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MARCH 2025

In Video: Crushing Defeat Of Ukrainian Military Near Verbovoe, Zaporozhie Region

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The area south of Orekhov in the Zaporozhie region remains the priority direction of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. The remnants of the Ukrainian units equipped and trained by NATO continue attempts to break through Russian defense along the Rabotino-Verbovoe frontline. 

As a result, the losses  of the Ukrainian Army are growing without any victories. Ukrainian forces and NATO vehicles are grinded by the Russian military. Russian drone filmed one of the cemetery of Ukrainian armored vehicles in the area of Verbovoe. The footage shows about 30 vehicles destroyed in one area, near the minuscule village, where less than 1,000 residents lived, and which remains under the full Russian control. Ukrainian losses in manpower in this small area amount to hundreds of soldiers’ lives.

Most of those vehicles were supplied to Kiev by NATO. The Ukrainian military almost no longer uses Ukrainian-made equipment on the southern front; but the Western efforts do not help Kiev win the battles.


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nato cemetery, will go down in history


what happened to “we destroyed the entire iraqi army with 0 losses and we’ll do the same in russia”? bradleys 6 gorrilion to 1 kdr, never been defeated etc. borderline indestructible, 100% accuracy from 500 miles away.

meanwhile in ukraine, not a single bradley managed to fire even 1 shot before getting destroyed.


bradleys are for the show, not for the actual fight. it wasn’t good fighting vehicle since its inception, that’s the reason they’ve came up with new design – stryker, which is just an average helpless target practice for cornet. the last good weapon americans produced was colt 1911.

Gneaus stapo

lol sure dumbwarish 🐷. millions of death sand/ jungle niggas disagree and know the kill ability of american weapons.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

so basically … us weapons are only somewhat good against sand / jungle niggas … lol good to know.

Soros iza losa.

what against unarmed civilians,100 dolla tents n spearchuckers,you stupid gimp!

Gneaus stapo

sunny my honey, i know as a street whore ur used to lie and tell ur pimp,u have had xy costumers.

but in the real world of the ukraine 🇺🇦 war, western/ nato material is far superior to the rashniks shit/ crap.

not a single ukrainian soldier died driving a leo, the bradleys might suffer mine inflictated damage as all militär equipment, but as with the leos the troops survive.

thats what matters, we are better than u (flatheads) and u know it


yes, it’s all lies & propaganda. russia is finished! onward, to the sea! victory is near! slobber pukeransky!


this is what happens when you do too much drugs, drink way too much and get hit in the head with a hammer as a child. the brain does not evolve at all. don’t become a gneanus!!!

Gneaus stapo

dk thanx for ur report / confession about ur horrible life. there used to be another troubled soul on here ( rip clyde )problematic mom and whether u believe it, good dr stapo could help him/ her/ it.

same is possible for u, just leave the rashnik flathead faschist scum soldestka horde subhuman assclown ivan side.


“the crew survives”

tell that to the german crew of the last leopard that got destroyed where all but 1 were burned alive🤣🤣🤣

or is your definition of alive diff than mine? “that crew aint dead cuz they live on as the ghosts of berlin” 😃😃😃?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

they were not burned alive! they were fully baked in an owen called leopard. thanks to morons like this gneaus who can’t fight but can talk bullshit.

Gneaus stapo

yada yada flathead. anyway any news when rashniks will put a dleo in front of german embasy in moskau?

or same fantasy like igor konashenkov’s 500% destroyed ukrainian airforce or bunkers grandpa’s kia numbers?

Soros iza losa.

begone phaesant,have no value to society nor truth,indeed you are broken, cope!

Gneaus stapo

ur truley a crack whore, working the street for a rubel and eating up all propaganda bullshit presented to u.

Soros iza losa.

your the only crack whore here losa,posting nothing but bullshit,chances are no russian women like you,so you try to feel better to lie eh fekn reject slob!

Soros iza losa.

bang on,ignore the silly gimp,these are the reason the west will dry like a turd!


my point is made about drugs and too much booze when reading gneanus reaction. another problem gneanus shows is while being raped from behind by scores of ukranazis the constant movement will cloud your vision hence not being able to see what is written. be careful not to become a gneanus.

Last edited 1 year ago by D.K.
Gneaus stapo

ur point 🤣🤣? ur a subhuman ivan flathead. scum of the world, abschaum.

ukraine will win and rashnik flathead faschist empire will implode. long overdue and endlösung der russenfrage is coming, trust me


>ukraine will win and rashnik flathead faschist empire will implode

take off the vr headset and lay off the copium🤣🤣🤣

Gneaus stapo

sunny honey, i know ur a street work expert, giving head for a rubel like no other. but sunny honey,keep politics and war for those in the knowledge 😉

sieg der ukraine 🇺🇦 tot und vernichtung den rashniks/ russischen faschisten

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Lo Hung Testicle

what will ukraine win??theyve 600,000 dead and 800,000 wounded. all the women have left.

the ony thing ukraine is gonna win is all the filthy euro niggas there and to germany. german girls love big black c0ck. germany, france and italy are going to be nigga muslim nations in 30 years. ukraine will be dead and russia will be ruling the world with china and india.

and russia will be the only white country on earth!! zero other white nation isproud like russia

Soros iza losa.

no future in fascism nor your lgbtq (period) enjoy your poverty!


hey, superior punk, come to ukraine in leopard tin can and fight russians if you dare, missy pissy! let’s see how long will you survive. come with a brigade of bradleys, help russians to film more of them burning videos. missy, report from ukraine, film yourself riding nato made tank, give us a proof of yours and their superiority which is unnoticeable up to now.

Gneaus stapo

i am neither a panzergrenadier or panzer guy, i served in 2/231. anyway horrido johoo,our kind will take out ur kind every day with ease and twice on sunday and thats the bottom line u dumb son of a bitch.

Soros iza losa.

fullovit,too much video games,not enough courage to substatiate the truth!

Gneaus stapo

dont sing it bring it u dumb vodka driven sob.🖕


gneanus considers giving oral satisfaction to blown up ukropiggies in the hospital as serving.

Soros iza losa.

you got nothing on the truth(period) silly gutless little puftas like you is part of the reason half a million ukranians arew decommisioned,you are nothing but a lieing piece of sht,losa!

Barba Papa

the same thing that always happens when one army is a joke and the other one is not. us veterans of the gulf war have said that they could have defeated the iraqi army even if they had switched gear. same why saudi abrams tanks blew up too. the army that is trained best and makes the least mistakes wins. the one that is a joke loses. journalists however are dumb as bricks and think that gear actually wins wars by itself.

Gneaus stapo

let me guess street whore, ur related to igor konashenkov or have an abo of hindustan times? anyway same bs and fake news.

Soros iza losa.

wrong again,it has the facts,where as you cant fight anything for shit,pathedic bbc kweer!

Soros iza losa.

pretty well sums up the realm and all them wenks bragging on about fake kill ratios etc,huh!


i do not call this a counteroffensive, because i only see burning tanks in the grey zone (= no mans land). operation citadel was a counteroffensive when the wehrmacht breached the 6th of 10 russian defensive lines in 1943.


by the way in that battle there were 1.000.000 russian soldiers kept in reserve behind the lines just in case. so it was a mission impossible and would never succeed. was that war also planned for depopulation? because an attack on stalingrad was basically forbidden in the german officers handbooks after the experiences of ww1


only in this video clip shown some two dozent destroyed ukro tanks, afvs, ifvs, transporters and similar. at this loss rate ukros should run out of everything and end up with naked asres till end of this year.


their main problems is using superior nato weapons. they would fare much better with inferior soviet weaponry that very succesfully burn down this western armor. if you want wage war properly, stay out of nato equipment.

Gneaus stapo

i guess thats why russian arms exports are so “hyper” sucessful these days, everyone wants the latest russian equipment, noone chanceled contracts ( e.g. india) and all is going to plan.

Soros iza losa.

compared to your woke laggeth overweight/underpowerth lacketh overhyped pieces of unproven junk in real combat,you cant beat the more durable,reliable,powerfull,scientific proven arsenal of the russian federations (period) india only know it too well,ya dork!

Gneaus stapo

lol sure dawarish. thats why the indians canceled their russian latest orders. russia is toast and u know it.


debili s kyjeva sa zase nechali napáliť. uverili vlastnej propagande, že ich prielom v oblasti orechova sa ozaj koná. preto tam poslali teraz kopu bojovej techniky. a ako sa ukázalo, tak je to nový cintorín pre západnú techniku. rus zase pripravil pascu do ktorej banderovské fašistické svine vbehli. a zase si raz poriadne nabili tlamu. svetu mier!!!


i like to see subhumans like this gestapo dude crying. cry b i t c h, cry harder, make my day.

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