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MARCH 2025

In Video: ‘Ghost’ Battalion Of LPR Destroyed Ukrainian Platoon

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A platoon of the 79th airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed by the 14th “Ghost” battalion of the 4th brigade of the Luhansk People’s Republic.


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Nice. The LGBT Jewish ZOG fighters are getting hunted down like pigs.

I hope America and Israel decide to provoke Russia more.

I want to see nukes get used. I want to see Russia wipe America and Israel out.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

US has been killing million of innocent people in The Middle East lol

Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

Shut the fu#ck up you fucking troll. Nobody that stands with Russia or its SMO would spew the garbage you’re typing. Paid little fu#king troll get the Fu4ck out of here go back to Reddit.


Inbred Mamzer Jew detected. LOL, you’re so angry hahaha. Russia is winning, has been winning and your shitty LGBT pedophile nation is killing itself.

Enjoy your inflation, high gas prices and empty store shelves you fucking race mixed ugly mut.


Do you even know that there’s over 3 million Russian Americans living in the USA and tens of millions of other minorities, migrants etc. saying you want over 330 million Americans wiped out. Go back to Reddit where they still think Ukraine is winning.


Yes I want you and them all wiped out you angry little faggot. Cope and cry harder Jew cock sucker.


Not all of them. Just most of them.

They are in America because they love it. And the Russians wil get it too.

Nuclear war is a two way street.

Good riddance to all of it. Don’t forget to take China out too. I don’twant to live under their regime either.


Bugger off you useless gayee master of none bio-lab-rat soros sodomised spastic, poofs like you is the reason the west is decaying right across the board,unlike you millenial fascist nazi pink punks,i lived in a better place no regrets,but with your kind no thanks, you are too weak and too vulnerable and too lazy to contribute to any civilisation (period) FIXED!


The Russian has no homeland except Russia!! Russian Jews are coming to the USA! We are glad that these creatures are leaving us, they have always been spies of America, Israel and London! Russians love Russia! For us, Russia is heaven on earth!


I do not disagree with anything you just wrote. I believe you. You do not understand why I made my comment. The troll itsthejews said that he wants Russia to nuke all of the USA and kill 340 million. I was simply explaining to that genocidal angry troll that making a comment like that is not only disrespectful to Russia’s SMO but it is an ignorant statement since 40 percent of the current citizens of the USA are foreigners from all over the world, including Russia, India, China, Latin America, Afirca, etc. By the way I am an American who firmly supports Russia in its military operation in Ukraine and I have been following the situation in Donbass since 2014. That does not mean i hate my people rather I dislike my government. So when an ignorant fool makes a comment that he wants me, my family and my entire country murdered I will respond just like you would if someone said that about your country.


Don’t try to reason with some of these clowns. They’re as ignorant as the Ukrainians they’re fighting. It’s like getting in between Democrats and Repiblicans… dumber than a sack full of hammers and they simply have no ears to hear you. Better to stand aside and watch them drunkenly beat each other senseless because dialogue is a language they don’t understand.


You make a good point and nuclear holocaust is not a solution. However, the US/GB/Jewish hegemony, must be broken. The sooner that happens, the better. Maybe (i’m hopeful, here), the USA can go back to what, it really is, not what the tyrants are subjecting it to. The real tyrants are in this unholy alliance of the 3, I mentioned. For this to happen, the American peoples have to wake up, before it’s to late for them to have a good outcome. Abolishing Nato, would certainly be a good step in the right direction.


I love your pride, stay strong.


Jews love hostages… through chao$ ALWAY$ when they are L0$ING… Because THEY ARE “TERRORI$T$”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

And Russia and China and all the other Zionist supporting countries too.


Bugger off,personally i prefer a nice developed town where poofs and trannys don’t exist,much more revenues to be made,better deals right across the board just like Russia + China of todays. Its one thing to quantify in reasoning,but one may need to querie do you know you exist fascist thought not,oh well heres to your suicide wet dream of a much warranted lgbtq/satanic fukfest! Good luck trying to break even,winter is coming and the rents,food and mortages way up yellen!


LGBTQ+ is decay, the last one before an empire falls. This is what the story of Sodom and Gomorah exemplifies: When, there is too much decay in a country, it soon collapse. Great powers are never destroyed from the Outside, they crumble from within. Mao, had a very true saying: “A fish always rot from the head, first.” There is a lot of wisdom, in those few words.


Unfortunately it’s the Europeans killing each other in conflicts instigated by the banking parasites.

John Tosh

Sad sad sad to see the waste of human life simply for the stupid Zelenskyy to keep getting millions in aid and the G7 sticking it to Russia.

The war is practically won by Russia, this is the right time for Ukraine to surrender so as to save human lives. Those Ukrainians who died may have been good people in another life. But they are forced to kill and be killed.

May their soul rest in peace.

I hope and pray Russia wins this war quickly so as to save more lives.

God bless RUSSIA!


Well said.


Perhaps. But in this life they are terrorists who wage war using civilian vehicles, furthermore use every possible opportunity to use civilians as human shields and think it’s a good idea to promote anti-Russian genocide for the sake of promised $$$.

Last edited 2 years ago by Redguard

Very well said brother. Your perspective is one in which we should all aspire to reach, for indeed those Ukrainians who were vanquished in this video were neutralized and very justifiably so in an act of self defense by the legendary LPR People’s Militia. Having said that, what this video also shows is just how under-equipped and how inferior the Ukrainian military is compared to the Russian, DPR and LPR fighting forces. The Ukrainians are being slaughtered at a rate of at least 500 Ukrainians with a total of at least 1,000 casualties a day and there are reports that today was Ukraine’s biggest single day losses on the battlefield. A lot of the Ukrainians dying now are also freshly drafted conscripts with little to absolutely no experience or training. This is all being done to prolong an unwinnable war to continue the war profiteering at the expense of Ukrainian human lives. This is a powerful video that should be shown on every mainstream cable news channel in America and western Europe so people could see what is really happening in Ukraine. Of course that is never going to happen but at this point the hell with the public opinion of the people living in the U.S. and western Europe. Russia and its allies have to continue to purge, cleanse and liberate Ukraine. My condolences to the families of these men whose mothers, fathers, wives, sons and daughters lost their son, husband and father on a war based on deception and lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

*Yawn* nobody has time to read this gay wall of text, LOL.


You’re still here? I thought I told you to go fu#k your sister and go to the Reddit forum troll. Keep changing your name like a little bitch you’re one of the 5 trolls that visits SF


May their souls burn in hell. They had plenty of time to leave and not go fight wars for Israel.


Russia is almost as godless as the U.S. If they destroyed the U.S. it would only be a hiccup on our road to world degenerstion.


Go suicide yourself, you stupid Islamist cokroach. The world needs to be rid of your ilk. Subhuman Islamic shitheads like you have been the U.S. regime’s best allies and willing cannon fodder proxies against “godless commies”, secular independent countries and the like for eight decades now. You are DOGS.


That is a poof not islamist (period) it is the dumb isis neo libby try hard wannabe mi6/cia.


Syria also?


Your a poof Russian are heteros huige fekn difference,unlike you gimp,they have reason+truth:


Likewise I feel bad for the regular Ukrainian servicemen (not the Ukro-Nazi Azov thrash) The regular soldiers are in a tough spot.

If they refuse to fight, they will be executed by their Ukro-Nazi commanders. . If they try to surrender to the Russian army, the Ukro-Nazis will shoot them in the back.

If they are successfull at surrendering, the Ukro-Nazis will kill their families, should they live in the part that is still controlled by Kiev.

They are essentially hostages of the Kiev regime.


Right and hopefully since Zelensky’s crimes are being exposed for the whole world to see, this will be the last time something like this happens.


amerikans too stupid to learn from errors always repeat their failures


Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. I said Zelensky’s CRIMES are being exposed in front of the whole world to see. Meaning that now hopefully no other country will go through what Ukraine is going through. Yuri you completrly either misunderstood or misread my comment. .


Yeah, what a shitty way to die – bleed to death on some village dirt road in the middle of nowhere on a sunny July day……….. If some of them survive the war they should find that asshole who run away and left them. Or even better: find Zelensky and his cronies.


“in the middle of nowhere on a sunny July day”

That’s what i thought exactly. So warm day to go on a beach or stay at home for barbecue with friends, but now you must die for Biden and his bloody clown, for nothing.


This is freedom zealensky way,one must ask why no one there taken out the lgbtq gimp Ok,so be it,death has no easy answer for they whom wish to learn,brainwashed now dead! Call that living? I call it cowardness to not have the resolve to defend oneselfs freedom, or they wanted it,seens theyt never realised it,so theyre gonna get it nazi freedom R.I.P:


Obviously, that lot was not thinking of being on a nice beach with the family. Instead, they enjoy killing Ukrainians of Russian descent, only because, they are hateful psycopaths. They get the end, they deserve. The wisest said: “Live by the sword, die by the sword.” others say: “Karma is a bitch”.


Zelensky is nothing more than a traitor to the Ukrainian people who believed in his forked tongued message that he is wanting to become president to stop the killing of innocent people in Donbass and get along with Russia. In reality he is a stooge of the banking parasites who enriched himself to the tune of hundreds of millions and he couldn’t care less that Ukrainians and Russians are dying. He’s neither, and hates them both.


There are lots of forked tongues in the west. To name a few: Biden, Liz Truss, Blinken, Sholtz, Johnson, Trudeau, Ursula Van Crazy and many more, to fill the bill. Elensky, who lost the “Z” is just a small potato, in this whole scheme.


The right time for negotiations would have been before the war even started. I hope that the Ukrainian people will realize that far from being the hero that he’s made out to be by the media, Zelensky has in fact sold out his people for the interests of the US just like so many other leaders have done around the world.

This war has become much more than just Russia securing their border against NATO expansion, it now represents a stand against the US empire. The US empire and their puppets have sent billions of dollars worth of advanced weaponry to Ukraine, they’ve attempted to destroy the Russian economy, and they likely have many operatives in Ukraine providing intel and assistance to the Ukrainian military. A Russian victory would prove that it is possible for a country with 7 percent the GDP of the US to successfully defy US interests despite every possible pressure short of war put against them. This is why Russia will win this war, because the stakes have been raised to the point that they now have no other option but to win.

I hope that when all this is over, people will see past the revisionist history that will be portrayed by the Western media, to the truth that the US provoked this war and prolonged it with complete disregard for the lives of both Ukrainians and Russians. That they cared so much about preserving the power of their empire that they were willing to risk a nuclear war, and that in the end the power of their global influence did not equal what they project it to be.


I agree with your presentation, but strongly disagree on one point: Calling them leaders, when they are vassals and only there for personnal profits, not for the well-being of their constituents. What you call leaders, in the west, are prostitutes. I apologise to all the prostitutes, to put them in the same league as the filth, that you call “leader”.


Those ukrops act like headless chickens, not a trained, cohesive combat force. No wonder their losses climb to stratospheric levels. What’s with this obsession for pindo crappy noises?


I would put a caution to that. Not all Ukrainians are good peoples, in a decayed country, you always have some of the worst perverts, like those nazis, that never had an ounce of humanity, in them. The problem, is that, in these situations, the worst filth has power over the others.


Wow. amazing footage. a bit irritating music tho


For the record, it is part of Matrix movie, when Neo meets Trinity.


To be more precise it is the remixed techno version of the song Dragula by Rob Zombie and it goes well with the video.


Breaking news!

“one million strong men counter offensive” has been cancelled

Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov said that American journalists simply misunderstood him.

There was a misunderstanding: The AFU is not going on the offensive in the southern regions.

Kiev is not assembling a million-strong army, there was a misunderstanding, he said.


Peremoga (false PR victory) turns to zrada (treason) again and again.


The more diligent ukranian milita trainers are also teaching the women how to surrender swift, see these poofs in kiev and their westy gaylords forgot one fact that there are mainly real men in ukraine whom aint into mardigra fukfests nor the myth that women in battles are better,and by the sheer amount of rejection for the kiev mardi gra fukests,simply not worth taking on hetero siblings, thats whats going on,that is why the repost there is exerting pressure to kiev junta to wake the hell up.

Last edited 2 years ago by ALASKA IS RUSSIAN NOT BIDENS

As I said many times: drones and more drones. They simply command the battlefield today. If only Russia had more drones, both attack and recon drones, this war would be over by now…

10% for the Big Guy

I agree and hope that some of the good Iranian drones will come finally to the DPR.


should have imported bunch of Chinese drones before the war and now just import more secretly because Chinese are pussies to openly support Russia


drones dont cut it,russia nailed all the wests best variants.

10% for the Big Guy

Ok, and why did you leave the other SUV escape? They were not “destroyed”.


my thoughts exactly. also why they don’t have at least one old RPG-7, more than enough to destroy that crappy van with everyone inside.


This was a job done by a Russian sniper with anti-material gun. Ukrops tried to escape by rolling on the ground.


Machine gun/small arms fire actually. Look at 3:20

Last edited 2 years ago by ...
War is hell

True. It was a combined attack with small arms and a grenade launcher commanded by an officer with a surveillance drone. Fire control of the grenade launcher could have been better, but it is difficult to keep it stable on sandy ground. Fazit: Not perfect, but a well planned and well coordinated ambush.

Guy Metdrapedes

They may have expended their ammo for it.

War is hell

I think they had no RPG or were too far away. The explosions were probably caused by a medium caliber portable grenade launcher.


I agre. At best, we can say it, that they weare pinddown, nothing els. To me it loks like a poor jobe done.


Poor job for ukrane not retreating sooner,the attacker was mearly playing with nazo bio-lab-rats like mice,just like the cool cat before it eventually kills it:(depending which libby lab-rat+when)

Last edited 2 years ago by ALASKA IS RUSSIAN NOT BIDENS

Yes I understand you. But all in all, this platon was not destroid, only pind down. We must preserv reality, not like Zelenski who is ordering a milion army (that dosent exist) to start ofensive operation. In this video we can see clashes, not destruction.


Wow a real time ambush video footage of the Ukronazis in a mad rush to get their ass out of hell they’ve created themselves, I hope they enjoy the slow agonising and painful death as payback for the crimes they committed


Zionists preparing to sacrifice the USA –?? The City of New York has launched a new public service video which is focused on preparing New Yorkers for—NUCLEAR WAR ! – Get inside- Stay inside- Stay Tuned — that’s it ! Sounds like 1950,s “duck & cover ” and hide under the stairs – That will certainly save them–wont it ???

Jens' mom

either that or these thugs may be preparing some sort of provocation that would set that chain off.


The thing is some cities in America are too far gone like NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Fran those cities are literally out of their minds. Its best to leave those areas and move to a different state. This is just more fear mongering. I highly doubt that the U.S. will provoke or instigate a nuclear war with Russia because let’s be honest Russia would win, they have hypersonic missiles and much better missile defense systems. I personally do not see a nuclear war taking place.

No War


Klaus Schwab's Severed Head

Perhaps but as Gerald Celente said when all else fails they take you to war. Martin Armstrong also made the observation that this war is deflection by European governments to cover the fact they are broke and have broken European pension funds. European governments forced pension funds to buy government bonds, however the pension funds needed an 8% minimum return to break even. When the ECB drove interest rates negative it destroyed not just those funds but the willingness of American banks to buy European debt. In sum, Europeans are now killing other Europeans as a distraction from this.

Klaus Schwab's Severed Head

So basically don’t be surprised if the WEF oligarchs drive this nuclear.


Do I see Azov yellow ID on many of these Uke troops?


Not just Azow use yellow. Ukros in general use yellow or blue, Russians white or red


War is hell

not even in the same ballpark

Dying for psychopathic banker oligarchs really isn’t all as nice as it’s made out to be in the western media.


Over 80 million Christian Europeans died in WW2 for the same families of banking parasites who orchestrated every single war and conflict for the past few hundred years.

Cheryl Sanchez



Buen video


Ну тут взводом и не пахнет. Максимум отделение. Хз конечно кто там на видео, может законченная бандеровская мразь, а может и нет. ВО всяком случае жалко было на них смотреть. По человечески жаль. Война это плохо.

No War



What a crap. Nothing was destroyed, except some fighting

Jens Borg

Your monkey brain was destroyed when Joe Biden raped you. That’s why you have nothing but crap in your head.


are you blind or just retarded? both I guess


consuming feces and human sperm has not been proven to cure your senility—midbrainlad and Sawyer nazis are proof


Those guys obviously don’t have the first clue what they’re doing. I feel very sorry for them and I pray for their souls. They’re probably conscripts, have no clue why they’re there, and probably no choice in the matter. Zelensky is a pig, and so are those who support him

War is hell

Possibly “territorial defenders” who were armed to defend their homes and then send to the front far away from home without training.

Seymour Undies

It’s sad. If they would not follow Jewish leaders, they wouldn’t have these problems.


Now THIS is what ya might call a “double”… “double”… “double”… “TAP”… “TAP”… “TAP”…!

Don’t FUCK with Z!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt


Karl Pomeroy

Good to hear about the Ghost battalion again. :)


LPR and DPR are legends. They will go down in the history books as the 21st Century Founding Fathers who initiated the collapse of the empire of lies.

Ed Theman

Could someone tell me why most of the Ukraine soldiers are very Fat?

Green Man

No standards for military service anymore, since the ukrops are desperate, and all the food aid the Western public sent thinking it was going to starving civilians.

War is hell

The slim young soldiers are already dead. Now they are sending “Teroboronists” (territorial defenders) to the front: https://mailbd.net/news/kyiv-deceived-teroboronists-and-sent-them-to-die-in-donbass-onufrienko-23900/


What’s with the video game music?

Assad Defeated Zionists

Oy vey. look at those poor Ukrainian cannon fodder’s guts go up in the air, I feel so bad for them, just as bad as I felt seeing those poor Muslim bastards being slaughtered by Israel-firsters in the government and in the military on orders of the Zionist masters for the benefit of greater Israel.


“War is cruelty. There’s no use trying to reform it. The crueller it is, the sooner it will be over.” General William Tecumseh Sherman

RIP To those guy who died.


These Ukrainian’s are complete fools. The Russians are far superior to them in all respects yet they are stupid enough to try and fight. This isn’t brave, it’s utter stupidity. They deserve their Darwin Awards.

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