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MARCH 2025

In Video: Houthis Abmush Saudi-led Forces, Burn Their Equipment In Al-Dood Mountain Area

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The Houthis have ambushed another group of Saudi-led forces in the area of al-Dood Mountain in the Yemeni province of Jizan, according to a video released online. The video shows Houthi fores storming positions of Saudi-backed fighters and burning their equipment.

In Video: Houthis Abmush Saudi-led Forces, Burn Their Equipment In Al-Dood Mountain Area

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The Houthis also released a video showing Saudi-backed fighters captured during the clashes on the border with the Saudi region of Asir.


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If only there were subtitles to know what the Pows are saying.


They’re basically saying that the saudis came to their villages (under the Us/Saudi/Alqaeda/Isis control) and the only way allowed by the coalition for these guys to earn a living is by joining the saudi backed militias & local mercs, they offered them money/monthly salaries. And that the saudis we’re treating them like subhumans/dogs, sending them to the meat grinder while the saudis stayed in the back in their “fortified positions” under the cover of airsupport.These saudi backed militia men couldn’t speak or have an opinion otherwise they were beaten/imprisoned or wrongfully sentenced to death. They also speak how they were treated in a brotherly way by the Houthis when they were captured (they even gave them “khat” lol, it’s the plant you see them chewing).

Brother Ma

Possibly true ,possibly not. I would not be surprised the Sauds would use them as cannonfodder.


I believe one comment was:- ‘ Mercenary soldiers of America are not very good ‘. :)


Trump does not know that his forces are a great mafia.


That’s very true. Real life in a real war rarely has a Hollywood ending.

Even the massive invasion of tiny Grenada by the US was a farce.


Can’t wait to see footage from Riyadh


Sauds are busy defending the airspace against evil Houthi’s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS4i2InVB-Y

You can call me Al

Hahaha. That is exactly the same as when us Brits fired a Trident missile – turned 180 degrees and headed to the US mainland. The Yanks really are shite.


” The Yanks really are shite.”

Try as I might , I cannot better your description, Al :)


Thanks but I know the footage, I can’t believe I spent so much on this site :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

this is too funny, i literally lolled out loud

Ashok Varma

The Saudis have spent trillions on US and western weaponry and overpriced training and their disgraceful performance sheds very poor light on US, UK, France and rest of the west that props such incompetent and cowardly Saudi forces. What chance would the Saudis have against Iran or anyone? next to zero.

Brother Ma

I woukd like to sayvery little . If Saud cant win against Yemen itcant against Iran as it is also mountainous and big ,great for guerilla warfare. Yet to reach this stage Iran would have to go back to stone age poverry as has Yemen and have big supporters. Ie Russia and China eilling ti help it .


Russia and China have jointly stated that they will not allow Iran to be destroyed, and jointly both nations have the economic and military power to back that statement up.

Zionism = EVIL

There is a large hardcore nationalistic element in Iran which would fight to the death, especially in the Persian heartland.


Um, NONE. Yet the US and UK are continually doubling down on their unjustified hubris :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

100% true and correct, besides i doubt any soldier in FUKUS armys wants to fight wars for israhell or saudis

Zionism = EVIL

Even you Indians are going back to time tested Russian allies. The Saudi fuckwits pay the Pakis to lick their arse, even Sudan is now questioning its ties to the MBS loser pimp.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

excellent work as always houthis

Wolfgang Wolf

somebody should sanction TOYOTA for selling pickups to terrorist organisations.. no matter in which ways they got it

You can call me Al

You beat me to it. Iraq, Syria, Libya and now The Yemen.


There was interesting case of a Toyota hi-lux that was sold on domestic US car market that ended up in ISIS hands in Iraq – with the US seller’s original electrical contractor sticker sign still on doors. This begged question of how shipments of used US domestic sale Toyota hi-lux’s were getting to mid-east and into terror factions hands. The answer being CIA supplied shipments, from 2011 under Obama era onward.

Concrete Mike

You know, ive seen these pricks at car auctions years ago.

We were wondering who the fuck was buying up all these trucks .cash.

Brother Ma

Well done to catch the CIA!


Yes, I remember that.


There was in Syria (Aleppo from memory) an ambulance with Italian markings, municipal emblem and text, still emblazoned on the bodywork.

Brother Ma

Funny how the big multinationals never get punished but the little guy who sell arms or toilet paper to the “enemy” goes to prison after being paraded in public before the news’ cameras.

Crimes cease to exist once you are big ,rich or connected enough. Yet ,Yankerstan says it is only the initiative or idea that counts to make a man. No way! It is contacts ,power and money that decide if you will succeed ,prosper and stay out of prison! Look at The Two Steins!


It’s power ,money AND the knowledge they have to blackmail officials and influencers of all political colors, I think.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i heard that other countries buy them for them, like saudi arabia, or US, etc., still though you are correct


Hehe, yeah, finaly I have come to an conclusion, regarding labeling anything with an IC-board “intellegent”, this patriot systems may just be that, “intellegent”, “intellegent” enough to know whom is the real assh….. in this war and do the right thing, make an brake turn and head back to where the scums are, the ones firing this shit in the first place, yeah, makes me wounder if their are uh…. AI, do enlighten me, and Patriot systems are just an massive scam, not meant to be fired at all, since they simply dont work, or is it maybe To intellegent.

Yeah remeber this wankees, why I know you will loose, an majore conflict with an nation whom have see the uh… light, make Missiles, cruice or not, but do it properly, and to hit an incoming cruice witch is humping along in lets say, mach 5-7, huh, an 50 cal, bullet isnt even half that fast, an 30mm cannon is like throwing an beatle to mach an Ferrari, of course, in prinsiples isnt that bad, in real life, forget it, and any ship larger than my humple sit-on top kayak is will be an massive target, and an carrier, huh, is more like an planet sice target, you dont need an large payload, the sheer speed and impact force is enough to make anyone of them to something similare to an Swiss chees.

And isnt it curiois, how they cant shoot down the Houtis Drones, only when they have an fighter in the air is it somehow more lightly to take am out, and the rate of the wankeedoodle shit, is amazing low. But nothing beats the evil coming from the west, the UNHRC is nothing but an rotten pack of UssA asslikers, and I even watched Al-scam-Jazziz drool something about Yemen witch made me sick, do they think we are f…. idiots, Qatar, huh, I hope they wack anyone of your rats anywhere they find you, you are so hideous its breath taking, and to me, much worse hypocrits than the usual shit propaganda we get from the BBC/CNNs incl Norwegian state channels, the lies never ends.

They will never win this war, never, and the Houtis have my full suport, never ever think we dont see this for what it is, genocide and ethnic cleansing, and yet the Rightwinged, always whining about islamic terrorism, yet they fully suport and sells weapons to the Wahabi scums in RyHad, yeah, paradoxes, nope its called Chutzpah, and I talk about Norway alone, the rest is even worse, the propaganda in Norway is total, and like Libya, they lied about everything. May the lord bless you all Yemens, and never ever have any doubt about this fight is just, on contrarry, its an sin not to fight against scums invading our land, killing your people, the westen people have yet to learn the same, it will come one day, but I am afraid the price will be horibble, before we get there. God bless you all. Happy hunting.



The price for the white westerners will indeed be ‘horrible’, however it will still give me pleasure to say, ‘ You got what your taxes paid for and said nothing. Now enjoy the rewards. ‘ :)

Rebecca Snody

What is “abmush”. You know what you need to turn your spell checker back on. I see that you spelled it properly in the body of the article. Honestly, you have one job.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

ahhaahah the burning toyotas and the horn still honking

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