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MARCH 2025

In Video: Iran Unveils New Domestic Medium-Range Air-Defense System

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Iran’s Defense Ministry unveiled a domestic air defense system dubbed “15th of Khordad” on June 9 in a ceremony attended by Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami.

“The 15th of Khordad which has been designed and developed by domestic experts can simultaneously intercept and take action against six targets … It can also be prepared for operation in less than five minutes” Brig. Gen. Hatami said describing the system during the ceremony, according to Mehr News.

The 15th of Khordad can reportedly track aerial targets within a range of 150km and intercept them within a 120km range. Iran also claim that the system can intercept “stealth targets” within a range of 85km, and destroy them in a 45km range.

The system uses Iranian-made Sayyad-3 and 3C ground-to-air missiles. Iran claims these missiles were indigenously-designed. However, experts believe that they were developed from US-made RIM-66 Standard missiles, which were in service with the Iranian Navy.

Like the RIM-66 Standard, the Sayyad-3 family of anti-aircraft missiles is believed to be guided by semi-active radar homing (SARH).

Iran has boosted weapons development and production since the beginning of 2019 in what appears to be a response to the increasing threats from the U.S. and Israel.

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Zionism = EVIL

Iran needs to deploy this in Syria and also supply Hezbollah with it to defend Lebanon. It can cover all of northern Occupied Palestine from south eastern Syria.


Except that the Israelis will never let Iran bring it into Syria, period. If it crosses by land through Iraq the US will inform Israel and they will immediately bomb it before it has a chance to become operational. If it arrives by air on Damascus airport or T4 Israeli spies will immediately inform them and the IDF will blow it up. Similarly if it arrives by sea. Israel would have blown up Syria’s S-300 systems too if it weren’t for the fact that it was delivered and initially crewed by Russia. And basically sits somewhere in a base nowadays gathering dust so it doesn’t bother Israel now in the slightest.

An effective Iranian air defense network in Syria would be a red line for Israel, and they will probably go all out to stop it. The only way it could be set up would be if Russia were to agree to it. And even more importantly use its integrated air defense network (as in radars and computers) to provide cover for the Iranians to stop the IDF from blowing them up. Which I don’t see happening. Other then keeping Assad in power and foreign Jihadists out of Syria Russia and Iran have different objectives. As far as Russia is concerned a separate Iranian air defense network in Syria is not in its favor, as it would allow Iran to use Syria as a base against Israel. And Russia doesn’t want that, because that could have messy consequences for its bases in Syria.

Although having the Israelis be denied to use of Syrian and Lebanese airspace and even be unsafe over Israel itself would give me a happy.


“As far as Russia is concerned a separate Iranian air defense network in Syria is not in its favor, as it would allow Iran to use Syria as a base against Israel. And Russia doesn’t want that,” What a load of twaddle, what part of “sovereign nation” don’t you particularly understand ? The Russians have stated VERY CLEARLY that the Iranians were invited into Syria by the SOVEREIGN government of Syria and as such it is NOBODY’S business what they do while they are there apart from the Syrian and Iranian governments. Russia unlike western governments does not seek to dictate terms to Syria or Iran or anybody else or tell them what they can or cannot do on their own territory.


You are of course right it is twaddle, however Russia might be concerned for its own aircraft. Remember when the US shot down a British Tornado in 2003, and recently Syria shot down a Russian plane.

j. jaxson

why not just destroy Israel by bombing their nuclear facilities or use the silent bomb that can’t be detected or seen-it just makes eveyone so sick they die. its actually a radio frequency bomb that transmits a deadly frequency over a very large swath. there’s all kinds stuff out there-not to mention 2.3 HZ. earthquake transmitters.

Massive DEW attacks in conjunction with mini nukes and a burger and fries on the side.


Or do what America did in Korea, use plague bombs?


How do you know they haven’t?

Zionism = EVIL

I only post verified accounts. The weaponry that Hezbollah has now is unknown to anyone, even the Americunts know jack shit about Iranian or Hezbollah capability. And even a military novice like Zarif tweeted yesterday, when some dumbass Americunt tried to disparage Iranian missiles, he said ” we shall see”. There are two countries, I would caution never to underestimate, they are Russia and Iran. If one is foolish enough to attack them, then be prepared for a nightmare. Iran has many systems it has not declared and is a turn key nuclear power.

paul ( original )

I don’t have anything like the knowledge needed to have any opinion on these weapons. So it would be pleasing to see them prove their worth in Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

It is quite a good system for BVR engagement of multiple targets, here are the Khordad 15 specifications: tracking range against combat drones and fighter jets: 150 km

interception range against combat drones and fighter jets: 120 km

interception range against stealth targets: 85 km

engagement range against stealth targets: 45 km

flight ceiling: 27 km

engagement range against ballistic missiles: 7-75 km



How would you know its a good system? Has it been tested in battle? Has it shot down any Israeli aircraft? Just because Iran says its good means jack shit. Anyone can make a claim. Lockheed Martin says their piece of crap F-35 is the best aircraft as well.


How can you say its useless system if hasn’t been tested in battle either, therefore you can make an equal flip side argument. Rather then being silly to dismiss outright like you seem to do.


It’s not up to me to disprove a system. The burden of proof is on the ones who produce the system. Just like it is in a court of law. You make the claim, you have to back it up. If you can’t then only the battlefield can confirm your claims. I only apply the same skepticism to Iran that I also would to the US.


“The burden of proof is on the ones who produce the system. Just like it is in a court of law.” Well maybe in your country but not in America.


You can approximate the effectiveness of a SAM system without actually going to war. If the radar can accurately track a target, and can put the missile close enough for the onboard IR and or radar guidance to get a lock, it’s game over. Even if the missile was a dud, the pilot of the plane would most likely have ejected. I’m sure Iran would have tested them against cruise missiles or drones.


If Lockheed Martin cooks the books by pretending its piece of shit F-35 is DA BEST EVAH, why would Iran not do the same? It’s not like a bad entanglement between vested defense industry interests and politicians is unique to the US. If anything the Middle East is just as corrupt in this regard. And Iranian politics is infamous for its shady dealings and private empires within empires.

Until an actual system gets put to the test in battle I place little trust in manufacturer’s claims, press releases and government officials making lofty claims. It doesn’t matter if this comes from the US, the EU, Iran, Russia or China. Talk is cheap and actions speak louder then words.


A fighter plane is a much more complex issue, lets keep to comparing apples with apples. The Patriot system was/is pretty hopeless, and even though they cooked the books, how they cooked the books was quickly made clear, before ever being used in war.


But at least Patriot saw action in a couple of wars. We can judge its performance based on that. We have nothing to base the performance of the Iranian system. Other then what its government says. And frankly I disbelieve anything any government says. So until it gets used in a war and lives up to the advertisement I assume that it won’t. I’d love for it to be good, but as with every piece of military gear the Iranians have made my first instinct is say ‘what is it a knock off of?’ and my second is to say ‘probably not as good as the original. And I base that on my observations of having been to Iran and what ‘Made in Iran’ stands for quality wise. As in no quality at all.


Yes we can judge the poor performance of the Patriot in actual combat. But even before that the criteria for a successful intercept was not downing the target, but merely detonating in the vicinity of the target.

You state that you have personally seen poor made in Iran equipment, do you mean domestic equipment or military equipment? I ask the question because a nation capable of enriching uranium is not technically backward. Even Israel a country that constantly brags about its technical prowess cannot enrich uranium.

BUT, that is not to say that Iran would not lie and deceive to try and avoid a US attack on its people.


I have mentioned before that America and Israel game over. The Sayyad 4 aerospace defence systems will be capable to kill enemies satellites and warheads.


The radar looks a lot like the Russian Gravestone engagement radar?

Zionism = EVIL

It is a phased array Talash (search) 3 system and mobile. Iran normally understates the range and capabilities of its systems to keep the enemies guessing. But my understanding is that it has a BVR range of over 250 kms. It is a long range 3D phased array with anti-jamming capability.




sounds good and will be an efficient deterrent when the quickly disintegrating states of A is planning its next war for profit. seems however that Iran is a bit too large to swallow, that the net cost side is in the negative and when the european countries failed to say yeah – let’s do it, there was a hiccup in the planning so just now the iran war seems to be on hold.

so in a short while the disintegrating states of A has seen two major operations go belly up -venezuela and iran and the saudi crown prince is ruing the fact that he bought a fake leonardo da vinci painting and overpaid it with say 448.5 million bucks – and that is pathetic.



chris chuba

“will be an efficient deterrent”

Exactly, while the U.S. practices airstrikes in the Arabian Sea from an aircraft carrier claiming that is a deterrent, Iran unveils some new air defense systems. I wonder if FOX news will claim that having short range air defense systems in your own country is ‘saber rattling’?

I’ve watched some U.S. made shows on youtube on U.S. vs Iran and there is a sense of invincibility on our part which is dangerous. The vibe is ‘yeah Iran might do some damage but the U.S. will get air superiority and then pound Iran into the ground’. Anything that makes us realize that war is actually risky and not one sided is helpful.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Excellentay, i hope they can detect and down any and all us/NATO/israhelli warplanes

Toronto Tonto

Sorry only Russian trash can be detected and hit with these .

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

You have just been blocked! Reason: idiocy/trolling

Xoli Xoli

Iran must sell this system to North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, Lebanon, Qatar, Georgia,China,Pakistan and Cuba







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