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In Video: Armenians Ambush Azerbaijani Troops South Of Shusha

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In Video: Armenians Ambush Azerbaijani Troops South Of Shusha

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The Armenian military released a video showing an ambush of Azerbaijani troops south of the town of Shusha, the second largest town of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The incident reportedly took place near the village of Karin Tak last night.


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IT WILL NOT BE GOOD! HOW MUCH FALSE AND DISFORMATIONED YOU ARE, THE TRUTH IS IN THE MIDDLE! We enjoy watching the extinction of 4 SMERCHINS who opened fire on the civilian population and then fled like a mouse: https://qaynarinfo.az/az/berde-ve-terter-seherlerini-atese-tutan-daha-2-smerc-mehv-edildi-video/


Armenia stronk! Turkish earthquake stronk!




They claim in their media that earthquake is just russian agent ;)

Porc Halal

More like God’s agent…it seems that God had have enough of turdish shit…


How does it feel to be on the same page with the radical islamists in Turkey? They claim it is God’s work because Izmır is famous with its secular people.

Ishyrion Av

And a low IQ will always be a low IQ… who doesn’t understand the irony!


I really don’t think it was irony. Let’s say it was, if you are Christian or Muslim you have to believe that earthquake cannot happen without the will of god. It is according to his grand plan.

Ishyrion Av

Even a leaf doesn’t fall without God knowing about. But that wasn’t the comment about.

Porc Halal

I didn’t know muslims believe in God…I thought they worship allah


Yeah, allah from mecca.

catalin zt

Muhammad the PAEDOPHILE from Muccca???

catalin zt

They do mahomad the PAEDOPHILE!

catalin zt

You goat lover muhammad the PAEDOPHILE follower , anglo-saxonjew ass licker, SINGLE neuron,muslim scum!


Armenian copycat “Game of Throne” music. What a shame on them.


i loved to see the rats scurry from the collapsed buildings in turkey today. you turkjew dogs cannot built proper buildings like your gay drones

Rhodium 10

At least the Tsunami have cleaned the streets of kebab oil grease!…by the way AZ infantery think that NK forces are the Pancho Villa Army…and there are deployed many AZ soldiers who know the Rugged and Mountain terrain armed with modern weapons ( thermal vision, long range sniper rifles, ATGM, Manpads, AGS granede launcher,AK 103,RPG with night vision sight, Bullet proof jackets,Comunication systems, Quadracopters drones..etc..) beside they are motivated and trained!…thats why AZ will fail to retake NK….the last Photos of Erdogan&Aliyev both have the same bristling Mustache like angry Cats!

John Brown

When Armenian commanders abandon their men to be slaughtered I don’t think it is good for morale.

Looks like NK forces to fold very soon.


“When Armenian commanders abandon their men to be slaughtered I don’t think it is good for morale.”……………..do you have proof , links ??????????


Turkish propaganda media : not possible , Azeri soldiers are imortal , fake news

Random Dude

Karin Tak village is next to Lachin road (connects Armenia to Nagorno Karabakh) and just south Shusha. Not only the great Armenian warriors let Azeris come this far, they couldn’t even properly ambush. In a proper Ambush you need to at least eliminate the half of the group. Not an army but a joke

Rhodium 10

AZ cannot retake Lachin since one week trying it…Susha was a special forces operation for propagande purpose but failed!


A failed operation does not mean It is over yet, the fighting will continue there. Lets wait and see what will happen in the next weeks… Aserbaidschan is in no hurry, as long as they keep on destroying each day so much equipment and Troops. Turkey also took its time for Afrin (2 months) to destroy as much as possible first and to minimize its losses.


„Last ditch message by Armenian mil commander Arkadiy Karapetyan from Karabakh: the fighting has reached gates of Shusha. Azerbaijan has air dominance. No reinforcements are coming from Armenia. We’re being destroyed gradually. Our strength is almost completely depleted„


Situation is not good for Armenian Soldiers: Here they describe their Situation: Hungry, no supplies, wet, cold.


And what happens in Winter when UAV constantly bomb Supplies?

Rhodium 10

AZ infantery soldiers have failed many times to advance deep inside NK…North, East and now in South…AZ advanced in South and close to Iran border to attack NK insted of attack from North and east because they knew that Armenia couldnt fired because will hit Iran!…and therefore AZ was able to capture some cities in the south!…but the use of infantery and vehicles towards lachin and Susha is a mission impossible because the road with IED planted and ATGM teams are waiting them!

Random Dude

All good then. Araik is just paranoid. Armenians can sleep soundly, everything is ok:))))))


Two more Smerch destroyed. Today in a another Video one more got destroyed.


Rhodium 10

It doesnt matter….someone will supply with new Smerch or can be repared…new Smerch can be mounted in Kamaz trucks…dont need the old MAZ Scud launcher vehicle although there are hundreds of them stored in Russia ( Old Scud launchers)…


Iran corridor and Georgian Border is closed. Only Possible by Air probably 1 per flight, It is big and weight is nearly 45 Tonnes. So how many Cargo planes landed from Russia? Not much since the beginning of the war… Aserbaidschans had more Smerch Systems then Armenia. They are still together with Lora and Kasirga K plus available. So Azeris have still much firepower as Backup.

Death to Turks

Look how these dumb animals are killed. Thinking they were safe at night, now they’re dead at the hands of ARMENIANS, it will continue, you will be put in your place turk scum. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffe31e24c688f7801db9067459dcb75d303aca54199efd0d3956b081614e9a39.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3eec785c1cf23ea1639c8a11902dcdbb1914c27403bde12b102323507a878ac6.jpg

Ice Icegold

A good turk is a dead turk.

Death to Turks

The more of them dead the better.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

You should start by shooting at the back of the line if you want to kill everyone.


Very poor ambush seriously, just like the quality footage

catalin zt

By the race,there are only two (2) races who MUST be DELETED from the face of Earth for Us ALL to live in HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY and Freedom and those SCUM races are ANGLO-SAXONS and JEWS! ALL will be just FINE when this PARASITICCAPITALIST races will be ERADICATED from adult to small baby! They do not have baby’s but future GENOCIDALSTERRORISTS ! AMEN!

cechas vodobenikov

how many azeri soldiers will die only to occupy a few villages in the flatest terrain in NK? a land devoid of any natural resources and little arable land….will 1994 repeat?

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