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MARCH 2025

In Video: COVID-19 Response Group Of Russian Military Is Preparing To Deploy In Italy

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The Russian Defense Ministry’s Zvezda TV published a video from Chkalovsky Airport (a military air base near Shchyolkovo, Moscow Oblast). The video shows preparations of a COVID-19 response group, which is set to deploy in Italy on March 22.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, nine Il-76 military transport aircraft are deployed at Chkalovsky Airport and will be involved in the operation. They will deploy eight mobile teams of Russian military doctors and virologists to the EU and NATO member state, Italy, to rescue it from the raging COVID-19 pandemic.

A group of about 100 specialists is already ready for departure. It includes leading experts of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of virology and epidemiology that have a significant international experience in combating epidemics.

Russia will also provide key supplies needed to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, incuding modern diagnostic equipment and special equipment for disinfection measures.


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Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

BE CAREFUL ITALY. The rusty russkies are preparing to ANNEX your nation while you struggle with coronavirus. It will be another REPEAT of the Crimea-takeover!

If I’m mistaken, and Russkies DO NOT annex Italy. I will delete my account for good. That’s my promise!

Tudor Miron

Imbecile, you are pathetic. Go get your meds before you hurt yourself.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a typical Jew that has eternal hatred of Russia.

Lone Ranger

Typical hasbarat from Tel Aviv…

Ashok Varma

Also a hypocrite since the Zionists have illegally and brutally occupied Palestine for 70 years and he has the temerity to talk about Russia.




I am saddened that Britain still continues to be vassals of the US in all respects.

I am heartened that the Russian Government and by extension, the Russian people, are donating vital aid to Italy in a way that will really alleviate the suffering there. The EU as a body has been sanctioning Russia and the Russian people, and despite that , Russia is giving medical aid

The revolting Zionist shyster wankers of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA even sanction and threaten nations who seek to send medical supplies to Iran, Venezuela etc. The US is by design or not, ‘Weaponising the Corona 19 Virus’ to harm targets of the USA.

Bravo, Tudor.


Then you’d better keep your finger ready on that delete-button, because that’s about the most fucked up comment i’ve read in years on this forum!


In spirit, yes, the appeal of Russia will take over. Not in letter though.

Zionism = EVIL

You ungrateful Jew scum, it is Russia that is saving you parasites from being obliterated in Occupied Palestine, but not for long and people are fed up of you evil parasites.

Lone Ranger

Free Palestine and Kosovo… Free Germany, Japan and Costa Rica…

Zionism = EVIL

Interesting that Italy is occupied by the Americunt cowards who have largest aviation base Aviano there, but they locked out the sick Italians and treated them worse than blacks. Italians working for the base were not allowed even basic medical care, so Cuba, Russia and China are now helping.

Lone Ranger

It will be a wake up call of the World. America showing its true colors. At least their gov does..


Oh NO! Not your account!!

What’s the use of deleting your account? You’ll make another one with another ratface as avatar, like a dozen other accounts you have, and continue writing your drivel as usual. Who are you trying to fool? Your supervisor?

Zionism = EVIL

This fuckwit and the other Iranophobic Jew ” Free Man” have multiple accounts but the hasbara canned message is the same anti-Iran, anti-Russia and now increasingly Sinophobic.

Ashok Varma

What about the annexation of Palestine?

Wayne Nicholson

There are time when even juvenile assholes with fake avatars should quit stirring up shit.

It’s obvious that your not “Avi” and probably not jewish at all, you’re just an asshole shit disturber trying to rile up the natives by giving them a comic book jew to hate on.

Quit being an asshole, pack up the “Avi Schwartz” bullshit and do something positive instead of being a bloodsucking leech. You can get back to the fun and games once this is over.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

jokes on you, I’m the most successful Jew in my Manhattan Condo block whose under the age of 35. Real estate? I own that. Making antisemites and moronic russian trolls rage hard? I own that. Got lots of time on my hands, twerp.

Wayne Nicholson

“jokes on you, I’m the most successful Jew in my Manhattan Condo block whose under the age of 35. Real estate? I own that.”

Yea …. and I’m Wayne from ‘Murica. You’re character is a mix of Duddy Kravitz and Shylock …. he’s the jewish equivalent of a WWE wrestling villain.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

ok you just brought antisemitic insults to a new level, not that I’m offended in the slightest, but it’s just wrong and you should stop

Wayne Nicholson

What I said was anti-idiot. You posing as the ultimate stereotype of an obnoxious jew to rile up the jew haters is antisemetic.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

No one’s posing here except you, Jack Nicholson. Pretending to be an actor on Disqus, what a joke.


Crimea never has been better,chances are itlay would wish heterosexual russians invade and take control,after all no one is in the mood to interact corona with your kind of aidz,now do they! Utter useless nocando,incest spawn wannabe: Crimea was legit,you are not aware of the implications because you are not russian nor soviet! As the facts proved yet again russians make good of the peoples,cia/nazis eat humble pie n sht!


we live in crazy times God have mercy ,the zombie apocalipse is upon us. except that instead of brains the zombies want toilet paper https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b0b114cf3464720bec0caf87856132135cbfd8bda470af43930035f81afd973.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bff16756db93a0dfbb38d7d7fecd686068c61b5a5aea9e048f0e883fa4d79af7.jpg

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Italians protect themselves with garbage bags


Hasbara Hunter

For every Toiletpaper-Prepper..here’s the TIP of the DAY:



maybe with corn https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/860383b4d8a85331e54f84ad9f97 1ef5e44722eed96e44d984119b453d8913e2.jpg ?



Lazy Gamer

im scared to watch that. ?

Peter Jennings

Watch cnn then. There one will find plenty of arseholes who produce fake poop for those who prefer their information cleaned beforehand. :)


That toilet paper procedure was actually taught in the British Army in my younger days. Toilet paper was the single sheet of the almost non absorbent type in those days. :)

Zionism = EVIL



Exactly why the lnp sacked Malcom Turdbull and an array of such criminals RE:


Hasbara Hunter

A total lockdown in Holland will be very difficult, Prime Puppetician Mark Rutte Is afraid the herd might stampede….

the Dutch & the British (Bilderberg & Top-ZioNazis so they must have inside information) have chosen for “Herd Immunity” in my opinion the best way…



The trump patriots there were told to just use washington post,new york times,no more problem:

opet ja

Russia has experts and equipment. Haven’t seen EU or USA sending help to Italy. Oh yes both USA and EU are in deeeeep trouble with Corona. Russia has large state services that can handle any disaster or pandemia.

Zionism = EVIL

Ayatollah Khamenei: US ‘most evil’ enemy of Iran and humanity and is the creator of this virus.

Lone Ranger

Wow 9 Il-76 heavy transport, that’s a lot of gear and supplies to give away. Russia is generous. Russia and China are helping fight a U.S. made bioweapon. What help does the U.S. give? Sanctions? Or trying to snatch up EU companies? EU will ditch the U.S. Empire after that. In time since the U.S. Empire is in a slow mo disintegration… CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ;)

Ashok Varma


Disappointment is growing in the country over a perceived lack of support from Europe. Earlier in March, when Rome asked for urgent supplies of medical equipment under a special European crisis mechanism, not a single EU country responded.

The healthcare situation is worsening particularly in the Lombardy region, the heart of the Italian coronavirus outbreak. Italy’s already-strained national health system is struggling with the lack of space, resources and staff after hospitals were deluged by coronavirus patients over the past weeks. Beds in intensive care departments are running out in the worst-hit regions and shortage of doctors has forced the government to hire retired doctors.

Meanwhile, a third team of 300 Chinese medical experts and nurses with tons of medical supplies landed in Milan on Friday. Some 21 other medical staff had already landed in Rome in the past days with 30 pulmonary ventilators, 200,000 face masks and nine tons of other supplies to help the Italian effort against the coronavirus.

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio has praised China for its support saying that Rome-Beijing solidarity has deepened amid the coronavirus crisis. Also 65 doctors and nurses from Cuba are slated to arrive in Lombardy on Saturday.


The common denominator with Western ‘Beggar My Neighbour’ attitudes in adversity is the Zionist leadership of these nations.

The general populace are largely willing to unite in adversity, as they have always done.

The Zionist ‘Me First’ ideology has always been the same, and this is why the Zionists prefer to live in Ghetto’s. :)

Hasbara Hunter

The Dictators in Brussels are complete fuckn Drunken Retards & Losers…Kick the Idiots out…Europe should be rebuild by its Peoples… otherwise screw Police-State Europe…

Lone Ranger

Russia is love, Russia is life.

Zionism = EVIL

As you know the Socialist bloc nations invested a lot of men and funds into creating a world class health care system with access for all and this have saved them along with Cuba. The Americunts and Jews are only interested in profit and money and majority of their impoverished dumbass population has no access even to basic health and now they will suffer the most and die in large number. It is time to bring socialism to all nations.

Lone Ranger

True. Americans go to Cuba for medical care. No joke.

Zionism = EVIL

Even Mexico for cheap medicines and cancer treatment. The bastards threw out the Italian local staff from the Aviano base.They are evil.

Lone Ranger

U.S. has no friends only vaseals

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts in general are dehumanized greedy cunts who only think of their self-interest and are now showing their true colors to the world. While Russia and China are helping, they are imposing sanctions on Cuba, Iran and Russia even in the middle of the pandemic. They have not offered even a toilet roll to any of their NATO vassal lapdogs. Belgium and Italy, two NATO poodles are being helped by both Russia and China.

Lone Ranger

Hear hear.

Ashok Varma

US spends less than most developing world on health care but more than rest of the world on wars and domestic police state. It is a flawed system that will cause massive American deaths. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d1d80ac72228a2b6f5ce5429ad136716b510553daacfe599700e4f22d7b980ca.jpg


You will be interested in the following;-


So now we have a clearer picture of the whole Corona Virus story…………………..except it is not about the Corona virus, which is being used as a smokescreen to disguise the true intentions of the American-Israeli alliance.The true nature of the plot is as follows;-

1. Under the cover of the C.V. ( Corona Virus ) outbreak specific areas of the target countries, namely Iran, China, Italy and Spain, were attacked using mini-drones which released Sarin gas.

2.They are confident in releasing Sarin because they are sure that none of those countries can strike back at either Israel or America. Iran does not possess the military strength, China is heavily dependent on America to maintain its economy, and Italy and Spain are being punished for entering into the Chinese Silk belt and Road project, by which they would have benefited greatly economically.

3.The American-Israeli alliance did not strike Russia as it is independent and would have probably struck back with an even deadlier nerve gas such as VX.

4…………And all the time Rome burns and the monsters remain glued to the stock-exchange and bet on the total number of deaths whilst watching their shares in the blue-chip Pharma soar…………..

Ashok Varma

Russia, China, Iran, Cuba all have acted with a lot of decency and humanity and good Karma awaits them. US and the west in general have behaved very selfishly, even though they created this virus.

Zionism = EVIL

TRUMP SLUMP Trump admits coronavirus is ‘hurting’ his family business and won’t rule out cash bailout to keep it afloat. Trump intends to take $5 billion taxpayers handout to save his ponzi business interests and has appointed his son-in-law Kushner to manage the public funds.


You can forget biden going into power as you ought know the liberal democrats are the worse form of zionism do you not? Tell me then did you not hear trump saying he want’s pompeo to go back to the deep state department? And you are aware that Trump represents ultra orthodox not the zionazi regime of soros? Just saying:

Hasbara Hunter

Good…very Good…better shake hands…I like’m Russians & Europeans workin’ together

Lone Ranger



Well said.

Jaime Galarza

There is no other way. After all, Russians are Europeans too. Problem was that the Europeans vassal governments have been willing to do anything to please their masters in Washington.


Very good of Russia to help Italy that is in the middle of an enormous crisis. It’s also a good experience for the doctors and virologists that gets some good live training while helping in the same time.

Ashok Varma

What a surprise! not even a word of sympathy from the US, the world’s biggest military spender and prime warmonger. If there was any chance of a war, the Americans would be pouring in billions and asking the EU to pitch in, but the pandemic is not important really. US is casting a very poor image of itself.




There is an additional unconfirmed report from a high level intelligence asset that low level Sarin gas has been dropped on Iran, Italy and Spain to mimic CV19. Sarin can take two weeks to kill and causes death by pneumonia. It is undetectable. Long story here to be told later if confirmations come in, a very nasty story. From a classified source, translated from Russian”

“Sarin gas is classified as a lethal nerve gas, no matter how low its concentration, it causes death by paralyzing the muscles of the lungs (this is the reason for the concentration of deaths in the elderly who suffer from chronic diseases or pneumonia (incubation period of the gas in the air 3 months) , the last month of the epidemic. A person can walk for two weeks and then die, without knowing that he has this gas (this is a 15-day quarantine reason without using anything except artificial respiration) that has no medical treatment possible when inhaled (the reason for a British statement prepared to die)

This gas was classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.”

Death rates in Italy, Iran and elsewhere seem to confirm the Russian allegations, that if CV19 is real, deaths are “salted” with Sarin to bring numbers up and create panic.

Now for Iran and solid proof the US is using biological weapons and that CV19 is very likely American.

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