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In Video: German Media Ignore Nazism In Ukraine

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A German TV channel published a report from Ukraine, showing a tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a swastika painted on it. Of course, this fact was ignored by the Western media.

Previously, the French media ignored children giving a Hitler salute to servicemen in another report front Ukraine.


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Joe Biden

Ops. Nothing to see there, just a normal day in Ukroreich.

Tommy Jensen

Biden is it really you President?

Carl Jung

Germany’s Nazi within is reawakening.


never slept

Peter Stein

Die BRD ist so traumatisiert von ihrer Nazi Vergangenheit, dass sie sich vom Westen schamlos erniedrigen lässt. Dabei kann sie nicht (oder will sie nicht) sehen, dass die USA sie nur ausnutzen will. Bedauernswert. Wann werden wir endlich mal auf die Straßen gehen?


The truth about Ukraine has been completely ignored by Western media since 2014 they spin lies to the Western public most of whom are brain washed idiots and those who do try to speak out are silenced . The western media are part and parcel of the problem it would not be possible for western governments to do what they are doing if there was a truly independent media who questioned the narrative


RT reported it. BTW people are going to say, “AcTuAlLy, that ONLY means good luck in South Asia”.

Alphabet Soup

Indeed they will. Then they’ll point to the peace sign photoshopped onto the other side of the tank by the Bozo Higgins’ brown nosing boys.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alphabet Soup
pictures worth a thousand words.

Not only RT. I saw the video. A German reporter interviewing some Ukrainian komandant while a tank with a swastika whizzes by behind them. It would have been hilarious were it not so totally pathetic.


Yes, as you mentioned the clip is from a German news channel and RT reported about it. There was another video where French reporters showed two kids doing a Nazi salute to the Ukraine army.


I dont know whats worse the idiots who paint swastikas on their armor or the idiots who think somehow they just need to show the “West/Germans/whomever” that their are swastikas on the armor!

Its not a secret…. hell the US state department had a whole section of its web site devoted to the nazis in Ukraine…. they took it down when they decide to send the nazis guns and money! The Germans knew there were right wing “nazis” same thing they are still sending guns and money! They know and they dont give a sh!t! hell they made movies about the nazis of Ukraine it was huge on netflix ! Putin said he was there to deNazify the place….whats the confusion.

They are all well aware they support swastika painting, goose steppers so make your point by dropping some bombs on those motherfuckers instead of getting your panties in a bunch when you see one!


What’s the name of that Netflix movie?

Tommy Jensen

We painted a swastika on this tank and you believed in it ……………………………LOL.

Porc halal and kosher at the same time

deep inside they like it…

Zelenskyfor Theanus

zelensky fights for the swastika upon dildo for domination upon his anus for victory of azov! swastika on the balls in his mouth for sneak attack later in fat buttocks for klaus and gates with corncobs of joy harpooning with himars into the feces . hillbillies cheer hero of the anus zelensky for 12x world champion!


Probably ignore it because everybody knows slaves can’t be Nazies! They are non Aryan, Slaves are categorized as subhumans, slightly below Blacks, on par with Jews,. So it’s more comical then anything!

Last edited 2 years ago by TrevorL

German fake morality made them very sensitive to such symbols. I bet if someone lodged a complaint the broadcaster will get fined.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit would not be the force it is without the warmongering German oligarchy that came unscathed through the second world war. The Nazi disease is alive and well in the rotten heart of Natostan and the EUSSR is precisely what the German military industrial class had planned under Adolf. Coudenhove Kalergi explained it all and the current insane Hollyweird Central Casting buffoon, Schwab is the epitome of this deranged class. The angloZionaZi scourge will indeed once more be destroyed and stopped in evaporating rump Ukropland, Poland etc if the banksters insist on burning Urupp yet again (and they will). The Germans need to wake up before the Bear rolls once more into Berlin and Brussels to finalize WW2.

In 2 years Germany will be rid of the USSAN Pentacon occupation or Germany will be ashes along with the rest of Urupp and most likely the source of all contagion, Slumville USSA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo

Die grünen are the new nazis in germany they are destroying the german economy and german lives as we speak. Half the country will live of poverty this winter its industries dismantled thanks to their disastrous policies. Meanwhile nazi leaders ursula von der leyen andfrans timmermans and live in big villas with warm central heaters and caviar and beef while the whole eu citizens literally live in energy poverty and aren’t able to afford meat for their children. All part of the protein transition these world economic forum nazis have in store for us. They want to dismantle all farmers and make us eat insects nice maggot beef and drink cockroach milk. You will own nothing and be happy is what they want neofeudalism. I hope russia will crush the nazis in ukraine and zelensky the sooner the better. Hopefully we can remove these nazis from our governments here in so we can open nordstream 2 and resume normal economic relations. I dont care if russia annexes ukraine or parts of it. Ukraine was part of russia for a very long time troughout history anyway. We need peace in europe and strong economic relations economic growth not war and poverty. Please liberate us from the world economic forum and green leftist criminals. Restore normal diplomatic relations. Put klaus schwab and george soros on trial at tribunals for their crimes

Last edited 2 years ago by Freedomfighter
North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

A party that came to power promising PEACE for the European continent is now demanding a WW3. A party who came to power promising ‘clean’ energy is now demanding coal (which is BY FAR the dirtiest form of energy on the planet Earth). I didnt vote for this.


Yes, they, the so-called “greens” urge the population there to save electricity, but at the same time ask and push them to buy electro-cars. So we see it is utter madness, the policy these green-painted communist jews are doing to Germany. (compare also the so-called Biederman-Diagramm/Manual on how to effeciently torture inmates). When DDR and BRD were cancelled and the fake german reunification took place, the jewish-communist agent, Stasi and Bnai Brith member Merkel was installed, and she dismembered and tore down the christian german party (CDU) and opened the way for the jewish green-painted communist party. These radical massmurderous jews are now ruling Germany, and are pushing for war with Russia and for total destruction of Germany. Merkel fullfilled the Hooton plan with border-opening for every asshole from all over the world, and the green-painted follow-up communist-jews now fullfill the Kaufman-Plan and the Morgenthau plan, resp. killing and mass-sterilizing the german population with the jewish mRNA ratpoison-injections, and completely de-industrializing Germany under the fake-pretext of “saving the climate” and “tear down German electricity supply is needed because we need to save energy in order to hit the devil Putin by not buying his oil”.

So we can see clearly they are working hand in hand to destroy Germany, and are just communist jews who play the game that they are against Russia, when in fact they are jewish agents and are against independent christian Europe. USA is jewish controlled and Russia is too, and these jews ruling that two big states do not want Europe to be united but want to keep it enslaved and want to weaken it and destroy the white european culture and replace it with hordes of coloured analphabetic inbreds from all over the world, in order to not allow intelligent native white european people in Europe, as clever, patriotic people, with strong european culture are a danger to the jews, because clever people tend to further or later realize and discover the evil masterminds behind the satanic world-politics, the evil, that is called: Jews !

And if we take a look at who is at the top of the german energy coroporations and big companies, and what sheer amount of jews are in the “green party” in Germany, then everything becomes clear.

Leonhard Birnbaum (Chief Vorstandsvorsitzender v. Eon) Martina Rosenberg (Chefin Dt. Militärische Abschirmdienstes) Jessica Rosenthal (stellv. Vorsitzende Jusos SPD) Michael Roth (Staatssekretär at the Auswärtigen Amt) Ulrich Silberbach (Chef des Dt. Beamtenbundes) Dierk Hirschel (Ex-Chef der Gewerkschaft ver.di) Petra Klamm-Rothberger Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Volker Beck, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Stefan Gelbhaar , Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Die Grünen sogar Gründungsmitglied) Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Josef Schuster (führendes Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Sigrid Graumann (Mitglied in the “deutschen Ethikrat) Alena Buyx (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Julian Nida-Rümelin (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Volker Lipp (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Armin Grunwald (Mitglied in the “deutschen” Ethikrat) Wolfram Henn (Mitglied in the “deutschen” Ethikrat) Aaron ‘Ron’ Sommer (ex-Telekom Chef geb. in Haifa Israel) Martin Winterkorn (ex-VW Chef) Oliver Blume (aktueller VW Chef) Peter Y. Solmssen (ex-Siemens Chef) – zum Vergleich – Hakan Samuelsson (Volvo Chef) Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, Fraktionschefin Die Grünen Thüringen Knut Abraham, Geschäftsträger der dt. Botschaft in Warschau Wolf-Dieter Jacobi (Programmchef MDR) Stefan J. Kramer (Verfassungsschutz Chef Thüringen) Jerzy Montag, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Anne Franke, B90/Die Grünen-Mitglied im Bayrisch.-Landtag Maryam Blumenthal, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Hamburg) René Blumenthal, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Ulrike Goldstein, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (München) Kathrina Schulze (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) Jenny Jasberg (Grünen Chefin Hamburg 2022)

Could it be you not realizing that it is just bullshit what both governments are telling you ? Can you see the facts: Chabad Lubawitch-jew Putin and his crypto-communists (read: jews) battling jew Selensky and his national-zionists (read: jews). Putins special operations specialists the private russian mercenary corp called Wagner, is run by Dmitry Utkin, a good friend of Putin. This guy is said to be a known neo-nazi and has even SS and more nazi-symbols tatooed to his skin. So wake up folks ! Both state leaders are jews, and they use christian soldiers as cannonfodder in their chessgame. By the way George Soros (real name György Schwarz) is jewish too.

It is all jewish made ! It is fakers ! It is just to make you think, that bad things come from “NAZIS” , when in fact the bad the real evil things ALWAYS come from JEWS posing as russians, posing, as germans, posing as americans, posing as liberals, posing as christians, posing as poles, posing as victims, posing as ukrainians, posing as .. you name it !

And these satanic people, called JEWS, always try to hijack your attention and brain, and make you believe in their shows ! Currently all of them now hold high signs and posters with “NAZI”, accusing the other side of being “NAZIS”. But the truth is, it is jews on both sides, maybe different kinds of jews but still jews.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
kogda mi byli na voinye

i have a good adress of an ophtalmologist for western medias

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Die BRD ist eine billige, dreckige Schlampe die für die USA anschaffen geht.

Last edited 2 years ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies
Peter Stein

Deutschland ist so traumatisiert von ihrer Nazi Vergangenheit, dass sie sich vom Westen schamlos erniedrigen lässt. Dabei kann sie nicht (oder will sie nicht) sehen, dass die USA sie nur ausnutzen will. Bedauernswert. Und der Steuerzahler muss das finanzieren.


Why would the west have a problem with the signals of a government they enabled in the past. Just like al quaida they created it then lost control and then forced them to surrender and are now using them again.


And what do you want? Europe has long been Nazi! Scholz is the grandson of the Nazi SS, Anna and all this trash are the grandchildren of the Nazis at the head of Europe. Merkel was Hitler’s daughter. America in 1945 took out many key fascists to itself, now their children have returned and continue the work of their fathers

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