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MARCH 2025

In Video: Houthis Raid Positions Of Saudi-backed Forces In Narjan Province

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In Video: Houthis Raid Positions Of Saudi-backed Forces In Narjan Province

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The Yemeni Houthis released a video showing their recent raid on positions of Saudi-backed forces in the area Rashah Al-Gharbia in Najran province.


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Furkan Sahin

Saudi Arabia is noob

Ashok Varma

Saudis are the desert version of Beverly Hillbillies, they at one stage had a lot of money from oil, they were always lazy and uneducated, but oil made them even worse as they became arrogant and thought that buying trillions in western weaponry would make them “powerful” but at the end of the day they proved inept, cowardly and clumsy. MBS started a war that turned into a nightmare and now they are on the losing end. Their expensive weaponry proved a desert mirage. Billions of dollars worth of weaponry just abandoned as they can not operate it.


Peter Moy

I must admit, that is a nice line-up of Tornado fighter-bombers. Still a decent aircraft comrades.

Ashok Varma

When I worked in Dubai it was quite amusing to see how lazy and stupid these nouveau riche Bedouins are. They could even change car tyres. These planes were junked in brand new condition as the Pakistani pilots had no experience on British aircraft and did not want to be trained as they fly US and Chinese aircraft. The Bedouins even took radios out of these aircraft to thinking they could listen o music. All tyres and other equipment was removed. In India or Iran they would be considered new front line planes. We still fly MIG 21 and Iranians have meticulously maintained and upgraded Vietnam era Phantoms and F-5, along with Turks, Taiwan, and many nations who have the technical capability and education to maintain equipment. Saudis are like retarded spoilt children have squandered billions and have a worthless military.

Just Me

Saudi Tornado lit up on radar screen seconds before being shot down. 11 Tornadoes and 5 F-15 are confirmed kills.

Footage shows the RSAF Tornado IDS as it is shot down by Houthi’s surface-to-air missile near northern al-Jawf province, in Yemen.


Just Me

Another Saudi Tornado after a “successful” mission bombing women and children in Yemen:


Just Me

Saudi Tornado going down after being hit by upgraded SAM-6 mobile battery in Najran.



i actually knew a guy who flew tornado for the german military and he called the tornado a sign of the destruction of german engineering in aviation industry


But it was a 1970/80’s joint consortium project – (then)West Germany – Italy – UK – but it was UK that made the sales deal with Saudi’s through UK BAE side of consortium – and Saudi’s were/ are only other operator beside three original consortium members.


the germans needed france badly for the eurofighter but france did more for the french industry than for the european projects which is why the eurofighter program is a mess


It has 1970’s era design, that would become synonymous with 1980’s as entered services and conflicts, and also seen on its contemporaries, F-15 and MiG-Foxbats – of very conical nose, with sharply contrasting, deeply raked, hard edged and boxxy side intakes – the Tornado has slightly more slab-sided front fuselage than other two, but of course, it is also a fighter-bomber.


I prefer to see them as scrap metal in the KSA though.


The Saudi forces fieldcraft skills are abysmal.

Just Me

Ansarallah showcase a range of long range missiles capable of hitting as far as Occupied, Palestine, UAE and all of Saudi Arabia.



Sand monkeys with sandals think they are somewhat heroes against incompetent Saudi-backed fighters. Shouting death to Israel and curse on the Jews, they should come and face us if they feel so brave. Their friends in Lebanon and Gaza got their slaps, we wouldn’t mind giving them one too.


Come on Daniel, although I personally wouldn’t curse all the Jews (as you and many here know), they probably know something we don’t considering Judaism originated from the same area.

Let me correct you a little more my dear. If you have to call them monkeys, at least know that they aren’t Sand monkeys. They live in mountains and are very brave (because as I repeatedly wrote here many of them have Iranian blood, from north of Iran), which probably make them mountain guerrila (no, it’s not a typo).

I hope you have your chance to GO there and show them what a brave soldier looks like but unfortunately you are as lazy as I am, refusing to go anywhere and demanding others come to you. No wonder we get along so well! I kid you not, I’m so lazy that even if the sun kills me, I wait for the shadow to come and rescue me from it. If I could, I’d suck in my bladder and wouldn’t go to relieve myself. Yeah, I’m not proud of this…

Funny you should mention “slaps” because I think IDF’s rear is still red from all the kicks it received in 2006? No?

Looking forward to see you someday.


Hey my friend, well they do shout in Arabic curse upon the Jews, If i had written curse upon the Muslims, how would you react? exactly.

Okay, so they are not sand monekys but mountain monkeys, does it matter? they are as primitive as their ancestors, I guess Evolution skipped them. I don’t need to go there and I also can’t, I like it when my enemies come to me feeling they are so very brave and “here we are going to kill some jews”, only to find out it’s them being hunted by us.

You could say I’m lazy, sure. I used to be alot more active back then, but oh well I guess we all get older don’t we? but I don’t remember being kiced in 2006 by Hezbollah or in 2012 / 2014 by Hamas, I remember mistakes being made yes, but not kicked. However, I do remember one big major city lying in ruins, and it wasn’t an Israeli city. The big rat has learnt his lesson, and even Bibi’s threat scare him. Imagine that :-)


One of the reasons I cuss as little as possible.

But I said mountain “guerrila” not mountain monkey. There’s a big difference, look it up. But to be honest, I enjoy when they kick Saudi asses. Who wouldn’t!? No matter how much you hate them, you gotta admit they never attack civilians, all their targets are either military or big oil infrastructure which enabled invasion of Saudis on them in the first place, and they are human enough to warn repeatedly before their retaliatory attacks so no civilians gets close to those targets.

The opposite is “a city in ruins” which means attacking civilians. I have first-hand experience in this regard and believe me, that is a screaming sign which says the attackers are a bunch of cowards and sub-humans. Back then when you bravely “ruined a city” you were following the order, you weren’t the decision-maker. I still don’t like following such order and I’d spitted in the face of any CO who has the audacity to order me attack civilians, court martial or not. Maybe next time that your coward commanders decided to “lay a city in ruins” your population tastes the same medicine, you know what I mean?

How come you don’t remember being kicked out of Lebanon? You have me worried, g-d forbid, check yourself for the Alzheimer’s!

Oh Daniel, the honourable man laid bare the plan for retaliation on TV screen, that’s the reason your regime didn’t repeat the 2006 mistake but you are still helplessly a sucker for Bibi’s lies… shame, really!

PS. Do something useful for a change. Tomorrow buy some flowers for your wife and treat her with your cooking and afterwards do the dishes. Make her happy.


I do my best Garga ;)


Let me know how it went, please. You don’t need to buy an expensive bouquet, a single flower every now and then will suffice.

Many of us take what we have at the moment for granted and don’t appreciate them the way they really deserve it and notice them when they no longer are there. One of the worst mistakes is to take our spouse for granted. Unfortunately Jewish schools, specially the religious ones totally ignore women as a human being with their particular needs and the pressure which they have to endure in a marriage. Fortunately, you are from a strange species called “Secular Jews” so you probably didn’t absorb or threw out a lot of that crap.

That was just a friendly reminder. As we say, “I tore a couple shirts more than you”. A happy wife makes your life the heaven on earth, even if you live in a hut.

Ashok Varma

You are an Iraqi Arab little chap.


I agree. The generals and commanders they had in ’50s through ’70s are long gone. this is the second generation after them, with no real military experience except slaughtering the defenceless civilians or poorly armed Palestinian resistance. Their academic education is also out-dated and most important of all, it seems that logic and thinking is in sever short supply.

I actually advised our friend to consider migrating from that death trap, though I know he stubbornly refuses. Maybe he’s related to my uncle somehow?

Blas de Lezo

Do’t worry Juden your time is coming. When Iran eventually gets its nooks, the welfare funded Jewish banana republic is gonna get turned into a parking lot.


Its going to be the opposite though, you watch, what was meant to happen last year will be done this year.


Exactly LR, we will fight to the death if need be, but for the right cause and with our top commanders using full firepower on day one.


No 24K and no 65K LR, in the next war we are coming with over 100,000 IDF troops to flush them down the toilet. But not to rush in, first we will blow up every village that shoots rockets, destroy thousands of targets in the first few days. Then we enter, and if I get lucky I might get to lay my hands on a Hezbo guy.


Ofcourse LR, we will give the first blow. If the Lebanese are smart, they will stay away from where Hezbollah hides the rockets, or they will go straight up to the skies along with them.


Check this out LR, from today.


The rats will feel it good.


Tha is cute LR, but we have better stuff for them. Trust me, those tunnels will be their own death trap.

Ashok Varma

Vietnam era M-113 and now post some pictures of your Vietnam lunda bazaar uniforms mighy warrior :)

Ashok Varma

Silly boy,. Hezbollah is the Lebanese people.

Simon Ndiritu

No need, you already lost, there is NOTHING Israel can do now that can stop Iran, Israel lacks capacity to decapitate Iran, simple!


Because the great general Simon has said so, are you also part of the security cabinet meetings here? tell us more please!

Simon Ndiritu

Lemmi tell you something brother, your “security cabinet” is just that. You know the resources at your disposal in your country Visa-a-Vis what Iran has at its disposal. You know the trend of conflicts in that region, Israel used to defeat (through Washington) and occupy countries (including Sinai) about 2-3 times its size, largely at will. Now it has struggled and been cut to the size of HAMAS and IJ and humiliated by Hezb before we mention Iran. Now, lets talk about size, how many heavy missiles, does an Iranian General need to significantly harm an area of 52KMsquare (Tel Aviv) or 65KMsquare (Haifa). On the same note, how many air raids (with the limited range and payload of F16 or F35) does your country need to flatten Iran’s 10 largest cities that are larger than your largest two? -what is the size of each country’s land forces?

-what about the number of military bases and their distribution, how easily can Israel locate and destroy them/ how easily can Iran find and destroy Israel’s bases

-how many directions can Israel invade Iran from/How many directions can Iran invade Israel from?


The size doesn’t matter, as we don’t share ground borders. A war between Iran and Israel would be mostly done by ballistic missiles from both sides..and it would be a MAD. Regarding their proxies, we all know that they don’t stand a chance against us if we target them with our entire firepower. Who knows? you might get to see that pretty soon.

Ashok Varma

LOL, from mum’s basement. How entertaining.

Furkan Sahin

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Gaza_War#:~:text=The%202014%20Gaza%20war%20also,the%20Hamas%2Druled%20Gaza%20Strip 67 soldiers and 6 civilians 1 Thai killed 469 soldiers and 87 civilians wounded


For one month it’s nothing, also around 30 on them died because they were sitting ducks at the border as the political leadership didn’t give them the greenlight to enter. Won’t happen again.

Furkan Sahin

lol it’s just Gaza they are not as strong as Syria or Hezbollah


hezbollah are only “strong” because they have built an underground tunnels where they can hide. In face to face combat they will die like flies, so ofcourse they won’t risk an open fight. Don’t wory, we will dig them out of their holes, we have some new stuff we can use on them. Wonders of technology.

Furkan Sahin

yes but Israel does not win against Hezbollah without warplanes


An Airforce is always good during a battle, but that is not enough to gain grounds. 8 more days we replace Bibi, if our enemies want to test us after that, then they are welcomed.


Lebanon is the ancestral land of Hezbollah. Where is the ancestral land of the Mileikowskys and Perskys?


In an Eastern European shtetl perhaps?


Furkan Sahin

but I agree with you that Hamas is cooperating with the Syrian opposition Hamas is not good but they are not like Isis


https://i.imgur.com/63Nxltz.png?w=300 Baby Jew learning how to kill Arabs, huh?

Captain Freedom

Who knew that 6 years of bombing civillians indiscriminately wouldn’t slap those sand monkays hard enough. I think they would gladly pay the non-state a visit, but a seemingly infinite amount of headchopping thugs are standing between them and you. How about ordering them back so you and the sand monkays can fight mano a mano, you know, like real men with YUGE cojones? Well doesn’t matter, man power alone does not seem to hold the monkeyz back for long as we see everyday. By that pace they might visit you sooner than you think!

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Islamists kill Islamist is good entertainment for us who live in the civilized world. If you postpone mosque construction you can buy more weapons.


Oh please, they are welcomed anyday. I want to see our new weapon systems used on them, that would be a good test for us. But if the sand monkeys shoot ballistic rockets over here like they promised, I think you might get to see a good show in Sana’a.

Captain Freedom

welcomed hmm? be careful what you wish for…. You arent used to doing the dirty job, you dont want them at your doorstep.


I actaully do.

Simon Ndiritu

Who got a slap, who lost southern Lebanon to Hezb? who failed to topple Assad? where is Yinon shit?


I won’t start discussing here what was done or more correctly undone during the 2006 conflict. Had we used our full firepower on day one, not you and not anyone alst would have we lost. The problem is, there wasn’t any Lebanon left.

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of boy. You are self-proclaimed Iraqi Arab Jew yourself, so why the self-hating racism little boy.


Iraqis are not sand rats like the Yemenis.


https://i.imgur.com/MwPNxzU.png?w=300 A white Jew and “sand monkey”, huh?


naftali “jews are the victim” terrorist doesnt belong into west asia


they have options these ashkenazi jews they can chose to burn to sink in the sea or to sail back to where ever they came from soon and hope we dont come after them


its hard to argue helen that ashkenazi arent jews but that isnt my argument and what they are is intruders usurpers and imposters and if you arent a jew than its also hard for you to argue if they are jews


the argument wasnt if white people can live in west asia but the argument is if a fake hostile system can exist and if these unwelcome guests have any legitimacy to rule anything and if they wanted to be in the region they should have been in palestine and that peacefully and now its quite to late


1:54 I didn’t think you can fly wearing a Dishdasha… Turned out, I was wrong!!

Pave Way IV

Stop spreading disinformation! That was clearly an emergency tactical cartwheel withdrawal and a damn good one at that. It’s taught to all Saudi soldiers during their intense basic training. They sing a little song during the maneuver that sounds something like a little girl screaming. That guy landed on his feet laughing, then ran away behind the hill after cursing the Iranian-backed Houthis.


I’ll have my revenge my dear Pave Way IV… You made me choke on my drink and wet myself at the same time! :))

Pave Way IV

I’m not making this up. They have cat-like reflexes.

Just Me

Iran unveils new missiles and a huge underground missile city.

Iran released images and film footage on Monday of what it said was a new Revolutionary Guards base armed with cruise and ballistic missiles and “electronic warfare” equipment.

A report on state TV described the base as a “missile city” and showed rows of what looked like missiles in a depot with cement walls. It did not give any details on its location.


Blas de Lezo

Watching Zio-Wahhabi trash getting blown to bits is so much fun.

Just Me

Latest Iranian underground missile city in the mountains of Sistan at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. It is one of the hundred of so super missile bases spread out through Iran and now being also commissioned in Syria. This base alone could wipe out the Zionists.


Blas de Lezo

That’s a lot, I don’t think those fire extinguishers would help.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

He on the mountain top was on his way to Allah, but Allah did not want him. Then he fell down to the devil, but the devil did not want him either. Now he will walk among us forever.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

For now, lazy allah has gotten illiterate people to do the dirty killing jobs for her. If she had cared, she would have made another planet on the other side of the moon and sent all the Jews there. She could have done it with a little hocus pocus. and the problem had been solved.


His right leg is still missing


How to identify Saudi proxies and mercenaries in Yemen 101 – look for cheap polyethylene bright blue tarpaulins, and other scattered bright colored, or reflective plastic trash, atop otherwise brown and grey hillsides – and voila – that’ll be the ‘coalition’ encampment position. Fire at will.

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