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In Video: Iran Sent Military Reinforcement To Secure Border Crossing Captured By Taliban

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In Video: Iran Sent Military Reinforcement To Secure Border Crossing Captured By Taliban

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The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were spotted sending further military reinforcements, heavy artillery and military equipment to the border with Afghanistan, following the capture of a key border crossing by Taliban on July 8.

According to some reports, Iran has issued an ultimatum to the Taliban to evacuate the recently captured Islam Qala border area.

According to the local reports,  the border area was completely secured after the recent attack by Taliban militants.

“There is no problem with the security of Iran’s borders, and at present all of Iran’s eastern border in common with Afghanistan is in complete security and peace,” Xinhua news agency quoted Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the IRGC’s Ground Forces, as saying on Sunday.

After the Taliban attack a number of Afghan border guards crossed the border and took refuge in Iran’s Dowqarun customs office. On July 11, Iranian police spokesman announced that they were repatriated.

“An official request of the government of Afghanistan from the competent authorities of our country asking for the return of their personnel was approved, and these employees were returned to Afghanistan by flight,” Mehdi Hajian said in an interview with state TV.


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G2 Man

The Persians have several millennia experience in Afghanistan which was part of their various empires. The national language of Afghanistan is Dari Persian and Iranian influence is prevalent. Iran is being prudent to secure its eastern flank and is prepared for any eventuality for decades as several new bases have been constructed. The major helicopter and airbase at Birjand and drone surveillance bases are adequate to deal with any threat which is unlikely to develop as the so-called Taliban understand Iranian power and influence in Western and Northern regions with the Northern Alliance and several hundred thousand Hazara and Iranian supported militias. Even in Pashtun areas Iran has strong influence and the present Qods force commander General Ghaani has several years combat and intelligence experience in Afghanistan.

The Objective

Taliban killed about 10 Iranian diplomats in 1998. Soleimani fought the Taliban alongside his masters at the time, who later turned their guns on him and nuked his convoy. Iran has always tried to create a Shiite militia in Afghanistan like it does in other countries but without success. Fatemiyoon will be slaughtered if they returned to Afghanistan. Iran watches in disgust and weakness as a new Sunni Shariah government forms next-door, but it can’t do anything to stop it. The mullahs of Iran know trouble when they see one, and have wisely kept their paws off Afghanistan. Taliban is not Afraid of the whole of NATO let alone some mouthy super power of hot air bluster. Just don’t support any anti-Taliban forces and you’ll be fine. Otherwise expect trouble from a whole new front. The Taliban can afford a war with Iran, but the mullah regime cannot afford a war with the Taliban.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective
Wahhabi BOB

LOL, you are a delusional IDIOT :)


Delusional – Hows that?


we have to talk with pakistani intelligence and turkish intelligence about the issue of the diplomats the saudis being involved is no suprise thou and they get punished anyway already but taliban clean their hand and blame the mentioned ones and they seek to have the best of relations with iran anyway if taliban would do nato turkeys dirty work what was their resistance about anyway so they have to slap turkey around for the mistakes it did in their names the same but less they have to show pakistan that they arent their puppets and that pakistani intelligence should know their place but obviously the issue with turkey will become much more hot since turkey as a nato member doesnt stop to being retarded and still seeks to send troops to afghanistan which will end up slaughtered

Last edited 3 years ago by farbat

i repeat this happens to the ones who seek to create hostility between iran and afghanistan they end up dead no matter if its payed fools from taliban or anyone and in fact the taliban distanced themselves from this fool and thanked iran to not blame them for the idiotic threats this payed fool put forward https://ibb.co/7N3bD3V


The worst nightmare of the Western – Zio occupiers is a united axis of Resistance that includes Taliban. Iran and Taliban must work towards this. Once India is dismembered in the coming war, the entire region will be under the fist of Islam – we should not care whether shia or sunni.


Even Western reports show that Taliban have Hazara Shia fighters and Tajik commanders now in their army. Does Iran have any Sunni commanders in Quds force/IRGC? Taliban were and still are the rulers of Afghanistan. Qom is watching in horror as militant Sunni political Islam makes a comeback after two decades of US-NATO-ZIO-Khaliji attempts to destroy it. Funny thing is, idiots try and brand them “Wahhabi” yet, Hanafi Maturidi Taliban figh is sometimes at odds with Salafi figh – and both are on the Tariqah of Jihad fi Sabelillah.

Wahhabi BOB

Excellent and mature analysis. Touche.


And your point is? The Taliban have no interest in a fight with the sons of Abdullah ibn Saba the Jew. These shia cultists tried assisting the US bombardent of Afghanistan by offering their assistance in 2001. Iran cannot afford a fight with a people that defeated a superpower + 20 more nations – they would eventually lose and go back back home. Who cares a F@ck about Irans long influence in Afghanistan? She should mind her own business and either help with reconstructing a Taliban led Afghanistan or STFU

Peter Wallace

Taliban delegations have been in talks in Moscow and Tehran . They have stated quite clearly they have NO intentions of crossing any border and WILL stay within Afghanistan. They also promised Moscow they will not be like they were last time and allow every group in Afghanistan representation in their government , allow girls to go to school and each group a certain independence to live within the norms of Afghanistan cultural beliefs without outside interference. Turkey has been told you are not wanted nor will be welcome. Integrity of all bordering countries has been guaranteed. The Taliban learnt from their mistakes of last time as they want a peaceful Afghanistan. They also promised Moscow they will deal too ISIS and Al Qaeda as they will not be welcome .


Afghanistan is completely surrounded by nations that have strategic interests linked to Russia, Iran or China.

The only question is pakistan and their west loving prime minister imran khan. He appears to be a useful idiot of london and washington, having spent many years living there.

George costanza

Inshallah he wisens up

Wahhabi BOB

The loser military that has been defeated by India 4 times runs the failed Paki state and the Jew Imran Khan has no power. The Pakis surrendered 93,000 cowardly rapists in Bangladesh, even worse that the Arabs LOL

Last edited 3 years ago by Wahhabi BOB

Pakistan army was never defeated – despite their massively smaller budget and forces, they always seem to have the bigger balls. Indian Airforce and Army is always humiliated – remember how that monkey was shot down and paraded like the flying Chai Boy he is a few months ago LoL

Wahhabi BOB

Or brings in Sharia Law LOL


He is a jew, literally, and a complete asset to the west. Pakistan is not a legitimate nation, it is built on terrorism and illogical borders. It would be good if the Taliban helped dismantle Pakistan into it’s respective natural states.

Ashok Varma

Pakistan is a corrupt failed moth eaten state at war with its own people since the British imperialists created it in 1947 by forcibly partitioning India. The totally corrupt and repeatedly defeated Pakistani military controls Pakistan and Imran Khan is just a Zionist plant. He was married to the most rabid London Jew family of Goldsmith. His wife Jemima is a MOSSAD asset and both his children have Jewish names and live in London.

Another disgusting fact is that Pakistan has killed more Palestinians and other Muslims including Afghans, Baluch, Sindhis and Pashtun. Pakistan is the biggest CIA and US base in South Asia. The Baluch freedom fighters are making good progress in Baluchistan and rotten Pakistan hopefully will not survive. India’s interest is a stable Afghanistan.

The Objective

So much anger is a sign you are losing. Keep spewing it. I enjoy reading such frustration from an enemy.


Good information. He appears to be a disgusting puppet looking to appease british zionist interests. Surprised any segment of the Pakistani people can tolerate the imbecile.


Afghanistan’s interest is a dismantled India. India is in Sh!tstreet now that Taliban are taking over – all of RAW’s hard work in Afghanistan helping the puppets is for nothing. Hindu Cow worshipping Piss drinking Monkey Phucking rapist pimp nation is sucking Yankee dick just as they were doing British d1ck – thas why Hindus got the Lion share of the subcontinent.

The Objective

He’s actually a Turkey-loving prime minister. I think Turkey is more of a challenge to you guys than the West right now. Turkey will empower the Taliban with all the weapons it can. Erdogan has always dreamed of a pure Shariah rule. Now he has it in Afghanistan and he’ll develop the Taliban’s military beyond your expectations. If he cannot succeed in creating a purely Islamic society in Turkey, he can do so in Afghanistan. There is already an informal defense pact signed in January between Turkey, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan. Turkmenistan is also inching closer to joining, and so will a Taliban ruled Afghanistan. Weapons programs will be jointly funded and launched. Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal will be expanded and strengthened with ICBMs to provide enough nuclear umbrella for all the countries. It’s highly likely that nukes will be placed in Turkey “when” America is finally forced to remove its nukes that offer zero protection for Turkey. Erdogan will face Putin in every military domain in the Muslim world and frustrate Russia’s plans to dominate some Muslim countries. You are witnessing the rise of the Sunni Muslim world. Sunni warriors (Taliban) just defeated NATO (a 28 country military alliance) after fighting them for 20 years. No one. I repeat, No one ever achieve this kind of victory in modern history, where they fight without an airforce, navy, or professional land force. Not even the Russians ever faced such a coalition of countries in any way and without airforce and navy (and for 20 FUCKING YEARS). Not Vietnam, not China, not even America can do this. Only true Sunni warriors can achieve this. it is a sign and miracle for you disbelievers and majoosis. A sign that the Sunni are not a force you can defeat. Allah promised that if the Sunnis hold fast to Shariah, He will make it IMPOSSIBLE for any people to defeat them in a war. The Taliban just proved that Allah’s promise is true. They held firm to the Shariah despite all the odds against them. And today, they are victorious. If the Syrian militants will turn to Shariah, Russia will be out of Syrian in no time. The same applies to Libya and other places.


Ridiculous 😂. Your absurd combined love of erdogan and a fool like imran khan make you an obvious zionist shill.

Did it ever occur to you that Afghanistan is surrounded by nations that have strategic obligations to either Russia, Iran or China?

Guess how fast the leash tightens on the pakistani dog if it pisses off China?

The Objective

“They also promised Moscow they will not be like they were last time and allow every group in Afghanistan representation in their government , allow girls to go to school and each group a certain independence to live within the norms of Afghanistan” Keep daydreaming Moron. Who is Moscow to get the Taliban to abandon the Shariah. You Russians are too full of yourselves and that explains the recent humiliations your weapons systems faced. A pure Sunni Shariah will be established right on the Russian border and Putin cannot do shit about it. He tends to be an opportunistic imperialist who likes to fill any voids left by the U.S. Why is he not deploying Russian forces in Afghanistan to fight the Sunni extremists he claims to be fighting in Syria and Libya? He says it’s better to fight them abroad than at home. And there is the Taliban right on the Russian border but he hasn’t made any move to deploy his mighty army against them.

The Taliban’s ideology has even hardened over time. I want you to read the latest transcript of an interview with the Taliban spokesman and hear what he says. I’ll post the link below. It’s a long interview that may take you an hour to read through, but it’s worth it for someone so delusional as you about the Taliban. It’s going to be 100% fundamentalist Shariah with no room for democracy – no elections will ever happen, women will study only according to the dictates of Islam, human rights and all that stuff will be strictly in compliance with the Shariah , and so on.

So stop dreaming and get real.


Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective
Wahhabi BOB

So much desperation and utter SPAM LOL

The Objective

No desperation sweetheart. I’m just making some people really angry by writing facts they want to read.

Wahhabi BOB

ROFLMAO, you sound like a GAY WAHHABI “sweetheart”, you write desperate laughable crap and people laugh and downvote you like your other Jew buddy Jens. You are not even a lucid troll. No one reads a word and just have fun with a lunatic :)

Icarus Tanović

He doesn’t just sounds, well, he is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Icarus Tanović

Yeah baby Yeah – The people of Taluqan – gotta love them

Lance Ripplinger

I really, and sincerely hope the Taliban are different, from what they were 20 years ago. Only time will tell. If they keep the peace with neighboring countries, that is a good start.

Ashok Varma

Time will tell, but it is doubtful as long as CIA and Pakistani ISI are intent on destabilizing Afghanistan as a terror base against neighbouring states. Only if military pressure in Baluchistan is increased with support for BLA freedom fighters, the corrupt Pakistani military will be bogged down and lessen its terrorism in the region. History has shown that the US is a very sore loser and will do its best to further destabilize the region and is bringing in the worst Wahhabi terrorists from Pakistani and Saudi madrassas.

The Objective

hahaha. Shiite loser. Sunni Islam has now awakened. faleshood, including the majoosis, will perish -………..- in a few decades from now inshaAllah.

Wahhabi BOB

LOL, so much desperation. So much SPAM ROFLMAO :)

The Objective

Never mind what it is dude. Just fact-check whatever I write. I love to kick your asses on this forum.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective
Wahhabi BOB

LOL, hialrious IDIOT. You get your madrassa dumbass laughed at every day and a Gay Wahhabi you have a hard on for Iran :)

Ashok Varma

He is a Wahhabi Pakistani and uses madrassa insults for Shia . This is what Saudi money has produced. Brainwashed terrorists.


Wahhabi follow Salafi doctrine and Taliban follow Maturidi – YOU are the idiot for conflating the two.


The only problem is you are too ignorant a troll to do the job properly. People call you out as an idiot shill and you fall apart.

Last edited 3 years ago by block
Ashok Varma

You are a Paki lol, only they use such sectarianism and words like majoosi. Abay madar chod Hindi may post ker.


you are delusional about your fake islam you wahabi rat the most schools of islam including sunnis have called you filth what you are terrorist and imposters


Thats hardly the language to use if you hail from a nation of cultists who follow a religion concoted by Abdullah ibn Saba the Jew. Shiism is simply an expression of Persian ethnocentricity – At heart – you guys really wanna be Zoroastrians – Most of your nation cannot forget that heritage which you celebrate till this day.


@Ashok Vermin “CIA and Pakistani ISI are intent on destabilizing Afghanistan as a terror base” – Bullshit. Pakistan wants stability after 20 years of blackwater terrorist bombings and drone murders. It is the world’s prostitution capital India, that will have its state decapitated by internal strife and China

A clown like you

May I remind people that some (extremists Sunnis) retardeds saying such BS as “Iran is scared of Taliban”. Also, I say it again…it fuking doesn’t matter if the Taliban get lands where no one lives…the Taliban aren’t even there to hold it.

It is still (wait and see), China fuking Pakistan, Iran is the main dealer between “Afghan government & Taliban”, Russia also send more troops to Turk – “Turkmenistan Sending Heavy Weaponry, Aircraft To Afghan Border Amid Deteriorating Security” https://www.rferl.org/a/turkmenistan-border-afghanistan-weaponry/31352997.html Not only Iran.

Ashok Varma

Pakistan is a failed pauper beggar state and is now totally financially dependent on China, but is not considered reliable as its military is under US control. As the respected veteran Chinese FM Wang Yi openly said that Pakistan changes its mind with one phone call from Washington.DC. Afghanistan is one area where Indian, Chinese, Russian and Iranian interests coincide.They all want a stable, moderate and prosperous Afghanistan. Only spoilers are US, Pakistan and Saudis.

The Objective

Rave all you want, but a Sunni Shariah system will be established on Iran’s border and with Pakistan’s assistance. Plus the Pakis are nuclear armed while Iran is still struggling to build an arsenal.

Wahhabi BOB


The Objective

Yeah, LOL

Wahhabi BOB

You are a comedian, rare among Wahhabi madrassa illiterates :)


hahahaha sunni shariah system you mean the balochistan in pakistan which is more under irans control than it is under pakistanis XD


why do you think that iran is anti sunni anyway you delusional fool are funny please where do you hear the nonsense you come up with why would iran not allow sunnis to live under shariah anyway you delusional fool iran is more islamic than liberal pakistan or secular turkey stop fooling yourself you imbecile have 0 idea and it annoys everybody how delusional false your entire existence is you wahabi scum are hopeless really stop wasting everybodies time with your existence since its nothing but failure

Last edited 3 years ago by farbat

Build an arsenal – you mean, build ONE Nuke LoL – Pakis did it in the ’70s


stop insulting pakistan you fool have no right to do that what a shame this wahabi idiot is as deluded as you


US is gone. ONLY spoiler is Cowworshippingstan. They want an islam free Afghanistan. what they are getting is a 100% Hardline Sunni state that will accelerate an all out war for Kashmir LoL

The Objective

Turkmenistan is just doing the right thing any government should do. But they are a Turkish and Pakistani ally, not a a Russian or Western ally. IRAN IS CERTAINLY AFRAID OF THE TALIBAN …….. NO DOUBT. WHY DO I SAY THIS? Now read carefully: the mullahs have a “compulsive urge” to interfere in ANY conflict where Shiites are involved. They intervened in Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan (in the 90s), and Azerbaijan (siding with Armenia). Iran’s interventionist policy even grew bigger over the years and they now command a group of militias across the Middle East. You must understand that none of these countries threatened, and still threatens Iran as much as Afghanistan did and does. Why? read on: The Taliban Shariah system is the exact opposite of Iran’s system. It’s a bigger threat to the Iranian Shiite theocracy than even Saudi Arabia. Saudis are more concerned with their rule than with Islam. Taliban on the other hand is more about Islam than rule or money. Such a Shariah system on Iran’s border is a nightmare for the mullahs. A top Taliban leader called Iran “another Israel for the Muslim world”. If Iran weren’t afraid of the Taliban, it would have intervened on the side of the Shiites in the Afghan war. It would have trained more Fatemiyouns, armed them as best it can, deploy Qods forces like it does in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. In fact, Iran would have been more active in Afghanistan than any other country. But what do we have from Iran so far? Deaf silence. The Shiites of Afghanistan feel betrayed. Iran portrays itself as the protector of Shiites in the region. But most of Taliban’s early gains have been in Shiite strongholds. Iran didn’t even VERBALLY condemned the Taliban for taking over these Shiite regions. That is not normal Iranian behavior. That is fear by all definitions. Why are the Iranian drones and missiles not given to the northern Shiite alliance in Afghanistan? The fatemiyoon? Because Iran understand that will lead to DIRECT attacks INSIDE Iran by the Taliban (they’ve never been afraid of the Iranian and will never be). It’s actually the other way round: IRAN FEARS THE TALIBAN. So much that it dares not support the Shiites in Afghanistan. It dares not even threaten the Taliban.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective
Wahhabi BOB

Why so much desperate SPAM? no one will read it anyway LOL, getting paid by the word now :)

The Objective

O yeah people are reading it. I’m always receiving angry replies man. Yours is just one example.

Wahhabi BOB

LOL, you are an entertaining freak :)

A clown like you

Ohh yeah I remember blocking you.

Ashok Varma

He is a US based Pakistani Wahhabi and sows sectarianism and has an obsession with Iran.


iran is helping afghanistan to set up its governing system but it should make the revolutionary aspect an issue and demand that afghanistan remains independent constitutional or however because that is pretty much a must and obviously it should be an islamic system which is following actual islam which is inclusive and not the daesh mess the jews try to make it look like

Last edited 3 years ago by farbat
The Objective

Pure Sunnis Shariah is what Afghanistan will be ruled by. Iran cannot do anything about this. Your leaders understand the consequences of messing with the Taliban. They won’t do any such thing. farbat, do you want to see missiles landing on Iran’s oilfields and nuclear sites? That will cause a huge fire and billions of dollars in losses. Even worse, it will compel Iran to invade Afghanistan, and we both know what that will mean for the Iranian regime. You lost against the Sunnis in Afghanistan. Just accept it and you’ll feel less emotional pain about it.

Wahhabi BOB from Indiana

On Mars maybe :)


afghanistan can have saffron as replacement for opium which will be a reasonable sustainable thing for them to do because the collapse of the american puppet government showed that being the worlds drug producer for a bunch of western degenerates is not sustainable as a policy colombia will find out the same one day in future

The Objective

More opium should be produced and shipped to Iran.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Objective

opium should be stopped generally muslims dont seek to poison humanity you dont represent any of us all we muslims seek is peace independence sustainability and dignity you wahabis will not have any of it in your entire existence and generally you are completely opposite to the teachings of islam

Last edited 3 years ago by farbat
Wahhabi BOB

Dude you are replying to an illiterate South Asia Wahhabi madrassa freak who has a hard on for Iran. This moron is just attention seeking desperado and posts the same anti-Iran nonsense every day. He only posts on Iranian related news, not a word on Palestine or any other major issue. One dimensional laughable propaganda from the US. Just laugh and most do,

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