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In Video: Hamas Fighters Ambush Israeli Armored Convoy Near Gaza’s Rafah

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In Video: Hamas Fighters Ambush Israeli Armored Convoy Near Gaza’s Rafah

Illustrative image.

The al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of the Hamas Movement, released on September 25 video footage showing a recent ambush that targeted an armored convoy of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to the east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

During the ambush, Hamas fighters targeted a Merkava MK 4M and two Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers with locally-made Al-Yassin 105 rocket-propelled grenades from point blank range. All three vehicles were damaged, according to the footage.

In addition, the footage shows an UH-60A Yanshuf helicopter of the Israeli Air Force landing near the convoy after the ambush, most likely to evacuate casualties.

The IDF has been taking some serious human and material losses in Rafah. On September 18, four Israeli troops were killed and several others were wounded after entering a building rigged with explosives in the Tel Sultan neighborhood in the city.

So far, the IDF has lost 348 troops during ground operations against Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza and along its border. Around 2,280 others have been reportedly wounded in the Strip. In addition, over 500 vehicles were hit there, according to Hebrew media.

Meanwhile on the Palestinian side, the death toll from the Israeli war has exceeded 41,400, with women and children making up most of the casualties.

Despite killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and destroying most of Gaza, Israel is yet to fulfill any of the war’s stated goals. Hamas is still ruling the Strip, the group is still very capable militarily and it continues to hold around a hundred Israeli hostages who were captured during the October 7 surprise attack.

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the mossad operation using the hungarian front company, sourcing taiwanese and japenese technology into explosive pagers has now got the global south scrambling. basically, “western technlogy cannot be trusted”, is the new mantra. thanks to mossad exposing this act of terrorism, everybody can see the west stands for nothing but purile terrorism and hatred. western supply chains and tech is totally untrustworthy. so give mossad a pat on the back for damaging western tech reputations

Last edited 6 months ago by hasbarats

sit on it has da rats l


good news for huawei. all those zio tech folks will need a new career, maybe go back to swindling and pimping, like madoff and epstein. the zio psychos are crowing about their pager antics, but this has a limited effect on hezbollah. the pagers were carried by medical staff, ambulances, municipal workers, not hezb. fighters. the zio terror bombing killed a lot of civilians but no hezb. their assets are deep underground.

Jewish pimp

hezbollah have russian pda in use now on.


i noted same thing originally. they just destroyed western technology brand further not to mention their weapons are inferior compared to russia on ukraine battlefield


no it can’t be trusted 👍

Jewish pimp

now they have got russian pdas. no way one can hack these anyways.


that is a sweet sweet video :) long live the resistance and their heroic fighters


balls of steel, those folks, going out on a daily shlomo hunt.

Jewish pimp

definitely. that first guy…




lol..how do you think amerca was ent packing out of vietnam..

Jewish pimp

that is a great question.


if biden hadn’t enabled iran after failing to subvert israels supreme court then none of october 7 would have happened imo and the 97 hostages would never have been taken and none of this would be happening wouldn’t have even been started. imo

fudge cracker

naive and misses the obvious. the gov of israel wanted this. the reaction is out of scale. most if not all israelis killed on oct 7 were killed by the israelis under the hannibal doctrine. have a look at the burnt out cars. they look exactly like the burnt out cars on the iraqi highway of death. rocket attacks from helicopters and last time i checked hamas does not have any.

rabbi hugo grin

same old text pointy graphics looks like more barbera lerner spector rita katz tim bell site intel group news footage

never see a cook off never on moon on alabama one of the guys has a list of all the killed idf tanks it is all bullshit

you see for the slaughter to go on of the children of gaza the tel aviver khazhar the west need it to look like a war a battle not saying everything is fake just most of ther pointy graphics videos we see


not near enough to get the jews slaughtered to the point of extinction. the sole aim of hamas, hezbollah, iraqi resistance, the houthis and iranj. in fact on a longer timeline, there won’t be any jews left – yippie!

Great Job Lads!

i really missed these kike-blasting videos. good to see they’re back. the lads are doing a great job, despite the difficult circumstances. anyway, i think it’s time they started targeting the helicopters. no kike deserves any medical aid after what they’ve done to the people and the health service in gaza.


they should bring this out as a video game, “shlomo hunt ’24.” good point about the helicopters. hamas has a policy of not attacking them. this needs to change. they don’t even bear rescue markings.


the problem is that hamas has no more support, and ‘nowhere to run, nowhere to hide’. they can keep taking pot shots at the idf, but the idf has a long memory and will shut the hamasians down and then they can’t do the brigade thing anymore because they’ll be captured or dead. moral of the story, stop shooting at israel. period.


all you can do when faced with genocidal zio filth is shoot, shoot, and keep on shooting.

Jewish pimp

11 months ago somone said same thing. now we are here.


point blank range and the tanks and dozers only were damaged ? how is that even possible ? were are the flying turrents ? the tanks cooking off ? burned out husks of vehicles ?

” during the ambush, hamas fighters targeted a merkava mk 4m and two caterpillar d9 armored bulldozers with locally-made al-yassin 105 rocket-propelled grenades from point blank range. all three vehicles were damaged, according to the footage. “


i blew up a tank once with a shoulder fired rocket launcher. often the external effects are not that great. you don’t always get the great external explosions. the real damage is inside. shards of razor sharp hot metal flying round the interior, destroying the internal systems. not very nice for the crew inside either.


supposedly 250 israeli tanks have been taken out already but not one video of a cook off, burned out hull, dead tankers, or flying turrents. now compare that to the videos coming out of the ukraine. something is off. not too mention, all the videos from the west bank always cut off at the point of impact. very odd.

Jewish pimp

maybe we are seeing different footage? how about that video with those small, but effective atgms used by hamas? things were in flames.


compare videos coming out from ukraine. there is something definitely odd going on.

Jewish pimp

yes, definitely hammas doesn’t have even single anti tank gun.


are you a.i. ?

Jewish pimp

that jet of molten metal can really penetrate shut load of steel or even more so concrete. it is just molten, and it dripping like molten glass or metal. tank is done and these bulldozers are definitely so.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jewish pimp

it’s called the hollow charge effect. it doesn’t have to be a spectacular explosion/


the sane world celebrates the death of every evil khazar diaper head baby killing punk from nutnyahoos band of welfare warfare ghoul$. onward to the total destruction of the zionazi abomination nesting in semitic palestine. z


no khazar squatting tranny diaper head punk will live in peace in khazar occupied palestine. never!


the khazar beast can only kill innocent civilians from high in the sky using the weapons of its idiot ussan golem and financed by its ussan tax cattle. as soon as that dries up (soon) the stinking cho$enite sewer in occupied palestine will dry up and the filth will be blown away. karma catches up to all evil doers and nutnyahoo’s band of filth is about to be visited by the harshest retribution.


i hope no birds were injured during the filming of this video.


“meanwhile on the palestinian side, the death toll from the israeli war has exceeded 41,400, ”

this is total nonsense and a blatant lie. there are 5 times more people burned and shredded by the zionazi beast buried under the rubble of the ongoing gaza genocide. the evil khazar beast will pay for each and every one of those murders.


hamas guys are very brave. if europeans would resist just as bravely the oppression of the noses could be eliminated.


big noses and little hats.


how brave they are to hide in tunnels in a conflict they provoked while civilians are the shields.


hamas needs to put an order in for some stingers, take out choppers, jets and ground equip. us left a bunch in afghanistan when they ran away.

Jewish pimp

how the hell you think talibans wahhabis gonna give that to them, even if they can?


where there’s a will……they all work together, it’s called the axis of fire.


may, god bless the palestinians.

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