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MARCH 2025

In Video: Australian Boeing C-17 Globemaster III Weaving Between Skyscrapers

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In Video: Australian Boeing C-17 Globemaster III Weaving Between Skyscrapers

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One of the largest transport jets in the world, an Australian Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, was filmed when it weaved in between skyscrapers in Australia.

The aircraft was flying at extremely low altitude in Brisbane in preparation for the annual Sunsuper Riverfire festival, which took place on September 25.

The scene caused immediate flashbacks to 9/11.

In Video: Australian Boeing C-17 Globemaster III Weaving Between Skyscrapers

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False Flag test is obvious. Just remote pilot into any building and blame Iran, China, Russia, Syria etc.

australia is a colony in servitude to london and therefore rome.


What does Rome have to do with all of this? The Vatican doesn´t even have the influence it used to have THREE CENTURIES ago. The US, and the UK have been controlled by masons for a LONG period of time and their relationship with the Vatican couldn´t be worse LMAO. Get your facts straight kid.


Laughable stooge. Who created the concept of fractional reserve banking? The original bloodlines exist from rome, merovingian, carolingian etc.

Read the magna carta fool. The various universities and “educational” institutions throughout the west like georgetown university are catholic.

Edumacate yourself fool. Billions pour in from investment funds based in switzerland.

Love the alataque handle, not too obvious clown. You are one “specific” buffoon. The truth always pains the degenerates that fear exposure.

Last edited 3 years ago by block

Video Description:

“Rehearsing for the “Riverfire Spectacular” this coming Saturday evening, being the climax of the Brisbane Festival. It’s pretty spectacular towards the end!”

It’s not the Freemasons/Illuminati/Knights Templar or whatever. Shut the fuck up, you pretentious yokel.

Last edited 3 years ago by T.L.

Touched a nerve fool? We all know the vatican imbeciles are behind all regional wars. Syria has some of the oldest true Christian communities on earth. They do not bow down to a bloated argentinian clown who accepts same sex marriage to attempt to stay relevant.

Last edited 3 years ago by block

No response clown? I have more waiting for your monkey ass.


I only check here periodically, my man. I have little patience for wide-eyed paranoiacs like yourself.

Goddammit, we can’t even have an air show without you types coming out of the woodwork to spout off nonsense about secret societies and such. Yeah, the world is run by sociopaths who keep the people down with lies and propaganda, but sometimes–in fact, most of the time–a spade is just a spade.

P.S. I don’t care about you badmouthing the Vatican. The Pope is a communist, and all religions are bullshit anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by T.L.

Who mentioned secret societies? Stop imagining ridiculous garbage. Usually the most paranoid and psycho idiots accuse others of their exact faults.


You are not worthy of a reply block head. Fucking dipshit.


I can see from a mile away that he´s one of those BLM supporters who think everyone is against them.


Didn’t I bitchslap you a day ago? That’s right, I did. STFU troll garbage.


Australian born nuclear beam scientist, Lachlan Cranswick was murdered in canada for exposing a false flag event.

He proved the psychics and mathematical probability were impossible with a prop plane crashing into the side of a US building and being blamed as a “lone wolf” attack.


Its the aussie government flexing its muscles: “Better do as we say or else we’ll drop troops right on your head”

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