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MARCH 2025

In Video: Hong Kong Protesters Try To Burn Police Officer Alive

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Hong Kong ‘peaceful’ and ‘democratic’ protestsers have just tried to kill a supposed police officer by burning him alive.

More about the situation in Hong Kong:


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Saddam Hussein

China should do everything to stop these fake protestors. Hong Kong is Chinese soil, same goes to Taiwan.

Peter Jennings

I agree. The Chinese admin seem to be afraid of a bad press abroad. They are going to get that anyway and their reticence is just what the foreign agent runners, usurpers and agitators want.

China should get tough and show them who’s boss. The Chinese admin should also sit down with the more sensible HK residents and work out a plan before these protestors turn into jihadists, as they did in Syria and Libya. It would be quite easy for this rabble to receive arms from the numerous US/nato warships which until recently have been docking in and around HK.


As always the British and the US are the puppet masters of the violent gangs.

This will end very badly for the US and UK who are not used to being on the Wrong Side of History.

Real history that is, NOT the ‘Highly Likely’ bollocks that only imbeciles believe.


The only reason that they’ve been on the right side of history is the monopoly on information that they’ve had since the beginning of the industrial age, much of it controlled by Jews, until the advent of the internet 25 years ago. Once people in the know were able to bypass the msm and get the truth out to a much larger audience. It opened the flood gates of truthful information against Zionist lies that had been dammed up for centuries.

That’s resulted in the 20% of the US public who are evangelical Christian Zionists being substantially outnumbered by Americans critical of Israel. As Americans learned the truth and abandoned the Zionist crime syndicate in droves. And that imbalance is growing rapidly as the number of Americans critical of Israel increases.

The days of being a shoe in for office as a Zionist Israel firster anti American traitor covering up the mass murder by the Jews and their partners in crime of 3,000 Americans on 911 to get the forever war for Israel going are coming to an end.

Democratic US voters are overwhelmingly anti Israel and the impeachment drive is being driven by democratic politicians looking at polls of their constituents who want Trump impeached and out of office. Trump is digging his political grave by his slavish devotion to Israel. He and Lindsay Graham talking up a mutual defense treaty with Israel to drag America into war with Israel against the middle east and entire world is anathema to many Americans who are increasingly unhappy about the US being joined at the hip to the Zionist project. In terms of the generational shift, republicans aren’t far behind.


– Young adults less likely than older people to have a favorable view of the Israeli government –



“Democratic US voters are overwhelmingly anti Israel ”

This may well be true, Richard, but until the ‘Democratic Party within US congress ‘ is cleansed of Israel Firster’s, there will be little change toward Israel I suspect.


The fact that it’s still there in the face of rapidly dwindling public support shows the severity of the problem. And why Jews have been so disliked by so many for so long.

Jews raping their children with impunity is illustrative of the saying in American jurisprudence that the law is like a mule. You have to make it work.

Rhodium 10

HK police are weak and Pussy!…while China army dont enter in HK…Riots-terrorist will burn and destroy HK!


It the days of British rule the HK cops were brutal. If they were still controlling HK, the Riot Act would have been enacted months ago, I think.

Two warnings to disperse and the Third that says ‘Disperse or we fire’. After that, the ring leaders would be shot.

AM Hants

Funded, trained and supported by the US tax payer funded NGO, known as the National Endowment for Democracy Group.

Remember Ukraine, using the same script, but, they flew in the snipers in Ukraine, and tried to blame it on the police. No doubt, they will try similar in Hong Kong and Russia, if the NED get there way.

Pave Way IV

My fellow Americans will only ‘get it’ once the Democratic Party Mafia (Zionists, neocons, chickenhawks) criminal organization starts falling apart. NED will sponsor some violent riots (and eventually snipers) here in the US to have ‘their team’ – basically Dual citizen founded-and-controlled DHS – put the hammer down on disobedient, angry US citizens. DHS = Department of Homeland Security, or our version of the Interior Ministry and their armed thugs. Nothing special about the Democrats except timing – the Republican Mafia would do the exact same thing given the right circumstances.

Nothing to worry about, US citizens. ‘The Law’ and ‘voting’ have magical fairy powers to fix everything. Have faith in them. TRUST THE PLAN! [suckers…]

AM Hants

Soros is already working on the NED street protesters, when you look at Anti-fa and BLM, both funded by Soros. Have you noticed how Daesh/ISIS/Al Qaeda/White Helmets, or whatever they are called today, the Ukraine Nazis, Hong Kong Protesters, Russian Protesters, Anti-fa and BLM all wear the same uniforms, use the same tactics, have the same style professional banners and flags and all look the same?

Pave Way IV

Sure – psychopaths stick with what works. They want one group of little people to kill other groups of little people, and the little people usually always oblige them. It’s those ‘out-of-the-box’ thinkers that worry the psychopaths.

AM Hants

Thank God for the ‘out of he box’ thinkers.


He’s behind the Greta climate hoax Thunberg unhinged insanity to get their long awaited tax. No brainer there…

Luke Hemmming

I just read an excellent letter of response to Greta by a Brazilian scientist on veteranstoday.com. if you can make your way over there and read it. I would provide a link but on my phone I can’t copy paste in disqus for some reason. Bloody annoying. The article titled called Brazil/exclusive: open letter to Greta Thunberg and her followers.


https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/10/04/brazil-open-letter-to-greta-thunberg-and-her-followers/ Thank you for sharing…good read. The sad truth is that Greta is controlled by her parents via Soros, a notorious jew evil that continues to create torment for the world (antifa in this case). Money in the form of tax to regulate (whatever his desire comes up with) tyranny. A most educational letter to be read by all, especially the youth that are being targeted for their naive mind control to become another form of terrorism. I had to laugh, not only for the politeness toward an ignorant youth…but that it was also targeted to the sell out parents and Soros.

Paul Christo

Truckloads of former Syrian Isis and Al Nusra fighters were shipped to the Azov battalion in the Ukraine by Turkey,they also sent thousands to Yemen,Libya and Afghanistan.

AM Hants

Think it was on Stalker Zone, there was an article with regards the Somalian who had joined the Ukraine Forces, do believe via the ME route. Old Porkie, opened up the Ukraine Forces for foreigners, and no doubt, White Helmets, were more than happy to send their finest recruits. Ironically, those running away from the Russians. Seriously sick.


Don’t forget Israel evecuated 400 of them and repatriated them in western countries I think Canada took most of them

Agnostic Priest

This is a government program that I wholeheartedly support! Fuck the CCP and their HKPF attack dogs.

AM Hants

How much are the US tax payers forking out on regime change script NGOs, whilst San Francisco, cannot clean the human faeces up, out on the streets? Still, at least if you are happy, to finance the many regime change scripts, at the US tax payers expense, well I am sure the US tax payer is more than happy, to keep you content.

Agnostic Priest

China is the model for technocratic tyranny. Their downfall can only mean good things for the rest of us. Also, municipal issues are not in the federal government’s purview.


China has done more to lift billions on this planet out of poverty with cheap quality products than any government in history. While your Zionist psychopaths are busy impoverishing and mass murdering them with Yinon plan forever wars.

AM Hants

Out of China or the US with NATO member support, who has caused the most loss of life? Think I am happy going with the Chinese version of tyranny, it does not come with 21st century genocide and ethnic cleansing attached.


Who’s national pride is that, Israel first?

Pave Way IV

Throwing Molotov cocktails at the feet of a cop armed with a pistol isn’t exactly the same thing as ‘burning them alive’. People are really pissed off in HK, but don’t seem to be homicidal psychopaths. And despite being beaten bloody and Molotov’d a couple of times (and dropping his weapon once), I noticed the cop did not empty his gun into any protesters. But it’s not like the cop would have hesitated in the least to beat the hell out of protesters if a few of his riot cop buddies with truncheons were with him.

I’ll also note that – so far – I have seen far more coverage of Hong Kong riots in the last few weeks (western MSM) than I’ve seen of French riots for the entire year. Why isn’t anyone worried about the French Bolshevik government sending troops into Paris to kill yellow vest protesters? Shouldn’t the US think about sending troops or aid to France to protect French citizens from their tyrannical overseers? They did the same thing for us a couple of hundred years ago. About time we return the favor.


Macron would have to ask…it would be like sadistic calling unto terrorists.


You should look at the second video more closely. The attackers backed off on voice command while he was still on the ground after being beaten up, and first Molotov was used. You are referring to the first video, which occurred after that, using a second Molotov to target him. Glad to see he got out of that mess with only minor injuries.


and his pistol!

Agnostic Priest

A.C.A.B., motherfucker!

Saso Mange

Damn he was lucky here.


hongkong and bagdhad both having some serious discontent rioters, all supervised and payed by the unhinged states of morons that can’t accept that there is a rapport between tehran and baghdad and any trouble the unhinged states can cause China is good (the fact that china doesn’t buy american soybeans no more and that trump has to pay midwest farmers billions in compensation is another side of the coin we avoid mentioning). and russia can sell an awful lot of soybeans to china and so can Brazil and the americans can sell zilch. great for development towards a dollarfree world.


Where I’m at, the chemtrails have gone full throttle to get those gmo’s in storage…so bad a drought of almost 2 months has resulted. Trees are dying, animals desperately looking for water all for the sake of sell outs and their government paymaster. I hope the poison stays in storage and rots. Yes, the end of this forsaken nation is near…and I welcome it.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

time for PLA to step in


Intresting times, huh, indeed.

I told the Chines to impale the rats the first week and now this comes, and of course the eh…. heroes fighting the HK police are UssA backed, when I say UssA I mean the 5 eyes, and this events followes the same scrap book as before. Instead of dealing exlusivly with the HK spectacle, I think we see an sudden explosion of events in other regions as well, witch I cant see is anything else than more atempts from the NATO ( the North Atlnatic Terror Org) forces ( incl 5 eyes), again is kicking their forces into create more havoc, the Iraqi sudden uprising stinks like an back of shrips left in the sun for an week, hehe, high heaven, because of loosing the grip on the Iraqi Gov, where as the protersters have an so how legitim issue, they dont attack the reason for it, just the effect of the problem, namely the UssA whom de facto is running the Iraqi Gov, thru threats etc dont matter, the point is, to keep Iraqis in leash, and then we have Egypt where the Al-CIAda forces, sorry….. ISIS is attacking in unpresedented numbers and efficiency in the Sinai region, and that comes along with UAEs backing of Haftar in Libya, another theater the USSA/ZATO forces are loosing the grip on, incl the f…. Turks, and now, like an miracle, the ISIS spirngs into action.

While other regions, like the increasing unrests in South-America, again, becuase of UssA neo-liberalistic policys, witch basically means ripping the people and raping/plundering the land, in Africa I understand that the same forces, aka the Merc armys akakaka ISIS/Whatever/FrenchLegions witch I think is an large part of those so called terror acts, things happen in Mali to Congo. Nothing happens by coincident, never think that, this is an wild fire spreading to bolster the uh…. exuses/reasons to have their MIC Rats everywhere to fight, of course, terror groups, if you belive that I have some bridges to sell you, buy 2 and I give you one for free.

Since we are in the issue of economics, South F. I will link to you something that maybe one of the most important educational videos I have seen for an veeery loooooong time, This, is indeed as close we can come to an revelation, belive me, I didnt expect it, so its an plesant surpirce, coming from an man whom is the head of one of the BIS aka the Bank of International Scumb…. sorry Setlement, the capo detutti capos, the one ring to rule them all, ( witch Tolkien took from Kalevala, an Finnish national epos) in the only place on earth I have said we need to nuke, Basel in Sweits, with as much megatons as humanly possible so its completely wipe out, but I also know they have seen, (its been there in the cards, but this is the first time i see it in the open, but not coming from the top), the same and is infact doing the right thing, admitting the facts, telling us the truth.

William White CEO (ex-BIS and OECD). You must see this, and its taken from, an normally propaganda shithole ZeroH, but even there they can produce something, uh….. that makes sense.(yeah, whats going on, huh ZH, sobering up?) This teaching, or explanation, is what people expirience this days, in the whole world that also even incl Norway, etc, its become an religion of MMT that we all see have grave consequencess, and why and how it happened, so nations and people can deal with it, and also another news that isnt reported widely, is the new Public Banking kickoff in California, that is been alowed to happen, that, ladys and gentlemen, is jaw dropping.

About classical economics witch was replaced with neo-clasical economics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6iXBQ33pBo&t=2485s I cant underline this, watch and learn the difference and then you know what you need to know. Enlightening, and dont worry if its tough, you must see it so many times you need to fully understand the issue, when you do, you have learned what you need to know, maybe the most important lesson you will ever get, and belive me, this will never be televised.

And amen to it all.



Same gangs in Kiev, Cucuta, Caracas and Managua.


Yagoda would be pleased


Those were just ill-aimed molotovs. Now everybody who doesn’t go along with friendly dictatorships is a US/British agent. It’s not quite as simple as that. In Hong Kong, they have legitimate grievances. However, as everywhere, ordinary folks are being crushed between the hammer of the US empire and the anvil of the Chinese. The delusion and lack of understanding of the general public can be seen in the comments below. It’s Bushian’s “you’re either with us or against us”. There is always a third way, but especially young folk having been taught to solely think in a binary, bipolar way, will not realise that. Hence, there can never be a solution, never be a synthesis – only conflict.


Is it 18 weeks of protests in Hong Kong so far? The CBC talks of little else. I like the contrast between “all’ the violence in HK and todays riots in US occupied Baghdad where today at least 80 where shot dead. How many dead in HK. None that I remember.

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