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Ukrainian servicemen complain that there are many civilians in the city of Chas Yar, waiting for the Russians to come.
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Ukrainian servicemen complain that there are many civilians in the city of Chas Yar, waiting for the Russians to come.
why would they have such a conversation in front of a camera in chasov yar?
justification for “rounding up” the “waiters”.
the soldiers were basically saying they are facing resistance, the are referring to those waiting for the russians as traitors. they are trying to set the narrative that they are the reason the russians are killing them, and destroying their equipment and thus have to be removed. in other worlds they are arguing that the waiters must be genocided to maintain the uafin the area as the population doesn’t support them. essentially the uaf should just leave is the locals don’t want them there.
they might want to make it known there are pro-russian civilians present to avoid the area being bombed into dust along with themselves. why would they leave them there? if there is just an old ww2 uxb found in e.g. london everyone gets evacuated from the area by the police whether they like it or not. and what does it say about ukraine that these civilians go through this to cross the border!
zelensky’s using it as a fund raiser.
last i heard, he was demanding 500 begging bowls from germany, so he could continue his world tour.
maybe not put your tanks and positions in people’s homes?!!?! fucking nazi filth, american mercenaries!
at least it’s something to look forward to
that’s, because the people are russians not ukrainian, and these lands, are russian.
they discover that the donbass is ethnically russian.
a čo čakali, keď ich miestne obyvateľstvo pokladá za okupantov? to nevideli, čo tam banderovské fašistické svine robili v roku pána 2014? ak by mali rozum tak by sa dali na stranu rf!!! lepšie je bojovať na strane víťaza.
i’d politely tell the nato cross breeds to pack the circus up and head back to clown town for their own safety, and not to get any smart ideas they and their families may regret.
well if you put weapons and tanks in people’s gardens and use them as human shields they will hate you. nazi arseholes.