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MARCH 2025

In Video: French Media Ignore Nazism In Ukraine

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French media shared a tender moment, showing a Ukrainian boy saluting the military in the Kharkiv region. At this moment, in the background, Ukrainian girls were giving a Hitler salute to servicemen. The French media failed to hide the true essence of modern Ukrainian patriotism.


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Unfortunately, that boy will most likely indeed actually go to the frontlines….

And die there…


I quit performing at shoprite and currently I create $80h – $120h…how? I’m operating online! My work didn’t precisely make Maine happy thus i made a decision to require an opportunity on one thing new… when four years it had been so onerous to quit my day job however ;Zl’13} now I couldn’t be happier. Heres what I do……….𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗽𝗮𝘆𝟮𝟰.𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Last edited 2 years ago by Gloria

This says everything about the Jewish controlled Western media. Do as we say Not as we do. Palestinian

Vlad from Romania

Child soldiers in Europe… USA and NATO brought the horrors of African civil wars to Europe.

Why the hell are they keeping children in dangerous areas? It was a military convoy, a legitimate target. UAF is using children as human shields up to the front lines and in the open for everubody to see…


France 2 is a public broadcaster, its president is named by Macron, they have to provide the official propaganda. Several journalist doing the job for real have already been sacked. The reporter on the ground filming might be actually smart enough to counter his propagandist president by putting details out of first sight. We found a résistant , it’s not much but it’s honest job at least :)

kogda mi byli na voinye

the french medias are totaly dumbest,i know i’m french,that videos make many french people a funny laughling and thanks god more and more people dont trust them

The Z Z ehT

Find it funny how all off you still haven’t woken up.


Nothing shocks or surprises me anymore. Everyone’s too busy fighting for imaginary principles and values.

Reality is now a human made construct, able to be bent to one’s will…to the will of who ever has the most money. It ain’t magic, it’s simple, humanity as devolved.

Ukraine should have brought this to all of your attention.

Unity is important, Russia is facing the combined hate of all G7 states and more. Russia will endure, as it always has and always will.

No one gives a shit about two girls giving the old Hail Hitler salute, because media will just say they are waving their “hero’s” off, it just happens to “look” like it because Putin wanted you to think it… And cunts will believe it.

They won’t even question anything at all as long as the majority roles with it.

Sad, devolved species they have become.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Z Z ehT
Southfront resident nigha

THE BEST COMMENT for this article!

Between the comments (with few exceptions) that are a streaming bullshit or pushing of a personally beneficial agenda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

The western mass media basically stated that the neonazis in Ukraine are not bad Nazis. Insanity at its very best.

Porc halal

Like they had separated the muslims in two main categories:

– “good muslims” – sunni muslims, and

– “bad muslims” – all the others (shia, etc)

My note…

Islam is bad regardless which sect we are talking about …

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Islam is a religion of peace and they will decapitate or blow up anyone who says otherwise! Also they offer free ropeless bungee jumping experience from the tallest building in the town to all LGBT types.

The Crunge

I’d guess they ignore the hugely disproportionately high number of Jews in Uke government positions. As well as being grossly overrepresented in the oligarch category.

I don’t know if hugely disproportionately is proper English but I’m sure you get the point. I’d figure Jens Holm’s would be the best judge of the proper English situation.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge
Southfront resident nigha

Nonsense. In white countries every kebab amd shitskin pretends to be a Jew.


more nazis hitler youth in training, there will be no mercy for them no matter how old they are if they are NAZIS then they DIE otherwise those hitler youth you see here will in 20 years time be the ones needing extermination again. =Z=


It’s time for some major victory for Russia. This slow pace is benefitting the ukrops who have unlimited budgets. Clearly.


Russia and Putin are patient, no need to rush. Look at western Europe’s economy hanging by a thread. Winter is around the corner. Russia is making record breaking profits in oil and gas trading with India, Turkey, China, Pakistan etc. Russia is bringing in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Argentina into BRICS. Even Saudi Arabia sees that the new multi polar world order is spear headed by China and Russia. The U.S. list of allies grows ever so thin. Today the Euro is worth less than the Dollar and in reality the Euro at the current moment should be trash currency whose only purpose should be to be used as an ass wipe. Coincidentally a shortage of toilet paper is on the horizon in Europe so there you go, the Euro will be either used to wipe an ass or to heat a home along with twigs and firewood. Germans and Europeans are all running to buy electric heaters not realizing the tremendous electrical overload that this will cause in all of Europe so also expect large blackouts in Europe. Like I said earlier I had mistaken western Europeans for being more intelligent than they were in reality but that which does not kill you makes you stronger and hopefully wiser. let’s see what happens in Europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Pamfil Military Academy

Here in Ro we have a word of wisdom: ‘slowly by slowly , the vinegar is made’…..all economies and thus societies have a remanence or inertia. The historical western CRISIS is buildup slowly but steadily. Waiting is ONLY in favor of Russia ! Long live Russia ! Death to nazism !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Peppe il Sicario

Russia is destroying Ukraine and NATO’s ability to conduct military operations bit by bit. Their arsenals are depleting fast and the EU citizens are becoming poorer by the day and within a few months will be tearing apart the politicians who advocated this war. Wait and see simpleton who will be waving the victory flags at the end.

Max Schmidt

I dont like to admit it, but I agree with your statement.


Flogging the kids into NAZI hype is pretty indicative of the dark circus of child abuse, GROOMING and brainwashing that Ukraine has become.


Same thing over and over again. The Anglo zionists use extremists to do their dirty work regardless of their ideology. They used ISIS terrorists to invade Syria and now they’re arming and using Nazi extremists to carry out ethnic cleansing of the Russian speaking population of Ukraine but this time it back fired even harder than Syria. Of course western Europe is going to ignore the extremist Nazis in Ukraine. Its the same media that controls the flow of misinformation from America to Canada to all of Europe.


Here in America nobody cares about Zelensky also most Americans are unable to find Ukraine on a map.. In western Europe however holy moly they are 100 precent pro Ukraine, sucking on Zelensky and worshiping him as a hero lol. I used to think Americans were the most ignorant people but now I change my mind, its definitely western Europeans who are the most brain washed and confused. For God’s sake their governments have bankrupted their economies and they still continue to support the coke head of Kiev. Unreal. They can’t even understand that its the U.S. government who is purposely ruining western Europe’s economy to keep them dependent and subjugated. All the western European politicians are sold out minions.

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope. EU is CLEARLY divided into the west depraved and blind masses and the east orthodox resisting ones. Nobody here in Ro support the Ukraine faggots besides the MSM khazar trumpets and Soros fake civil societies and theirs account sucking politicians.


NaZism is a far bigger issue in Russia, where it is supported by Kreml.

Porc halal

No bigger than what is happening now in all western countries and ukraine. Ukraine is a special case where nazism is officialy endorsed including by the state of Israel and all criminal jewish organizations (which tells us a lot about the origin and evolution/control of nazism around the world) …

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal
Porc halal

It’s funny…While the Jews through their political puppets who have succeeded to power in Romania since the political assassination of Ceaușescu (by international big finance i.e. international Jews) have forced Romanians to pay hundreds of billions of dollars as “reparations” for an imaginary and never proven progrom/holocaust against the Jews in Romania during the Second World War, putting a stigma and a so-called generalized guilt on Romanians in this regard, instead failing to acknowledge the widespread crimes and the progrom committed by the Jews against the Romanians during World War II in the Romanian territories occupied by the Soviet Red Army and later, after the war by the Jewish Bolshevik political class established by the Soviets in Romania against the Romanians in what was left of Romania after the territorial theft by the Soviets (the theft of Bessarabia, including southern Bessarabia and northern Bukovina, which was given to Ukraine) , now the Jews through their controlled MSM are praising the Ukrainian Nazis who have proven to kill /exterminate hundreds of thousend of Jews during the WWII!

Pamfil Military Academy

I am from Ro and I can confirm your statement 101%. And I wasn’t a pro-commie either. On the contrary, I fought armed against Ceaucesco but now I see what stupid idiot I was back than. I was very young and I believed the jew owned Securitate (the politic Ceaucesco secret police) intentional propaganda of lybians killing romanians with sniper rifles all over the places, the rumors of Ceaucesco supporters which poisoned the drinking water, the 90.000 casualties from Timisoara, and other scores of very well Securitate concocted lies to force peoples get out into the streets and overthrow Ceaucesco regime, which happened. Even me and my Patriotic Guard fellows, managed to arrest 1 ‘terrorist’ which had a modified PSL in his bag, on 2 o’clock in the night. We handcuffed him with wire and send him to Military Centre. After more than half a year we heard that in the same morning the Securitate guys came and take him by the back door from Centrul Militar. From that particular moment I knew we were fooled like imbeciles. All was done by secret foreign agencies like Ceaucesco said, first was the Mossad, and after, CIA, french and hungarian ones. All with the blessing of the Gorbachev traitor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Pamfil Military Academy

Also, the fucking shit of lies about the ww2 romanian jew extermination is well known inside the intelectual class in Ro. No one believe this bullshit, because it is a historical documented truth that Ro was the MOST spared country in the WHOLE Europe vis-a-vis the jew extermination. But if you dare to tell this truth publicly you will face total chase from the Soros sponsored spy ‘civil societies’ and you even face prison to not accept the jew holocaust, which was NON EXISTENT in Antonescu regime. Antonescu instead made efforts to protect them. Obviously there were undoubtedly cases of antisemitism with murders. That for sure and are well known. But for here to admit Ro was a jew extermination camp is light years distance. Off course the khazar fake jew propaganda use that mystification to put a leash over the country politics. Antonescu stood upon Hitler and not give him the romanian jews but on the pressure he relocated some of them with the gypsies (and NOT ALL gypsies like the actual propaganda say, but only the families of the convicted ones who were stolen goods from peoples houses during the night bombing curfew) also to TransNistria territory to show he back the politics of Hitler.

Southfront resident nigha

Well 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷, it is time to return Transylvania to rightful owners too. It is not Rumania.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Whats the difference between the EU and the Titanic?

When the Titanic went down the lights were still on!

L du Plessis

Until the Nazis come to France AGAIN!! 😂

Pamfil Military Academy

France itself is a khazar VASSAL. A little more good than Ukropizdan which is no less than a banana COLONY. Between VASSAL and colony is some sort of ostensibly self determination for vassalage. But all are pillaged hard by theirs JUSA senior khazar moguls


The confusion is deliberate so much so, most don’t get it! The Khazarian Zionist Deep State! Na Zi = NATIONAL ZIONISMUS! Why Nazi Swastika on Jewish House? Beth Habad, Chabad, Loubawitch & Haya Mouchka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgGahT3EO70


They arent ashamed for being white and Christian GOOD

Je m'appelle Pierre, le surrender monkey

No mystery there. The French mostly ignored the Nazis in France too.

Berlin Hausfrau

Anybody got any spare toilet paper?

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