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MARCH 2025

In Video: German Journalist On MSM, Situation In Melitopol And Tactics Of Azov Militants

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German reporter and writer Thomas Richter shares his impressions after visiting Melitopol and tells how MSM distorts the facts and distorts the truth about Mariupol, Azov and the war in Ukraine.


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Peter The Ungrateful

His name is Thomas Röper, not Richter. He runs the Anti-Spiegel website to expose the propaganda of the well known magazine “Der Spiegel”.

Russia is a paper tiger

Schhh you are destroying Southfront fa.. narrative of being MSM


you should die in a fire but that’s too good for you though

what kind of loser wastes his time on the website of the side he isn’t even on? And spams all day, I post once for every 1000 of yours probably

Someone wasn’t loved as a child lol

damn what a loser you are

Wait, Soutfront has a side? I thought they did unbiased reporting!

Bobby Twoshoes

There is no such thing as “unbiased”, Southfront even published an entire report detailing the rationale for their generally pro-Russian perspective. Anyone who tells you they are unbiased is not to be trusted and anyone who uses ad hominem insults probably does so because they can’t mount a real argument.

Peter The Ungrateful

Why? He is not being payed by any Russian entity. Mr. Röper is just a German expat in St. Petersburg that tries to bring the Russian perspective to the attention of the Germans. He describes himself as an analyst rather than a (war) reporter. He also translates some of the Russian media articles so Germans get an idea of what Russia says. And he points out that one always needs to keep in mind that it is state funded media talking.

Since my Russian does not expand beyond 101 I value his work very much. He is as independent as it gets. But it would be nice to get actual unbiased reporting by official media outlets. Alas, the opposite is happening.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Russia is a paper tiger

I stand corrected, i red it as him being from MSN instead of talking about MSM. My apologies


You wife pussy is but all destroyed by now ..she has taken more then 1,000 nice strong hard Russian servicemen by now… something you couldn’t give her with a scrawny dead dried soft weiner


You can’t even read the title they didn’t say he was MSM.


Thank bro…wish it was hosted in an English version too

Peter The Ungrateful

Try the DeepL translator, it is the best around. German to English works rather well. Should at least give you a rough idea of his musings.

Vlad butcha orc

Anti Spiegel with a .ru address? Oh lol.

Not that I would care for the house of Relotius, but that’s hilarious.

Peter The Ungrateful

Well, he lives in St. Petersburg, after all.

NATO is 666

Germanic fraulines S&M.




Russia claims it does not have tochka-u missiles in it’s arsenal ‘since years’, yet we’ve seen: -Launchers+missiles going into Belarus for exercises -Launchers retreating out of Northern Ukraine through Belarus 4 weeks later -Several tochka-u boosters from missiles launched at targets like Chernihiv, Kyiv, Mariupol, and this very morning near Severodonetsk -Russia using them last year in Syria -Russia parading them proudly last year in Krasnodar’s military parade

Aside from being caught in the above lie, we have: -pro-Russian telegram channels bragging about hitting a military munitions train in Kramatorsk minutes after impact, as well as other railway targets in the area, which they later edited or deleted -Footage from a Donbas telegram channel showing launches from near Shakhtars’k towards the North West, the exact direction of Kramatorsk. The video is still there.

Then we have Russia’s insistence on serial numbers. The factory originally shipped them out in batches of 10, and not necessarily in order, just whichever was convenient to load. For example there is an example where a UA tochka and a Syrian tochka have serial#’s just 25 apart. Aside from this, Russia has seized tochka-u’s when they seized Crimea, so the numbers wouldn’t prove anything either way. Their insistence to the contrary is more than a little suspect.

On the flipside we have people like Scott Ritter claiming it had to have come from the South West. Aside from him literally being a twice convicted pedophile that married an FSB agent, who can only get a job telling pro-Russian stories on RT and alt-right channels, who has been wrong repeatedly throughout the course of the war, his evidence consists of the location of the booster.

If he was competent, he’d know the trajectory of the booster, which is non-aerodynamic after seperating, is pretty much random towards the end of its trajectory. Which leaves us with the earlier videos.

Vlad butcha orc

Finally someone with sense.

I dont like this rhetoric. Isn’t “slava ukraina” fascist rhetoric? I mean literally fascist rhetoric. I think it is from what I read and gather. Spaniards had “arriba españa” and the USA has chants of “USA,USA,USA”. it is all so facist to me. I’m not trying to be hyperbolic either.


Do you even know what facism or a facist is?

NATO is 666

I am day drinking and may yet dance in the fontaine. I lied or faile dor both.


Wont see this in American Jew run media.

Peter The Ungrateful

What is it with this constant antisemitism you guys? You are no better than the NaZis. Look who actually runs the media, enough non-Jews. This notion of “evil Jews running the world” is taken directly from Adolf Hitler’s playbook.

Go to Ukraine and get denaZified, assholeZ.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Russia is a paper tiger

Also applaud this comment. It baffles me all the anti nazi propaganda and then keep spewing anti semitism bulshit. I think it Mirrors well all the contradictions around this special military operation


You could easily be a jewish employee of (((South Front))) posting as “Perter The Ungrateful”, posting as “Russia is a paper tiger”, and a dozen other “people”! :D


She is…from occupied Palestine


As one of the occupiers…


antisemitism existed well before nazism and will exist as long as the jew is evil

Omas Bioladen

Jews can be NAZIS too, you know.


All anyone has to do (besides telling you to fuck off, juden!) is go and see who the CEOs of the “big 6” media companies are. They will see for themselves that the US media is controlled by jews. Then, if they want to really see that the jews totally control the media in the West, they can research each media corporation, one by one, and look at all the people in important positions in those companies. They will realize the full truth of jewish control of the Western media.

Peter The Ungrateful

You have it backwards, NaZi. It is capitalists who run the shit show. A lot of capitalists happen to be Jewish but it would be no different if they weren’t.

Jews just tend to be disproportionately more represented in the high education and thus capitalist circles, which is due to their history of being constantly on the run. While they had to leave worldly belongings behind they could take education with them, hence they make it a point to be well educated.

That is the reason for a ratio of 10:1 of wealthy German Jews vs. other Germans at the beginning of the 20th century. Of course, the other Germans envied them. So Hitler had it easy painting them as the scapegoats. It was kind of traditional anyway.

So you keep your envy. Educate yourself, do so generation after generation and you might have a shot. Don’t hate people for being better than you, for that makes you look very pitiful.


Nothing but lies. STFU, juden!

Peter The Ungrateful

Cope, NaZi! Or join your UkraNaZi friends. They are having a grand old time, I hear.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

The intellectual reply.


Wow PsyOp, that’s a bit anti-semitic of you.

But don’t worry, I’m sure Russia will come to de-nazify you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Egregius

Why were they always on the run? He should have answered that while he was at it. All the countries that ran them out, specifically Europe, had reasons, maybe. Probably they were just envious too.

Peter The Ungrateful

Antisemitism has a very long tradition in Europe, basically since the New Testament in the Book of Lies Bible. It is no coincidence that the apostle who betrayed Jesus was called Judas. Judas represents Judaism.

And anytime there was need for a scapegoat the Jews were a welcome target. If you see Russophobia going off the rails today, which has been in the making for decades by the media, Hollywood and “experts”, imagine that directed towards the Jews in the past centuries, and the “justification” coming from the book that is called “The Book”, which hardly anybody could actually read for illiteracy was still a big thing, and before Martin Luther it was not even available in the people’s language.


They’re the same ones that hate and talk shit about China here, they don’t understand that when the people unite a country’s economy can grow exponentially and the people can see real results. Over in Asia they’re calling the West German Miracle a nothing-burger. They even make up conspiracies that China is planning to annex parts of Russia. At first I thought it was trolls copying other people’s names to stoke division in the Southfront comments but I’ve come to the conclusion they’re just Nazis. It’s understandable because China has a very closed off country and without skills/education or an HSK level 5 it’s hard to get in, but that’s how a country that sees after its own affairs treats foreigners from the West, don’t bring your drugs and LGBT policies over here. To speak candidly if you really think it’s a cabal of Jews that have complete control of the West and you believe in racial superiority you’re implying Europeans are too weak and stupid of a race to take control of their own affairs.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA
Peter The Ungrateful

“… if you really think it’s a cabal of Jews that have complete control of the West and you believe in racial superiority you’re implying Europeans are too weak and stupid of a race to take control of their own affairs.”

It has always been just a pretext. Even Hitler blamed the Jews for WW II before he started it:

Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa!

If the international financial Jewry in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples once more into a world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

(emphasis added, https://at.wikimannia.org/Finanzjudentum)

See, the Jews did it once before, so WW I is on them. And he “predicts” their annihilation should they do it again. So WW II was basically also on the Jews, otherwise he wouldn’t have had justification for the “Final Solution”. The biggest trick of the NaZis is to play the victims that just defend themself.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Exactly the same thing the Russians are doing. False pretext of “Nazi” danger from Ukraine to justify the invasion and stealing of even more territory.

Peter The Ungrateful

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Peter The Ungrateful

Nope, no NaZis in Ukraine.


Hear, hear!


I tried publishing this same info but was blocked by SF. Unfortunately SF like RT is controlled from Occupied Palestine


All of them are WHITE…so white supremacy is assured. They will see for themselves that the US media is controlled by whites. Then, if they want to really see that the whites totally control the media in the West, they can research each media corporation, one by one, and look at all the people in important positions in those companies. They will realize the full truth of white control of the Western media. lol


edit…Funny how some things can only post with an edit…The control is total and I do mean total. The rule is if it’s on TV, it’s owned. All of them, including OAN, Infowars, etc, they’ve taken even PBS long ago. IF you question even one issue specifically, sooner or later you’re an anti-semite or a Nazi. It means shut up or you’ll be smeared, and they have the power to do it. I have wondered how many had their lives ruined by being accused of paedo. Of course Epstein, Maxwell, Cohn were all aberrations, but not Nazis…and is kiddie play all they were up to? The Nazi’s would be Nutsack, Bennett and the rest of the command in Occupied Palestine.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Vlad butcha orc


Omas Bioladen

Hitler took it fom Henry Ford and british colonialists.


I allways knew that in Bucha ukrainians slaugthered their own people who collaborated with Russian soldiers during the occupation. I hope that in the end thw world will know. Much honour to Russian Soldiers and their Leaders. God bless You


Can you link me to the satellite images from Russian or Chinese satellites, showing the bodies that were there on March 19 in both the Maxar and Planet sat photo’s, were actually not there?


Russophiles will believe and propagate the weirdest and most improbable BS they can ever come up with to maintain their denial, LOL.


How much of what the UK US NATO Poles are doing is actually LEGAL? Sending in weapons, sending in our forces, controllers and commanding officers?

Peter The Ungrateful

They don’t care about legal, never have. Everything short of directly engaging Russian troops seems to be allowed, in their minds.


Wait, Russia invades another country, and you want to discuss the legality of selling arms or giving them for free to someone defending themselves?

Peter The Ungrateful

Look up article 51 of the UN charter. Russia came to the aid of LPR/DPR who they had just recognized as independent states. They had been under almost constant shelling since 2014 and the UkroNaZis all of a sudden found themselves on their territory. Russia just honored their mutual agreement of defense and cooperation, signed on Feb 21.

If you have anything against that, think twice. NATO created the precedence with Kosovo. Russia had even warned back then that this would come back to bite them in their asses, and it just did. Deal with it!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Vlad butcha orc

Ok, all NATO has to do is recognition of some funny people in Russia and invade.

Lol, bullshit.

Peter The Ungrateful

What part about WW III is so hard to understand? It’s all about proxy wars.


Uh oh, oh Lord, UK US NATO sending arms to Ukraine is a problem, but Russia sending in 50 mile convoys of tanks and tens of thousands of soldiers is somehow not ? GTFO!

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs

I wish Southfront could put English subtitles on the video..can’t understand one crap

Peter The Ungrateful

There are English subtitles in it.


Omg…yeah, exactly his name is Röper . Living in St. Petersburg , russia since 1998. So, a veeeeeery typical , every day German. He studied banking and insurance sectors (which for sure makes you an expert on media and reporting) . Typical conspiracy theorist. Of cause our oh so grown up and good mannered conspiracist and anti -liberals from the far right to the left (the horseshoe is alive !) lobe that guy…


What language is he speaking?


In that clip? Russian..


Thank you.


A German who lives in Russia and for some reason took it upon himself to learn Russia. It’s like he likes Russia. He couldn’t possibly be a biased russophile, could he? LOL. Ukrainians are defending their homeland and whatever position that gives them the advantage, they will use it. If Russian scumbags don’t want to kill civilians, they can stop invading and leave Ukrainian soil! Besides, there are countless drone videos showing Russian military vehicles and tanks parked next to civilian houses, schools, hospitals, appartment blocks, etc. Russian invaders must BURN!

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs
Michel LeBlanc

Ukraine is russia, always has and always will be, its not an invasion. Its a liberation from western oligarchs. The same pricks that I live under.

SOME ukrainians betrayed there russian brothers and sisters for a fistfull of american dollars.

You are under the malevolent influence of western media.

Shame on you for whitewashing the genocide of russians in ukraine for the last 8 years! Shame on you for ignoring how AFU shelled civilians daily in Donetsk city!

Shame on you for whitewashing AFU psycho killers fire a ballistic missile with cluster munitions at downtown Donetsk!

Peter The Ungrateful

The tanks etc. in civilian areas with actual civilians still in place are Ukrainian.

Stop justifying the blatant and systemic war crimes of the Kiev regime. If they think they have to fight in urban areas it is their obligation by the rules of war (Geneva Convention) to evacuate the area to not endanger civilian lives. They, on the other hand, do the opposite and force civilians to stay as human shields. They call it “Total Defense”. Does that at all ring familiar? “Total War”, anyone?

Wake up! Those are not heroes, they are cowards hiding behind civilians.


Jesus said that satan runs the entire world. Therefore they are working for satan. They cannot speak truth.

mike l hutchings

His story would never make the MSM, because the UK-NAZI are teddy bears

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