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In Video: Iranian-Backed Forces Blow Up Another Supply Convoy In Iraq

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In Video: Iranian-Backed Forces Blow Up Another Supply Convoy In Iraq

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Iranian-backed Iraqi groups cotninue their IED attacks on supply and logistical convoys of US forces. On March 18, an IED attack destroyed a vehicle of the US-led coalition supply convoy in the Diwaniyah area of Qadisiyyah Governorate. On the same day, Iranian-backed groups claimed responsibility for two more IED attacks that allegedly hit similar convoys in the governotares of Anbar and Babil.


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johnny rotten

Spring in Iraq promises to be hot, the Anglo-Zionists would do better to leave quickly, come on, chop-chop.


Funny how this does not get into us/uk news…

Assad must stay

They want people to believe everyone is all saved and happy and living in a democracy now with US there LOL

Arch Bungle

Not surprising. The entire Western Media is Jew-controlled and aligned with Zionist interests.

Here’s a challenge: Try to pick out just one Western Media corporation that is not either partially or wholly Jewish owned and controlled …

Just Me

It is time Iran, Russia and China draw a line in sands of Iraq, Syria and Yemen and bleed the American bastards dry. The wounded snake is dying anyway and it is time for payback Afghanistan 1980’s style. A death of thousand cuts is the answer to the US warmongers.

Cray Brand

Iran yes, but good luck waiting for Russia and China to draw lines in sand, they are far too busy up Zionist Corporatist ass to do such a thing!


china is not supposed to take on the zionist usurper entity but the usa


russia is kind of more concentrated towards europe


iran is the power in west asia meanwhile so iran will annihilate the zionist usurper entity and it will do that on its own designs and timeline


You will annihilate nothing, you mullah worshiper rat. The first missile coming over here from iran will be your ending.

Jimmy Jim


Clarence Spangle

I had lamb last night . . .

Kenny Jones ™

When is the final Iran nuclear deal


an iranian professor put it perfectly with the story the of hemingway of the old man and the sea and in this story the old man sails out and catches a huge swordfish to big to load into his boat so he sails as fast as he can towards the sea but sharks attack the fish and eat its flesh and when the old man reaches the land there is only a big skelleton he can hang on his wall but nothing to feed him and in this story the fish is the nuclear deal while the old man are the liberals in iran like rouhani and the sharks meanwhile is the americans

Kenny Jones ™

Rouhani is an old incompetent man, I prefer the old Iranian president

Clarence Spangle

I liked Ahmadinejad.

Kenny Jones ™

Wasn’t he jewish?

Clarence Spangle

I don’t think so.

Clarence Spangle

You should travel to Iran and ask him.


do you think iran will ever deal with america without using force again after this liberal administration is gone no iran will only deal with america with force in future because they only understand the language of force

Kenny Jones ™

A deal makes it easier to expel the US, Iran doesn’t need nukes in my opinion because it falls under the nuclear shield of Russia (and China), it is a waste of money and resources, better get that deal then go on with the conventional resistance path

Arch Bungle


Clarence Spangle



What else were they expecting by assassinating General Soleimani?

The angle of the video didn’t make it clear if the truck was completely disabled or sustained minor damage.


it doesnt matter anyway because soon nobody will work with americans inside iraq anymore


even the kurds both in syria and iraq when the invasion of turkey starts in august around will have to face that america did betray them from day one


I cannot wait for this…….this need to happen immediately. I want to see turkish oglu toglu put in cages, handed to the Cheeni and gulag’d to Xinjiang of East Torkestan…….Over there he can talk with the locals in their common language.


the turks should wise up instead and stop being all delusional because its just a waste of time and lives therefore yet again


they simply cant stop the reality which is shaping and an attempted neo ottoman empire wont be working because turkey is a joke and turkey is living in an alternative reality their waking up will be harsh


I want this reality to explode right now. They need to be dismantled and shipped back home. I’m sure Russia/ China/ Iran thinking along these lines. If we don’t take the garbage out now, it will cause health problem later. Trust me.


btw the turks will not be pushed into the east no if they will be pushed its into europe


I want them gulag’d to Xinjiang permanently. That’s where they are originally from. Have you heard them talk?……..lol. They don’t belong in our region. And the Europeans don’t want this Asiatic race amongst them either.

Arch Bungle

The Turks are already infesting Europe.

On my last trip there they were stinking up the streets of Amsterdam and Berlin.


the most damage of turkish invasion will be caused to those areas who were heavily american “protected” because these areas have 0 stability and security its just bribing the terrorists all day long so they dont hit you today and that is how krg is surviving daesh and all other kinds of terrorists these days


SF Iraqi ‘troops’ or ‘groups’ not “Iranian Backed Forces”. Iranian backed Forces is the US propaganda term, why help them promote it.

Just Me

Resistance is Iraq is fueled by the savage US and NATO a$$holes destructive war and occupation that has killed over 2 million Iraqi civilians since the first assault on Iraq in 1991, embargoes and even sanctions on children’s medicine. The US savages are hated universally now and the resistance needs more support.


iam sick and tired to point this out so whatever


southfront does make fun of syrian terrorist brands and their names and that they are just lackey and other stuff in its articles but it cant see its own retardedness all the time when it comes to iran its always the axis of evil kind of stuff

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