SMO should have covered the entire Ukraine and not limited itself to small patches of land adjacent to the border, once a firm control is established, Moscow could start returning the territory based on mutually agreed settlement.

That’s also explains why SF community is so frustrated about the conduct of RF forces shifting into REACTIONARY stand instead of speedy marching straight up all the way to kiev, that was viewed by ukroNATOnazis as weakness on the part of Russia, a situation where an easier task of denazification has shifted into much complex mission of deNATOsization.


Russia will fully absorb Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaparozhia, Mikolaev, Kherson, Odessa, creating a land border to Transnistria in Moldova and landlocking Ukraine. Then they’ll take Kharkiv, and keep going until Ukraine surrenders.

It’ll probably get split up again between Poland and Russia, like it was before the Soviet Union and WW2.


US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US trade.


and the black men will fuck their women while they are at war getting killed


Sorry to sound ignorant, but what exactly are “orks”? The Ukrainians use it a lot when referring to their enemy, but all I get in a search is Mork and Mindi, The Wizard of Oz, Warhammer, and a type of cetacean (misspelled). Any explanations of this word? (Someone mentioned LOTR, but clearly not applicable, since the Russians would be Gondorians and the Neonazis & NATO proxies, Saruman’s Orcs)


They were characters in “The Lord of the Rings” movies. If I recall correctly, subhuman subterranean dwelling devilish mutant creatures who only appeared as like infantry men in war fare. They were a frightening and fearsome character, an unstoppable army, if you will. Oh, and they were the bad guys.


It’s spelled “Orcs”. They were evil sadistic monsters in a Fantasy series of Books and Movies (TLOR, yes). I’ve heard the Ukrainians calling the Russians this way since Feb 24 in social media vids, and they definitely did it earlier. It’s used by the neo-Nazis/nationalists (the leader in this vid is defiintely one) because like the original Nazis they believe Russians are subhuman – actually these guys here instead of just believing they’re inferior, they apparently beieve they’re evil sadistic monsters too. :(

(“Muscovites” is another denigratory word used by the Nationalists)


The idea is to exterminate Ukrainians. This is pretty obvious.

Last edited 2 years ago by skrzek
Abraham Lincoln

Yse its a second Holodomor by the decendants of the same Jews that committed the first Holodomor.


They should consider themselves lucky for being alive until now but remain stupid after realising the dire situation being offered as sacrificial creatures to the beast.

Southfront resident nigha

They are pig beasts themselves. So does that mean that they are sacrifing themselves to themselves?


Exactly, they haven’t learnt any lesson. Dumb and stupid ukies.


US has been killing and genocide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.

Southfront resident nigha

Nobody is exterminating xoxols. They are doing that to each other on their own free will. Like pigs in the farm 🐷🐷🐷🐷


I’m actually starting to hate all these videos because it would be so much easier for them to lay down their arms and raise the white flag or shoot their fucking superiors, but no they just make stupid videos to say they’re not happy or that the president clown helps them, they should wake up once and for all and stop clowning around in front of the cameras

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

They are so antisemitic and homophobic not following Zelensky’s orders correctly. He needs more white goyim to kill each before fleeing to Israhell or the JewSA!

Southfront resident nigha

These are surrender videos required by the Geneva convention. Highest ranking officer in the palatoon/company speaks in front of the camera that they are out of ammo, support, food etc. This way nazis, hipsters and propaganda clowns cannot legally charge them with desertion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Florian Geyer

The Ukies will likely still murder their own men again who are unable or unwilling to fight though.

Slava Rossiya

Zelensky - cuckold on roids and cocaine

Yes, they will. And they are doing exactly that. But they cannot legally charge them in the International court or in MSM.


Ukraine is announcing them as deserters anyways so they don’t have to pay them anymore. Even POWs who get captured are marked as deserters to save money and discourage surrender. They’re trained to self destruct a grenade when approached instead of surrendering.


no. I hope they turn their gun points to other direction. but they didn’t. so their mishaps are well deserved

kogda mi byli na voinye

surrender its better for you

ukra sociopathy instructor

Tommy Sawyer is a best lgbt monkey pox butty—


Are we supposed to feel sorry for these murderers who have been killing Donbas people for last 8 years. They can all burn in hell.

Captain Hohol

These are just footmen, their own lead propagandist calls them uneducated fools, I don’t care much about carrying a vendetta against them. They aren’t the problem, the people pushing them to serve a bad agenda is where the problem is.

Ukraine could have had peace. Ukraine should have looked at the writing on the wall as far as what was happening in the U.S in terms of how tense things are getting there and realize they do not want to endure the same things there.

Ukraine would have been far better off having good relations with Russia, to protect from the caustic influence of the west ruining their culture.

mike l hutchings

the USA will be very grateful for every soldier that’s killed fighting for them


AFU would have capitulated months ago if the Russians issued a strong warning against the arms suppliers not to send armaments.. The objective of denazification has now shifted to deNATOsization.


In the end, it is the same thing, after all.


It seems that Israel is going to have a hard time taking the Ukraine. They have worn out their welcome in about 160 nations historically. They are running in quicksand in the land they stole from the Palestinians. It seems they are dead men walking, just please hurry up.


It’s as if they haven’t been told, or heard, what everybody else knows: Ukrainia is outgunned, outmanned, outmaneuvered, out equipped and, guess what, the whole world, including all your b.s. benefactors, knew you never had a chance in Hell.

I guess that’s what happens when you’re blinded by Rage, when you’re led by cokeheads and idiots.

Last edited 2 years ago by jimbojames

Just capitulate already man, you want your kids to grow up without father or what? Better a father alive than a father ‘wanna be hero’ dead in pieces. And dont waste time addressing to your President – he doesn’t give a fuck about you.


They should heed the advice of Julia instead of languishing in dire strait.

Warrior Nation

If these dumfuks still haven’t figured out that they are the bad guys in this and they still intend to fight Russians and their ex-countrymen to get the Donbass and Crimea back instead of just surrender, they may as well just make a video where they are all just rolling around in a field trying to suck their own cocks together!


They want to fight and want to kill russians (calling them orks) so no they are just not satisfied that it is not the walk in the park that was promissed to them. You see it yourself there is no decent person in the Ukrainian army. Do it US style or it will never end.


That is the impression I got. It’s hard to work up any tears for these guys. They’ve been brainwashed.

Captain Hohol

They were trying to aggregate an offensive force for action against Kherson, clearly the guys on the Russian side knew something was up when there were rumors about bridges connecting Crimea to that region were destroyed.

This is a pre-emptive assault to discourage action to the south.


These guys aren’t anywhere near Kherson, they’re near Kramatorsk-Slavyansk!

The counter-offensive will take place when they finish all necessary preparations because they want it to definitely succeed! They’ll probably only get the part on the left bank of the river, because they’ve blown up the bridges needed to cross.

The preparations are: destroy all Kherson bridges to cut off supplies and retreat routes for the Russians, destroy the Crimean airfield, destroy radars, amass heavy western artillery with LOTS of ammunition, amass the trained men (from Britain?) and NATO mercs, go through the details of the plan with the USA intelligence and coordination in Poland, execute helped by real-time intelligence feed of the battlefield.

I must say I’m disappointed the Russians didn’t find a way to stop them from destroying the bridges. Not to mention letting their sabotereus blow up all warplanes with huge air-bombs like Kinzals etc in Crimea.


NO sympathy here. Dead NAZIS don’t breed.


This is crazy and sad. So many people die for nothing. Fking revolt


Uki cannon fodder is welcomed to be grinded.

No nazis, no crime!

Stop dying for the Zionist bitch, Zelensky! Let him do his comedy act without you!


these NAZI SUPPORTING Ukrainian Soldiers, are paying the price for working with NAZIS. You pay for your SINS with your LIFE. Stop complaining… just SURRENDER to Russia. And the War ENDS.


Translation would be good, I don’t speak yulie dialect


🤔 Their foul dialect sounds alot like the Black speech of Mordor actually…..


The leader is a Nationalistic scum. it’s a disgrace the western media aired all those videos with the Ukrainians using the “Orc” word, and we STILL have to listen to it… Kramatorsk and Slavyansk were in the DPR’s hands 8 years ago, but Russia didn’t send its army to help, and they lost both! I hope Putin doesn’t make the same mistake TWICE and doesn’t allow Odessa to remain in Ukraine’s hands. In fact, take half of the Ukraine, man, don’t wait for them to build a new army!!!


Stop making video appeals and capitulate already motherfuckers. youtube.com/watch?v=359I0x3lInk Just watch and enjoy

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