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MARCH 2025

In Video: Gentle Wagner Sent Corpses Of Dead AFU Soldiers To Ukraine

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The Ukrainian military suffered heavy losses in the battle for Soledar. After fighters of the Russian Wagner PMC finished the mop up operation hundreds of corpses of dead Ukrainian servicemen remained in the town. Today, Russian PMCs are preparing to send the bodies of their enemies to Ukraine so that the relatives of the dead could say goodbye and bury Ukrainian soldiers.

According to one of the Wagner commanders, the transfer takes place in coordination with the Ukrainian side. In total, up to 4-5 batches are planned. The bodies will be transfered by 20 cars.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is called the founder of the Wagner PMC, declared the need for decent sending of bodies to their relatives.

On January 20, the White House said that the US Treasury Department was going to designate the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group as a “transnational criminal organization” and would impose additional sanctions next week against the group and its support network across the world.

Despite the attempts of the Kiev regime, their patrons in Washington and the MSM to create the image of cruel Russian mercenaries, who allegedly pose the threat to the entire humanity, the decent discipline, morale and attitude to the dead enemies confirm that Russian fighters deserve their victories.


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Uhh, fake news. I saw Krusty the Klown of Kiev on TeeVee, and he said that all the corpses were Russian. And Krusty never lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

I heard the Russians were in full blown retreat all the way to the gates of Kiev.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

Você mente, seu extremista de direita fanático.

Dumbo, the flying Disney Tune

Bolsonaro’s in town. When will you be taking him back?


Says the retard posting in Portuguese on an English-language website. Make like a tree and fuck off.


Americans and their vassals don’t think highly of their soldiers, and then send them to death without much second thoughts. In the Pacific War, Americans who fell from their ships into the sea, they were not rescued, the moving ships did not stop!


Are you kidding? The United States social structure was fractured by 58 000 KIA over ten years of their imperialist murder scheme in Vietnam. They cannot now, and never could, take casualties. They’ve been telling one another lies about fake MIAs left in Vietnam for fifty years and it’s a national catastrophe.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Highly doubt only 58k died in Vietnam. Losses are likely higher than that. Also 1.8k dead in iraq is a myth. losses as result of wounded, or out of iraq and other factors are not counted. According to Islamic Army in Iraq, of the moderate rebel groups of Iraq, they killed 30k usis stromtroopers. So the total losses is likely 50k to 80k http://whale.to/c/bush56ty7.html


Cool sentiment, bro. Any documentary evidence whatsoever to support your claim about US losses in Vietnam?

Crimea is 100% Liberated

do you believe only 58k died in Vietnam just as only 4k died in Iraq? see the link above

The Missing Link

Punch drunk Klitchko came out and announced only 375 Yanks died in Vietnam and only from snakebites, because they’re invincible in battle.

Nazty Ukraine

No wonder they only want to feed Ukrops into the meat grinder. If the US had 150,000 dead, their heads would explode.


Ukrainians are such suckers. I think Klitchko must be one of the smarter ones.


He is one of the most stupid persons, but at least don’t spread nazist crap a lot, just steals money from Kiev city budget silently, so he has good chances to be not hanged or shot after tribunal in Donetsk. But he was one of maidan leaders, this is obvious crime.


Well, the American losses, the dead, in Vietnam are enormous. If they had lost 58,000 in 20 years, they would have stood there, and won! Kissinger missed the weekly death toll in Vietnam, but it was rough by default.


WW2: you are correct. If kia , land or sea,it was called the “red burial”. Dump your body in the ocean,sharks did the rest. About 3-4 years ago, total dead,front to rear echelons,429000.


That was Vietnam. The POW’S were left behind.


Myslím, že týmto urobili medvediu službu Banderovským fašistom. Tí si teraz môžu lámať hlavičku ako to oznámia príbuzným. Takéto veci sa poväčšine dejú pod záštitou červeného kríža. A tu sa potom ťažko niečo ututláva.

William White

Wagner just does not stop impressing me. Smart, skilled men doing a very difficult job very very well.


20 trucks of dead corpses. My God Zelensky what did you do? F junkie that doesn’t care about his own. You better sit down and sign a peace deal before Russia eats Ukraine completely. Don’t delay it, as it’s already late for a lot of things. Wake up and act fast. Ukraine will otherwise vanish by the end of the year…


The best Ukraine (and the west) can do, is remove Zelensky from Power and send him on a plane flight to either Washington or Tel Aviv and get that over with. Put someone in charge that is more realistic. Ukraine can never hold on to the Russian territories. End of the story..

That Clown Zelensky together with that senile imbecile Biden will take us to World war 3 if they are not stopped in time .


The “west” doesn’t want somebody more realistic. The Ukrainians have been used as a device to prevent an integration of Russia with Germany and lesser crappy European vassals, and to further prevent the integration of Europe with China. The US won’t tolerate a Eurasian rival. That is the long and short of it. The American elites felt a global empire was within their grasp twenty-five years ago, and they have never relinquished the fantasy. Like the old song says, if you think they’ll let it go you’re mad, you’ve got another thing coming.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
The Missing Link

NATO’s meat grinder is hungry. For some reason though, it prefers Ukrainian kielbasa.


Send him to moscow to formally surrender the army and then himself to stand trial.


Well he has to be caught by Russia first.

He was even allowed to leave Ukraine to visit Washington and coming back.

Can someone imagine that Saddam Hussein or Ghadaffi went on diplomatic journey when US invaded his country illegal?


I read it as 4 or 5 convoys of 20 trucks = 80 to 100 truckloads of used cannon fodder.


Selensky cannot stop because he still wants to join the club if the cool boys: NATO. As an Ukrainian I would hate this guy he sacrefires his citizens to please the USA. A actor who is playing its role as a farmer on the global strategic chess game.


Not completely. 3-5 western regions will be eaten by Poland, the rest ones will return home. Poland will take care on ukronazis, it will be very symbolic, because ukrainization of rus.lands was the idea of ethnic poles. And now they will have to fight their own abomination in attempt of assimilation of Galitziya and Volyn’. Last attempt to assimilate Volyn’ caused genocide of at least 80 thousand poles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
V for victory

Well, all that nazi all around, the smell would be unaccettable. Sadly we don’t know how many of those ukros were denazified. The ukros say that 120,000 russians were killed, really shamelessy, eh?


100.000+ total russian casualties perhaps. That’s an average of 300+ casualties per day. That could be true. Russia suffered some defeats early on and Ukraine is firing back. War is a costly business

The Missing Link

Arestovych finally came out and said. “I don’t work for the regime any more so I can tell the truth. We’re cooked.”


“4-5 batches are planned. The bodies will be transfered by 20 cars”

Wow. Ur talking alot of bodies there, at least 2000 dead…


Hopefully that will de-clutter Facebook of posts from 2000 families looking for news about family members last heard of in Soledar area. Posts about missing in Bakhmut area are about 15x more common so far.


20 trucks with 20-30 coffins – 400-600 bodies. This is last party of dead ukros left by their commanders to cover retreat from Soledar. At least 200 were encircled in the town + few hundreds at railway station Salt and salt mines. Now they are coming back home on a shield.

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

That criminal Prigozhin is just another Instawhore. Keeps attention whoring himself without actually doing anything productive.

Bigger news, Gerasimov is head of SMO. Somehow nobody is talking about that. That guys is a modern day Clausewitz.


Prigozhin is a worthy son of his homeland! And the “Russian World” is the world in your house! Humane treatment of the bodies of the dead Ukrainians is nothing more than a tribute to the soldiers who died on the battlefield, not a commercial!!!

Florian Geyer

Very well said, Олег.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

Vitória e honra aos Wagners!! Poder e glória à Rússia!!

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet? https://t.me/DonbassDevushka/41778

Sergeant Scholz

Next year. We have to wait for the Leopards to be rebuilt. BTW: do you have any 28,45 cm sprockets laying around? We could forge some new ones but that damn factory says it’s out of gas to fire up the ovens.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sergeant Scholz
POUK Zelensky

We stole your gas before it got to you. Scholzy. We need it to dispose of our dead before the families get wise and ask for a payout. You don’t mind, do you? Anyway, even if you do, we don’t care. Ha Ha.

Now, get those tanks over here. Raus! Chop Chop. Don’t mess with us, little man. We’re WEF poster boys and Ursula lusts after me. Aren’t we precious?

Last edited 2 years ago by POUK Zelensky

lol everyone talking of leopard II. the reality isd, IF the krauts send in the panzers, the first lots will be the very SAME leopard 1 hulks that have been rotting away on a slab of concrete in Lahr’s old CDN base since I was a teenager in the 70’s. the leo is junk, was junk and will always be un armoured junk. If turkeys losses to anti daesh forces does not convince you. wait and watch. Europe sure is rotting the front door as fast as possible. this will all end nuclear.


Why are they wasting trucks? They should have just dumped them in a pit, like the Ukrops do after they execute schoolteachers.


The Russian gesture showed respect to those families of those killed Ukrainian soldiers for the US criminal elites. The ultimate goal is to show the remaining Ukrainian civilians how their own government lied. The recent footage showing the criminal Azov recruiting the remaining men displayed an act of desperation from those US lapdogs.

Sionist Slaves of America

The NATOers are worse than Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist party. They are willing to sacrifice millions of Ukrainian lives to achieve their goals.


Well done Wagner!

Harry Taylor

Ukraine, the only way to save your Country is to make Zelenskyy and NATO Get The F Out. Revolution.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

They should have strapped them on to pallets and parachute dropped them in to Bakhmut!

Peter Jennings

I hope those cars still have working windows.

The Ukrainian army isn’t up to the task of taking on the Russian army. The volunteers and special forces from the west, which keep popping up, aren’t up to the task. Neither are the western weapons which they tend to lose shortly after deployment.


Russia is sending the bodies back to Ukraine piled high, Russia is also pushing forward on three fronts. Let’s hope ordinary Ukrainians work out fighting is a waste of time and give up. The result their country would become peaceful and they would lose regions that want nothing to do with them.


Russia and Prigosin are really rich: they use wood coffins for the enemy instead of cheap cadaver cloth as usual. => Help Ukraine to save wood and money send corpses within wood coffin.

Isser Harel

Depopulation looks like this. Lots of death for Gates and fauci to masturbate over. Get a good look. Nafo needs to be stopped because they intend to do this to the entire world and i don’t mean maybe.

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