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In Video: Head Of The UK Defence Select Committee Confirmed London Is At War With Russia

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Tobias Ellwood, head of the UK Defence Select Committee, honestly claimed that the United Kingdom is now at war in Europe and should “face Russia directly”

“We are now at war in Europe, we need to move to a war footing, we are involved in that, we have mobilized our procurement processes, we are gifting equipment [to Ukraine]. We need to face Russia directly rather than leaving Ukraine to do all the work,” he said in an interview with UK broadcaster.

The recent revelations of the Western top officials reveal the truth behind the attempts of NATO allies to hide the truth that they have already become parties to the military conflict in Ukraine. Earlier, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock confirmed that Germany, together with Western countries, is at war with Russia. She was later forced to take her words back and ask for excuses; but it did not change the fact that the Ukrainian military is trained, equipped and coordinated by NATO forces on the battlefield, while the Kiev regime is completely obeying to its Western patrons.

Brussels, London and Washington are at war, which they have not declared and in which their population does not want to fight. Citizens of the Western countries are currently paying for this conflict which is still fought by Ukrainian, Russian servicemen and some trained Western fighters. However, while the Western elites are publicly declaring that they are at war and continue to instigate the conflict, their citizens should be ready to be sent to fight on the battlefields.




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Americans will send Zelensky and the international terrorist Biden to Hell first.


How is Osama bin Laden any different than Joe Biden committing an act of war with the possibility of causing a near extinction event. There may be enough evidence to bring him to trial if he is found mentally competent.


Both assets of the US Military Industrial Complex.


Biden is a sock puppet of the central bankers. Biden can’t even read from a teleprompter.

The central bankers have total control of all western governments.


Tout à fait !!!! Le reste c’est de la mandoline pour antifas crasseux !!!


Sure they will. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2019/08/investigative-series/from-spook-air-to-the-lolita-express-the-genesis-and-evolution-of-the-jeffrey-epstein-bill-clinton-relationship/


Unless a ” Deja vu” scenario, a false flag event, blame on Russia or China, to get the Americans to war. It was done in 1941, in 1965, in 2003 and now the same Cabals/Globalists/Deep State/US military industrial complex/Russophobic Brits are eager to, since the Biden fraud election, destabilize and destroy the Western World with a WW3.


Has the Govt of Russia summoned the UK ambassador to ask if a, state of war exists between the UK and Russia yet?

The Kurd

tbh, Russia is too busy in Ukraine and cannot deal with all those attacks, threats, sabotages. The Kremlin is too scared to say that the west is at war with Russia. one would wonder what the heck Russia is playing at.


Not true. Russia already said it many times that behind Ukraine is west at war with Russia. You should check both sides with information, not just MSM.

William White

Anyone with an eye in their head and a hole in their ass can see the West is at war with Russia!


I agree. I disagreed with The Kurd to whom I did reply that Russia is hiding that they are in the war with west. Russia stated it openly many times. But west was trying until recently to hide truth, now they showing cards.

William White

Summon that fucker right away!


We all know that Russia is at war with NATO-USA who use nazi-fascists ukraines as soldiers.

Florian Geyer

Few in the UK would shed a tear if London was covered in glass :)


Once upon a time in Crimea…

The Ogs

I heard that the Americans have gifted more than one hundred thousand million dollars of American taxpayer money to Ukraine. Could this possibly be true?


probably more………


What I don’t understand, is, why americans let this continue. What they fear of to arrest bunch of nazi war mongers, not question, but opinion because they fear, they are not awake.


as an American I can tell you why. First of all most Americans I believe its 84 percent cannot find Ukraine on the map, almost nobody cares about the war. Secondly, Americans like western Europeans are powerless as far as political change goes as the US is not a democracy at all and both parties are pro-war puppets. And lastly the US prints money for free, slight inflation in the prices of food etc. but most Americans are happy being fat and having just enough money to drive to work and back. I know what I typed is a gross simplification but its pretty much the way it is.


At this pace it looks like this war will last for many years and by the time this war ends the US will have “contributed” at least 1 trillion dollars to funding the war in Ukraine just like Afghanistan, Iraq etc. This war certainly seems to be heading that way, for now anyways, let’s see what transpires.


What would americans do if there is proxy war in USA ? So as long there is no war in USA, americans going to act as zombies. That is selfish. In that case all refugees should be accommodated in USA with full respect due to war-torn countries USA destroyed and this should be in all NATO countries, and refugees should over take your countries. I don’t see any other fair compensation. North Korea warned South Korea and USA if they take down any of N.K’s test missiles, N.K. going to see it as act of war and respond in same way. USA pushing another false flag in Taiwan over China. It takes few dozens of strong men to arrest american government, before that strategic plan to stop police and military protecting your government.


There is a conflict in Amerika (misspelled on purpose).

Instead of moving Americans to the third world countries, the vegetable in chief, current white house “marxist” occupant, according to many in real Americans, stole the 2020 election and is making it easier for lazy illiterates and criminals to enter and stay in America. This is accomplished by not enforcing immigration policy and the border, specifically America’s southern border.

The net result, the third world is and all it’s war-torn, corruption, crime, and tyranny is being imported to turn America, the shining city on a hill, into Amerika, the decrepit, perverted, crime ridden slum.


So you saying, they waiting for next presidental election in America to bring false flags and expand proxy war to other countries or bring civil war ? I am not sure I understand you well.


Remember though, the main problems in these places mainly instigated for the influx of these people which is the Kalergi plan of one hundred years ago!

William White

Mission underway, not long now till Civil war.


2nd part of previous reply : Another suggestion, please don’t get me wrong, americans should move to live in proxy war-torn countries where wars still rages so americans would start having respect for other countries and their people, if americans act as zombies, something must be done they to wake up. I understand why Putin is too soft in SMO in Ukraine, he is going to continue it as long Russia not attacked as long civilians live in Ukraine and as long Ukraine don’t comply to SMO demands, in turn this SMO going to last for years if no open war between NATO and Russia. If I am Putin I would order all civilians to be moved to safe zone, and would destroy all ukrainian military locations.

William White

What I said!


Forth, your entire establishment is under the control of pretend members of a minor religion that considered itself special and above all laws.

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” Kevin Alfred Strom

Oy vey.

William White

Fat drunk and stupid is the American way to go through life!


Sadly very true.


450 billions USD. At least officially.

John wood

True but they will recover it all back at 10 times the price USA never gives anything for free or democracy


Du PQ dollars qui n’a de valeur que du prix de l’encre et du papier à imprimer !!! Les banquiers se chient dessus et Tel-Aviv la maison mère satanique envoie du blanc se faire saigner pour ses intérêts tout en inondant les peuples blanc de nè…es et autres ocres du Mordor pour aider à la destruction du monde blanc !


People have to resist and send Zelensky, Biden and all others involved in this proxy war to proxy war. That is all. Let them fight. Not wasting peoples lives. Without resistance, more lives would be wasted.


This dipstick is an utter and complete retarded arsehole,problem is there are many like this Clown among the British so called elite.


The worse enemy of the British people has always been the British establishment, as it is has a large number of traitors, quislings and turncoats amongst its ranks.


Ellwood is atypical of the Quisling enemy within. A part time desk bound warrior of 77th Brigade the traitors that turned on their own countrymen during the unlawful lockdown psyop, Hanging the POS would to too quick and honourable an execution.


Funny, I don’t remember a declaration of war


The UK govt (according to their own figures) gave £2.3 billion in military aid to Ukraine in 2022. There are 180000 homeless people in the UK, this would be £8214 for each of them, easily enough to rent accommodation for every single one. The USA could equally resolve it’s homeless problem (and probably several other major social problems too) with the money it spends in Ukraine. That isn’t including non military aid. And what for? At best the UK will end up with great relations with the destroyed and poverty stricken remnants of Ukraine and terrible relations with the industrial and economic world powers of Russia and China. The plan of Brexit was that the UK was going to move away from dependence on Europe and develop international relations with those very places and others like them instead, not get dragged into some European war alongside a deranged Nazi dictatorship.


Britain has to do as it is told by its big western master, that’s what happens when you’re a vassal.

John wood

Europeans again doing americas bidding fighting a war for America Destroying their own economies to enrich the yanks Happened in ww2 and happening again Nordstream was going to kill the usa economies ability to compete with Europe So they took it out Germany and Europe now reliant on usa energy instead of Russian energy at twice the price that’s what this was always about


They know the muppets will pay and suffer. They know how to push these thin skinned dependent on the system souls. They loved COVID, they love Ukraine, they love the cost of living crisis, they love being trodden on. Decades of cheap energy from russia and it’s pissed up the wall in a so called crisis that could of been avoided. Ellwood is a tosser these muppets look up to before sending their children to war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Alz
Dick Von D'Astard

These establishment MP’s speak for Western elites only, not the Western public. Unfortunately the media in UK is just an extension of GCHQ, so they are never properly challenged about their outrageous statements made.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dick Von D'Astard

Indeed the MSM are part of the State propaganda,problem is many of the Herd don’t have any idea.


Could we start the narrative over, say, in 2014, so we can better understand this situation, anatomy and history of, in the interest of resolution, the how and why behind the decision to invade and what it’ll take to satisfy both sides and get the bullets to stop flying. It really sucks to be a citizen of the ukraine right now and their entire country got turned into an artillery impact area pretty much and apparently we have a lot of bureaucratic lame-rz in the political mgmt on the western side of things who do not have the facts in hand or any honest idea on how to proceed and if you took one good look at that nuland lady, well…I am not filled with great confidence that all the lights are burning on THAT xmas tree lol.


NATO at some point must return to agreement no NATO expansion. Ukraine just act according to USA’s order. Russia see it as a threat. If there were no wars in past, this would not result in russian SMO.


In that regard, I forgot to add, but for understanding, if Ukraine kept to Minsk agreement, SMO would never happen.


Merkel admitted both Minsk agreements (never enforced by France and Germany) were signed just to appease Russia whilst west trained and equiped Ukraine for what is happening. Now, I don’t know much at all but it seems Russia too is on board with digital IDs, CBDC QR codes etc. so I’m not sure if this is fighting to keep NATO away and retain sovereignty or just part of world depop plan.


Not just Merkel, but former french I think president said same. Can’t you see that NATO, USA, west want to remain dominant in the world ? I forgot american website URL where all countries were in depopulation plan of USA as I recall by 2025 or 2030. When people start sharing URL, page from website was removed. Russia has every right to protect its civilians in Ukraine and russian teritory from enemies. I would do same, or people would face ethnic cleansing too in Russia if bloodshed of russians continued in Ukraine, and next target would be teritory and people in Russia. How many proxy wars USA started, same scenario in Ukraine just that Russia is target. To break it up in parts, same as they did to Yugoslavia. And I think also are targets : Turkey, China, North Korea, Iran, all countries which don’t want west to dominate. Israel is dominating in few middle eastern countries, what suprises me that muslims tolerate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

(Part 1) I am posting this so that there can be a better understanding of the history that lead up to 24 Feb 2022.

The current conflict started with NATO countries violating the agreement Baker stuck with Gorbachev, in Feb 1990, that if East and West Germany were allowed to reunify, there would be no NATO expansion eastward. This agreement was violated in 1999, with Poland, Czech Republic and Hungry becoming nations of NATO. After that more nations were added to NATO, with the EU following to expand eastward.


(Part 2) The other significantly blatant violation was the violation of the Budapest Memorandum struck in 1994. Ukraine would give up it’s nuclear weapons, whereas, Russia, Great Britten, and USA would guarantee Ukraine’s severity. This was violated primarily the USA, with the USA supporting the Maidan Revolution which toppled the legitimately elected Ukrainian government. Russian executed it’s commitments to the Budapest Memorandum, by evacuating the legitimate political leadership of Ukraine out of Ukraine.


(Part 3) Post Maidan, in Ukraine with persecution and discrimination of ethnic Russians, there was a succession movement that started with Crimea. The succession of other regions was put on hold, and a cease fire was finally established with the Minsk Accords (2014 and 2015). Per statements from Angela Merkel and other countries’ leaders in 2023, the purpose of the Minsk Accords was to put the conflict on hold, so that Ukraine could be armed up and resume persecution of Russians in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, provoking the Russia.


(Part 4) This was accomplished by mid February 2022, when Ukraine expanded use of cities, predominantly occupied by Russian civilians, as artillery and mortar life fire impact zones with about 14 thousand Russian civilian deaths in Eastern Ukraine, by February 2022. This was documented by OSCE in February 2022 prior to the start of the Special Military Operation, yet underreported by Western Media.

Captain Hohol

Ukraine is corrupt, they had a plant as far back as 2013 to start ethnically cleansing Russians from Ukraine, that is validated in their motives to differentiate Ukraine from Russian culture in offensive ways.

Ukraine was always the aggressor and their attempts at ethnic cleansing should be punished.


Great, I honestly claim that Britain has been at war with Russia since before the Crimean War of the 19th century. Time Europe faced Britain directly.


you go on right ahead Tobias Ellwood, to the Donbass front. Plenty of little Brits already there you can team up with and lift your shirt in the trenches.


I bet he would run to russian side as POW as soon first ammo shell buzz around his head.


The guy looks as stupid as it is possible to be, and not be certified as mentally handicapped. When I think I went to school with this fool……..!

Last edited 1 year ago by roger

Meaning NATO/US now openly is preparing to take on Russia. The UK would not take such a stance otherwise


The us and uk could eat babies infront of every journalist in the world and none would see it so to say oh they admitted it is pointless. Everyone knows it and still pretends it is just evil putin invading an independent country without reason.


I am a UK subject and I would rather shoot this Zionist whore Ellwood in the face than Vladimir Putin. I wish all Russian’s good luck in expelling NATO from their borders. My country is run by Jewish monsters not British people…nothing I can do short of taking up arms but my fellow Brits are brainwashed idiots. Good luck Russian from UK

Last edited 1 year ago by Debtslave

What a knob head, stick him in a trench and see how is policies work out. The common people are not interested in war.


As a Brit, I’d like to say how ashamed I am of Ellwood. A fool, full of passionate intensity.

Captain Hohol

Correction, UK elites are at war with Russia and they’ve duped a lot of innocent people into thinking they are as well.

Isser Harel

Fm sata nists despise Russia because it is a religious country. All religious people are hated by these evil men. They are at war with the creator of all life on this planet. May god crush them and their minions. So let it be written..


So what is the Kremlin going to do about it? Continue to sell them all gas and oil via the Indians and Chinese?


Why not ? Its because of sanctions they sell it via third party, if there are no sanctions they would do business as usual. Russia does business in different way apart from SMO. Some leaders of the countries would simple act in cold blooded way and turn down all businesses with enemies. What Russia cares at the top, is civilians, because civilians would die during winter time. Apart from that, russians help their people selling oil and gas, so sanctions DO NOT affect russians.


If WW3 would officially start, there would be for maybe nobody russian oil and gas. Its different perspective to look at and protect country’s assets.


Elwood says the UK is at war with Russia but the British government never bothered to tell the British people that the country was at war! Just shows us all what the Western politicians and governments think of their own people

Last edited 1 year ago by Bobo
Joe Bloggs

this guy is a war mongering tool , champions extreme policies wherever he can find them. no idea why anyone listens to him.

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